Source code for aiida.cmdline.params.types.path

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"""Click parameter types for paths."""

import os
import pathlib

import click

__all__ = ('AbsolutePathParamType', 'FileOrUrl', 'PathOrUrl')


[docs] def check_timeout_seconds(timeout_seconds): """Raise if timeout is not within range [0;60]""" try: timeout_seconds = int(timeout_seconds) except ValueError: raise TypeError(f'timeout_seconds should be an integer but got: {type(timeout_seconds)}') if timeout_seconds < 0 or timeout_seconds > 60: raise ValueError('timeout_seconds needs to be in the range [0;60].') return timeout_seconds
[docs] class AbsolutePathParamType(click.Path): """The ParamType for identifying absolute Paths (derived from click.Path).""" name = 'AbsolutePath'
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): value = os.path.expanduser(value) newval = super().convert(value, param, ctx) if not os.path.isabs(newval): raise click.BadParameter('path must be absolute') return newval
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'ABSOLUTEPATH'
[docs] class AbsolutePathOrEmptyParamType(AbsolutePathParamType): """The ParamType for identifying absolute Paths, accepting also empty paths.""" name = 'AbsolutePathEmpty'
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if not value: return value return super().convert(value, param, ctx)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'ABSOLUTEPATHEMPTY'
[docs] def convert_possible_url(value: str, timeout: int): """If ``value`` does not correspond to a path on disk, try to open it as a URL. :param value: Potential path to file on disk or URL. :param timeout: The timeout in seconds when opening the URL. :param return_handle: Return the ``value`` as is. When set to ``True`` return an open file handle instead. :returns: The URL if ``value`` could be opened as a URL """ import socket import urllib.error import urllib.request filepath = pathlib.Path(value) # Check whether the path actually corresponds to a file on disk, in which case the exception is reraised. if filepath.exists(): raise click.BadParameter(f'The path `{value}` exists but could not be read.') try: return urllib.request.urlopen(value, timeout=timeout) except urllib.error.URLError: raise click.BadParameter(f'The URL `{value}` could not be reached.') except socket.timeout: raise click.BadParameter(f'The URL `{value}` could not be reached within {timeout} seconds.') except ValueError as exception_url: raise click.BadParameter( f'The path `{value}` does not correspond to a file and also could not be reached as a URL.\n' 'Please check the spelling for typos and if it is a URL, make sure to include the protocol, e.g., http://' ) from exception_url
[docs] class PathOrUrl(click.Path): """Parameter type that accepts a path on the local file system or a URL. :param timeout_seconds: Maximum timeout accepted for URL response. Must be an integer in the range [0;60]. :returns: The path or URL. """ name = 'PathOrUrl'
[docs] def __init__(self, timeout_seconds=URL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.timeout_seconds = check_timeout_seconds(timeout_seconds)
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: return super().convert(value, param, ctx) except click.exceptions.BadParameter: convert_possible_url(value, self.timeout_seconds) return value
[docs] class FileOrUrl(click.File): """Parameter type that accepts a path on the local file system or a URL. :param timeout_seconds: Maximum timeout accepted for URL response. Must be an integer in the range [0;60]. :returns: The file or URL. """ name = 'FileOrUrl'
[docs] def __init__(self, timeout_seconds=URL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.timeout_seconds = check_timeout_seconds(timeout_seconds)
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: return super().convert(value, param, ctx) except click.exceptions.BadParameter: return convert_possible_url(value, self.timeout_seconds)