Source code for aiida.orm.nodes.caching

"""Interface to control caching of a node instance."""
from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import typing as t

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.hashing import make_hash
from aiida.common.lang import type_check

from ..querybuilder import QueryBuilder

    from .node import Node

[docs] class NodeCaching: """Interface to control caching of a node instance.""" # The keys in the extras that are used to store the hash of the node and whether it should be used in caching. _HASH_EXTRA_KEY: str = '_aiida_hash' _VALID_CACHE_KEY: str = '_aiida_valid_cache' CACHED_FROM_KEY: str = '_aiida_cached_from'
[docs] def __init__(self, node: 'Node') -> None: """Initialize the caching interface.""" self._node = node
[docs] def get_hash(self, ignore_errors: bool = True, **kwargs: t.Any) -> str | None: """Return the hash for this node based on its attributes. :param ignore_errors: return ``None`` on ``aiida.common.exceptions.HashingError`` (logging the exception) """ if not self._node.is_stored: raise exceptions.InvalidOperation('You can get the hash only after having stored the node') return self._get_hash(ignore_errors=ignore_errors, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_hash(self, ignore_errors: bool = True, **kwargs: t.Any) -> str | None: """Return the hash for this node based on its attributes. This will always work, even before storing. :param ignore_errors: return ``None`` on ``aiida.common.exceptions.HashingError`` (logging the exception) """ try: return make_hash(self._get_objects_to_hash(), **kwargs) except exceptions.HashingError: if not ignore_errors: raise if self._node.logger: self._node.logger.exception('Node hashing failed') return None
[docs] def _get_objects_to_hash(self) -> list[t.Any]: """Return a list of objects which should be included in the hash.""" top_level_module = self._node.__module__.split('.', 1)[0] try: version = importlib.import_module(top_level_module).__version__ except (ImportError, AttributeError) as exc: raise exceptions.HashingError("The node's package version could not be determined") from exc objects = [ version, { key: val for key, val in self._node.base.attributes.items() if key not in self._node._hash_ignored_attributes and key not in self._node._updatable_attributes }, self._node.base.repository.hash(), if is not None else None, ] return objects
[docs] def rehash(self) -> None: """Regenerate the stored hash of the Node.""" self._node.base.extras.set(self._HASH_EXTRA_KEY, self.get_hash())
[docs] def clear_hash(self) -> None: """Sets the stored hash of the Node to None.""" self._node.base.extras.set(self._HASH_EXTRA_KEY, None)
[docs] def get_cache_source(self) -> str | None: """Return the UUID of the node that was used in creating this node from the cache, or None if it was not cached. :return: source node UUID or None """ return self._node.base.extras.get(self.CACHED_FROM_KEY, None)
@property def is_created_from_cache(self) -> bool: """Return whether this node was created from a cached node. :return: boolean, True if the node was created by cloning a cached node, False otherwise """ return self.get_cache_source() is not None
[docs] def _get_same_node(self) -> 'Node' | None: """Returns a stored node from which the current Node can be cached or None if it does not exist If a node is returned it is a valid cache, meaning its `_aiida_hash` extra matches `self.get_hash()`. If there are multiple valid matches, the first one is returned. If no matches are found, `None` is returned. :return: a stored `Node` instance with the same hash as this code or None Note: this should be only called on stored nodes, or internally from .store() since it first calls clean_value() on the attributes to normalise them. """ try: return next(self._iter_all_same_nodes(allow_before_store=True)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def get_all_same_nodes(self) -> list['Node']: """Return a list of stored nodes which match the type and hash of the current node. All returned nodes are valid caches, meaning their `_aiida_hash` extra matches `self.get_hash()`. Note: this can be called only after storing a Node (since at store time attributes will be cleaned with `clean_value` and the hash should become idempotent to the action of serialization/deserialization) """ return list(self._iter_all_same_nodes())
[docs] def _iter_all_same_nodes(self, allow_before_store=False) -> t.Iterator['Node']: """Returns an iterator of all same nodes. Note: this should be only called on stored nodes, or internally from .store() since it first calls clean_value() on the attributes to normalise them. """ if not allow_before_store and not self._node.is_stored: raise exceptions.InvalidOperation('You can get the hash only after having stored the node') node_hash = self._get_hash() if not node_hash or not self._node._cachable: return iter(()) builder = QueryBuilder(backend=self._node.backend) builder.append(self._node.__class__, filters={f'extras.{self._HASH_EXTRA_KEY}': node_hash}, subclassing=False) return ( node for (node,) in builder.iterall() if node.base.caching.is_valid_cache # type: ignore[misc,union-attr] )
@property def is_valid_cache(self) -> bool: """Hook to exclude certain ``Node`` classes from being considered a valid cache. The base class assumes that all node instances are valid to cache from, unless the ``_VALID_CACHE_KEY`` extra has been set to ``False`` explicitly. Subclasses can override this property with more specific logic, but should probably also consider the value returned by this base class. """ return self._node.base.extras.get(self._VALID_CACHE_KEY, True) @is_valid_cache.setter def is_valid_cache(self, valid: bool) -> None: """Set whether this node instance is considered valid for caching or not. If a node instance has this property set to ``False``, it will never be used in the caching mechanism, unless the subclass overrides the ``is_valid_cache`` property and ignores it implementation completely. :param valid: whether the node is valid or invalid for use in caching. """ type_check(valid, bool) self._node.base.extras.set(self._VALID_CACHE_KEY, valid)