Source code for aiida.orm.querytool

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os
from aiida.orm import Code, DataFactory, Group, Calculation

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), 2015, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL)), Switzerland and ROBERT BOSCH LLC, USA. All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file"
__version__ = "0.5.0"
__contributors__ = "Andrea Cepellotti, Giovanni Pizzi, Martin Uhrin"

[docs]class QueryTool(object): """ Class to make easy queries without extensive knowledge of SQL, Django and/or the internal storage mechanism of AiiDA. .. note:: This feature is under constant development, so the name of the methods may change in future versions to allow for increased querying capabilities. .. todo:: missing features: * add __in filter * allow __in filter to accept other querytool objects to perform a single query * implement searches through the TC table * document the methods * allow to get attributes of queried data via a single query with suitable methods * add checks to verify whether filters as <=, ==, etc are valid for the specified data type (e.g., __gt only with numbers and dates, ...) * probably many other things... """ def __init__(self): self._class_string = None self._group_queries = [] self._attr_queries = [] self._attrs = {} self._extra_queries = [] self._extras = {} self._pks_in = None self._queryobject = None
[docs] def set_class(self, the_class): """ Pass a class to filter results only of a specific Node (sub)class, and its subclasses. """ from aiida.orm import Node # We are changing the query, clear the cache if not issubclass(the_class, Node): raise TypeError("You can only call this method on subclasses of Node, you are passing instead".format( the_class.__name__)) self._queryobject = None self._class_string = the_class._query_type_string
[docs] def set_group(self, group, exclude=False): """ Filter calculations only within a given node. This can be called multiple times for an AND query. .. todo:: Add the possibility of specifying the group as an object rather than with its name, so that one can also query special groups, etc. .. todo:: Add the possibility of specifying "OR" type queries on multiple groups, and any combination of AND, OR, NOT. :param group: the name of the group :param exclude: if True, excude results """ from django.db.models import Q # # We are changing the query, clear the cache # self._queryobject = None if isinstance(group, basestring): # BE CAREFUL! WE ALL TAKING ALL GROUPS, # IRREGARDLESS OF THE TYPE AND THE OWNER if exclude: self._group_queries.append(~Q(dbgroups__name=group)) else: self._group_queries.append(Q(dbgroups__name=group)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Still to implement passing a real group rather than its name")
[docs] def limit_pks(self, pk_list): """ Limit the query to a given list of pks. :param pk_list: the list of pks you want to limit your query to. """ from django.db.models import Q self._pks_in = [int(_) for _ in pk_list]
def _get_query_object(self, order_by=None): """ Internal method that returns the Django query object that has been generated. :param order_by: If specified, is a string to order by. """ from aiida.djsite.db import models if self._class_string is None: raise ValueError("You have to call set_class first.") if self._queryobject is None: res = models.DbNode.objects.filter( type__startswith=self._class_string) for group_qobj in self._group_queries: res = res.filter(group_qobj) if self._pks_in is not None: res = res.filter(pk__in=self._pks_in) for attr_qobj, reldata in self._attr_queries: if reldata: if reldata['relation'] == '__input': relationlink = "input_links" elif reldata['relation'] == '__output': relationlink = "output_links" else: raise ValueError("relation {} not implemented!".format( reldata['relation'])) classinfo = {} if reldata['nodeclass'] is not None: classinfo['type__startswith'] = reldata['nodeclass'] linkedres = models.DbNode.objects.filter( dbattributes__in=attr_qobj, **classinfo) res = res.filter(**{ "{}{}__in".format(relationlink, reldata['relation']): linkedres, "{}__label".format(relationlink): reldata['linkname']}) else: res = res.filter(dbattributes__in=attr_qobj) for extra_qobj, reldata in self._extra_queries: if reldata: if reldata['relation'] == '__input': relationlink = "input_links" elif reldata['relation'] == '__output': relationlink = "output_links" else: raise ValueError("relation {} not implemented!".format( reldata['relation'])) linkedres = models.DbNode.objects.filter( dbextras__in=extra_qobj) res = res.filter(**{ "{}{}__in".format(relationlink, reldata['relation']): linkedres, "{}__label".format(relationlink): reldata['linkname']}) else: res = res.filter(dbextras__in=extra_qobj) self._queryobject = res.distinct() if order_by is not None: self._queryobject = self._queryobject.order_by(order_by) return self._queryobject
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """ Get the raw values of all the attributes of the queried nodes. """ from aiida.djsite.db import models res = self._get_query_object() attrs = models.DbAttribute.objects.filter( dbnode__in=res).filter(key__in=self._attrs.keys()).values( 'dbnode__pk', 'key', 'tval', 'dval', 'ival', 'bval', 'fval', 'datatype') return attrs
def _get_extras_raw(self): """ Internal method to get the raw values of all the extras of the queried nodes. """ from aiida.djsite.db import models res = self._get_query_object() extras = models.DbExtra.objects.filter( dbnode__in=res).filter(key__in=self._extras.keys()).values( 'dbnode__pk', 'key', 'tval', 'dval', 'ival', 'bval', 'fval', 'datatype') return extras def _get_attrs_raw(self): """ Internal method to get the raw values of all the attributes of the queried nodes. """ from aiida.djsite.db import models res = self._get_query_object() attrs = models.DbAttribute.objects.filter( dbnode__in=res).filter(key__in=self._attrs.keys()).values( 'dbnode__pk', 'key', 'tval', 'dval', 'ival', 'bval', 'fval', 'datatype') return attrs
[docs] def run_query(self, with_data=False, order_by=None): """ Run the query using the filters that have been pre-set on this class, and return a generator of the obtained Node (sub)classes. :param order_by: if specified, order by the given field """ if with_data: attrs = self.create_attrs_dict() extras = self.create_extras_dict() for r in self._get_query_object(order_by=order_by): if with_data: yield r.get_aiida_class(), {'attrs': attrs.get(, {}), 'extras': extras.get(, {})} else: yield r.get_aiida_class() # This can be useful, but risky #.prefetch_related('dbextras').prefetch_related('dbattributes'): # # # Do we really want to do this? # for r in res.distinct(): # yield r.get_aiida_class(), { # 'extras': self._create_extra_dict(r.dbextras.all()), # 'attrs': self._create_attr_dict(r.dbattributes.all())} #return res.distinct()
[docs] def create_extras_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary of the raw data from the extras associated to the queried nodes. """ from collections import defaultdict # TODO: implement lists and dicts field = {'txt': 'tval', 'float': 'fval', 'bool': 'bval', 'int': 'ival', 'date': 'dval', 'none': lambda x: None} relevant_extras = self._extras.keys() extrasdict = defaultdict(dict) for e in self._get_extras_raw(): f = field[e['datatype']] if callable(f): extrasdict[e['dbnode__pk']][e['key']] = f(e) else: extrasdict[e['dbnode__pk']][e['key']] = e[f] return dict(extrasdict)
[docs] def create_attrs_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary of the raw data from the attributes associated to the queried nodes. """ from collections import defaultdict # TODO: implement lists and dicts field = {'txt': 'tval', 'float': 'fval', 'bool': 'bval', 'int': 'ival', 'date': 'dval', 'none': lambda x: None} relevant_attrs = self._attrs.keys() attrsdict = defaultdict(dict) for e in self._get_attrs_raw(): f = field[e['datatype']] if callable(f): attrsdict[e['dbnode__pk']][e['key']] = f(e) else: attrsdict[e['dbnode__pk']][e['key']] = e[f] return dict(attrsdict)
[docs] def add_attr_filter(self, key, filtername, value, negate=False, relnode=None, relnodeclass=None): """ Add a new filter on the value of attributes of the nodes you want to query. :param key: the value of the key :param filtername: the type of filter to apply. Multiple filters are supported (depending on the type of value), like '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=', 'contains', 'iexact', 'startswith', 'endswith', 'istartswith', 'iendswith', ... (the prefix 'i' means "case-insensitive", in the case of strings). :param value: the value of the attribute :param negate: if True, add the negation of the current filter :param relnode: if specified, asks to apply the filter not on the node that is currently being queried, but rather on a node linked to it. Can be "res" for output results, "inp.LINKNAME" for input nodes with a given link name, "out.LINKNAME" for output nodes with a given link name. :param relnodeclass: if relnode is specified, you can here add a further filter on the type of linked node for which you are executing the query (e.g., if you want to filter for outputs whose 'energy' value is lower than zero, but only if 'energy' is in a ParameterData node). """ from aiida.djsite.db import models return self._add_filter(key, filtername, value, dbtable=models.DbAttribute, negate=negate, querieslist=self._attr_queries, attrdict=self._attrs, relnode=relnode, relnodeclass=relnodeclass)
[docs] def add_extra_filter(self, key, filtername, value, negate=False, relnode=None, relnodeclass=None): """ Add a new filter on the value of extras of the nodes you want to query. :param key: the value of the key :param filtername: the type of filter to apply. Multiple filters are supported (depending on the type of value), like '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=', 'contains', 'iexact', 'startswith', 'endswith', 'istartswith', 'iendswith', ... (the prefix 'i' means "case-insensitive", in the case of strings). :param value: the value of the extra :param negate: if True, add the negation of the current filter :param relnode: if specified, asks to apply the filter not on the node that is currently being queried, but rather on a node linked to it. Can be "res" for output results, "inp.LINKNAME" for input nodes with a given link name, "out.LINKNAME" for output nodes with a given link name. :param relnodeclass: if relnode is specified, you can here add a further filter on the type of linked node for which you are executing the query (e.g., if you want to filter for outputs whose 'energy' value is lower than zero, but only if 'energy' is in a ParameterData node). """ from aiida.djsite.db import models return self._add_filter(key, filtername, value, dbtable=models.DbExtra, negate=negate, querieslist=self._extra_queries, attrdict=self._extras, relnode=relnode, relnodeclass=relnodeclass)
def _add_filter(self, key, filtername, value, negate, dbtable, querieslist, attrdict, relnode, relnodeclass): """ Internal method to apply a filter either on Extras or Attributes, to avoid to repeat the same code in a DRY spirit. """ from django.utils.timezone import is_naive, make_aware, get_current_timezone from django.db.models import Q from aiida.orm import Node valid_filters = { '': '', None: '', '=': '__exact', 'exact': '__exact', 'iexact': '__iexact', 'contains': '__contains', 'icontains': '__icontains', 'startswith': '__startswith', 'istartswith': '__istartswith', 'endswith': '__endswith', 'iendsswith': '__iendswith', '<': '__lt', 'lt': '__lt', 'lte': '__lte', 'le': '__lte', '<=': '__lte', '>': '__gt', 'gt': '__gt', 'gte': '__gte', 'ge': '__gte', '>=': '__gte', } querylist = [] querydict = {} querydict['key'] = key try: internalfilter = valid_filters[filtername] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Filter '{}' is not a supported filter".format( filtername)) if value is None: querydict['datatype'] = 'none' elif isinstance(value, bool): querydict['datatype'] = 'bool' if negate: querylist.append(~Q(**{ 'bval{}'.format(internalfilter): value})) else: querydict['bval{}'.format(internalfilter)] = value elif isinstance(value, (int, long)): querydict['datatype'] = 'int' querydict['ival{}'.format(internalfilter)] = value elif isinstance(value, float): querydict['datatype'] = 'float' querydict['fval{}'.format(internalfilter)] = value elif isinstance(value, basestring): querydict['datatype'] = 'txt' if negate: querylist.append(~Q(**{ 'tval{}'.format(internalfilter): value})) else: querydict['tval{}'.format(internalfilter)] = value elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): # current timezone is taken from the settings file of django if is_naive(value): value_aware = make_aware(value, get_current_timezone()) else: value_aware = value querydict['datatype'] = 'date' querydict['dval{}'.format(internalfilter)] = value_aware # elif isinstance(value, list): # # new_entry.datatype = 'list' # new_entry.ival = length #elif isinstance(value, dict): # new_entry.datatype = 'dict' # new_entry.ival = len(value) else: raise TypeError("Only basic datatypes are supported in queries!") reldata = {} if relnode is not None: if (relnodeclass is not None and not isinstance(relnodeclass, Node) and not issubclass(relnodeclass, Node)): raise TypeError("relnodeclass must be an AiiDA node") if relnodeclass is None: reldata['nodeclass'] = None else: reldata['nodeclass'] = relnodeclass._query_type_string if relnode == 'res': reldata['relation'] = "__output" reldata['linkname'] = "output_parameters" elif relnode.startswith('out.'): reldata['relation'] = "__output" reldata['linkname'] = relnode[4:] elif relnode.startswith('inp.'): reldata['relation'] = "__input" reldata['linkname'] = relnode[4:] else: raise NotImplementedError("Implemented only for 'out.' and 'inp.' for the time being!") else: if relnodeclass is not None: raise ValueError("cannot pass relnodeclass if no relnode is specified") # We are changing the query, clear the cache self._queryobject = None querieslist.append((dbtable.objects.filter( *querylist, **querydict), reldata)) if reldata: pass else: attrdict[key] = reldata