
Provides tools for visualization of the provenance graph.


provides functionality to create graphs of the AiiDa data providence, via graphviz.

class str | None = None, graph_attr: dict | None = None, global_node_style: dict | None = None, global_edge_style: dict | None = None, include_sublabels: bool = True, link_style_fn: LinkStyleFunc | None = None, node_style_fn: Callable[[orm.Node], dict] | None = None, node_sublabel_fn: Callable[[orm.Node], str] | None = None, node_id_type: Literal['pk', 'uuid', 'label'] = 'pk', backend: StorageBackend | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

A class to create graphviz graphs of the AiiDA node provenance.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': '', '__doc__': 'A class to create graphviz graphs of the AiiDA node provenance.', '__init__': <function Graph.__init__>, 'backend': <property object>, 'graphviz': <property object>, 'nodes': <property object>, 'edges': <property object>, '_load_node': <function Graph._load_node>, 'add_node': <function Graph.add_node>, 'add_edge': <function Graph.add_edge>, '_convert_link_types': <staticmethod(<function Graph._convert_link_types>)>, 'add_incoming': <function Graph.add_incoming>, 'add_outgoing': <function Graph.add_outgoing>, 'recurse_descendants': <function Graph.recurse_descendants>, 'recurse_ancestors': <function Graph.recurse_ancestors>, 'add_origin_to_targets': <function Graph.add_origin_to_targets>, 'add_origins_to_targets': <function Graph.add_origins_to_targets>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Graph' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Graph' objects>, '__annotations__': {'_nodes': 'set[int]', '_edges': 'set[tuple[int, int, None | LinkPair]]'}})#
__init__(engine: str | None = None, graph_attr: dict | None = None, global_node_style: dict | None = None, global_edge_style: dict | None = None, include_sublabels: bool = True, link_style_fn: LinkStyleFunc | None = None, node_style_fn: Callable[[orm.Node], dict] | None = None, node_sublabel_fn: Callable[[orm.Node], str] | None = None, node_id_type: Literal['pk', 'uuid', 'label'] = 'pk', backend: StorageBackend | None = None)[source]#

A class to create graphviz graphs of the AiiDA node provenance

Nodes and edges, are cached, so that they are only created once

  • engine – the graphviz engine, e.g. dot, circo

  • graph_attr – attributes for the graphviz graph

  • global_node_style – styles which will be added to all nodes. Note this will override any builtin attributes

  • global_edge_style – styles which will be added to all edges. Note this will override any builtin attributes

  • include_sublabels – if True, the note text will include node dependant sub-labels

  • link_style_fn – callable mapping LinkType to graphviz style dict; link_style_fn(link_type, add_label, add_type) -> dict

  • node_sublabel_fn – callable mapping nodes to a graphviz style dict; node_sublabel_fn(node) -> dict

  • node_sublabel_fn – callable mapping data node to a sublabel (e.g. specifying some attribute values) node_sublabel_fn(node) -> str

  • node_id_type – the type of identifier to within the node text

__module__ = ''#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Convert link types, which may be strings, to a member of LinkType

_load_node(node: int | str | Node) Node[source]#

Load a node (if not already loaded)


node – node or node pk/uuid

add_edge(in_node: int | str | Node, out_node: int | str | Node, link_pair: LinkPair | None = None, style: dict | None = None, overwrite: bool = False) None[source]#

Add single node to the graph

  • in_node – node or node pk/uuid

  • out_node – node or node pk/uuid

  • link_pair – defining the relationship between the nodes

  • style – graphviz style parameters

  • overwrite – whether to overwrite existing edge

add_incoming(node: int | str | Node, link_types: None | str | LinkType | Sequence[str] | Sequence[LinkType] = None, annotate_links: Literal[None, 'label', 'type', 'both'] | None = None, return_pks: bool = True) list[int] | list[Node][source]#

Add nodes and edges for incoming links to a node

  • node – node or node pk/uuid

  • link_types – filter by link types

  • annotate_links – label edges with the link ‘label’, ‘type’ or ‘both’

  • return_pks – whether to return a list of nodes, or list of node pks


list of nodes or node pks

add_node(node: int | str | Node, style_override: dict | None = None, overwrite: bool = False) Node[source]#

Add single node to the graph

  • node – node or node pk/uuid

  • style_override – graphviz style parameters that will override default values

  • overwrite – whether to overwrite an existing node

add_origin_to_targets(origin: int | str | Node, target_cls: type[Node], target_filters: dict | None = None, include_target_inputs: bool = False, include_target_outputs: bool = False, origin_style: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, annotate_links: Literal[None, 'label', 'type', 'both'] | None = None) None[source]#

Add nodes and edges from an origin node to all nodes of a target node class.

  • origin – node or node pk/uuid

  • target_cls – target node class

  • target_filters – filters for query of target nodes

  • include_target_inputs – Include incoming links for all target nodes

  • include_target_outputs – Include outgoing links for all target nodes

  • origin_style – node style map for origin node

  • annotate_links – label edges with the link ‘label’, ‘type’ or ‘both’

add_origins_to_targets(origin_cls: type[Node], target_cls: type[Node], origin_filters: dict | None = None, target_filters: dict | None = None, include_target_inputs: bool = False, include_target_outputs: bool = False, origin_style: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, annotate_links: Literal[None, 'label', 'type', 'both'] | None = None) None[source]#

Add nodes and edges from all nodes of an origin class to all node of a target node class.

  • origin_cls – origin node class

  • target_cls – target node class

  • origin_filters – filters for origin nodes

  • target_filters – filters for target nodes

  • include_target_inputs – Include incoming links for all target nodes

  • include_target_outputs – Include outgoing links for all target nodes

  • origin_style – node style map for origin node

  • annotate_links – label edges with the link ‘label’, ‘type’ or ‘both’

add_outgoing(node: int | str | Node, link_types: None | str | LinkType | Sequence[str] | Sequence[LinkType] = None, annotate_links: Literal[None, 'label', 'type', 'both'] | None = None, return_pks: bool = True) list[int] | list[Node][source]#

Add nodes and edges for outgoing links to a node

  • node – node or node pk

  • link_types – filter by link types

  • annotate_links – label edges with the link ‘label’, ‘type’ or ‘both’

  • return_pks – whether to return a list of nodes, or list of node pks


list of nodes or node pks

property backend: StorageBackend#

The backend used to create the graph

property edges: set[tuple[int, int, None | LinkPair]]#

Return a copy of the edges

property graphviz: Digraph#

Return a copy of the graphviz.Digraph

property nodes: set[int]#

Return a copy of the nodes

recurse_ancestors(origin: int | str | Node, depth: int | None = None, link_types: None | str | LinkType | Sequence[str] | Sequence[LinkType] = None, annotate_links: Literal[None, 'label', 'type', 'both'] | None = None, origin_style: dict | None = None, include_process_outputs: bool = False, highlight_classes: None | Sequence[str] = None) None[source]#

Add nodes and edges from an origin recursively, following incoming links

  • origin – node or node pk/uuid

  • depth – if not None, stop after travelling a certain depth into the graph

  • link_types – filter by subset of link types

  • annotate_links – label edges with the link ‘label’, ‘type’ or ‘both’

  • origin_style – node style map for origin node

  • include_process_outputs – include outgoing links for all processes

  • highlight_classes – class label (as displayed in the graph, e.g. ‘StructureData’, ‘FolderData’, etc.) to be highlight and other nodes are decolorized

recurse_descendants(origin: int | str | Node, depth: int | None = None, link_types: None | str | LinkType | Sequence[str] | Sequence[LinkType] = None, annotate_links: Literal[None, 'label', 'type', 'both'] | None = None, origin_style: dict | None = None, include_process_inputs: bool = False, highlight_classes: None | Sequence[str] = None) None[source]#

Add nodes and edges from an origin recursively, following outgoing links

  • origin – node or node pk/uuid

  • depth – if not None, stop after travelling a certain depth into the graph

  • link_types – filter by subset of link types

  • annotate_links – label edges with the link ‘label’, ‘type’ or ‘both’

  • origin_style – node style map for origin node

  • include_calculation_inputs – include incoming links for all processes

  • highlight_classes – target class in exported graph expected to be highlight and other nodes are decolorized

class*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Protocol

Protocol for a link style function

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__call__(link_pair: LinkPair, add_label: bool, add_type: bool) dict[source]#

Call self as a function.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': '', '__doc__': 'Protocol for a link style function', '__call__': <function LinkStyleFunc.__call__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'LinkStyleFunc' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'LinkStyleFunc' objects>, '__parameters__': (), '_is_protocol': True, '__subclasshook__': <function Protocol.__init_subclass__.<locals>._proto_hook>, '__init__': <function _no_init_or_replace_init>, '__abstractmethods__': frozenset(), '_abc_impl': <_abc._abc_data object>, '__annotations__': {}})#
__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
__module__ = ''#
__parameters__ = ()#

Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
_is_protocol = True# Digraph, in_node: Node, out_node: Node, style: dict | None = None) dict[source]#

Add graphviz edge between two nodes

  • graph – the graphviz.DiGraph to add the edge to

  • in_node – the head node

  • out_node – the tail node

  • style – the graphviz style Digraph, node: Node, node_style_func, node_sublabel_func, style_override: dict | None = None, include_sublabels: bool = True, id_type: Literal['pk', 'uuid', 'label'] = 'pk')[source]#

Create a node in the graph

The first line of the node text is always ‘<> (<>)’. Then, if include_sublabels=True, subsequent lines are added, which are node type dependant.

  • graph – the graphviz.Digraph to add the node to

  • node – the node to add

  • node_style_func – callable mapping a node instance to a dictionary defining the graphviz node style

  • node_sublabel_func – callable mapping a node instance to a sub-label for the node text

  • style_override – style dictionary, whose keys will override the final computed style

  • include_sublabels – whether to include the sublabels for nodes

  • id_type – the type of identifier to use for node labels

Nodes are styled based on the node type

For subclasses of Data, the class_node_type attribute is used for mapping to type specific styles

For subclasses of ProcessNode, we choose styles to distinguish between types, and also color the nodes for successful/failed processes dict[source]#

Return the default style for ignored nodes. dict[source]#

Return the default style for origin nodes. Node, id_type: Literal['pk', 'uuid', 'label'] = 'pk') str[source]#

Return a label text of node and the return format is ‘<NodeType> (<id>)’.

Map link_pair to a graphviz edge style

  • link_type – a LinkPair attribute

  • add_label – include link label

  • add_type – include link type Node) dict[source]#

Map a node to a graphviz node style


node – the node to map Node) str[source]#

Function mapping nodes to a sub-label (e.g. specifying some attribute values)


node – the node to map Node, id_type: Literal['pk', 'uuid', 'label']) str[source]#

Return an identifier str for the node Node) dict[source]#

Map a process node to a graphviz node style


node – the node to map