Verdi command line plugins

AiiDA can be extended by adding custom means of use to interact with it via the command line, by extending the ‘verdi’ commands.

We will describe in particular how to extend verdi data by adding a new subcommand.

Framework for verdi data

The code for each of the verdi data <datatype> <action> [--format <plugin>] commands is placed in _<Datatype> class inside Standard actions, such as

  • list
  • show
  • import
  • export

are implemented in corresponding classes:

which are inherited by _<Datatype> classes (multiple inheritance is possible). Actions show, import and export can be extended with new format plugins simply by adding additional methods in _<Datatype> (these are automatically detected). Action list can be extended by overriding default methods of the Listable.

Adding plugins for show, import, export and like

A plugin to show, import or export the data node can be added by inserting a method to _<Datatype> class. Each new method is automatically detected, provided it starts with _<action>_ (that means _show_ for show, _import_ for import and _export_ for export). Node for each of such method is passed using a parameter.


plugins for show are passed a list of nodes, while plugins for import and export are passed a single node.

As the --format option is optional, the default plugin can be specified by setting the value for _default_<action>_plugin in the inheriting class, for example:

class _Parameter(VerdiCommandWithSubcommands, Visualizable):
    View and manipulate Parameter data classes.

    def __init__(self):
        A dictionary with valid commands and functions to be called.
        from import ParameterData
        self.dataclass = ParameterData
        self._default_show_format = 'json_date'
        self.valid_subcommands = {
            'show': (, self.complete_visualizers),

    def _show_json_date(self, exec_name, node_list):
        Show contents of ParameterData nodes.

If the default plugin is not defined and there are more than one plugin, an exception will be raised upon issuing verdi data <datatype> <action> to be caught and explained for the user.

Plugin-specific command line options

Plugin-specific command line options can be appended in plugin-specific methods _<action>_<plugin>_parameters(self,parser). All these methods are called before parsing command line arguments, and are passed an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, to which command line argument descriptions can be appended using parser.add_argument(). For example:

def _show_jmol_parameters(self, parser):
    Describe command line parameters.
                        help="ID of the trajectory step. If none is "
                             "supplied, all steps are exported.",
                        type=int, action='store')


as all _<action>_<plugin>_parameters(self,parser) methods are called, it requires some attention in order not to make conflicting command line argument names!


it’s a good practice to set default=None for all command line arguments, since None-valued arguments are excluded before passing the parsed argument dictionary to a desired plugin.

Implementing list

As listing of data nodes can be extended with filters, controllable using command line parameters, the code of Listable is split into a few separate methods, that can be individually overridden:

  • list:

    the main method, parsing the command line arguments and printing the data node information to the standard output;

  • query:

    takes the parsed command line arguments and performs a query on the database, returns table of unformatted strings, representing the hits;

  • append_list_cmdline_arguments:

    informs the command line argument parser about additional, user-defined parameters, used to control the query function;

  • get_column_names:

    returns the names of columns to be printed by list method.

Adding a verdi command

Here we will add a new verdi command for the FloatData datatype we created and used in Developer code plugin tutorial exercise.

The new command will be:

>> verdi data float show <pk>

To create the above verdi command, we will write a _Float class inheriting from both VerdiCommandWithSubcommands and Visualizable classes; this class will be added inside file. By inheriting from Visualizable, our class will have a``show()`` method, that we can use as the default action for verdi data float show:

class _Float(VerdiCommandWithSubcommands, Visualizable):
    View and manipulate Float data classes.

    def __init__(self):
        A dictionary with valid commands and functions to be called.
        from import FloatData

        self.dataclass = FloatData
        self.valid_subcommands = {
            'show': (, self.complete_none),
        self._default_show_format = 'simple'

The features used in init method are:

  • self.dataclass: It is the data type for which the command is written. In this example it is FloatData.
  • self.valid_subcommands: It is the dictionary of valid subcommands and the two functions to be called when the given command is called, or when bash completion is needed. Each key will be the command for the defined data type. For FloatData we are therefore adding a show command, that will call as method from base cass to be called on. We pass self.complete_none as completion function to disable further bash completion after the command (this method is defined in the VerdiCommandWithSubcommands base class). The method creates a list of all methods of the current class with prefix _show_ in their name, and provides them as possible formats.
  • self._default_show_format: It is the default format to be displayed for the show' command when no specific format is passed as an argument. For FloatData, we will show data in a simple format by default. To display node in simple format, we will simply add a method called _show_simple() in the _Float class. Please note that the method name should follow the convention _show_ + format_name.

The _show_simple() method will be:

def _show_simple(self, exec_name, node_list):
    Show contents of FloatData nodes.
    from aiida.cmdline import print_dictionary

    for node in node_list:
        print node.value

In this method we have passed the executable name and the list of nodes. To print FloatData in simple format we are just printing the corresponding value on screen.

Once the _Float class is added, make sure to add entry in self.routed_subcommands dictionary in the __init__ method of the Data class in file as shown below.

class Data(VerdiCommandRouter):
    Setup and manage data specific types

    There is a list of subcommands for managing specific types of data.
    For instance, 'data upf' manages pseudopotentials in the UPF format.

    def __init__(self):
        A dictionary with valid commands and functions to be called.
        ## Add here the classes to be supported.
        self.routed_subcommands = {
            # other entries
            'float': _Float,

The new verdi command float, is now ready!

Try experimenting by adding other formats for show command or by adding other commands like list, import and export for FloatData data type.