Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import inspect
from enum import Enum
from import registry
from import RunningType, RunningInfo
from import Process, ProcessSpec
from import WaitOnWorkflow
from aiida.common.lang import override
from aiida.common.utils import get_class_string, get_object_string, \
from aiida.orm import load_node, load_workflow
from plum.wait_ons import Checkpoint, WaitOnAll, WaitOnProcess
from plum.wait import WaitOn
from plum.persistence.bundle import Bundle
from collections import namedtuple
from plum.engine.execution_engine import Future

class _WorkChainSpec(ProcessSpec):
    def __init__(self):
        super(_WorkChainSpec, self).__init__()
        self._outline = None

    def get_description(self):
        desc = [super(_WorkChainSpec, self).get_description()]
        if self._outline:

        return "\n".join(desc)

    def outline(self, *commands):
        Define the outline that describes this work chain.

        :param commands: One or more functions that make up this work chain.
        self._outline = commands \
            if isinstance(commands, _Instruction) else _Block(commands)

    def get_outline(self):
        return self._outline

[docs]class WorkChain(Process): """ A WorkChain, the base class for AiiDA workflows. """ _spec_type = _WorkChainSpec _CONTEXT = 'context' _STEPPER_STATE = 'stepper_state' _BARRIERS = 'barriers' _INTERSTEPS = 'intersteps' _ABORTED = 'aborted' @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(WorkChain, cls).define(spec) # For now workchains can accept any input and emit any output # If this changes in the future the spec should be updated here. spec.dynamic_input() spec.dynamic_output() class Context(object): def __init__(self, value=None): # Have to do it this way otherwise our setattr will be called # causing infinite recursion. # See super(WorkChain.Context, self).__setattr__('_content', {}) if value is not None: for k, v in value.iteritems(): self._content[k] = v def _get_dict(self): return self._content def __getitem__(self, item): return self._content[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._content[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._content[key] def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self._content[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("Context does not have a variable {}" .format(name)) def __delattr__(self, item): del self._content[item] def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._content[name] = value def __dir__(self): return sorted(self._content.keys()) def __iter__(self): for k in self._content: yield k def get(self, key, default=None): return self._content.get(key, default) def setdefault(self, key, default=None): return self._content.setdefault(key, default) def save_instance_state(self, out_state): for k, v in self._content.iteritems(): out_state[k] = v def __init__(self): super(WorkChain, self).__init__() self._context = None self._stepper = None self._barriers = [] self._intersteps = () self._aborted = False @property def ctx(self): return self._context @override def save_instance_state(self, out_state): super(WorkChain, self).save_instance_state(out_state) # Ask the context to save itself bundle = Bundle() self.ctx.save_instance_state(bundle) out_state[self._CONTEXT] = bundle # Save intersteps for interstep in self._intersteps: bundle = Bundle() interstep.save_instance_state(bundle) out_state.setdefault(self._INTERSTEPS, []).append(bundle) # Save barriers for barrier in self._barriers: bundle = Bundle() barrier.save_instance_state(bundle) out_state.setdefault(self._BARRIERS, []).append(bundle) # Ask the stepper to save itself if self._stepper is not None: bundle = Bundle() self._stepper.save_position(bundle) out_state[self._STEPPER_STATE] = bundle out_state[self._ABORTED] = self._aborted
[docs] def insert_barrier(self, wait_on): """ Insert a barrier that will cause the workchain to wait until the wait on is finished before continuing to the next step. :param wait_on: The thing to wait on (of type plum.wait.wait_on) """ self._barriers.append(wait_on)
[docs] def remove_barrier(self, wait_on): """ Remove a barrier. Precondition: must be a barrier that was previously inserted :param wait_on: The wait on to remove (of type plum.wait.wait_on) """ del self._barriers[wait_on]
@override def _run(self, **kwargs): self._stepper = self.spec().get_outline().create_stepper(self) return self._do_step() def _do_step(self, wait_on=None): if self._aborted: return if self._intersteps: for i in self._intersteps: i.on_next_step_starting(self) self._intersteps = () self._barriers = [] try: finished, retval = self._stepper.step() except _PropagateReturn: finished, retval = True, None # Could have aborted during the step if self._aborted: return if not finished: if retval is not None: if isinstance(retval, tuple): self._intersteps = retval elif isinstance(retval, Interstep): self._intersteps = (retval,) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid value returned from step '{}'".format(retval)) for i in self._intersteps: i.on_last_step_finished(self) if self._barriers: return WaitOnAll(self._do_step.__name__, self._barriers) else: return Checkpoint(self._do_step.__name__) @override def on_create(self, pid, inputs, saved_state): super(WorkChain, self).on_create( pid, inputs, saved_state) if saved_state is None: self._context = self.Context() else: # Recreate the context self._context = self.Context(saved_state[self._CONTEXT]) # Recreate the stepper if self._STEPPER_STATE in saved_state: self._stepper = self.spec().get_outline().create_stepper(self) self._stepper.load_position( saved_state[self._STEPPER_STATE]) try: self._intersteps = tuple([Interstep.create_from(b) for b in saved_state[self._INTERSTEPS]]) except KeyError: pass try: self._barriers = [WaitOn.create_from(b) for b in saved_state[self._BARRIERS]] except KeyError: pass self._aborted = saved_state[self._ABORTED]
[docs] def abort_nowait(self, msg=None): """ Abort the workchain at the next state transition without waiting which is achieved by passing a timeout value of zero :param msg: The abort message :type msg: str """"Aborting: {}".format(msg)) self._aborted = True
[docs] def abort(self, msg=None, timeout=None): """ Abort the workchain by calling the abort method of the Process and also adding the abort message to the report :param msg: The abort message :type msg: str :param timeout: Wait for the given time until the process has aborted :type timeout: float :return: True if the process is aborted at the end of the function, False otherwise """"Aborting: {}".format(msg)) self._aborted = True
[docs]class Interstep(object): """ An internstep is an action that is performed between steps of a workchain. These allow the user to perform action when a step is finished and when the next step (if there is one) is about the start. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta class BundleKeys(Enum): CLASS_NAME = "class_name"
[docs] def on_last_step_finished(self, workchain): """ Called when the last step has finished :param workchain: The workchain this interstep belongs to :type workchain: :class:`WorkChain` """ pass
[docs] def on_next_step_starting(self, workchain): """ Called when the next step is about to start :param workchain: The workchain this interstep belongs to :type workchain: :class:`WorkChain` """ pass
[docs] def save_instance_state(self, out_state): """ Save the state of this interstep so that it can be recreated later by the factory. :param out_state: The bundle that should be used to save the state (of type plum.persistence.bundle.Bundle). """ out_state[self.BundleKeys.CLASS_NAME.value] = get_class_string(self)
[docs] def create_from(cls, bundle): """ Recreate an instance of the interstep from a bundle containing the saved instance state :param bundle: The bundle that contains the saved instance state (of type plum.persistence.bundle.Bundle). """ assert cls.BundleKeys.CLASS_NAME.value in bundle class_name = bundle[cls.BundleKeys.CLASS_NAME.value] InterstepClass = bundle.get_class_loader().load_class(class_name) return InterstepClass.create_from(bundle)
_Action = namedtuple("_Action", "running_info fn")
[docs]class ToContext(Interstep): """ Class to wrap future objects and return them in a WorkChain step. """ TO_ASSIGN = 'to_assign' WAITING_ON = 'waiting_on' @classmethod def action_from_running_info(cls, running_info): if running_info.type is RunningType.PROCESS: return Calc(running_info) elif running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_CALC or \ running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return Legacy(running_info) else: raise ValueError("Unknown running type '{}'".format(running_info.type)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._to_assign = {} for key, val in kwargs.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, _Action): self._to_assign[key] = val elif isinstance(val, RunningInfo): self._to_assign[key] = self.action_from_running_info(val) elif isinstance(val, Future): self._to_assign[key] = \ Calc(RunningInfo(RunningType.PROCESS, else: # Assume it's a pk self._to_assign[key] = Legacy(val) @override def on_last_step_finished(self, workchain): for action in self._to_assign.itervalues(): workchain.insert_barrier(self._create_wait_on(action)) @override def on_next_step_starting(self, workchain): for key, action in self._to_assign.iteritems(): fn = get_object_from_string(action.fn) workchain.ctx[key] = fn( @override def save_instance_state(self, out_state): super(ToContext, self).save_instance_state(out_state) out_state[self.TO_ASSIGN] = self._to_assign @classmethod def create_from(cls, bundle): instance = cls.__new__(cls) instance._to_assign = bundle[cls.TO_ASSIGN] return instance def _create_wait_on(self, action): rinfo = action.running_info if rinfo.type is RunningType.LEGACY_CALC \ or rinfo.type is RunningType.PROCESS: return WaitOnProcess(None, elif rinfo.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return WaitOnWorkflow(None,
def _get_proc_outputs_from_registry(pid): return registry.get_outputs(pid) def _get_wf_outputs(pk): return load_workflow(pk=pk).get_results() def Calc(running_info): return _Action(running_info, get_object_string(load_node)) def Wf(running_info): return _Action( running_info, get_object_string(load_workflow)) def Legacy(object): if object.type == RunningType.LEGACY_CALC or \ object.type == RunningType.PROCESS: return Calc(object) elif object.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return Wf(object) raise ValueError("Could not determine object to be calculation or workflow") def Outputs(running_info): if isinstance(running_info, Future): # Create the correct information from the future rinfo = RunningInfo(RunningType.PROCESS, return _Action( rinfo, get_object_string(_get_proc_outputs_from_registry)) elif running_info.type == RunningType.PROCESS or running_info.type == RunningType.LEGACY_CALC: return _Action( running_info, get_object_string(_get_proc_outputs_from_registry)) elif running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return _Action( running_info, get_object_string(_get_wf_outputs)) class Stepper(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, workflow): self._workflow = workflow @abstractmethod def step(self): """ Execute on step of the instructions. :return: A 2-tuple with entries: 0. True if the stepper has finished, False otherwise 1. The return value from the executed step :rtype: tuple """ pass @abstractmethod def save_position(self, out_position): pass @abstractmethod def load_position(self, bundle): pass class _Instruction(object): """ This class represents an instruction in a a workchain. To step through the step you need to get a stepper by calling ``create_stepper()`` from which you can call the :class:`~Stepper.step()` method. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def create_stepper(self, workflow): pass def __str__(self): return self.get_description() @abstractmethod def get_description(self): """ Get a text description of these instructions. :return: The description :rtype: str """ pass @staticmethod def check_command(command): if not isinstance(command, _Instruction): assert issubclass(command.im_class, Process) args = inspect.getargspec(command)[0] assert len(args) == 1, "Instruction must take one argument only: self" class _Block(_Instruction): """ Represents a block of instructions i.e. a sequential list of instructions. """ class Stepper(Stepper): _POSITION = 'pos' _STEPPER_POS = 'stepper_pos' def __init__(self, workflow, commands): super(_Block.Stepper, self).__init__(workflow) for c in commands: _Instruction.check_command(c) self._commands = commands self._current_stepper = None self._pos = 0 def step(self): assert self._pos != len(self._commands), \ "Can't call step after the block is finished" command = self._commands[self._pos] if self._current_stepper is None and isinstance(command, _Instruction): self._current_stepper = command.create_stepper(self._workflow) # If there is a stepper being used then call that, otherwise just # call the command (class function) directly if self._current_stepper is not None: finished, retval = self._current_stepper.step() else: finished, retval = True, command(self._workflow) if finished: self._pos += 1 self._current_stepper = None return self._pos == len(self._commands), retval def save_position(self, out_position): out_position[self._POSITION] = self._pos # Save the position of the current step we're working (if it's not a # direct function) if self._current_stepper is not None: stepper_pos = Bundle() self._current_stepper.save_position(stepper_pos) out_position[self._STEPPER_POS] = stepper_pos def load_position(self, bundle): self._pos = bundle[self._POSITION] # Do we have a stepper position to load? if self._STEPPER_POS in bundle: self._current_stepper = \ self._commands[self._pos].create_stepper(self._workflow) self._current_stepper.load_position(bundle[self._STEPPER_POS]) def __init__(self, commands): for command in commands: if not isinstance(command, _Instruction): # Maybe it's a simple method if not inspect.ismethod(command): raise ValueError( "Workflow commands {} is not a class method.". format(command)) self._commands = commands @override def create_stepper(self, workflow): return self.Stepper(workflow, self._commands) @override def get_description(self): desc = [] for c in self._commands: if isinstance(c, _Instruction): desc.append(c.get_description()) else: if c.__doc__: doc = "\n" + c.__doc__ doc.replace('\n', ' \n') desc.append("::\n{}\n::".format(doc)) desc.append(c.__name__) return "\n".join(desc) class _Conditional(object): """ Object that represents some condition with the corresponding body to be executed if the condition is met e.g.: if(condition): body or while(condition): body """ def __init__(self, parent, condition): self._parent = parent self._condition = condition self._body = None @property def body(self): return self._body @property def condition(self): return self._condition def is_true(self, workflow): return self._condition(workflow) def __call__(self, *commands): assert self._body is None self._body = _Block(commands) return self._parent class _If(_Instruction): class Stepper(Stepper): _POSITION = 'pos' _STEPPER_POS = 'stepper_pos' def __init__(self, workflow, if_spec): super(_If.Stepper, self).__init__(workflow) self._if_spec = if_spec self._pos = 0 self._current_stepper = None def step(self): if self._current_stepper is None: stepper = self._get_next_stepper() # If we can't get a stepper then no conditions match, return if stepper is None: return True, None self._current_stepper = stepper finished, retval = self._current_stepper.step() if finished: self._current_stepper = None else: self._pos += 1 return finished, retval def save_position(self, out_position): out_position[self._POSITION] = self._pos if self._current_stepper is not None: stepper_pos = Bundle() self._current_stepper.save_position(stepper_pos) out_position[self._STEPPER_POS] = stepper_pos def load_position(self, bundle): self._pos = bundle[self._POSITION] if self._STEPPER_POS in bundle: self._current_stepper = self._get_next_stepper() self._current_stepper.load_position(bundle[self._STEPPER_POS]) def _get_next_stepper(self): # Check the conditions until we find that that is true for conditional in self._if_spec.conditionals[self._pos:]: if conditional.is_true(self._workflow): return conditional.body.create_stepper(self._workflow) return None def __init__(self, condition): super(_If, self).__init__() self._ifs = [_Conditional(self, condition)] self._sealed = False def __call__(self, *commands): """ This is how the commands for the if(...) body are set :param commands: The commands to run on the original if. :return: This instance. """ self._ifs[0](*commands) return self def elif_(self, condition): self._ifs.append(_Conditional(self, condition)) return self._ifs[-1] def else_(self, *commands): assert not self._sealed # Create a dummy conditional that always returns True cond = _Conditional(self, lambda wf: True) cond(*commands) self._ifs.append(cond) # Can't do any more after the else self._sealed = True return self def create_stepper(self, workflow): return self.Stepper(workflow, self) @property def conditionals(self): return self._ifs @override def get_description(self): description = [ "if {}:\n{}".format( self._ifs[0].condition.__name__, self._ifs[0].body)] for conditional in self._ifs[1:]: description.append("elif {}:\n{}".format( conditional.condition.__name__, conditional.body)) return "\n".join(description) class _While(_Conditional, _Instruction): class Stepper(Stepper): _STEPPER_POS = 'stepper_pos' _CHECK_CONDITION = 'check_condition' _FINISHED = 'finished' def __init__(self, workflow, while_spec): super(_While.Stepper, self).__init__(workflow) self._spec = while_spec self._stepper = None self._check_condition = True self._finished = False def step(self): assert not self._finished, \ "Can't call step after the loop has finished" # Do we need to check the condition? if self._check_condition is True: self._check_condition = False # Should we go into the loop body? if self._spec.is_true(self._workflow): self._stepper = \ self._spec.body.create_stepper(self._workflow) else: # Nope... self._finished = True return True, None finished, retval = self._stepper.step() if finished: self._check_condition = True self._stepper = None # Are we finished looping? return self._finished, retval def save_position(self, out_position): if self._stepper is not None: stepper_pos = Bundle() self._stepper.save_position(stepper_pos) out_position[self._STEPPER_POS] = stepper_pos out_position[self._CHECK_CONDITION] = self._check_condition out_position[self._FINISHED] = self._finished def load_position(self, bundle): if self._STEPPER_POS in bundle: self._stepper = self._spec.body.create_stepper(self._workflow) self._stepper.load_position(bundle[self._STEPPER_POS]) self._finished = bundle[self._FINISHED] self._check_condition = bundle[self._CHECK_CONDITION] @property def _body_stepper(self): if self._stepper is None: self._stepper = \ self._spec.body.create_stepper(self._workflow) return self._stepper def __init__(self, condition): super(_While, self).__init__(self, condition) @override def create_stepper(self, workflow): return self.Stepper(workflow, self) @override def get_description(self): return "while {}:\n{}".format(self.condition.__name__, self.body) class _PropagateReturn(BaseException): pass class _ReturnStepper(Stepper): def step(self): """ Execute on step of the instructions. :return: A 2-tuple with entries: 0. True if the stepper has finished, False otherwise 1. The return value from the executed step :rtype: tuple """ raise _PropagateReturn() def save_position(self, out_position): return def load_position(self, bundle): """ Nothing to be done: no internal state. :param bundle: :return: """ return class _Return(_Instruction): """ A return instruction to tell the workchain to stop stepping through the outline and cease execution immediately. """ def create_stepper(self, workflow): return _ReturnStepper(workflow) def get_description(self): """ Get a text description of these instructions. :return: The description :rtype: str """ return "Return from the outline immediately"
[docs]def if_(condition): """ A conditional that can be used in a workchain outline. Use as:: if_(cls.conditional)( cls.step1, cls.step2 ) Each step can, of course, also be any valid workchain step e.g. conditional. :param condition: The workchain method that will return True or False """ return _If(condition)
[docs]def while_(condition): """ A while loop that can be used in a workchain outline. Use as:: while_(cls.conditional)( cls.step1, cls.step2 ) Each step can, of course, also be any valid workchain step e.g. conditional. :param condition: The workchain method that will return True or False """ return _While(condition)
# Global singleton for return statements in workchain outlines return_ = _Return()