Querying in AiiDA

The advantage of storing information in a database is that questions can be asked on the data, and an answer can be rapidly provided.

Here we describe different approaches to query the data in AiiDA.


This section is still only a stub and will be significantly improved in the next versions.

Directly querying in Django

If you know how AiiDA stores the data internally in the database, you can directly use Django to query the database (or even use directly SQL commands, if you really feel the urge to do so). Documentation on how queries work in Django can be found on the official Django documentation. The models can be found in aiida.djsite.db.models and are directly accessible as models in the verdi shell or via verdi run.

Using the querytool

We provide a Python class (aiida.orm.querytool.QueryTool) to perform the most common types of queries (mainly on nodes, links and their attributes) through an easy Python class interface, without the need to know anything about the SQL query language.


We are working a lot on the interface for querying through the QueryTool, so the interface could change significantly in the future to allow for more advanced querying capabilities.

To use it, in your script (or within the verdi shell) you need first to load the QueryTool class:

from aiida.orm.querytool import QueryTool

Then, create an instance of this class, which will represent your query (you need to create a new instance for each different query you want to execute):

q = QueryTool()

Now, you can call a set of methods on the q object to decide the filters you want to apply. The first type of filter one may want to apply is on the type of nodes you want to obtain (the QueryTool, in the current version, always queries only nodes in the DB). You can do so passing the correct Node subclass to the set_class() method, for instance:


Then, if you want to query only calculations within a given group:

q.set_group(group_name, exclude=False)

where group_name is the name of the group you want to select. The exclude parameter, if True, negates the query (i.e., considers all objects not included in the give group). You can call the set_group() method multiple times to add more filters.

The most important query specification, though, is on the attributes of a given node.

If you want to query for attributes in the DbAttribute table, use the add_attr_filter() method:

q.add_attr_filter("energy", "<=", 0., relnode="res")

At this point, the query q describes a query you still have to run, which will return each calculation calc for which the result node calc.res.energy is less or equal to 0.

The relnode parameter allows the user to perform queries not only on the nodes you want to get out of the query (in this case, do not specify any relnode parameter) but also on the value of the attributes of nodes linked to the result nodes. For instance, specifying "res" as relnode, one gets as result of the query nodes whose output result has a negative energy.

Also in this case, you can add multiple filters on attributes, or you can use the same syntax also on data you stored in the DbExtra table using add_extra_filter().


We remind here that while attributes are properties that describe a node, are used internally by AiiDA and cannot be changed after the node is stored – for instance, the coordinates of atoms in a crystal structure, the input parameters for a calculation, ... – extras (stored in DbExtra) have the same format and are at full disposal of the user for adding metadata to each node, tagging, and later quick querying.

Finally, to run the query and get the results, you can use the run_query() method, that will return an iterator over the results of the query. For instance, if you stored A and B as extra data of a given node, you can get a list of the energy of each calculation, and the value of A and B, using the following command:

res = [(node.res.energy,
        node.get_extra("B") )
        for node in q.run_query()]


After having run a query, if you want to run a new one, even if it is a simple modification of the current one, please discard the q object and create a new one with the new filters.

The transitive closure table

Another type of query that is very common is the discovery of whether two nodes are linked through a path in the AiiDA graph database, regardless of how many nodes are in between.

This is particularly important because, for instance, you may be interested in discovering which crystal structures have, say, all phonon frequencies that are positive; but the information on the phonon frequencies is in a node that is typically not directly linked to the crystal structure (you typically have in between at least a SCF calculation, a phonon calculation on a coarse grid, and an interpolation of the phonon bands on a denser grid; moreover, each calculation may include multiple restarts).

In order to make these queries very efficient (and since we expect that typical workflows, especially in Physics and Materials Science, involve a lot of relatively small, disconnected graphs), we have implemented triggers at the database SQL level to automatically generate a transitive closure table, i.e., a table that for each node contains all his parents (at any depth level) and all the children (at any depth level). This means that, every time two nodes are joined by a link, this table is automatically updated to contain all the new available paths.

With the aid of such a table, discovering if two nodes are connected or not becomes a matter of a single query. This table is accessible using Django commands, and is called DbPath.

Transitive closure paths contain a parent and a child. Moreover, they also contain a depth, giving how many nodes have to be traversed to connect the two parent and child nodes (to make this possible, an entry in the DbPath table is stored for each possible path in the graph). The depth does not include the first and last node (so, a depth of zero means that two nodes are directly connected through a link).

Three further columns are stored, and they are mainly used to quickly (and recursively) discover which are the nodes that have been traversed.


The description of the exact meaning of the three additional columns (entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, and exit_edge_id, will be added soon; in the meatime, you can give a look to the implementation of the expand() method).

Finally, given a DbPath object, we provide a expand() method to get a list of all the nodes (in the correct order) that are traversed by the specific path. List elements are AiiDA nodes.

Here we present a simple example of how you can use the transitive closure table, imagining that you want to get the path between two nodes n1 and n2. We will assume that only a single path exists between the two nodes. If no path exists, an exception will be raised in the line marked below. If more than one path exists, only the first one will be returned. The extension to manage the exception and to manage multiple paths is straightforward:

n1 = load_node(NODEPK1)
n2 = load_node(NODEPK2)
# In the following line, we are choosing only the first
# path returned by the query (with [0]).
# Change here to manage zero or multiple paths!
dbpath = models.DbPath.objects.filter(parent=n1, child=n2)[0]
# Print all nodes in the path
print dbpath.expand()