Source code for aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso.dos

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso.namelists import NamelistsCalculation
from import PwCalculation
import os
from aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso import BasePwCpInputGenerator
from import FolderData
from import RemoteData
from import KpointsData
from aiida.common.utils import classproperty

[docs]class DosCalculation(NamelistsCalculation): """ Plugin for the dos.x code of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution. Handles density of states calculations, and stores the resulting dos arrays and integrated dos arrays. For more information regarding dos.x refer to """ def _init_internal_params(self): super(DosCalculation, self)._init_internal_params() self._DOS_FILENAME = 'aiida.dos' self._default_namelists = ['DOS'] self._blocked_keywords = [('DOS','fildos',self._DOS_FILENAME), ('DOS','outdir',self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER), ('DOS','prefix',self._PREFIX), ] self._internal_retrieve_list = [self._DOS_FILENAME] self._default_parser = 'quantumespresso.dos'
[docs] def use_parent_calculation(self,calc): """ Set the parent calculation, from which it will inherit the outputsubfolder. The link will be created from parent RemoteData and NamelistCalculation """ if not isinstance(calc,PwCalculation): raise ValueError("Parent calculation must be a PwCalculation") from aiida.common.exceptions import UniquenessError localdatas = [_[1] for _ in calc.get_outputs(also_labels=True)] if len(localdatas) == 0: raise UniquenessError("No output retrieved data found in the parent" "calc, probably it did not finish yet, " "or it crashed") localdata = [_[1] for _ in calc.get_outputs(also_labels=True) if _[0] == 'remote_folder'] localdata = localdata[0] self.use_parent_folder(localdata)