Source code for aiida.engine.processes.futures

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"""Futures that can poll or receive broadcasted messages while waiting for a task to be completed."""
import asyncio
from typing import Optional, Union

import kiwipy

from aiida.orm import Node, load_node

__all__ = ('ProcessFuture',)

[docs] class ProcessFuture(asyncio.Future): """Future that waits for a process to complete using both polling and listening for broadcast events if possible.""" _filtered = None
[docs] def __init__( self, pk: int, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, poll_interval: Union[None, int, float] = None, communicator: Optional[kiwipy.Communicator] = None, ): """Construct a future for a process node being finished. If a None poll_interval is supplied polling will not be used. If a communicator is supplied it will be used to listen for broadcast messages. :param pk: process pk :param loop: An event loop :param poll_interval: optional polling interval, if None, polling is not activated. :param communicator: optional communicator, if None, will not subscribe to broadcasts. """ from .process import ProcessState # create future in specified event loop loop = loop if loop is not None else asyncio.get_event_loop() super().__init__(loop=loop) assert not (poll_interval is None and communicator is None), 'Must poll or have a communicator to use' node = load_node(pk=pk) if node.is_terminated: self.set_result(node) else: self._communicator = communicator self.add_done_callback(lambda _: self.cleanup()) # Try setting up a filtered broadcast subscriber if self._communicator is not None: def _subscriber(*args, **kwargs): if not self.done(): self.set_result(node) broadcast_filter = kiwipy.BroadcastFilter(_subscriber, sender=pk) for state in [ProcessState.FINISHED, ProcessState.KILLED, ProcessState.EXCEPTED]: broadcast_filter.add_subject_filter(f'state_changed.*.{state.value}') self._broadcast_identifier = self._communicator.add_broadcast_subscriber(broadcast_filter) # Start polling if poll_interval is not None: loop.create_task(self._poll_process(node, poll_interval))
[docs] def cleanup(self) -> None: """Clean up the future by removing broadcast subscribers from the communicator if it still exists.""" if self._communicator is not None: self._communicator.remove_broadcast_subscriber(self._broadcast_identifier) self._communicator = None self._broadcast_identifier = None
[docs] async def _poll_process(self, node: Node, poll_interval: Union[int, float]) -> None: """Poll whether the process node has reached a terminal state.""" print('polling', node) while not self.done() and not node.is_terminated: await asyncio.sleep(poll_interval) if not self.done(): self.set_result(node)