Source code for aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso.projwfc

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from aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso.namelists import NamelistsCalculation
from import PwCalculation

[docs]class ProjwfcCalculation(NamelistsCalculation): """ Projwfc.x code of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution, handles the the computation of projections of bloch wavefunctions onto atomic orbitals <Psi(n,k) | Y(theta,phi)R(r) >. For more information, refer to """ def _init_internal_params(self): super(ProjwfcCalculation, self)._init_internal_params() # self._PROJWFC_FILENAME = 'aiida.pdos' self._default_namelists = ['PROJWFC'] self._blocked_keywords = [ ('PROJWFC','outdir',self._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER), ('PROJWFC','prefix',self._PREFIX), ('PROJWFC','lsym',True), ('PROJWFC','lwrite_overlaps',False), ('PROJWFC','lbinary_data',False), ('PROJWFC','kresolveddos',False), ('PROJWFC','tdosinboxes',False), ('PROJWFC','plotboxes',False), ] self._default_parser = 'quantumespresso.projwfc' self._internal_retrieve_list = [self._PREFIX+".pdos*"]
[docs] def use_parent_calculation(self,calc): """ Set the parent calculation, from which it will inherit the outputsubfolder. The link will be created from parent RemoteData and NamelistCalculation """ if not isinstance(calc,PwCalculation): raise ValueError("Parent calculation must be a PwCalculation") from aiida.common.exceptions import UniquenessError localdatas = [_[1] for _ in calc.get_outputs(also_labels=True)] if len(localdatas) == 0: raise UniquenessError("No output retrieved data found in the parent" "calc, probably it did not finish yet, " "or it crashed") localdata = [_[1] for _ in calc.get_outputs(also_labels=True) if _[0] == 'remote_folder'] localdata = localdata[0] self.use_parent_folder(localdata)