Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #

import inspect
import collections
import uuid
from enum import Enum
import itertools

import plum.port as port
import plum.process
from plum.process_monitor import MONITOR
import plum.process_monitor

import voluptuous
from abc import ABCMeta
from aiida.common.extendeddicts import FixedFieldsAttributeDict
import aiida.common.exceptions as exceptions
from aiida.common.lang import override, protected
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.utils.calculation import add_source_info
from import class_loader
from import PROCESS_LABEL_ATTR, get_or_create_output_group
from aiida.orm.calculation import Calculation
from import ParameterData
from aiida import LOG_LEVEL_REPORT

class DictSchema(object):
    def __init__(self, schema):
        self._schema = voluptuous.Schema(schema)

    def __call__(self, value):
        Call this to validate the value against the schema.

        :param value: a regular dictionary or a ParameterData instance 
        :return: tuple (success, msg).  success is True if the value is valid
            and False otherwise, in which case msg will contain information about
            the validation failure.
        :rtype: tuple
            if isinstance(value, ParameterData):
                value = value.get_dict()
            return True, None
        except voluptuous.Invalid as e:
            return False, str(e)

    def get_template(self):
        return self._get_template(self._schema.schema)

    def _get_template(self, dict):
        template = type(
            {'_valid_fields': dict.keys()})()

        for key, value in dict.iteritems():
            if isinstance(key, (voluptuous.Optional, voluptuous.Required)):
                if key.default is not voluptuous.UNDEFINED:
                    template[key.schema] = key.default
                    template[key.schema] = None
            if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
                template[key] = self._get_template(value)
        return template

class ProcessSpec(plum.process.ProcessSpec):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ProcessSpec, self).__init__()
        self._fastforwardable = False

    def is_fastforwardable(self):
        return self._fastforwardable

    def fastforwardable(self):
        self._fastforwardable = True

    def get_inputs_template(self):
        Get an object that represents a template of the known inputs and their
        defaults for the :class:`Process`.

        :return: An object with attributes that represent the known inputs for
            this process.  Default values will be filled in.
        template = type(
            {'_valid_fields': self.inputs.keys()})()

        # Now fill in any default values
        for name, value_spec in self.inputs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(value_spec.validator, DictSchema):
                template[name] = value_spec.validator.get_template()
            elif value_spec.default is not None:
                template[name] = value_spec.default
                template[name] = None

        return template

[docs]class Process(plum.process.Process): """ This class represents an AiiDA process which can be executed and will have full provenance saved in the database. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta SINGLE_RETURN_LINKNAME = '_return'
[docs] class SaveKeys(Enum): """ Keys used to identify things in the saved instance state bundle. """ CALC_ID = 'calc_id' PARENT_CALC_PID = 'parent_calc_pid'
@classmethod def define(cls, spec): import aiida.orm super(Process, cls).define(spec) spec.input("_store_provenance", valid_type=bool, default=True, required=False) spec.input("_description", valid_type=basestring, required=False) spec.input("_label", valid_type=basestring, required=False) spec.dynamic_input(valid_type=(aiida.orm.Data, aiida.orm.Calculation)) spec.dynamic_output(valid_type=aiida.orm.Data) @classmethod def get_inputs_template(cls): return cls.spec().get_inputs_template() @classmethod def _create_default_exec_engine(cls): from import serial_engine return serial_engine @classmethod
[docs] def create_db_record(cls): """ Create a database calculation node that represents what happened in this process. :return: """ from import WorkCalculation calc = WorkCalculation() return calc
_spec_type = ProcessSpec def __init__(self): super(Process, self).__init__() self._calc = None self._parent_pid = None @property def calc(self): return self._calc @override def save_instance_state(self, bundle): super(Process, self).save_instance_state(bundle) if self.inputs._store_provenance: assert self.calc.is_stored bundle[self.SaveKeys.CALC_ID.value] = bundle.set_class_loader(class_loader) def run_after_queueing(self, wait_on): return self._run def get_provenance_inputs_iterator(self): return itertools.ifilter(lambda kv: not kv[0].startswith('_'), self.inputs.iteritems()) @override def out(self, output_port, value=None): if value is None: # In this case assume that output_port is the actual value and there # is just one return value return super(Process, self).out(self.SINGLE_RETURN_LINKNAME, output_port) else: return super(Process, self).out(output_port, value) # Messages ##################################################### @override def on_create(self, pid, inputs, saved_instance_state): from aiida.orm import load_node super(Process, self).on_create(pid, inputs, saved_instance_state) if saved_instance_state is None: # Get the parent from the top of the process stack try: self._parent_pid = except IndexError: pass self._pid = self._create_and_setup_db_record() else: if self.SaveKeys.CALC_ID.value in saved_instance_state: self._calc = load_node(saved_instance_state[self.SaveKeys.CALC_ID.value]) self._pid = else: self._pid = self._create_and_setup_db_record() if self.SaveKeys.PARENT_CALC_PID.value in saved_instance_state: self._parent_pid = saved_instance_state[ self.SaveKeys.PARENT_CALC_PID.value] if self._logger is None: self.set_logger(self.calc.logger) @override def on_start(self): super(Process, self).on_start() @override def on_finish(self): super(Process, self).on_finish() self.calc.seal() @override def _on_output_emitted(self, output_port, value, dynamic): """ The process has emitted a value on the given output port. :param output_port: The output port name the value was emitted on :param value: The value emitted :param dynamic: Was the output port a dynamic one (i.e. not known beforehand?) """ from aiida.orm import Data super(Process, self)._on_output_emitted(output_port, value, dynamic) assert isinstance(value, Data), \ "Values outputted from process must be instances of AiiDA Data" \ "types. Got: {}".format(value.__class__) if not value.is_stored: value.add_link_from(self.calc, output_port, LinkType.CREATE) if self.inputs._store_provenance: value.add_link_from(self.calc, output_port, LinkType.RETURN) ################################################################# @override def do_run(self): # Exclude all private inputs ins = {k: v for k, v in self.inputs.iteritems() if not k.startswith('_')} return self._run(**ins) @protected def get_parent_calc(self): from aiida.orm import load_node # Can't get it if we don't know our parent if self._parent_pid is None: return None # First try and get the process from the registry in case it is running try: return MONITOR.get_process(self._parent_pid).calc except ValueError: pass # Ok, maybe the pid is actually a pk... try: return load_node(pk=self._parent_pid) except exceptions.NotExistent: pass # Out of options return None @protected
[docs] def report(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message to the logger, which should get saved to the database through the attached DbLogHandler. The class name and function name of the caller are prepended to the given message """ message = '[{}|{}|{}]: {}'.format(, self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[1][3], msg) self.logger.log(LOG_LEVEL_REPORT, message, *args, **kwargs)
# @override # def create_input_args(self, inputs): # parsed = super(Process, self).create_input_args(inputs) # # Now remove any that have a leading underscore # for name in parsed.keys(): # if name.startswith('_'): # del parsed[name] # return parsed def _create_and_setup_db_record(self): self._calc = self.create_db_record() self._setup_db_record() if self.inputs._store_provenance: self.calc.store_all() if is not None: return else: return uuid.UUID(self.calc.uuid) def _setup_db_record(self): assert self.inputs is not None assert not self.calc.is_sealed, \ "Calculation cannot be sealed when setting up the database record" # Save the name of this process self.calc._set_attr(PROCESS_LABEL_ATTR, self.__class__.__name__) parent_calc = self.get_parent_calc() # First get a dictionary of all the inputs to link, this is needed to # deal with things like input groups to_link = {} for name, input in self.inputs.iteritems(): # Ignore all inputs starting with a leading underscore if name.startswith('_'): continue if self.spec().has_input(name): if isinstance(self.spec().get_input(name), port.InputGroupPort): to_link.update( {"{}_{}".format(name, k): v for k, v in input.iteritems()}) else: to_link[name] = input else: # It's not in the spec, so we better support dynamic inputs assert self.spec().has_dynamic_input() to_link[name] = input for name, input in to_link.iteritems(): if isinstance(input, Calculation): input = get_or_create_output_group(input) if not input.is_stored: # If the input isn't stored then assume our parent created it if parent_calc: input.add_link_from(parent_calc, "CREATE", link_type=LinkType.CREATE) if self.inputs._store_provenance: self.calc.add_link_from(input, name) if parent_calc: self.calc.add_link_from(parent_calc, "CALL", link_type=LinkType.CALL) if self.raw_inputs: if '_description' in self.raw_inputs: self.calc.description = self.raw_inputs._description if '_label' in self.raw_inputs: self.calc.label = self.raw_inputs._label def _can_fast_forward(self, inputs): return False def _fast_forward(self): node = None # Here we should find the old node for k, v in node.get_output_dict(): self.out(k, v)
class FunctionProcess(Process): _func_args = None @staticmethod def _func(*args, **kwargs): """ This is used internally to store the actual function that is being wrapped and will be replaced by the build method. """ return {} @staticmethod def build(func, **kwargs): """ Build a Process from the given function. All function arguments will be assigned as process inputs. If keyword arguments are specified then these will also become inputs. :param func: The function to build a process from :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments that will become additional inputs to the process :return: A Process class that represents the function :rtype: :class:`Process` """ import inspect from import Data args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) def _define(cls, spec): super(FunctionProcess, cls).define(spec) for i in range(len(args)): default = None if defaults and len(defaults) - len(args) + i >= 0: default = defaults[i] spec.input(args[i], valid_type=Data, default=default) # Make sure to get rid of the argument from the keywords dict kwargs.pop(args[i], None) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): spec.input(k) # If the function support kwargs then allow dynamic inputs, # otherwise disallow if keywords is not None: spec.dynamic_input() else: spec.no_dynamic_input() # We don't know what a function will return so keep it dynamic spec.dynamic_output(valid_type=Data) return type(func.__name__, (FunctionProcess,), {'_func': staticmethod(func), Process.define.__name__: classmethod(_define), '_func_args': args}) @classmethod def args_to_dict(cls, *args): """ Create an input dictionary (i.e. label: value) from supplied args. :param args: The values to use :return: A label: value dictionary """ assert (len(args) == len(cls._func_args)) return dict(zip(cls._func_args, args)) @override def _setup_db_record(self): super(FunctionProcess, self)._setup_db_record() add_source_info(self.calc, self._func) # Save the name of the function self.calc._set_attr(PROCESS_LABEL_ATTR, self._func.__name__) @override def _run(self, **kwargs): from import Data args = [] for arg in self._func_args: args.append(kwargs.pop(arg)) outs = self._func(*args, **kwargs) if outs is not None: if isinstance(outs, Data): self.out(self.SINGLE_RETURN_LINKNAME, outs) elif isinstance(outs, collections.Mapping): for name, value in outs.iteritems(): self.out(name, value) else: raise TypeError( "Workfunction returned unsupported type '{}'\n" "Must be a Data type or a Mapping of string => Data". format(outs.__class__)) class _ProcessFinaliser(plum.process_monitor.ProcessMonitorListener): """ Take care of finalising a process when it finishes either through successful completion or because of a failure caused by an exception. """ def __init__(self): MONITOR.add_monitor_listener(self) @override def on_monitored_process_destroying(self, process): @override def on_monitored_process_failed(self, pid): from aiida.orm import load_node try: calc_node = load_node(pk=pid) except ValueError: pass else: calc_node.seal() # Have a global singleton to take care of finalising all processes _finaliser = _ProcessFinaliser()