Sphinx cheatsheet

A brief overview of some of the main functions of Sphinx as used in the aiida documentation. View This Page to see how this page was formatted. This is only a brief outline for more please see the Sphinx documentation

Main Titles and Subtitles

This is an example of a main title.

subtitles are made like this

This is an example of a subtitle.


Basic Paragraph Formatting

Words can be written in italics or in bold. Text describing a specific computer_thing can be formatted as well.

Paragraph and Indentation

Much like in regular python, the indentation plays a strong role in the formatting.

For example all of this sentence will appear on the same line.

While this sentence will appear
differently because there is an indent.

Terminal and Code Formatting

Something to be run in command line can be formatted like this:

>> Some command

As can be seen above, while snippets of python on code can be done like this:

import module
print('hello world')



Notes can be added like this.

Bullet Points and Lists

  • Bullet points can be added
  • Just like this * With sub-bullets like this
  1. While numerical bullets
  2. Can be added
  3. Like this

Table of Contents Docs and Code

Table of Contents for Docs

An example of the table of contents syntax for the GIT cheatsheet can be seen here note that these are especially important in the global structure of the document, as found in index.rst files.


The maxdepth parameter can be used to change how deep the title indexing goes. See This Page.

Table of Contents for Code

Table of contents, that cross reference code, can be done very similarly to how it is done for documents. For example the parser docs can be indexed like this

Automodules Example

This module defines the main data structures used by the Calculation.

class aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo(init=None)[source]

This object will store the data returned by the calculation plugin and to be passed to the ExecManager.

In the following descriptions all paths have to be considered relative

  • retrieve_list: a list of strings or tuples that indicate files that are to be retrieved from the remote

    after the calculation has finished and stored in the repository in a FolderData. If the entry in the list is just a string, it is assumed to be the filepath on the remote and it will be copied to ‘.’ of the repository with name os.path.split(item)[1] If the entry is a tuple it is expected to have the following format

    (‘remotepath’, ‘localpath’, depth)

    If the ‘remotepath’ is a file or folder, it will be copied in the repository to ‘localpath’. However, if the ‘remotepath’ contains file patterns with wildcards, the ‘localpath’ should be set to ‘.’ and the depth parameter should be an integer that decides the localname. The ‘remotepath’ will be split on file separators and the local filename will be determined by joining the N last elements, where N is given by the depth variable.

    Example: (‘some/remote/path/files/pattern*[0-9].xml’, ‘.’, 2)

    Will result in all files that match the pattern to be copied to the local repository with path


  • retrieve_temporary_list: a list of strings or tuples that indicate files that will be retrieved

    and stored temporarily in a FolderData, that will be available only during the parsing call. The format of the list is the same as that of ‘retrieve_list’

  • retrieve_singlefile_list: a list of tuples with format

    (‘linkname_from calc to singlefile’, ‘subclass of singlefile’, ‘filename’) Each tuple represents a file that will be retrieved from cluster and saved in SinglefileData nodes

  • local_copy_list: a list of tuples with format (‘localabspath’, ‘relativedestpath’)

  • remote_copy_list: a list of tuples with format (‘remotemachinename’, ‘remoteabspath’, ‘relativedestpath’)

  • remote_symlink_list: a list of tuples with format (‘remotemachinename’, ‘remoteabspath’, ‘relativedestpath’)

  • codes_info: a list of dictionaries used to pass the info of the execution of a code

  • codes_run_mode: a string used to specify the order in which multi codes can be executed

class aiida.common.datastructures.CalcState[source]
class aiida.common.datastructures.CodeInfo(init=None)[source]

This attribute-dictionary contains the information needed to execute a code. Possible attributes are:

  • cmdline_params: a list of strings, containing parameters to be written on the command line right after the call to the code, as for example:

    code.x cmdline_params[0] cmdline_params[1] ... < stdin > stdout
  • stdin_name: (optional) the name of the standard input file. Note, it is only possible to use the stdin with the syntax:

    code.x < stdin_name

    If no stdin_name is specified, the string “< stdin_name” will not be passed to the code. Note: it is not possible to substitute/remove the ‘<’ if stdin_name is specified; if that is needed, avoid stdin_name and use instead the cmdline_params to specify a suitable syntax.

  • stdout_name: (optional) the name of the standard output file. Note, it is only possible to pass output to stdout_name with the syntax:

    code.x ... > stdout_name

    If no stdout_name is specified, the string “> stdout_name” will not be passed to the code. Note: it is not possible to substitute/remove the ‘>’ if stdout_name is specified; if that is needed, avoid stdout_name and use instead the cmdline_params to specify a suitable syntax.

  • stderr_name: (optional) a string, the name of the error file of the code.

  • join_files: (optional) if True, redirects the error to the output file. If join_files=True, the code will be called as:

    code.x ... > stdout_name 2>&1

    otherwise, if join_files=False and stderr is passed:

    code.x ... > stdout_name 2> stderr_name
  • withmpi: if True, executes the code with mpirun (or another MPI installed on the remote computer)

  • code_uuid: the uuid of the code associated to the CodeInfo

class aiida.common.datastructures.CodeRunmode[source]
class aiida.common.datastructures.WorkflowDataType[source]
class aiida.common.datastructures.WorkflowDataValueType[source]
class aiida.common.datastructures.WorkflowState[source]
aiida.common.datastructures.sort_states(list_states, use_key=False)[source]

Given a list of state names, return a sorted list of states (the first is the most recent) sorted according to their logical appearance in the DB (i.e., NEW before of SUBMITTING before of FINISHED).


The order of the internal variable _sorted_datastates is used.

  • list_states – a list (or tuple) of state strings.
  • use_key – if True, expects that each element is not just a string, but a pair (someobject, string). Only string is used to sort (should be the state string), and only someobject is returned in the final list.

a sorted list of the given data states.


ValueError – if any of the given states is not a valid state.


A :noindex: directive was added to avoid duplicate object description for this example. Do not put the keyword in a real documentation.

How To Format Docstrings

Much of the work will be done automatically by Sphinx, just format the docstrings with the same syntax used here, a few extra examples of use would include:

:param parameters: some notes on input parameters

:return returned: some note on what is returned

:raise Errors: Notes on warnings raised

Changing The Docs

If you are creating a new .rst file, make sure to add it in the relevant index.rst tree. This can be done by:

  • Modifying relevant doc strings or .rst files (be sure to modify them in the /doc/source/ folder and not /doc/build)
  • Making sure that all relevant .rst files are added to the relevant index.rst file
  • Running make html in /aiida/docs/ folder
  • Be sure to check for any warnings and correct if possible

This Page

Sphinx cheatsheet

A brief overview of some of the main functions of Sphinx
as used in the aiida documentation. View :ref:`this-page` to see
how this page was formatted. This is only a brief outline for more
please see `the Sphinx documentation <http://sphinx-doc.org/contents.html>`_

Main Titles and Subtitles

This is an example of a main title.

subtitles are made like this

This is an example of a subtitle.


Basic Paragraph Formatting

Words can be written in *italics* or in **bold**. Text describing a specific
``computer_thing`` can be formatted as well.

Paragraph and Indentation

Much like in regular python, the indentation plays a strong role in the formatting.

For example all of this sentence will
appear on the same line.

While this sentence will appear
 differently because there is an indent.

Terminal and Code Formatting

Something to be run in command line can be formatted like this::

 >> Some command

As can be seen above, while snippets of python on code can be done like this::

 import module
 print('hello world')

.. note:: Notes can be added like this.

Bullet Points and Lists

* Bullet points can be added
* Just like this
  * With sub-bullets like this

#. While numerical bullets
#. Can be added
#. Like this

Links, Code Display, Cross References
External Links
Can be done like here for `AiiDA <www.aiida.net/>`_

Code Download

Code can be downloaded like this.

Download: :download:`this example script <devel_tutorial/sum_executable.py>`

Code Display

Can be done like this. This entire document can be seen unformated below using this method.

.. literalinclude:: devel_tutorial/sum_executable.py

.. _self-reference:


Math formulas can be added as follows :math:`<g_i|`, see
`the Sphinx documentation on math <http://sphinx-doc.org/latest/ext/math.html#module-sphinx.ext.mathbase>`_

Cross Reference Docs

Here is an example of a reference to the :ref:`structure_tutorial` which is on *another page*

Here is an example of a reference to something on the same page, :ref:`self-reference`

.. note:: References within the same document need a reference label, see `.. _self-reference:`
          used in this section for an example. *Hidden in formatted page, can only be seen in the
          input text.*

Cross Reference Classes and Methods

Any class can be referenced for example :py:class:`~aiida.orm.data.structure.StructureData` references the
StructureData data class.

Similarily any method can be referenced for example :py:meth:`~aiida.orm.data.structure.StructureData.append_atom`
shows the StructureData class' append atom method.

Table of Contents Docs and Code

Table of Contents for Docs
An example of the table of contents syntax for the :ref:`git-cheatsheet` can be seen here
note that these are especially important in the global structure of the
document, as found in index.rst files.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


.. note:: The `maxdepth` parameter can be used to change how deep the title indexing goes. See :ref:`this-page`.

Table of Contents for Code

Table of contents, that cross reference code, can be done very similarly to how
it is done for documents. For example the parser docs can be indexed like this

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1

   aiida.orm <../orm/dev>

Automodules Example

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

.. automodule:: aiida.common.datastructures

.. note:: A `:noindex:` directive was added to avoid duplicate object
          description for this example. Do not put the keyword in a real

How To Format Docstrings

Much of the work will be done automatically by Sphinx, just format the docstrings with the same syntax used here,
a few extra examples of use would include::

    :param parameters: some notes on input parameters

    :return returned: some note on what is returned

    :raise Errors: Notes on warnings raised

Changing The Docs

If you are creating a new .rst file, make sure to add it in
the relevant index.rst tree. This can be done by:

* Modifying relevant doc strings or .rst files (be sure to modify them in the /doc/source/ folder and not /doc/build)

* Making sure that all relevant .rst files are added
  to the relevant index.rst file

* Running `make html` in /aiida/docs/ folder

* Be sure to check for any warnings and correct if possible

.. _this-page:

This Page

.. literalinclude:: sphinx_cheatsheet.rst