Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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Plugin to create a Quantum Espresso pw.x file.
# TODO: COPY OUTDIR FROM PREVIOUS CALCULATION! Should be an input node of type
# RemoteData (or maybe subclass it?).
# TODO: tests!
# TODO: DOC + implementation of SETTINGS
# TODO: preexec, postexec
# TODO: Check that no further parameters are passed in SETTINGS
# TODO: many cards missing: check and implement
#       e.g.: ['CONSTRAINTS', 'OCCUPATIONS']
# TODO: implement pre... and post... hooks to add arbitrary strings before
#       and after a namelist, and a 'final_string' (all optional); useful
#       for development when new cards are needed
# TODO: all a lot of logger.debug stuff
import os

from aiida.orm.calculation.job import JobCalculation
from aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso import BasePwCpInputGenerator
from aiida.common.utils import classproperty
from import KpointsData

[docs]class PwCalculation(BasePwCpInputGenerator, JobCalculation): """ Main DFT code (PWscf, pw.x) of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution. For more information, refer to """ # false due to PWscf bug, could be set to true on versions >= 5.1.0 _default_symlink_usage = False def _init_internal_params(self): super(PwCalculation, self)._init_internal_params() self._DATAFILE_XML = os.path.join( BasePwCpInputGenerator._OUTPUT_SUBFOLDER, '{}.save'.format(BasePwCpInputGenerator._PREFIX), BasePwCpInputGenerator._DATAFILE_XML_BASENAME) # Default PW output parser provided by AiiDA self._default_parser = '' self._automatic_namelists = { 'scf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'nscf': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'bands': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS'], 'relax': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS'], 'md': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS'], 'vc-md': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS', 'CELL'], 'vc-relax': ['CONTROL', 'SYSTEM', 'ELECTRONS', 'IONS', 'CELL'], } # Keywords that cannot be set self._blocked_keywords = [('CONTROL', 'pseudo_dir'), # set later ('CONTROL', 'outdir'), # set later ('CONTROL', 'prefix'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'ibrav'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'celldm'), ('SYSTEM', 'nat'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'ntyp'), # set later ('SYSTEM', 'a'), ('SYSTEM', 'b'), ('SYSTEM', 'c'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosab'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosac'), ('SYSTEM', 'cosbc'), ] self._use_kpoints = True # Default input and output files self._DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE = '' self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = 'aiida.out' @classproperty def _use_methods(cls): """ Extend the parent _use_methods with further keys. """ retdict = JobCalculation._use_methods retdict.update(BasePwCpInputGenerator._baseclass_use_methods) retdict['kpoints'] = { 'valid_types': KpointsData, 'additional_parameter': None, 'linkname': 'kpoints', 'docstring': "Use the node defining the kpoint sampling to use", } return retdict @classmethod
[docs] def input_helper(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Validate if the keywords are valid Quantum ESPRESSO pw.x keywords, and also helps in preparing the input parameter dictionary in a 'standardized' form (e.g., converts ints to floats when required, or if the flag flat_mode is specified, puts the keywords in the right namelists). This function calls :py:func:`aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso.helpers.pw_input_helper`, see its docstring for further information. """ from . import helpers return helpers.pw_input_helper(*args, **kwargs)