aiida.manage.configuration package#

Modules related to the configuration of an AiiDA instance.

aiida.manage.configuration._merge_deprecated_cache_yaml(config, filepath)[source]#

Merge the deprecated cache_config.yml into the config.

aiida.manage.configuration.create_default_user(profile: Profile, email: str, first_name: str | None = None, last_name: str | None = None, institution: str | None = None) User[source]#

Create a default user for the given profile.

If the profile’s storage is read only, a random existing user will be queried and set as default. Otherwise a new user is created with the provided details and set as user.

  • profile – The profile to create the user in.

  • email – Email for the default user.

  • first_name – First name for the default user.

  • last_name – Last name for the default user.

  • institution – Institution for the default user.


The user that was set as the default user.

aiida.manage.configuration.create_profile(config: Config, *, storage_backend: str, storage_config: dict[str, Any], broker_backend: str | None = None, broker_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, name: str, email: str, first_name: str | None = None, last_name: str | None = None, institution: str | None = None, is_test_profile: bool = False) Profile[source]#

Create a new profile, initialise its storage and create a default user.

  • config – The config instance.

  • name – Name of the profile.

  • email – Email for the default user.

  • first_name – First name for the default user.

  • last_name – Last name for the default user.

  • institution – Institution for the default user.

  • create_user – If True, creates a user that is set as the default user.

  • storage_backend – The entry point to the aiida.orm.implementation.storage_backend.StorageBackend implementation to use for the storage.

  • storage_config – The configuration necessary to initialise and connect to the storage backend.

  • broker_backend – The entry point to the aiida.brokers.Broker implementation to use for the broker.

  • broker_config – The configuration necessary to initialise and connect to the broker.


Return the current configuration.

If the configuration has not been loaded yet
  • the configuration is loaded using load_config

  • the global CONFIG variable is set

  • the configuration object is returned

Note: This function will except if no configuration file can be found. Only call this function, if you need information from the configuration file.


create (bool) – if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist


the config

Return type:



aiida.common.ConfigurationError – if the configuration file could not be found, read or deserialized

aiida.manage.configuration.get_config_option(option_name: str) Any[source]#

Return the value of a configuration option.

In order of priority, the option is returned from:

  1. The current profile, if loaded and the option specified

  2. The current configuration, if loaded and the option specified

  3. The default value for the option


option_name – the name of the option to return


the value of the option


aiida.common.exceptions.ConfigurationError – if the option is not found


Returns path to .aiida configuration directory.

aiida.manage.configuration.get_profile() Profile | None[source]#

Return the currently loaded profile.


the globally loaded Profile instance or None

aiida.manage.configuration.load_config(create=False) Config[source]#

Instantiate Config object representing an AiiDA configuration file.

Warning: Contrary to get_config(), this function is uncached and will always create a new Config object. You may want to call get_config() instead.


create (bool) – if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist


the config

Return type:



aiida.common.MissingConfigurationError – if the configuration file could not be found and create=False

aiida.manage.configuration.load_profile(profile: str | None = None, allow_switch=False) Profile[source]#

Load a global profile, unloading any previously loaded profile.


if a profile is already loaded and no explicit profile is specified, nothing will be done

  • profile – the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config

  • allow_switch – if True, will allow switching to a different profile when storage is already loaded


the loaded Profile instance


aiida.common.exceptions.InvalidOperation – if another profile has already been loaded and allow_switch is False

aiida.manage.configuration.profile_context(profile: 'Profile' | str | None = None, allow_switch=False) Profile[source]#

Return a context manager for temporarily loading a profile, and unloading on exit.

  • profile – the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config

  • allow_switch – if True, will allow switching to a different profile


a context manager for temporarily loading a profile


Reset the globally loaded config.


This is experimental functionality and should for now be used only internally. If the reset is unclean weird unknown side-effects may occur that end up corrupting or destroying data.



Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.

Despite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented with PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with pydantic for Python 3.9 and older ( See pydantic/pydantic#2678 for details).

class aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config(filepath: str, config: dict, validate: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: object

Object that represents the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.

KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE = 'default_profile'#
KEY_OPTIONS = 'options'#
KEY_PROFILES = 'profiles'#
KEY_SCHEMA = '$schema'#
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__doc__': 'Object that represents the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.', 'KEY_VERSION': 'CONFIG_VERSION', 'KEY_VERSION_CURRENT': 'CURRENT', 'KEY_VERSION_OLDEST_COMPATIBLE': 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE', 'KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE': 'default_profile', 'KEY_PROFILES': 'profiles', 'KEY_OPTIONS': 'options', 'KEY_SCHEMA': '$schema', 'from_file': <classmethod(<function Config.from_file>)>, '_backup': <classmethod(<function Config._backup>)>, 'validate': <staticmethod(<function Config.validate>)>, '__init__': <function Config.__init__>, '__eq__': <function Config.__eq__>, '__ne__': <function Config.__ne__>, 'handle_invalid': <function Config.handle_invalid>, 'dictionary': <property object>, 'version': <property object>, 'version_oldest_compatible': <property object>, 'version_settings': <property object>, 'filepath': <property object>, 'dirpath': <property object>, 'default_profile_name': <property object>, 'profile_names': <property object>, 'profiles': <property object>, 'validate_profile': <function Config.validate_profile>, 'get_profile': <function Config.get_profile>, 'create_profile': <function Config.create_profile>, 'add_profile': <function Config.add_profile>, 'update_profile': <function Config.update_profile>, 'remove_profile': <function Config.remove_profile>, 'delete_profile': <function Config.delete_profile>, 'set_default_profile': <function Config.set_default_profile>, 'set_default_user_email': <function Config.set_default_user_email>, 'options': <property object>, 'set_option': <function Config.set_option>, 'unset_option': <function Config.unset_option>, 'get_option': <function Config.get_option>, 'get_options': <function Config.get_options>, 'store': <function>, '_atomic_write': <function Config._atomic_write>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Config' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Config' objects>, '__hash__': None, '__annotations__': {}})#

Two configurations are considered equal, when their dictionaries are equal.

__hash__ = None#
__init__(filepath: str, config: dict, validate: bool = True)[source]#

Instantiate a configuration object from a configuration dictionary and its filepath.

If an empty dictionary is passed, the constructor will create the skeleton configuration dictionary.

  • filepath – the absolute filepath of the configuration file

  • config – the content of the configuration file in dictionary form

  • validate – validate the dictionary against the schema

__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#

Two configurations are considered unequal, when their dictionaries are unequal.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Write the config as it is in memory, i.e. the contents of self.dictionary, to disk.


this command will write the config from memory to a temporary file in the same directory as the target file filepath. It will then use os.rename to move the temporary file to filepath which will be overwritten if it already exists. The os.rename is the operation that gives the best guarantee of being atomic within the limitations of the application.


filepath – optional filepath to write the contents to, if not specified, the default filename is used.

classmethod _backup(filepath)[source]#

Create a backup of the configuration file with the given filepath.


filepath – absolute path to the configuration file to backup


the absolute path of the created backup


Add a profile to the configuration.


profile – the profile configuration dictionary



create_profile(name: str, storage_backend: str, storage_config: dict[str, Any], broker_backend: str | None = None, broker_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, is_test_profile: bool = False) Profile[source]#

Create a new profile and initialise its storage.

  • name – The profile name.

  • storage_backend – The entry point to the aiida.orm.implementation.storage_backend.StorageBackend implementation to use for the storage.

  • storage_config – The configuration necessary to initialise and connect to the storage backend.

  • broker_backend – The entry point to the aiida.brokers.Broker implementation to use for the message broker.

  • broker_config – The configuration necessary to initialise and connect to the broker.


The created profile.

property default_profile_name#

Return the default profile name.


the default profile name or None if not defined

delete_profile(name: str, delete_storage: bool = True) None[source]#

Delete a profile including its storage.


delete_storage – Whether to delete the storage with all its data or not.

property dictionary: dict#

Return the dictionary representation of the config as it would be written to file.


dictionary representation of config as it should be written to file

property dirpath#
property filepath#
classmethod from_file(filepath)[source]#

Instantiate a configuration object from the contents of a given file.


if the filepath does not exist an empty file will be created with the current default configuration and will be written to disk. If the filepath does already exist but contains a configuration with an outdated schema, the content will be migrated and then written to disk.


filepath – the absolute path to the configuration file


Config instance

get_option(option_name, scope=None, default=True)[source]#

Get a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • scope – get the option for this profile or globally if not specified

  • default – boolean, If True will return the option default, even if not defined within the given scope


the option value or None if not set for the given scope

get_options(scope: str | None = None) Dict[str, Tuple[Option, str, Any]][source]#

Return a dictionary of all option values and their source (‘profile’, ‘global’, or ‘default’).


scope – the profile name or globally if not specified


(option, source, value)

get_profile(name: str | None = None) Profile[source]#

Return the profile for the given name or the default one if not specified.


the profile instance or None if it does not exist


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the name is not found in the configuration file


Handle an incoming invalid configuration dictionary.

The current content of the configuration file will be written to a backup file.


message – a string message to echo with describing the infraction

property options#
property profile_names#

Return the list of profile names.


list of profile names

property profiles#

Return the list of profiles.


the profiles

Return type:

list of Profile instances


Remove a profile from the configuration.


name – the name of the profile to remove


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the given profile does not exist



set_default_profile(name, overwrite=False)[source]#

Set the given profile as the new default.

  • name – name of the profile to set as new default

  • overwrite – when True, set the profile as the new default even if a default profile is already defined


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the given profile does not exist



set_default_user_email(profile: Profile, user_email: str) None[source]#

Set the default user for the given profile.


This does not update the cached default user on the storage backend associated with the profile. To do so, use aiida.manage.manager.Manager.set_default_user_email() instead.

  • profile – The profile to update.

  • user_email – The email of the user to set as the default user.

set_option(option_name, option_value, scope=None, override=True)[source]#

Set a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • option_value – the option value

  • scope – set the option for this profile or globally if not specified

  • override – boolean, if False, will not override the option if it already exists


the parsed value (potentially cast to a valid type)


Write the current config to file.


if the configuration file already exists on disk and its contents differ from those in memory, a backup of the original file on disk will be created before overwriting it.



unset_option(option_name: str, scope=None)[source]#

Unset a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • scope – unset the option for this profile or globally if not specified


Update a profile in the configuration.


profile – the profile instance to update



static validate(config: dict, filepath: str | None = None)[source]#

Validate a configuration dictionary.


Validate that a profile exists.


name – name of the profile:


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the name is not found in the configuration file

property version#
property version_oldest_compatible#
property version_settings#
class aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigSchema(*, CONFIG_VERSION: ConfigVersionSchema | None = None, profiles: dict[str, ProfileSchema] | None = None, options: GlobalOptionsSchema | None = None, default_profile: str | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the configuration of an AiiDA instance.

CONFIG_VERSION: ConfigVersionSchema | None#
__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'CONFIG_VERSION': 'Optional[ConfigVersionSchema]', '__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'default_profile': 'Optional[str]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'options': 'Optional[GlobalOptionsSchema]', 'profiles': 'Optional[dict[str, ProfileSchema]]'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'definitions': [{'cls': <enum 'LogLevels'>, 'members': [LogLevels.NOTSET, LogLevels.DEBUG, LogLevels.INFO, LogLevels.REPORT, LogLevels.WARNING, LogLevels.ERROR, LogLevels.CRITICAL], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'enum'}], 'schema': {'cls': <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigSchema'>, 'config': {'title': 'ConfigSchema'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [], 'pydantic_js_functions': [functools.partial(<function modify_model_json_schema>, cls=<class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigSchema'>), <bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigSchema'>>]}, 'ref': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigSchema:94567542554736', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'CONFIG_VERSION': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'cls': <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigVersionSchema'>, 'config': {'title': 'ConfigVersionSchema'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [], 'pydantic_js_functions': [functools.partial(<function modify_model_json_schema>, cls=<class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigVersionSchema'>), <bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigVersionSchema'>>]}, 'ref': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigVersionSchema:94567538705168', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'CURRENT': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ConfigVersionSchema', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'default_profile': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'options': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'cls': <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>, 'config': {'title': 'GlobalOptionsSchema'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [], 'pydantic_js_functions': [functools.partial(<function modify_model_json_schema>, cls=<class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>), <bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>]}, 'ref': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema:94567538863680', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'autofill__user__email': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'autofill__user__first_name': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'autofill__user__institution': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'autofill__user__last_name': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'caching__default_enabled': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': False, 'schema': {'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'caching__disabled_for': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': [], 'schema': {'function': {'function': <bound method ProfileOptionsSchema.validate_caching_identifier_pattern of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>, 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'items_schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'caching__enabled_for': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': [], 'schema': {'function': {'function': <bound method ProfileOptionsSchema.validate_caching_identifier_pattern of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>, 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'items_schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__default_workers': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 1, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__recursion_limit': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 3000, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__timeout': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 2, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__worker_process_slots': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 200, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'db__batch_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 100000, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__aiida_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'REPORT', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__aiopika_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__alembic_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__circus_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'INFO', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__db_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'REPORT', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'INFO', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__kiwipy_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__paramiko_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'schema': {'function': {'function': 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'model'}}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ConfigSchema', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'definitions'}#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigVersionSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'GlobalOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProcessControlConfig': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileStorageConfig': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'config': {'CONFIG_VERSION': {'CURRENT': 9, 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE': 9}, 'default_profile': 'archive', 'profiles': {'archive': {'PROFILE_UUID': 'd14d97dfb1de4f2eb13c20de690aaec4', 'default_user_email': '', 'options': {}, 'process_control': {'backend': 'core.rabbitmq', 'config': {'broker_host': '', 'broker_password': 'guest', 'broker_port': 5672, 'broker_protocol': 'amqp', 'broker_username': 'guest', 'broker_virtual_host': ''}}, 'storage': {'backend': 'core.sqlite_zip', 'config': {'filepath': '/home/docs/checkouts/'}}, 'test_profile': False}}}, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'filepath': '/home/docs/.aiida/config.json', 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x0000560238c80070,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "default_profile": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b370,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "CONFIG_VERSION": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba6c330,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Model(                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                     class: Py(                                                         0x00005602388d4310,                                                     ),                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                             fields: {                                                                 "CURRENT": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09eba6c370,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         Int(                                                                             IntSerializer,                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09eba370f0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         Int(                                                                             IntSerializer,                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                             },                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                     [],                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                 include: None,                                                                 exclude: None,                                                             },                                                             required_fields: 2,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                     has_extra: false,                                                     root_model: false,                                                     name: "ConfigVersionSchema",                                                 },                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "profiles": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ec826ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Dict(                                                 DictSerializer {                                                     key_serializer: Str(                                                         StrSerializer,                                                     ),                                                     value_serializer: Model(                                                         ModelSerializer {                                                             class: Py(                                                                 0x0000560238cbe930,                                                             ),                                                             serializer: Fields(                                                                 GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                     fields: {                                                                         "default_user_email": SerField {                                                                             key_py: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba70da0,                                                                             ),                                                                             alias: None,                                                                             alias_py: None,                                                                             serializer: Some(                                                                                 WithDefault(                                                                                     WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Nullable(                                                                                             NullableSerializer {                                                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                             required: true,                                                                         },                                                                         "uuid": SerField {                                                                             key_py: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed0f17b0,                                                                             ),                                                                             alias: None,                                                                             alias_py: None,                                                                             serializer: Some(                                                                                 Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda63c70,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[serialize_dt]",                                                                                         function_name: "serialize_dt",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: true,                                                                                         info_arg: true,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                             required: true,                                                                         },                                                                         "test_profile": SerField {                                                                             key_py: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba3bf30,                                                                             ),                                                                             alias: None,                                                                             alias_py: None,                                                                             serializer: Some(                                                                                 WithDefault(                                                                                     WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Bool(                                                                                             BoolSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                             required: true,                                                                         },                                                                         "options": SerField {                                                                             key_py: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8b9970,                                                                             ),                                                                             alias: None,                                                                             alias_py: None,                                                                             serializer: Some(                                                                                 WithDefault(                                                                                     WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Nullable(                                                                                             NullableSerializer {                                                                                                 serializer: Model(                                                                                                     ModelSerializer {                                                                                                         class: Py(                                                                                                             0x000056023890fb80,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         serializer: Fields(                                                                                                             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                                                 fields: {                                                                                                                     "warnings__showdeprecations": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Bool(                                                                                                                                         BoolSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "db__batch_size": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "warnings__rabbitmq_version": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Bool(                                                                                                                                         BoolSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "daemon__timeout": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda60110,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__db_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda755a0,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "transport__task_maximum_attempts": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c60c7c30,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda60170,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__circus_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda75240,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "transport__task_retry_initial_interval": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c60c78d0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda60350,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "daemon__default_workers": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2f820,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda600f0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "rmq__task_timeout": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda60210,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "caching__default_enabled": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Bool(                                                                                                                                         BoolSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "caching__disabled_for": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: List(                                                                                                                                         ListSerializer {                                                                                                                                             item_serializer: Str(                                                                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                                             name: "list[str]",                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "storage__sandbox": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Nullable(                                                                                                                                         NullableSerializer {                                                                                                                                             serializer: Str(                                                                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c60c77b0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda74d30,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "caching__enabled_for": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c6291b00,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: List(                                                                                                                                         ListSerializer {                                                                                                                                             item_serializer: Str(                                                                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                                             name: "list[str]",                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__verdi_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda744c0,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__aiida_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda635b0,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "daemon__recursion_limit": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2f910,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c6199330,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__paramiko_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda74550,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "runner__poll__interval": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda60850,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda74dc0,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__aiopika_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda75630,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "daemon__worker_process_slots": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2f870,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda619d0,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__plumpy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda75e10,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__kiwipy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda77c70,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "logging__alembic_loglevel": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Function(                                                                                                                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                                                                             func: Py(                                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09dda749d0,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                                                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                                                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                                                                             when_used: Always,                                                                                                                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                                                                             info_arg: false,                                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     "verdi__shell__auto_import": SerField {                                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e2f960,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                                             0x00007f09edb28230,                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                     serializer: Str(                                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                                     ComputedFields(                                                                                                                         [],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                                                 extra_serializer: None,                                                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 required_fields: 27,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         has_extra: false,                                                                                                         root_model: false,                                                                                                         name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                             required: true,                                                                         },                                                                         "process_control": SerField {                                                                             key_py: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba3bcb0,                                                                             ),                                                                             alias: None,                                                                             alias_py: None,                                                                             serializer: Some(                                                                                 Model(                                                                                     ModelSerializer {                                                                                         class: Py(                                                                                             0x0000560238c77840,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Fields(                                                                                             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                                 fields: {                                                                                                     "broker_port": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba3b5b0,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c619ab10,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Int(                                                                                                                         IntSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "broker_username": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba3b4f0,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Str(                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "broker_virtual_host": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba35a70,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eda68030,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Str(                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "broker_parameters": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba36920,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: DefaultFactory(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09ee266f20,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Dict(                                                                                                                         DictSerializer {                                                                                                                             key_serializer: Str(                                                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                             value_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                                 AnySerializer,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                             name: "dict[str, any]",                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "broker_host": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba3b570,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09c5e8daf0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Str(                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "broker_password": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba3b530,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Str(                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "broker_protocol": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eba3b4b0,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             WithDefault(                                                                                                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                     default: Default(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb9a24b0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     serializer: Str(                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                     ComputedFields(                                                                                                         [],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                                 extra_serializer: None,                                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 required_fields: 7,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                         has_extra: false,                                                                                         root_model: false,                                                                                         name: "ProcessControlConfig",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                             required: true,                                                                         },                                                                         "storage": SerField {                                                                             key_py: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba1e830,                                                                             ),                                                                             alias: None,                                                                             alias_py: None,                                                                             serializer: Some(                                                                                 Model(                                                                                     ModelSerializer {                                                                                         class: Py(                                                                                             0x0000560238cbe070,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Fields(                                                                                             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                                 fields: {                                                                                                     "backend": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09ec877e70,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     "config": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09ed51fc30,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             Dict(                                                                                                                 DictSerializer {                                                                                                                     key_serializer: Str(                                                                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     value_serializer: Any(                                                                                                                         AnySerializer,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                                         include: None,                                                                                                                         exclude: None,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                     name: "dict[str, any]",                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                     ComputedFields(                                                                                                         [],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                                 extra_serializer: None,                                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 required_fields: 2,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                         has_extra: false,                                                                                         root_model: false,                                                                                         name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                             required: true,                                                                         },                                                                     },                                                                     computed_fields: Some(                                                                         ComputedFields(                                                                             [],                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     mode: SimpleDict,                                                                     extra_serializer: None,                                                                     filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                         include: None,                                                                         exclude: None,                                                                     },                                                                     required_fields: 6,                                                                 },                                                             ),                                                             has_extra: false,                                                             root_model: false,                                                             name: "ProfileSchema",                                                         },                                                     ),                                                     filter: SchemaFilter {                                                         include: None,                                                         exclude: None,                                                     },                                                     name: "dict[str, ProfileSchema]",                                                 },                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "options": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed8b9970,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Model(                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                     class: Py(                                                         0x00005602388fae40,                                                     ),                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                             fields: {                                                                 "caching__default_enabled": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__timeout": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60110,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda765f0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__kiwipy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda75750,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__aiopika_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda770a0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "autofill__user__email": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c649af60,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                                         serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "autofill__user__institution": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fca650,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                                         serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "warnings__rabbitmq_version": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "db__batch_size": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__recursion_limit": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f910,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c6199330,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "transport__task_maximum_attempts": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c60c7c30,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60170,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__aiida_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda741f0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "transport__task_retry_initial_interval": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c60c78d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60350,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "warnings__showdeprecations": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "runner__poll__interval": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60850,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "storage__sandbox": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                                         serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "autofill__user__first_name": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fc8760,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                                         serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__worker_process_slots": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f870,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda619d0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "rmq__task_timeout": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60210,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__paramiko_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda75c60,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "warnings__development_version": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fca830,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "rest_api__profile_switching": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fca7e0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__db_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda74ee0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__verdi_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda74670,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__circus_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda76b00,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__default_workers": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f820,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda600f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c60c77b0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda74b80,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__alembic_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda760e0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "verdi__shell__auto_import": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f960,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09edb28230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "caching__enabled_for": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c6291b00,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: List(                                                                                     ListSerializer {                                                                                         item_serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                             include: None,                                                                                             exclude: None,                                                                                         },                                                                                         name: "list[str]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "caching__disabled_for": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: List(                                                                                     ListSerializer {                                                                                         item_serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                             include: None,                                                                                             exclude: None,                                                                                         },                                                                                         name: "list[str]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__plumpy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09dda753f0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "autofill__user__last_name": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fca3d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                                         serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                             },                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                     [],                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                 include: None,                                                                 exclude: None,                                                             },                                                             required_fields: 33,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                     has_extra: false,                                                     root_model: false,                                                     name: "GlobalOptionsSchema",                                                 },                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 4,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ConfigSchema",     }, ), definitions=[Enum(EnumSerializer { class: Py(0x5602369958b0), serializer: None })])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ConfigSchema", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "CONFIG_VERSION",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "CONFIG_VERSION",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f02bf0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "CONFIG_VERSION",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f03830,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba6c330,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Model(                                             ModelValidator {                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                         fields: [                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "CURRENT",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "CURRENT",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f03630,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "CURRENT",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f03770,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09eba6c370,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: Int(                                                                     IntValidator {                                                                         strict: false,                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c605a1f0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fc8a80,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09eba370f0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: Int(                                                                     IntValidator {                                                                         strict: false,                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                         ],                                                         model_name: "ConfigVersionSchema",                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                         strict: false,                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 class: Py(                                                     0x00005602388d4310,                                                 ),                                                 post_init: None,                                                 frozen: false,                                                 custom_init: false,                                                 root_model: false,                                                 undefined: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                 ),                                                 name: "ConfigVersionSchema",                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[ConfigVersionSchema]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[ConfigVersionSchema]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "profiles",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "profiles",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f21ab0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "profiles",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f21c70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ec826ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Dict(                                             DictValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 key_validator: Str(                                                     StrValidator {                                                         strict: false,                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 value_validator: Model(                                                     ModelValidator {                                                         revalidate: Never,                                                         validator: ModelFields(                                                             ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                 fields: [                                                                     Field {                                                                         name: "uuid",                                                                         lookup_key: Simple {                                                                             key: "uuid",                                                                             py_key: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c5f02cb0,                                                                             ),                                                                             path: LookupPath(                                                                                 [                                                                                     S(                                                                                         "uuid",                                                                                         Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09c5f020f0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ],                                                                             ),                                                                         },                                                                         name_py: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09ed0f17b0,                                                                         ),                                                                         validator: WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                 default: DefaultFactory(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ebcb43a0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 on_error: Raise,                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 validate_default: false,                                                                                 copy_default: false,                                                                                 name: "default[str]",                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         frozen: false,                                                                     },                                                                     Field {                                                                         name: "storage",                                                                         lookup_key: Simple {                                                                             key: "storage",                                                                             py_key: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c5f221f0,                                                                             ),                                                                             path: LookupPath(                                                                                 [                                                                                     S(                                                                                         "storage",                                                                                         Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09c5f22170,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ],                                                                             ),                                                                         },                                                                         name_py: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eba1e830,                                                                         ),                                                                         validator: Model(                                                                             ModelValidator {                                                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                         fields: [                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "backend",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "backend",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f03370,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "backend",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f02db0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09ec877e70,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "config",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "config",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f03870,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "config",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f22230,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09ed51fc30,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: Dict(                                                                                                     DictValidator {                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                         key_validator: Str(                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         value_validator: Any(                                                                                                             AnyValidator,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                                         name: "dict[str,any]",                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ],                                                                                         model_name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                                                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 class: Py(                                                                                     0x0000560238cbe070,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 post_init: None,                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                 custom_init: false,                                                                                 root_model: false,                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         frozen: false,                                                                     },                                                                     Field {                                                                         name: "process_control",                                                                         lookup_key: Simple {                                                                             key: "process_control",                                                                             py_key: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c5f22070,                                                                             ),                                                                             path: LookupPath(                                                                                 [                                                                                     S(                                                                                         "process_control",                                                                                         Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09c5f21eb0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ],                                                                             ),                                                                         },                                                                         name_py: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eba3bcb0,                                                                         ),                                                                         validator: Model(                                                                             ModelValidator {                                                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                         fields: [                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_protocol",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_protocol",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f20470,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_protocol",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f22130,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba3b4b0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eb9a24b0,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_username",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_username",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f22030,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_username",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f221b0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba3b4f0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_password",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_password",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f220b0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_password",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21f30,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba3b530,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_host",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_host",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f220f0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_host",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21fb0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba3b570,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09c5e8daf0,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_port",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_port",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f21e30,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_port",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21ff0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba3b5b0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09c619ab10,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_virtual_host",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_virtual_host",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5eaaf60,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_virtual_host",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5ea8530,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba35a70,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda68030,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "broker_parameters",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "broker_parameters",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5ea80d0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "broker_parameters",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5ea8030,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eba36920,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: DefaultFactory(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee266f20,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Dict(                                                                                                             DictValidator {                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                 key_validator: Str(                                                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 value_validator: Any(                                                                                                                     AnyValidator,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 min_length: None,                                                                                                                 max_length: None,                                                                                                                 name: "dict[str,any]",                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[dict[str,any]]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ],                                                                                         model_name: "ProcessControlConfig",                                                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 class: Py(                                                                                     0x0000560238c77840,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 post_init: None,                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                 custom_init: false,                                                                                 root_model: false,                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "ProcessControlConfig",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         frozen: false,                                                                     },                                                                     Field {                                                                         name: "default_user_email",                                                                         lookup_key: Simple {                                                                             key: "default_user_email",                                                                             py_key: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c5eaa1a0,                                                                             ),                                                                             path: LookupPath(                                                                                 [                                                                                     S(                                                                                         "default_user_email",                                                                                         Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09c5eaa150,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ],                                                                             ),                                                                         },                                                                         name_py: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eba70da0,                                                                         ),                                                                         validator: WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 on_error: Raise,                                                                                 validator: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableValidator {                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 validate_default: false,                                                                                 copy_default: false,                                                                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         frozen: false,                                                                     },                                                                     Field {                                                                         name: "test_profile",                                                                         lookup_key: Simple {                                                                             key: "test_profile",                                                                             py_key: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c5f21d30,                                                                             ),                                                                             path: LookupPath(                                                                                 [                                                                                     S(                                                                                         "test_profile",                                                                                         Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09c5f21ef0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ],                                                                             ),                                                                         },                                                                         name_py: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eba3bf30,                                                                         ),                                                                         validator: WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 on_error: Raise,                                                                                 validator: Bool(                                                                                     BoolValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 validate_default: false,                                                                                 copy_default: false,                                                                                 name: "default[bool]",                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         frozen: false,                                                                     },                                                                     Field {                                                                         name: "options",                                                                         lookup_key: Simple {                                                                             key: "options",                                                                             py_key: Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c5f21e70,                                                                             ),                                                                             path: LookupPath(                                                                                 [                                                                                     S(                                                                                         "options",                                                                                         Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09c5f21cf0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ],                                                                             ),                                                                         },                                                                         name_py: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09ed8b9970,                                                                         ),                                                                         validator: WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 on_error: Raise,                                                                                 validator: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableValidator {                                                                                         validator: Model(                                                                                             ModelValidator {                                                                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                                         fields: [                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "runner__poll__interval",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "runner__poll__interval",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5eaae70,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "runner__poll__interval",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5eabf50,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60850,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "daemon__default_workers",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "daemon__default_workers",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5eabfa0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "daemon__default_workers",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88030,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f820,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda600f0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "daemon__timeout",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "daemon__timeout",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f21f70,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "daemon__timeout",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21db0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60110,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88080,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f880d0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f870,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda619d0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88120,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88170,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f910,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09c6199330,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "db__batch_size",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "db__batch_size",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f21bf0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "db__batch_size",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21df0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f881c0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88210,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f960,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09edb28230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88260,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f882b0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90ac0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88300,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88350,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90b80,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5fb18f0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fb19b0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c60c77b0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90c40,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f883a0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f883f0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90d00,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88440,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88490,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90dc0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f884e0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88530,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90e80,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88580,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f885d0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90f40,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88620,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88670,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91000,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f886c0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88710,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f910c0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88760,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f887b0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91180,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88800,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88850,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91240,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f888a0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f888f0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88940,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88990,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5fb1950,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fb1a10,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c60c78d0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60350,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5fb1a70,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fb1ad0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c60c7c30,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60170,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f889e0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88a30,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60210,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "storage__sandbox",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "storage__sandbox",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88a80,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "storage__sandbox",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88ad0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "caching__default_enabled",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "caching__default_enabled",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88b20,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "caching__default_enabled",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88b70,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "caching__enabled_for",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "caching__enabled_for",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88bc0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "caching__enabled_for",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88c10,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09c6291b00,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: List(                                                                                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                                                                 StrValidator {                                                                                                                                                     strict: false,                                                                                                                                                     coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                                                                                             "list[str]",                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e7d940,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: true,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                                 name: "caching__disabled_for",                                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                                     key: "caching__disabled_for",                                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88c60,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                                         [                                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                                 "caching__disabled_for",                                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88cb0,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                                 0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                                                                 validator: List(                                                                                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                                                                 StrValidator {                                                                                                                                                     strict: false,                                                                                                                                                     coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                                                                                             "list[str]",                                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e7d940,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f49280,                                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                                 name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                                                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                                         copy_default: true,                                                                                                                         name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                         model_name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                                                                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 class: Py(                                                                                                     0x000056023890fb80,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 post_init: None,                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                                 custom_init: false,                                                                                                 root_model: false,                                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "nullable[ProfileOptionsSchema]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 validate_default: false,                                                                                 copy_default: false,                                                                                 name: "default[nullable[ProfileOptionsSchema]]",                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         frozen: false,                                                                     },                                                                 ],                                                                 model_name: "ProfileSchema",                                                                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                 extras_validator: None,                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 from_attributes: false,                                                                 loc_by_alias: true,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         class: Py(                                                             0x0000560238cbe930,                                                         ),                                                         post_init: None,                                                         frozen: false,                                                         custom_init: false,                                                         root_model: false,                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                         name: "ProfileSchema",                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 min_length: None,                                                 max_length: None,                                                 name: "dict[str,ProfileSchema]",                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[dict[str,ProfileSchema]]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[dict[str,ProfileSchema]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "options",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "options",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f21c30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "options",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f21cb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed8b9970,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Model(                                             ModelValidator {                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                         fields: [                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "runner__poll__interval",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "runner__poll__interval",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88d00,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "runner__poll__interval",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88d50,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60850,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__default_workers",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__default_workers",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88da0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__default_workers",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88df0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f820,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda600f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__timeout",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__timeout",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f21d70,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__timeout",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21bb0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60110,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88e40,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88e90,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f870,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda619d0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88ee0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88f30,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f910,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c6199330,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "db__batch_size",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "db__batch_size",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f21a30,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "db__batch_size",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f21b30,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f88f80,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f88fd0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f960,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09edb28230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89020,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89070,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f906a0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f890c0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89110,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f901c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fb1b30,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fb1b90,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c60c77b0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f90580,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89160,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f891b0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91630,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89200,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89250,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91510,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f892a0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f892f0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f916f0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89340,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89390,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f917b0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f893e0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89430,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91750,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89480,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f894d0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f918a0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89520,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89570,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91960,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f895c0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89610,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f91a20,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89660,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f896b0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89700,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89750,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fb1bf0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fb1c50,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c60c78d0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60350,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5fb1cb0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5fb1d10,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c60c7c30,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60170,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f897a0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f897f0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60210,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "storage__sandbox",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "storage__sandbox",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89840,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "storage__sandbox",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89890,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "caching__default_enabled",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "caching__default_enabled",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f898e0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "caching__default_enabled",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89930,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "caching__enabled_for",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "caching__enabled_for",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89980,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "caching__enabled_for",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f899d0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c6291b00,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: List(                                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                 StrValidator {                                                                                                     strict: false,                                                                                                     coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                                             "list[str]",                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e7e540,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: true,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "caching__disabled_for",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "caching__disabled_for",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89a20,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "caching__disabled_for",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89a70,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: List(                                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                 StrValidator {                                                                                                     strict: false,                                                                                                     coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                                             "list[str]",                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e7e540,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f4b8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: true,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "autofill__user__email",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "autofill__user__email",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89ac0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "autofill__user__email",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89b10,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c649af60,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "autofill__user__first_name",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "autofill__user__first_name",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89b60,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "autofill__user__first_name",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89bb0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5fc8760,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "autofill__user__last_name",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "autofill__user__last_name",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89c00,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "autofill__user__last_name",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89c50,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5fca3d0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "autofill__user__institution",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "autofill__user__institution",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89ca0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "autofill__user__institution",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89cf0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5fca650,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "rest_api__profile_switching",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "rest_api__profile_switching",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89d40,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "rest_api__profile_switching",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89d90,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5fca7e0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "warnings__development_version",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "warnings__development_version",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5f89de0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "warnings__development_version",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5f89e30,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5fca830,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                         ],                                                         model_name: "GlobalOptionsSchema",                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                         strict: false,                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 class: Py(                                                     0x00005602388fae40,                                                 ),                                                 post_init: None,                                                 frozen: false,                                                 custom_init: false,                                                 root_model: false,                                                 undefined: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                 ),                                                 name: "GlobalOptionsSchema",                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[GlobalOptionsSchema]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[GlobalOptionsSchema]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "default_profile",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "default_profile",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f219f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "default_profile",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f218f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b370,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ConfigSchema",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x0000560238c80070,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "ConfigSchema",     }, ), definitions=[PlainEnum(EnumValidator { phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::PlainEnumValidator>, class: Py(0x5602369958b0), lookup: LiteralLookup { expected_bool: None, expected_int: None, expected_str: Some({"CRITICAL": 6, "NOTSET": 0, "INFO": 2, "ERROR": 5, "REPORT": 3, "DEBUG": 1, "WARNING": 4}), expected_py_dict: None, expected_py_list: None, values: [Py(0x7f09eba45d50), Py(0x7f09eba45cc0), Py(0x7f09eba45c60), Py(0x7f09eba45ba0), Py(0x7f09eba45b40), Py(0x7f09eba45ab0), Py(0x7f09eba45a20)] }, missing: None, expected_repr: "'NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'REPORT', 'WARNING', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL'", strict: false, class_repr: "LogLevels", name: "enum[LogLevels]" })], cache_strings=True)#
__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, CONFIG_VERSION: Optional[aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigVersionSchema] = None, profiles: Optional[dict[str, aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileSchema]] = None, options: Optional[aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema] = None, default_profile: Optional[str] = None) -> None>#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
default_profile: str | None#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'CONFIG_VERSION': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[ConfigVersionSchema, NoneType], required=False, default=None), 'default_profile': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None), 'options': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[GlobalOptionsSchema, NoneType], required=False, default=None), 'profiles': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[dict[str, ProfileSchema], NoneType], required=False, default=None)}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

options: GlobalOptionsSchema | None#
profiles: dict[str, ProfileSchema] | None#
class aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigVersionSchema(**data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the version configuration of an AiiDA instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'CURRENT': 'int', 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE': 'int', '__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'subject': <pydantic._internal._mock_val_ser.MockValSer object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x00005602388d4310,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba370f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Int(                                 IntSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "CURRENT": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba6c370,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Int(                                 IntSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 2,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ConfigVersionSchema",     }, ), definitions=[])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ConfigVersionSchema", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "CURRENT",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "CURRENT",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beabe370,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "CURRENT",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beabe330,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba6c370,                         ),                         validator: Int(                             IntValidator {                                 strict: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beaabe60,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "OLDEST_COMPATIBLE",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beaabf00,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba370f0,                         ),                         validator: Int(                             IntValidator {                                 strict: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ConfigVersionSchema",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x00005602388d4310,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "ConfigVersionSchema",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'CURRENT': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=True), 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=True)}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

class aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema(*, runner__poll__interval: int = 60, daemon__default_workers: int = 1, daemon__timeout: int = 2, daemon__worker_process_slots: int = 200, daemon__recursion_limit: int = 3000, db__batch_size: int = 100000, verdi__shell__auto_import: str = ':', logging__aiida_loglevel: LogLevels = 'REPORT', logging__verdi_loglevel: LogLevels = 'REPORT', logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel: LogLevels = 'INFO', logging__db_loglevel: LogLevels = 'REPORT', logging__plumpy_loglevel: LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__kiwipy_loglevel: LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__paramiko_loglevel: LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__alembic_loglevel: LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel: LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__circus_loglevel: LogLevels = 'INFO', logging__aiopika_loglevel: LogLevels = 'WARNING', warnings__showdeprecations: bool = True, warnings__rabbitmq_version: bool = True, transport__task_retry_initial_interval: int = 20, transport__task_maximum_attempts: int = 5, rmq__task_timeout: int = 10, storage__sandbox: str | None = None, caching__default_enabled: bool = False, caching__enabled_for: List[str] = [], caching__disabled_for: List[str] = [], autofill__user__email: str | None = None, autofill__user__first_name: str | None = None, autofill__user__last_name: str | None = None, autofill__user__institution: str | None = None, rest_api__profile_switching: bool = False, warnings__development_version: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: ProfileOptionsSchema

Schema for the global options of an AiiDA instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'autofill__user__email': 'Optional[str]', 'autofill__user__first_name': 'Optional[str]', 'autofill__user__institution': 'Optional[str]', 'autofill__user__last_name': 'Optional[str]', 'caching__default_enabled': 'bool', 'caching__disabled_for': 'List[str]', 'caching__enabled_for': 'List[str]', 'daemon__default_workers': 'int', 'daemon__recursion_limit': 'int', 'daemon__timeout': 'int', 'daemon__worker_process_slots': 'int', 'db__batch_size': 'int', 'logging__aiida_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__aiopika_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__alembic_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__circus_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__db_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__kiwipy_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__paramiko_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__plumpy_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__verdi_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'rest_api__profile_switching': 'bool', 'rmq__task_timeout': 'int', 'runner__poll__interval': 'int', 'storage__sandbox': 'Optional[str]', 'transport__task_maximum_attempts': 'int', 'transport__task_retry_initial_interval': 'int', 'verdi__shell__auto_import': 'str', 'warnings__development_version': 'bool', 'warnings__rabbitmq_version': 'bool', 'warnings__showdeprecations': 'bool'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'definitions': [{'cls': <enum 'LogLevels'>, 'members': [LogLevels.NOTSET, LogLevels.DEBUG, LogLevels.INFO, LogLevels.REPORT, LogLevels.WARNING, LogLevels.ERROR, LogLevels.CRITICAL], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'enum'}], 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>, 'config': {'title': 'GlobalOptionsSchema'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [], 'pydantic_js_functions': [functools.partial(<function modify_model_json_schema>, cls=<class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>), <bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>]}, 'ref': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema:94567538863680', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'autofill__user__email': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'autofill__user__first_name': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'autofill__user__institution': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'autofill__user__last_name': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'caching__default_enabled': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': False, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'caching__disabled_for': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': [], 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': <bound method ProfileOptionsSchema.validate_caching_identifier_pattern of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>, 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'items_schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'metadata': {}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'caching__enabled_for': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': [], 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': <bound method ProfileOptionsSchema.validate_caching_identifier_pattern of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>, 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'items_schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'metadata': {}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__default_workers': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__recursion_limit': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 3000, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__timeout': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 2, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'daemon__worker_process_slots': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 200, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'db__batch_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 100000, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__aiida_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'REPORT', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__aiopika_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__alembic_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__circus_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'INFO', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__db_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'REPORT', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'INFO', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__kiwipy_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__paramiko_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__plumpy_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'WARNING', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'logging__verdi_loglevel': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 'REPORT', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema_ref': 'aiida.common.log.LogLevels:94567505942704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'serialization': {'function': <function get_enum_core_schema.<locals>.<lambda>>, 'type': 'function-plain'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'rest_api__profile_switching': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': False, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'rmq__task_timeout': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 10, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'runner__poll__interval': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 60, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'storage__sandbox': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'transport__task_maximum_attempts': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 5, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'transport__task_retry_initial_interval': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': 20, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'verdi__shell__auto_import': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': ':', 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'warnings__development_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': True, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'warnings__rabbitmq_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': True, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'warnings__showdeprecations': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default': True, 'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'metadata': {}, 'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'metadata': {}, 'model_name': 'GlobalOptionsSchema', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'definitions'}#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={'validate_caching_identifier_pattern': Decorator(cls_ref='aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema:94567538863680', cls_var_name='validate_caching_identifier_pattern', func=<bound method ProfileOptionsSchema.validate_caching_identifier_pattern of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.GlobalOptionsSchema'>>, shim=None, info=FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo(fields=('caching__enabled_for', 'caching__disabled_for'), mode='after', check_fields=None))}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigVersionSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'by_alias': True, 'cls': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'mode': 'validation', 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ref_template': '#/$defs/{model}', 'schema_generator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x00005602388fae40,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "daemon__worker_process_slots": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f870,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda619d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "transport__task_maximum_attempts": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c7c30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60170,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__kiwipy_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda763b0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__alembic_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda768c0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "storage__sandbox": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__plumpy_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda75000,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "transport__task_retry_initial_interval": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c78d0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60350,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "rmq__task_timeout": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60210,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "caching__enabled_for": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c6291b00,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: List(                                         ListSerializer {                                             item_serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             name: "list[str]",                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "autofill__user__last_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca3d0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "autofill__user__institution": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca650,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__default_workers": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f820,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda600f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "runner__poll__interval": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60850,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda76b90,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__recursion_limit": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f910,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c6199330,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "autofill__user__email": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c649af60,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__circus_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda76e60,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "autofill__user__first_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fc8760,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__timeout": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60110,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "warnings__development_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca830,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__paramiko_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda76680,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "rest_api__profile_switching": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca7e0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee255000,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__db_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda77f40,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "caching__disabled_for": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: List(                                         ListSerializer {                                             item_serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             name: "list[str]",                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "db__batch_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "warnings__rabbitmq_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__aiida_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda75120,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "caching__default_enabled": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee255000,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "verdi__shell__auto_import": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f960,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09edb28230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__verdi_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda743a0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c77b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda74f70,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__aiopika_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09dda77130,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "warnings__showdeprecations": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 33,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "GlobalOptionsSchema",     }, ), definitions=[Enum(EnumSerializer { class: Py(0x5602369958b0), serializer: None })])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="GlobalOptionsSchema", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "runner__poll__interval",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "runner__poll__interval",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5e2c800,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "runner__poll__interval",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e2c760,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60850,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__default_workers",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__default_workers",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8a470,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__default_workers",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8a560,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f820,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda600f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__timeout",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__timeout",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5eba4b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__timeout",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5faebb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60110,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8a7e0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8a830,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f870,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda619d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__recursion_limit",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__recursion_limit",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8a880,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__recursion_limit",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8a8d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f910,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c6199330,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "db__batch_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "db__batch_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5fae0b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "db__batch_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5facbb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8a920,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8a970,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f960,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09edb28230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8a9c0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8aa10,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e922f0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8aa60,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8aab0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e91ff0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5fb2190,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5fb2250,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c77b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e92020,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__db_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__db_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8ab00,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__db_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8ab50,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e91ed0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8aba0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8abf0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e92c80,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8ac40,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8ac90,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f92320,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8ace0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8ad30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f923e0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8ad80,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8add0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f924a0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8ae20,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8ae70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f92560,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__circus_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__circus_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8aec0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__circus_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8af10,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f92620,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8af60,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8afb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f926e0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "warnings__showdeprecations",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "warnings__showdeprecations",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b000,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "warnings__showdeprecations",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b050,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b0a0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b0f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5fb21f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5fb22b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c78d0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60350,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5fb2310,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5fb2370,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c7c30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60170,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "rmq__task_timeout",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "rmq__task_timeout",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b140,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "rmq__task_timeout",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b190,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60210,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "storage__sandbox",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "storage__sandbox",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b1e0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "storage__sandbox",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b230,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "caching__default_enabled",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "caching__default_enabled",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b280,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "caching__default_enabled",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b2d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "caching__enabled_for",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "caching__enabled_for",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b320,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "caching__enabled_for",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b370,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c6291b00,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: List(                                             ListValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 item_validator: Some(                                                     Str(                                                         StrValidator {                                                             strict: false,                                                             coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                 ),                                                 min_length: None,                                                 max_length: None,                                                 name: OnceLock(                                                     "list[str]",                                                 ),                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e7e540,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: true,                                 name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "caching__disabled_for",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "caching__disabled_for",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b3c0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "caching__disabled_for",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b410,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: List(                                             ListValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 item_validator: Some(                                                     Str(                                                         StrValidator {                                                             strict: false,                                                             coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                 ),                                                 min_length: None,                                                 max_length: None,                                                 name: OnceLock(                                                     "list[str]",                                                 ),                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e7e540,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f00a80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: true,                                 name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "autofill__user__email",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "autofill__user__email",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b460,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "autofill__user__email",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b4b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c649af60,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "autofill__user__first_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "autofill__user__first_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b500,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "autofill__user__first_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b550,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fc8760,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "autofill__user__last_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "autofill__user__last_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b5a0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "autofill__user__last_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b5f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca3d0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "autofill__user__institution",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "autofill__user__institution",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b640,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "autofill__user__institution",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b690,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca650,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "rest_api__profile_switching",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "rest_api__profile_switching",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b6e0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "rest_api__profile_switching",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b730,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca7e0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "warnings__development_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "warnings__development_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09c5f8b780,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "warnings__development_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5f8b7d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5fca830,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "GlobalOptionsSchema",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x00005602388fae40,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "GlobalOptionsSchema",     }, ), definitions=[PlainEnum(EnumValidator { phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::PlainEnumValidator>, class: Py(0x5602369958b0), lookup: LiteralLookup { expected_bool: None, expected_int: None, expected_str: Some({"INFO": 2, "NOTSET": 0, "REPORT": 3, "DEBUG": 1, "WARNING": 4, "ERROR": 5, "CRITICAL": 6}), expected_py_dict: None, expected_py_list: None, values: [Py(0x7f09eba45d50), Py(0x7f09eba45cc0), Py(0x7f09eba45c60), Py(0x7f09eba45ba0), Py(0x7f09eba45b40), Py(0x7f09eba45ab0), Py(0x7f09eba45a20)] }, missing: None, expected_repr: "'NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'REPORT', 'WARNING', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL'", strict: false, class_repr: "LogLevels", name: "enum[LogLevels]" })], cache_strings=True)#
__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, runner__poll__interval: int = 60, daemon__default_workers: int = 1, daemon__timeout: int = 2, daemon__worker_process_slots: int = 200, daemon__recursion_limit: int = 3000, db__batch_size: int = 100000, verdi__shell__auto_import: str = ':', logging__aiida_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'REPORT', logging__verdi_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'REPORT', logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'INFO', logging__db_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'REPORT', logging__plumpy_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__kiwipy_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__paramiko_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__alembic_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'WARNING', logging__circus_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'INFO', logging__aiopika_loglevel: aiida.common.log.LogLevels = 'WARNING', warnings__showdeprecations: bool = True, warnings__rabbitmq_version: bool = True, transport__task_retry_initial_interval: int = 20, transport__task_maximum_attempts: int = 5, rmq__task_timeout: int = 10, storage__sandbox: Optional[str] = None, caching__default_enabled: bool = False, caching__enabled_for: List[str] = [], caching__disabled_for: List[str] = [], autofill__user__email: Optional[str] = None, autofill__user__first_name: Optional[str] = None, autofill__user__last_name: Optional[str] = None, autofill__user__institution: Optional[str] = None, rest_api__profile_switching: bool = False, warnings__development_version: bool = True) -> None>#
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
autofill__user__email: str | None#
autofill__user__first_name: str | None#
autofill__user__institution: str | None#
autofill__user__last_name: str | None#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True, 'use_enum_values': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'autofill__user__email': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Default user email to use when creating new profiles.'), 'autofill__user__first_name': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Default user first name to use when creating new profiles.'), 'autofill__user__institution': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Default user institution to use when creating new profiles.'), 'autofill__user__last_name': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Default user last name to use when creating new profiles.'), 'caching__default_enabled': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=False, description='Enable calculation caching by default.'), 'caching__disabled_for': FieldInfo(annotation=List[str], required=False, default=[], description='Calculation entry points to disable caching on.'), 'caching__enabled_for': FieldInfo(annotation=List[str], required=False, default=[], description='Calculation entry points to enable caching on.'), 'daemon__default_workers': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=1, description='Default number of workers to be launched by `verdi daemon start`.'), 'daemon__recursion_limit': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=3000, description='Maximum recursion depth for the daemon workers.'), 'daemon__timeout': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=2, description='Used to set default timeout in the `DaemonClient` for calls to the daemon.'), 'daemon__worker_process_slots': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=200, description='Maximum number of concurrent process tasks that each daemon worker can handle.'), 'db__batch_size': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=100000, description='Batch size for bulk CREATE operations in the database. Avoids hitting MaxAllocSize of PostgreSQL (1GB) when creating large numbers of database records in one go.'), 'logging__aiida_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='REPORT', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `aiida` logger.'), 'logging__aiopika_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `aiopika` logger'), 'logging__alembic_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `alembic` logger'), 'logging__circus_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='INFO', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `circus` logger'), 'logging__db_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='REPORT', description='Minimum level to log to the DbLog table.'), 'logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='INFO', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for `disk_objectstore` logger.'), 'logging__kiwipy_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `kiwipy` logger'), 'logging__paramiko_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `paramiko` logger'), 'logging__plumpy_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `plumpy` logger.'), 'logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `sqlalchemy` logger'), 'logging__verdi_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='REPORT', description='Minimum level to log to console when running a `verdi` command.'), 'rest_api__profile_switching': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=False, description='Toggle whether the profile can be specified in requests submitted to the REST API.'), 'rmq__task_timeout': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=10, description='Timeout in seconds for communications with RabbitMQ.'), 'runner__poll__interval': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=60, description='Polling interval in seconds to be used by process runners.'), 'storage__sandbox': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Absolute path to the directory to store sandbox folders.'), 'transport__task_maximum_attempts': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5, description='Maximum number of transport task attempts before a Process is Paused.'), 'transport__task_retry_initial_interval': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=20, description='Initial time interval for the exponential backoff mechanism.'), 'verdi__shell__auto_import': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default=':', description='Additional modules/functions/classes to be automatically loaded in `verdi shell`, split by `:`.'), 'warnings__development_version': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=True, description='Whether to print a warning when a profile is loaded while a development version is installed.'), 'warnings__rabbitmq_version': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=True, description='Whether to print a warning when an incompatible version of RabbitMQ is configured.'), 'warnings__showdeprecations': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=True, description='Whether to print AiiDA deprecation warnings.')}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

rest_api__profile_switching: bool#
warnings__development_version: bool#
class aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProcessControlConfig(**data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the process control configuration of an AiiDA profile.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'broker_host': 'str', 'broker_parameters': 'dict[str, Any]', 'broker_password': 'str', 'broker_port': 'int', 'broker_protocol': 'str', 'broker_username': 'str', 'broker_virtual_host': 'str', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigVersionSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'GlobalOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileStorageConfig': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'subject': <pydantic._internal._mock_val_ser.MockValSer object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x0000560238c77840,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "broker_parameters": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba36920,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: DefaultFactory(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee266f20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Dict(                                         DictSerializer {                                             key_serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                             value_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             name: "dict[str, any]",                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "broker_port": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b5b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c619ab10,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "broker_virtual_host": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba35a70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda68030,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "broker_username": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b4f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "broker_host": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b570,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e8daf0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "broker_password": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b530,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "broker_protocol": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b4b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eb9a24b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 7,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ProcessControlConfig",     }, ), definitions=[])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ProcessControlConfig", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "broker_protocol",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_protocol",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be976530,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_protocol",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9764f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b4b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eb9a24b0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "broker_username",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_username",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9764b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_username",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be976470,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b4f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "broker_password",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_password",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be976570,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_password",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9765b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b530,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "broker_host",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_host",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9765f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_host",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be976630,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b570,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c5e8daf0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "broker_port",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_port",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be976670,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_port",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9766b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3b5b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c619ab10,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "broker_virtual_host",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_virtual_host",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae2650,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_virtual_host",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae2880,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba35a70,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda68030,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "broker_parameters",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "broker_parameters",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae2740,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "broker_parameters",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae2920,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba36920,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: DefaultFactory(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee266f20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Dict(                                     DictValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         key_validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         value_validator: Any(                                             AnyValidator,                                         ),                                         min_length: None,                                         max_length: None,                                         name: "dict[str,any]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[dict[str,any]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ProcessControlConfig",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x0000560238c77840,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "ProcessControlConfig",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
broker_host: str#
broker_parameters: dict[str, Any]#
broker_password: str#
broker_port: int#
broker_protocol: str#
broker_username: str#
broker_virtual_host: str#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'broker_host': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='', description='Hostname of the message broker.'), 'broker_parameters': FieldInfo(annotation=dict[str, Any], required=False, default_factory=dict, description='Arguments to be encoded as query parameters.'), 'broker_password': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='guest', description='Password for message broker.'), 'broker_port': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5432, description='Port of the message broker.'), 'broker_protocol': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='amqp', description='Protocol for connecting to the message broker.'), 'broker_username': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='guest', description='Username for message broker authentication.'), 'broker_virtual_host': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='', description='Virtual host to use for the message broker.')}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

class aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileOptionsSchema(**data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the options of an AiiDA profile.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'caching__default_enabled': 'bool', 'caching__disabled_for': 'List[str]', 'caching__enabled_for': 'List[str]', 'daemon__default_workers': 'int', 'daemon__recursion_limit': 'int', 'daemon__timeout': 'int', 'daemon__worker_process_slots': 'int', 'db__batch_size': 'int', 'logging__aiida_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__aiopika_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__alembic_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__circus_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__db_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__kiwipy_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__paramiko_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__plumpy_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'logging__verdi_loglevel': 'LogLevels', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'rmq__task_timeout': 'int', 'runner__poll__interval': 'int', 'storage__sandbox': 'Optional[str]', 'transport__task_maximum_attempts': 'int', 'transport__task_retry_initial_interval': 'int', 'verdi__shell__auto_import': 'str', 'warnings__rabbitmq_version': 'bool', 'warnings__showdeprecations': 'bool'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={'validate_caching_identifier_pattern': Decorator(cls_ref='aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileOptionsSchema:94567538948992', cls_var_name='validate_caching_identifier_pattern', func=<bound method ProfileOptionsSchema.validate_caching_identifier_pattern of <class 'aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileOptionsSchema'>>, shim=None, info=FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo(fields=('caching__enabled_for', 'caching__disabled_for'), mode='after', check_fields=None))}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigVersionSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'subject': <pydantic._internal._mock_val_ser.MockValSer object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000056023890fb80,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "logging__paramiko_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae45e0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__verdi_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae5630,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__alembic_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae4a60,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "rmq__task_timeout": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60210,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c77b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae6170,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "caching__enabled_for": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c6291b00,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: List(                                         ListSerializer {                                             item_serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             name: "list[str]",                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "caching__disabled_for": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: List(                                         ListSerializer {                                             item_serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             name: "list[str]",                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "verdi__shell__auto_import": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f960,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09edb28230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae4e50,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "runner__poll__interval": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60850,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__worker_process_slots": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f870,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda619d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__plumpy_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae75b0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__timeout": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60110,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__aiida_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae4af0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__db_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eba563f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae6a70,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "db__batch_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__recursion_limit": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f910,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09c6199330,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__circus_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae55a0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__kiwipy_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae41f0,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "transport__task_retry_initial_interval": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c78d0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60350,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "transport__task_maximum_attempts": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c7c30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda60170,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "storage__sandbox": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "caching__default_enabled": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee255000,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "warnings__rabbitmq_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "warnings__showdeprecations": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "logging__aiopika_loglevel": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ed15f230,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Function(                                         FunctionPlainSerializer {                                             func: Py(                                                 0x00007f09ddae5990,                                             ),                                             name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                             function_name: "<lambda>",                                             return_serializer: Any(                                                 AnySerializer,                                             ),                                             fallback_serializer: None,                                             when_used: Always,                                             is_field_serializer: false,                                             info_arg: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "daemon__default_workers": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f820,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09eda600f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 27,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",     }, ), definitions=[Enum(EnumSerializer { class: Py(0x5602369958b0), serializer: None })])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ProfileOptionsSchema", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "runner__poll__interval",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "runner__poll__interval",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3b40,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "runner__poll__interval",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3b90,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60850,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__default_workers",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__default_workers",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae39b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__default_workers",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3c30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f820,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda600f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__timeout",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__timeout",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9c9930,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__timeout",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9c9ab0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60110,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3be0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f870,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda619d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "daemon__recursion_limit",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "daemon__recursion_limit",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3aa0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "daemon__recursion_limit",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3a50,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f910,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c6199330,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "db__batch_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "db__batch_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9c9c70,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "db__batch_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9c9c30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3640,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae38c0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f960,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09edb28230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3870,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3820,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9579a0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae32d0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3550,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9578b0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae74b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae7450,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c77b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9575e0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__db_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__db_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3cd0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__db_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3d20,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be957910,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3d70,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3dc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9576d0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3e10,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3e60,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09beaf7cd0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3eb0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3f00,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09beaf7e20,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae3f50,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae3fa0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be98eef0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e8030,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8080,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be98f250,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__circus_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__circus_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e80d0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__circus_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8120,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be98f2e0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e8170,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e81c0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: DefinitionRef(                                             DefinitionRefValidator {                                                 definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09be98c310,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "warnings__showdeprecations",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "warnings__showdeprecations",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e8210,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "warnings__showdeprecations",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8260,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e82b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8300,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae73f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae7510,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c78d0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60350,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09beae7570,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09beae75d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c60c7c30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60170,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "rmq__task_timeout",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "rmq__task_timeout",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e8350,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "rmq__task_timeout",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e83a0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09eda60210,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "storage__sandbox",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "storage__sandbox",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e83f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "storage__sandbox",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8440,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "caching__default_enabled",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "caching__default_enabled",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e8490,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "caching__default_enabled",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e84e0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "caching__enabled_for",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "caching__enabled_for",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e8530,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "caching__enabled_for",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8580,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c6291b00,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: List(                                             ListValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 item_validator: Some(                                                     Str(                                                         StrValidator {                                                             strict: false,                                                             coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                 ),                                                 min_length: None,                                                 max_length: None,                                                 name: OnceLock(                                                     "list[str]",                                                 ),                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e7d940,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: true,                                 name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "caching__disabled_for",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "caching__disabled_for",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9e85d0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "caching__disabled_for",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e8620,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: List(                                             ListValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 item_validator: Some(                                                     Str(                                                         StrValidator {                                                             strict: false,                                                             coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                 ),                                                 min_length: None,                                                 max_length: None,                                                 name: OnceLock(                                                     "list[str]",                                                 ),                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f09c5e7d940,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f09be9e6100,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: true,                                 name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000056023890fb80,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",     }, ), definitions=[PlainEnum(EnumValidator { phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::PlainEnumValidator>, class: Py(0x5602369958b0), lookup: LiteralLookup { expected_bool: None, expected_int: None, expected_str: Some({"REPORT": 3, "ERROR": 5, "CRITICAL": 6, "WARNING": 4, "NOTSET": 0, "DEBUG": 1, "INFO": 2}), expected_py_dict: None, expected_py_list: None, values: [Py(0x7f09eba45d50), Py(0x7f09eba45cc0), Py(0x7f09eba45c60), Py(0x7f09eba45ba0), Py(0x7f09eba45b40), Py(0x7f09eba45ab0), Py(0x7f09eba45a20)] }, missing: None, expected_repr: "'NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'REPORT', 'WARNING', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL'", strict: false, class_repr: "LogLevels", name: "enum[LogLevels]" })], cache_strings=True)#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
caching__default_enabled: bool#
caching__disabled_for: List[str]#
caching__enabled_for: List[str]#
daemon__default_workers: int#
daemon__recursion_limit: int#
daemon__timeout: int#
daemon__worker_process_slots: int#
db__batch_size: int#
logging__aiida_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__aiopika_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__alembic_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__circus_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__db_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__kiwipy_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__paramiko_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__plumpy_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel: LogLevels#
logging__verdi_loglevel: LogLevels#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True, 'use_enum_values': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'caching__default_enabled': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=False, description='Enable calculation caching by default.'), 'caching__disabled_for': FieldInfo(annotation=List[str], required=False, default=[], description='Calculation entry points to disable caching on.'), 'caching__enabled_for': FieldInfo(annotation=List[str], required=False, default=[], description='Calculation entry points to enable caching on.'), 'daemon__default_workers': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=1, description='Default number of workers to be launched by `verdi daemon start`.'), 'daemon__recursion_limit': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=3000, description='Maximum recursion depth for the daemon workers.'), 'daemon__timeout': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=2, description='Used to set default timeout in the `DaemonClient` for calls to the daemon.'), 'daemon__worker_process_slots': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=200, description='Maximum number of concurrent process tasks that each daemon worker can handle.'), 'db__batch_size': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=100000, description='Batch size for bulk CREATE operations in the database. Avoids hitting MaxAllocSize of PostgreSQL (1GB) when creating large numbers of database records in one go.'), 'logging__aiida_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='REPORT', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `aiida` logger.'), 'logging__aiopika_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `aiopika` logger'), 'logging__alembic_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `alembic` logger'), 'logging__circus_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='INFO', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `circus` logger'), 'logging__db_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='REPORT', description='Minimum level to log to the DbLog table.'), 'logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='INFO', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for `disk_objectstore` logger.'), 'logging__kiwipy_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `kiwipy` logger'), 'logging__paramiko_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `paramiko` logger'), 'logging__plumpy_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `plumpy` logger.'), 'logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='WARNING', description='Minimum level to log to daemon log and the `DbLog` table for the `sqlalchemy` logger'), 'logging__verdi_loglevel': FieldInfo(annotation=LogLevels, required=False, default='REPORT', description='Minimum level to log to console when running a `verdi` command.'), 'rmq__task_timeout': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=10, description='Timeout in seconds for communications with RabbitMQ.'), 'runner__poll__interval': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=60, description='Polling interval in seconds to be used by process runners.'), 'storage__sandbox': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Absolute path to the directory to store sandbox folders.'), 'transport__task_maximum_attempts': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5, description='Maximum number of transport task attempts before a Process is Paused.'), 'transport__task_retry_initial_interval': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=20, description='Initial time interval for the exponential backoff mechanism.'), 'verdi__shell__auto_import': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default=':', description='Additional modules/functions/classes to be automatically loaded in `verdi shell`, split by `:`.'), 'warnings__rabbitmq_version': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=True, description='Whether to print a warning when an incompatible version of RabbitMQ is configured.'), 'warnings__showdeprecations': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=True, description='Whether to print AiiDA deprecation warnings.')}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

rmq__task_timeout: int#
runner__poll__interval: int#
storage__sandbox: str | None#
transport__task_maximum_attempts: int#
transport__task_retry_initial_interval: int#
classmethod validate_caching_identifier_pattern(value: List[str]) List[str][source]#

Validate the caching identifier patterns.

verdi__shell__auto_import: str#
warnings__rabbitmq_version: bool#
warnings__showdeprecations: bool#
class aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileSchema(**data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the configuration of an AiiDA profile.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'default_user_email': 'Optional[str]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'options': 'Optional[ProfileOptionsSchema]', 'process_control': 'ProcessControlConfig', 'storage': 'ProfileStorageConfig', 'test_profile': 'bool', 'uuid': 'str'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={'serialize_dt': Decorator(cls_ref='aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileSchema:94567542810928', cls_var_name='serialize_dt', func=<function ProfileSchema.serialize_dt>, shim=None, info=FieldSerializerDecoratorInfo(fields=('uuid',), mode='plain', return_type=PydanticUndefined, when_used='always', check_fields=None))}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigVersionSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'GlobalOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProcessControlConfig': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileStorageConfig': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'subject': <pydantic._internal._mock_val_ser.MockValSer object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x0000560238cbe930,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "process_control": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3bcb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Model(                                 ModelSerializer {                                     class: Py(                                         0x0000560238c77840,                                     ),                                     serializer: Fields(                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                             fields: {                                                 "broker_virtual_host": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba35a70,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09eda68030,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "broker_username": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba3b4f0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "broker_protocol": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba3b4b0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09eb9a24b0,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "broker_host": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba3b570,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e8daf0,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "broker_password": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba3b530,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "broker_parameters": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba36920,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: DefaultFactory(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09ee266f20,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Dict(                                                                     DictSerializer {                                                                         key_serializer: Str(                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                         ),                                                                         value_serializer: Any(                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                         ),                                                                         filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                             include: None,                                                                             exclude: None,                                                                         },                                                                         name: "dict[str, any]",                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "broker_port": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09eba3b5b0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c619ab10,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                             },                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                 ComputedFields(                                                     [],                                                 ),                                             ),                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                             extra_serializer: None,                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             required_fields: 7,                                         },                                     ),                                     has_extra: false,                                     root_model: false,                                     name: "ProcessControlConfig",                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "test_profile": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3bf30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee255000,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "default_user_email": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba70da0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "options": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed8b9970,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Model(                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                     class: Py(                                                         0x000056023890fb80,                                                     ),                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                             fields: {                                                                 "logging__alembic_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae4a60,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__plumpy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae75b0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "warnings__showdeprecations": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__kiwipy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae41f0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__circus_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae55a0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "rmq__task_timeout": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60210,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__paramiko_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae45e0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "storage__sandbox": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                                         serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__timeout": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60110,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__default_workers": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f820,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda600f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "transport__task_maximum_attempts": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c60c7c30,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60170,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__verdi_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae5630,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c60c77b0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae6170,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__aiopika_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae5990,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__recursion_limit": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f910,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c6199330,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "db__batch_size": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "caching__default_enabled": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "caching__disabled_for": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: List(                                                                                     ListSerializer {                                                                                         item_serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                             include: None,                                                                                             exclude: None,                                                                                         },                                                                                         name: "list[str]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "verdi__shell__auto_import": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f960,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09edb28230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Str(                                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "runner__poll__interval": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60850,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "daemon__worker_process_slots": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f870,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda619d0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__aiida_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae4af0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__db_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae6a70,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "caching__enabled_for": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09c6291b00,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: List(                                                                                     ListSerializer {                                                                                         item_serializer: Str(                                                                                             StrSerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                             include: None,                                                                                             exclude: None,                                                                                         },                                                                                         name: "list[str]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Function(                                                                                     FunctionPlainSerializer {                                                                                         func: Py(                                                                                             0x00007f09ddae4e50,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         name: "plain_function[<lambda>]",                                                                                         function_name: "<lambda>",                                                                                         return_serializer: Any(                                                                                             AnySerializer,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         fallback_serializer: None,                                                                                         when_used: Always,                                                                                         is_field_serializer: false,                                                                                         info_arg: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "warnings__rabbitmq_version": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Bool(                                                                                     BoolSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                                 "transport__task_retry_initial_interval": SerField {                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09c60c78d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     alias: None,                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007f09eda60350,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                                 serializer: Int(                                                                                     IntSerializer,                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     required: true,                                                                 },                                                             },                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                     [],                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                 include: None,                                                                 exclude: None,                                                             },                                                             required_fields: 27,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                     has_extra: false,                                                     root_model: false,                                                     name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                                                 },                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "uuid": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed0f17b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Function(                                 FunctionPlainSerializer {                                     func: Py(                                         0x00007f09dda63c70,                                     ),                                     name: "plain_function[serialize_dt]",                                     function_name: "serialize_dt",                                     return_serializer: Any(                                         AnySerializer,                                     ),                                     fallback_serializer: None,                                     when_used: Always,                                     is_field_serializer: true,                                     info_arg: true,                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "storage": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba1e830,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Model(                                 ModelSerializer {                                     class: Py(                                         0x0000560238cbe070,                                     ),                                     serializer: Fields(                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                             fields: {                                                 "config": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09ed51fc30,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Dict(                                                             DictSerializer {                                                                 key_serializer: Str(                                                                     StrSerializer,                                                                 ),                                                                 value_serializer: Any(                                                                     AnySerializer,                                                                 ),                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                     include: None,                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                 },                                                                 name: "dict[str, any]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "backend": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007f09ec877e70,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Str(                                                             StrSerializer,                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                             },                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                 ComputedFields(                                                     [],                                                 ),                                             ),                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                             extra_serializer: None,                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             required_fields: 2,                                         },                                     ),                                     has_extra: false,                                     root_model: false,                                     name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 6,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ProfileSchema",     }, ), definitions=[Enum(EnumSerializer { class: Py(0x5602369958b0), serializer: None })])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ProfileSchema", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "uuid",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "uuid",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be86fdf0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "uuid",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be86ff30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed0f17b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: DefaultFactory(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ebcb43a0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "storage",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "storage",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be86c4b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "storage",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be86c430,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba1e830,                         ),                         validator: Model(                             ModelValidator {                                 revalidate: Never,                                 validator: ModelFields(                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                         fields: [                                             Field {                                                 name: "backend",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "backend",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86ff70,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "backend",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86c4f0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09ec877e70,                                                 ),                                                 validator: Str(                                                     StrValidator {                                                         strict: false,                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "config",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "config",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86c530,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "config",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86c870,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09ed51fc30,                                                 ),                                                 validator: Dict(                                                     DictValidator {                                                         strict: false,                                                         key_validator: Str(                                                             StrValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         value_validator: Any(                                                             AnyValidator,                                                         ),                                                         min_length: None,                                                         max_length: None,                                                         name: "dict[str,any]",                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                         ],                                         model_name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                         extras_validator: None,                                         strict: false,                                         from_attributes: false,                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                     },                                 ),                                 class: Py(                                     0x0000560238cbe070,                                 ),                                 post_init: None,                                 frozen: false,                                 custom_init: false,                                 root_model: false,                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                                 name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "process_control",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "process_control",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be86fd30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "process_control",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be86fcb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3bcb0,                         ),                         validator: Model(                             ModelValidator {                                 revalidate: Never,                                 validator: ModelFields(                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                         fields: [                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_protocol",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_protocol",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86c770,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_protocol",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86c3f0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba3b4b0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09eb9a24b0,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Str(                                                             StrValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_username",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_username",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86c670,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_username",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86c5f0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba3b4f0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Str(                                                             StrValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_password",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_password",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86d1b0,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_password",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86c330,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba3b530,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09eb9b17b0,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Str(                                                             StrValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_host",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_host",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86d2f0,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_host",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86fef0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba3b570,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09c5e8daf0,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Str(                                                             StrValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_port",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_port",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be86d230,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_port",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be86d330,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba3b5b0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09c619ab10,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Int(                                                             IntValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_virtual_host",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_virtual_host",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be9eb140,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_virtual_host",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be9ead30,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba35a70,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09eda68030,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Str(                                                             StrValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "broker_parameters",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "broker_parameters",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007f09be9ea830,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "broker_parameters",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007f09be9eab50,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eba36920,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: DefaultFactory(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007f09ee266f20,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Dict(                                                             DictValidator {                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 key_validator: Str(                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                         strict: false,                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 value_validator: Any(                                                                     AnyValidator,                                                                 ),                                                                 min_length: None,                                                                 max_length: None,                                                                 name: "dict[str,any]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[dict[str,any]]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                         ],                                         model_name: "ProcessControlConfig",                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                         extras_validator: None,                                         strict: false,                                         from_attributes: false,                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                     },                                 ),                                 class: Py(                                     0x0000560238c77840,                                 ),                                 post_init: None,                                 frozen: false,                                 custom_init: false,                                 root_model: false,                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                                 name: "ProcessControlConfig",                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "default_user_email",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "default_user_email",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be9eabf0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "default_user_email",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be9eaba0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba70da0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "test_profile",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "test_profile",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be86feb0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "test_profile",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be86fe70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09eba3bf30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee255000,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "options",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "options",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be86fb70,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "options",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be86faf0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed8b9970,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Model(                                             ModelValidator {                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                         fields: [                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "runner__poll__interval",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "runner__poll__interval",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eab00,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "runner__poll__interval",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ea3d0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f7d0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60850,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__default_workers",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__default_workers",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb000,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__default_workers",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eaf10,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f820,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda600f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__timeout",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__timeout",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be86fc70,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__timeout",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be86fc30,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e8dab0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60110,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eaf60,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__worker_process_slots",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ead80,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f870,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda619d0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eae20,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "daemon__recursion_limit",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eafb0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f910,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c6199330,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "db__batch_size",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "db__batch_size",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be86f930,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "db__batch_size",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be86d430,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e8cdb0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c619b9d0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eadd0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "verdi__shell__auto_import",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eaa10,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f960,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09edb28230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Str(                                                                             StrValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[str]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9ea790,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__aiida_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ea9c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2f9b0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9579a0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb2d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__verdi_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb320,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fa00,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9578b0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be818f30,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__disk_objectstore_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be8190b0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c60c77b0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9575e0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb370,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__db_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb3c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fa50,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eba563f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be957910,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb410,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__plumpy_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb460,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2faa0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9576d0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb4b0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__kiwipy_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb500,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2faf0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09beaf7cd0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb550,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__paramiko_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb5a0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fb90,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09beaf7e20,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb5f0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__alembic_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb640,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fbe0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be98eef0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb690,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__sqlalchemy_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb6e0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fc30,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be98f250,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb730,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__circus_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb780,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fd20,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed8852f0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be98f2e0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb7d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "logging__aiopika_loglevel",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb820,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fd70,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ed15f230,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                         definition: "enum[LogLevels]",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be98c310,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), enum[LogLevels]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb870,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "warnings__showdeprecations",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb8c0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fdc0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb910,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "warnings__rabbitmq_version",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eb960,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fe10,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee254fe0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be818e10,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "transport__task_retry_initial_interval",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be819170,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c60c78d0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60350,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be8191d0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "transport__task_maximum_attempts",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be819230,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c60c7c30,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60170,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eb9b0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "rmq__task_timeout",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9eba00,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2fe60,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09eda60210,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Int(                                                                             IntValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[int]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "storage__sandbox",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "storage__sandbox",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9eba50,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "storage__sandbox",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ebaa0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2feb0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee269cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                                 validator: Str(                                                                                     StrValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "nullable[str]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "caching__default_enabled",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "caching__default_enabled",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9ebaf0,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "caching__default_enabled",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ebb40,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ff00,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09ee255000,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: Bool(                                                                             BoolValidator {                                                                                 strict: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                         name: "default[bool]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "caching__enabled_for",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "caching__enabled_for",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9ebb90,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "caching__enabled_for",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ebbe0,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ff50,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c6291b00,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: List(                                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                 StrValidator {                                                                                                     strict: false,                                                                                                     coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                                             "list[str]",                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e7d940,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: true,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                             Field {                                                                 name: "caching__disabled_for",                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                     key: "caching__disabled_for",                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                         0x00007f09be9ebc30,                                                                     ),                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                         [                                                                             S(                                                                                 "caching__disabled_for",                                                                                 Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be9ebc80,                                                                                 ),                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                     ),                                                                 },                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                     0x00007f09c5e2ffa0,                                                                 ),                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                         default: Default(                                                                             Py(                                                                                 0x00007f09c6376cc0,                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                         validator: FunctionAfter(                                                                             FunctionAfterValidator {                                                                                 validator: List(                                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                 StrValidator {                                                                                                     strict: false,                                                                                                     coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                                             "list[str]",                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 func: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09c5e7d940,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 config: Py(                                                                                     0x00007f09be863c40,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]",                                                                                 field_name: None,                                                                                 info_arg: false,                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                         copy_default: true,                                                                         name: "default[function-after[validate_caching_identifier_pattern(), list[str]]]",                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                             0x00007f09eb166500,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 frozen: false,                                                             },                                                         ],                                                         model_name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                         strict: false,                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 class: Py(                                                     0x000056023890fb80,                                                 ),                                                 post_init: None,                                                 frozen: false,                                                 custom_init: false,                                                 root_model: false,                                                 undefined: Py(                                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                                 ),                                                 name: "ProfileOptionsSchema",                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[ProfileOptionsSchema]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[ProfileOptionsSchema]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f09eb166500,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ProfileSchema",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x0000560238cbe930,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "ProfileSchema",     }, ), definitions=[PlainEnum(EnumValidator { phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::PlainEnumValidator>, class: Py(0x5602369958b0), lookup: LiteralLookup { expected_bool: None, expected_int: None, expected_str: Some({"DEBUG": 1, "NOTSET": 0, "INFO": 2, "ERROR": 5, "CRITICAL": 6, "WARNING": 4, "REPORT": 3}), expected_py_dict: None, expected_py_list: None, values: [Py(0x7f09eba45d50), Py(0x7f09eba45cc0), Py(0x7f09eba45c60), Py(0x7f09eba45ba0), Py(0x7f09eba45b40), Py(0x7f09eba45ab0), Py(0x7f09eba45a20)] }, missing: None, expected_repr: "'NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'REPORT', 'WARNING', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL'", strict: false, class_repr: "LogLevels", name: "enum[LogLevels]" })], cache_strings=True)#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
default_user_email: str | None#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'default_user_email': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None), 'options': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[ProfileOptionsSchema, NoneType], required=False, default=None), 'process_control': FieldInfo(annotation=ProcessControlConfig, required=True), 'storage': FieldInfo(annotation=ProfileStorageConfig, required=True), 'test_profile': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=False), 'uuid': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default_factory=uuid4, description='A UUID that uniquely identifies the profile.')}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

options: ProfileOptionsSchema | None#
process_control: ProcessControlConfig#
serialize_dt(value: UUID, _info)[source]#
storage: ProfileStorageConfig#
test_profile: bool#
uuid: str#
class aiida.manage.configuration.config.ProfileStorageConfig(**data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the storage backend configuration of an AiiDA profile.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'backend': 'str', 'config': 'Dict[str, Any]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'AIIDA_LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Any': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'BaseModel': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigDict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigVersionSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ConfigurationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Dict': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'EntryPointError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Field': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'GlobalOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LOGGER': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'List': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'LogLevels': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Optional': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Profile': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ProfileOptionsSchema': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'StorageMigrationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'Tuple': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'ValidationError': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__builtins__': {'ArithmeticError': <class 'ArithmeticError'>, 'AssertionError': <class 'AssertionError'>, 'AttributeError': <class 'AttributeError'>, 'BaseException': <class 'BaseException'>, 'BlockingIOError': <class 'BlockingIOError'>, 'BrokenPipeError': <class 'BrokenPipeError'>, 'BufferError': <class 'BufferError'>, 'BytesWarning': <class 'BytesWarning'>, 'ChildProcessError': <class 'ChildProcessError'>, 'ConnectionAbortedError': <class 'ConnectionAbortedError'>, 'ConnectionError': <class 'ConnectionError'>, 'ConnectionRefusedError': <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>, 'ConnectionResetError': <class 'ConnectionResetError'>, 'DeprecationWarning': <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 'EOFError': <class 'EOFError'>, 'Ellipsis': Ellipsis, 'EncodingWarning': <class 'EncodingWarning'>, 'EnvironmentError': <class 'OSError'>, 'Exception': <class 'Exception'>, 'False': False, 'FileExistsError': <class 'FileExistsError'>, 'FileNotFoundError': <class 'FileNotFoundError'>, 'FloatingPointError': <class 'FloatingPointError'>, 'FutureWarning': <class 'FutureWarning'>, 'GeneratorExit': <class 'GeneratorExit'>, 'IOError': <class 'OSError'>, 'ImportError': <class 'ImportError'>, 'ImportWarning': <class 'ImportWarning'>, 'IndentationError': <class 'IndentationError'>, 'IndexError': <class 'IndexError'>, 'InterruptedError': <class 'InterruptedError'>, 'IsADirectoryError': <class 'IsADirectoryError'>, 'KeyError': <class 'KeyError'>, 'KeyboardInterrupt': <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>, 'LookupError': <class 'LookupError'>, 'MemoryError': <class 'MemoryError'>, 'ModuleNotFoundError': <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>, 'NameError': <class 'NameError'>, 'None': None, 'NotADirectoryError': <class 'NotADirectoryError'>, 'NotImplemented': NotImplemented, 'NotImplementedError': <class 'NotImplementedError'>, 'OSError': <class 'OSError'>, 'OverflowError': <class 'OverflowError'>, 'PendingDeprecationWarning': <class 'PendingDeprecationWarning'>, 'PermissionError': <class 'PermissionError'>, 'ProcessLookupError': <class 'ProcessLookupError'>, 'RecursionError': <class 'RecursionError'>, 'ReferenceError': <class 'ReferenceError'>, 'ResourceWarning': <class 'ResourceWarning'>, 'RuntimeError': <class 'RuntimeError'>, 'RuntimeWarning': <class 'RuntimeWarning'>, 'StopAsyncIteration': <class 'StopAsyncIteration'>, 'StopIteration': <class 'StopIteration'>, 'SyntaxError': <class 'SyntaxError'>, 'SyntaxWarning': <class 'SyntaxWarning'>, 'SystemError': <class 'SystemError'>, 'SystemExit': <class 'SystemExit'>, 'TabError': <class 'TabError'>, 'TimeoutError': <class 'TimeoutError'>, 'True': True, 'TypeError': <class 'TypeError'>, 'UnboundLocalError': <class 'UnboundLocalError'>, 'UnicodeDecodeError': <class 'UnicodeDecodeError'>, 'UnicodeEncodeError': <class 'UnicodeEncodeError'>, 'UnicodeError': <class 'UnicodeError'>, 'UnicodeTranslateError': <class 'UnicodeTranslateError'>, 'UnicodeWarning': <class 'UnicodeWarning'>, 'UserWarning': <class 'UserWarning'>, 'ValueError': <class 'ValueError'>, 'Warning': <class 'Warning'>, 'ZeroDivisionError': <class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, '__build_class__': <built-in function __build_class__>, '__debug__': True, '__doc__': "Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.", '__import__': <built-in function __import__>, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__name__': 'builtins', '__package__': '', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='builtins', loader=<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, origin='built-in'), 'abs': <built-in function abs>, 'aiter': <built-in function aiter>, 'all': <built-in function all>, 'anext': <built-in function anext>, 'any': <built-in function any>, 'ascii': <built-in function ascii>, 'bin': <built-in function bin>, 'bool': <class 'bool'>, 'breakpoint': <built-in function breakpoint>, 'bytearray': <class 'bytearray'>, 'bytes': <class 'bytes'>, 'callable': <built-in function callable>, 'chr': <built-in function chr>, 'classmethod': <class 'classmethod'>, 'compile': <built-in function compile>, 'complex': <class 'complex'>, 'copyright': Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Python Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 2000 All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved., 'credits':     Thanks to CWI, CNRI,, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands     for supporting Python development.  See for more information., 'delattr': <built-in function delattr>, 'dict': <class 'dict'>, 'dir': <built-in function dir>, 'divmod': <built-in function divmod>, 'enumerate': <class 'enumerate'>, 'eval': <built-in function eval>, 'exec': <built-in function exec>, 'exit': Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'filter': <class 'filter'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'format': <built-in function format>, 'frozenset': <class 'frozenset'>, 'getattr': <built-in function getattr>, 'globals': <built-in function globals>, 'hasattr': <built-in function hasattr>, 'hash': <built-in function hash>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'hex': <built-in function hex>, 'id': <built-in function id>, 'input': <built-in function input>, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'isinstance': <built-in function isinstance>, 'issubclass': <built-in function issubclass>, 'iter': <built-in function iter>, 'len': <built-in function len>, 'license': Type license() to see the full license text, 'list': <class 'list'>, 'locals': <built-in function locals>, 'map': <class 'map'>, 'max': <built-in function max>, 'memoryview': <class 'memoryview'>, 'min': <built-in function min>, 'next': <built-in function next>, 'object': <class 'object'>, 'oct': <built-in function oct>, 'open': <built-in function open>, 'ord': <built-in function ord>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'print': <built-in function print>, 'property': <class 'property'>, 'quit': Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit, 'range': <class 'range'>, 'repr': <built-in function repr>, 'reversed': <class 'reversed'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, 'set': <class 'set'>, 'setattr': <built-in function setattr>, 'slice': <class 'slice'>, 'sorted': <built-in function sorted>, 'staticmethod': <class 'staticmethod'>, 'str': <class 'str'>, 'sum': <built-in function sum>, 'super': <class 'super'>, 'tuple': <class 'tuple'>, 'type': <class 'type'>, 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'zip': <class 'zip'>}, '__cached__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__doc__': 'Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.\n\nDespite the import of the annotations backport below which enables postponed type annotation evaluation as implemented\nwith PEP 563 (, this is not compatible with ``pydantic`` for Python 3.9 and older (\nSee for details).\n', '__file__': '/home/docs/checkouts/', '__loader__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, '__name__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__package__': 'aiida.manage.configuration', '__spec__': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'annotations': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'codecs': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'contextlib': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_serializer': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'field_validator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'get_option_names': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'io': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'json': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'os': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'parse_option': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>, 'subject': <pydantic._internal._mock_val_ser.MockValSer object>, 'uuid': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x0000560238cbe070,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "backend": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ec877e70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "config": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed51fc30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Dict(                                 DictSerializer {                                     key_serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                     value_serializer: Any(                                         AnySerializer,                                     ),                                     filter: SchemaFilter {                                         include: None,                                         exclude: None,                                     },                                     name: "dict[str, any]",                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 2,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ProfileStorageConfig",     }, ), definitions=[])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ProfileStorageConfig", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "backend",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "backend",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be8bd9b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "backend",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be8bf970,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ec877e70,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "config",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "config",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f09be8bf9f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "config",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f09be8bfb30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f09ed51fc30,                         ),                         validator: Dict(                             DictValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 key_validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 value_validator: Any(                                     AnyValidator,                                 ),                                 min_length: None,                                 max_length: None,                                 name: "dict[str,any]",                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ProfileStorageConfig",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x0000560238cbe070,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f09eb166500,         ),         name: "ProfileStorageConfig",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
backend: str#
config: Dict[str, Any]#
model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'defer_build': True}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'backend': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True), 'config': FieldInfo(annotation=Dict[str, Any], required=True)}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

Definition of known configuration options and methods to parse and get option values.

class aiida.manage.configuration.options.Option(name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any], field)[source]#

Bases: object

Represent a configuration option schema.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.options', '__doc__': 'Represent a configuration option schema.', '__init__': <function Option.__init__>, '__str__': <function Option.__str__>, 'name': <property object>, 'valid_type': <property object>, 'schema': <property object>, 'default': <property object>, 'description': <property object>, 'global_only': <property object>, 'validate': <function Option.validate>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Option' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Option' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})#
__init__(name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any], field)[source]#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.options'#
__str__() str[source]#

Return str(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

property default: Any#
property description: str#
property global_only: bool#
property name: str#
property schema: Dict[str, Any]#
property valid_type: Any#
validate(value: Any) Any[source]#

Validate a value


value – The input value


The output value



aiida.manage.configuration.options.get_option(name: str) Option[source]#

Return option.

aiida.manage.configuration.options.get_option_names() List[str][source]#

Return a list of available option names.

aiida.manage.configuration.options.parse_option(option_name: str, option_value: Any) Tuple[Option, Any][source]#

Parse and validate a value for a configuration option.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • option_value – the option value


a tuple of the option and the parsed value

AiiDA profile related code

class aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile(name: str, config: Mapping[str, Any], validate=True)[source]#

Bases: object

Class that models a profile as it is stored in the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.

KEY_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL = 'default_user_email'#
KEY_OPTIONS = 'options'#
KEY_PROCESS = 'process_control'#
KEY_STORAGE = 'storage'#
KEY_TEST_PROFILE = 'test_profile'#
REQUIRED_KEYS = ('storage', 'process_control')#
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.profile', '__doc__': 'Class that models a profile as it is stored in the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.', 'KEY_UUID': 'PROFILE_UUID', 'KEY_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL': 'default_user_email', 'KEY_STORAGE': 'storage', 'KEY_PROCESS': 'process_control', 'KEY_STORAGE_BACKEND': 'backend', 'KEY_STORAGE_CONFIG': 'config', 'KEY_PROCESS_BACKEND': 'backend', 'KEY_PROCESS_CONFIG': 'config', 'KEY_OPTIONS': 'options', 'KEY_TEST_PROFILE': 'test_profile', 'REQUIRED_KEYS': ('storage', 'process_control'), '__init__': <function Profile.__init__>, '__repr__': <function Profile.__repr__>, 'copy': <function Profile.copy>, 'uuid': <property object>, 'default_user_email': <property object>, 'storage_backend': <property object>, 'storage_config': <property object>, 'set_storage': <function Profile.set_storage>, 'storage_cls': <property object>, 'process_control_backend': <property object>, 'process_control_config': <property object>, 'set_process_controller': <function Profile.set_process_controller>, 'options': <property object>, 'get_option': <function Profile.get_option>, 'set_option': <function Profile.set_option>, 'unset_option': <function Profile.unset_option>, 'name': <property object>, 'dictionary': <property object>, 'is_test_profile': <property object>, 'repository_path': <property object>, 'filepaths': <property object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Profile' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Profile' objects>, '__annotations__': {'_attributes': 'Dict[str, Any]'}})#
__init__(name: str, config: Mapping[str, Any], validate=True)[source]#

Load a profile with the profile configuration.

__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.profile'#
__repr__() str[source]#

Return repr(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Return a copy of the profile.

property default_user_email: str | None#

Return the default user email.

property dictionary: Dict[str, Any]#

Return the profile attributes as a dictionary with keys as it is stored in the config


the profile configuration dictionary

property filepaths#

Return the filepaths used by this profile.


a dictionary of filepaths

get_option(option_key, default=None)[source]#
property is_test_profile: bool#

Return whether the profile is a test profile


boolean, True if test profile, False otherwise

property name#

Return the profile name.


the profile name

property options#
property process_control_backend: str | None#

Return the type of the process control backend.

property process_control_config: Dict[str, Any]#

Return the configuration required by the process control backend.

property repository_path: Path#

Return the absolute path of the repository configured for this profile.

The URI should be in the format protocol://address


At the moment, only the file protocol is supported.


absolute filepath of the profile’s file repository

set_option(option_key, value, override=True)[source]#

Set a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_key – the key of the configuration option

  • option_value – the option value

  • override – boolean, if False, will not override the option if it already exists

set_process_controller(name: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Set the process control backend and its configuration.

  • name – the name of the process backend

  • config – the configuration of the process backend

set_storage(name: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Set the storage backend and its configuration.

  • name – the name of the storage backend

  • config – the configuration of the storage backend

property storage_backend: str#

Return the type of the storage backend.

property storage_cls: Type['StorageBackend']#

Return the storage backend class for this profile.

property storage_config: Dict[str, Any]#

Return the configuration required by the storage backend.

property uuid: str#

Return the profile uuid.


string UUID

Base settings required for the configuration of an AiiDA instance.

aiida.manage.configuration.settings.create_instance_directories() None[source]#

Create the base directories required for a new AiiDA instance.

This will create the base AiiDA directory defined by the AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER variable, unless it already exists. Subsequently, it will create the daemon directory within it and the daemon log directory.


Return the path of the configuration directory.

The location of the configuration directory is defined following these heuristics in order:

  • If the AIIDA_PATH variable is set, all the paths will be checked to see if they contain a configuration folder. The first one to be encountered will be set as AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER. If none of them contain one, the last path defined in the environment variable considered is used.

  • If an existing directory is still not found, the DEFAULT_AIIDA_PATH is used.


The path of the configuration directory.

aiida.manage.configuration.settings.get_configuration_directory_from_envvar() Path | None[source]#

Return the path of a config directory from the AIIDA_PATH environment variable.

The environment variable should be a colon separated string of filepaths that either point directly to a config directory or a path that contains a config directory. The first match is returned. If no existing config directory is found, the last path in the environment variable is used.


The path of the configuration directory or None if AIIDA_PATH is not defined.

aiida.manage.configuration.settings.set_configuration_directory(aiida_config_folder: Path | None = None) None[source]#

Set the configuration directory, related global variables and create instance directories.

The location of the configuration directory is defined by aiida_config_folder or if not defined, the path that is returned by get_configuration_directory. If the directory does not exist yet, it is created, together with all its subdirectories.