Source code for

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""This module defines the classes related to band structures or dispersions
in a Brillouin zone, and how to operate on them.
import json
from string import Template

import numpy

from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError
from aiida.common.utils import join_labels, prettify_labels

from .kpoints import KpointsData

__all__ = ('BandsData', 'find_bandgap')

[docs] def prepare_header_comment(uuid, plot_info, comment_char='#'): """Prepare the header.""" from aiida import get_file_header filetext = [] filetext += get_file_header(comment_char='').splitlines() filetext.append('') filetext.append(f'Dumped from BandsData UUID={uuid}') filetext.append('\tpoints\tbands') filetext.append('\t{}\t{}'.format(*plot_info['y'].shape)) filetext.append('') filetext.append('\tlabel\tpoint') for label in plot_info['raw_labels']: filetext.append(f'\t{label[1]}\t{label[0]:.8f}') return '\n'.join(f'{comment_char} {line}' for line in filetext)
[docs] def find_bandgap(bandsdata, number_electrons=None, fermi_energy=None): """Tries to guess whether the bandsdata represent an insulator. This method is meant to be used only for electronic bands (not phonons) By default, it will try to use the occupations to guess the number of electrons and find the Fermi Energy, otherwise, it can be provided explicitely. Also, there is an implicit assumption that the kpoints grid is "sufficiently" dense, so that the bandsdata are not missing the intersection between valence and conduction band if present. Use this function with care! :param number_electrons: (optional, float) number of electrons in the unit cell :param fermi_energy: (optional, float) value of the fermi energy. :note: By default, the algorithm uses the occupations array to guess the number of electrons and the occupied bands. This is to be used with care, because the occupations could be smeared so at a non-zero temperature, with the unwanted effect that the conduction bands might be occupied in an insulator. Prefer to pass the number_of_electrons explicitly :note: Only one between number_electrons and fermi_energy can be specified at the same time. :return: (is_insulator, gap), where is_insulator is a boolean, and gap a float. The gap is None in case of a metal, zero when the homo is equal to the lumo (e.g. in semi-metals). """ def nint(num): """Stable rounding function""" if num > 0: return int(num + 0.5) return int(num - 0.5) if fermi_energy and number_electrons: raise ValueError('Specify either the number of electrons or the Fermi energy, but not both') try: stored_bands = bandsdata.get_bands() except KeyError: raise KeyError('Cannot do much of a band analysis without bands') if len(stored_bands.shape) == 3: # I write the algorithm for the generic case of having both the spin up and spin down array # put all spins on one band per kpoint bands = numpy.concatenate(stored_bands, axis=1) else: bands = stored_bands # analysis on occupations: if fermi_energy is None: num_kpoints = len(bands) if number_electrons is None: try: _, stored_occupations = bandsdata.get_bands(also_occupations=True) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Cannot determine metallicity if I don't have either fermi energy, or occupations") # put the occupations in the same order of bands, also in case of multiple bands if len(stored_occupations.shape) == 3: # I write the algorithm for the generic case of having both the # spin up and spin down array # put all spins on one band per kpoint occupations = numpy.concatenate(stored_occupations, axis=1) else: occupations = stored_occupations # now sort the bands by energy # Note: I am sort of assuming that I have an electronic ground state # sort the bands by energy, and reorder the occupations accordingly # since after joining the two spins, I might have unsorted stuff bands, occupations = [ numpy.array(y) for y in zip( *[ list(zip(*j)) for j in [ sorted(zip(i[0].tolist(), i[1].tolist()), key=lambda x: x[0]) for i in zip(bands, occupations) ] ] ) ] number_electrons = int(round(sum(sum(i) for i in occupations) / num_kpoints)) homo_indexes = [numpy.where(numpy.array([nint(_) for _ in x]) > 0)[0][-1] for x in occupations] if len(set(homo_indexes)) > 1: # there must be intersections of valence and conduction bands return False, None homo = [_[0][_[1]] for _ in zip(bands, homo_indexes)] try: lumo = [_[0][_[1] + 1] for _ in zip(bands, homo_indexes)] except IndexError: raise ValueError( 'To understand if it is a metal or insulator, ' 'need more bands than n_band=number_electrons' ) else: bands = numpy.sort(bands) number_electrons = int(number_electrons) # find the zero-temperature occupation per band (1 for spin-polarized # calculation, 2 otherwise) number_electrons_per_band = 4 - len(stored_bands.shape) # 1 or 2 # gather the energies of the homo band, for every kpoint homo = [i[number_electrons // number_electrons_per_band - 1] for i in bands] # take the nth level try: # gather the energies of the lumo band, for every kpoint lumo = [i[number_electrons // number_electrons_per_band] for i in bands] # take the n+1th level except IndexError: raise ValueError( 'To understand if it is a metal or insulator, ' 'need more bands than n_band=number_electrons' ) if number_electrons % 2 == 1 and len(stored_bands.shape) == 2: # if #electrons is odd and we have a non spin polarized calculation # it must be a metal and I don't need further checks return False, None # if the nth band crosses the (n+1)th, it is an insulator gap = min(lumo) - max(homo) if gap == 0.0: return False, 0.0 if gap < 0.0: return False, None return True, gap # analysis on the fermi energy else: # reorganize the bands, rather than per kpoint, per energy level # I need the bands sorted by energy bands.sort() levels = bands.transpose() max_mins = [(max(i), min(i)) for i in levels] if fermi_energy > bands.max(): raise ValueError("The Fermi energy is above all band energies, don't know what to do") if fermi_energy < bands.min(): raise ValueError("The Fermi energy is below all band energies, don't know what to do.") # one band is crossed by the fermi energy if any(i[1] < fermi_energy and fermi_energy < i[0] for i in max_mins): return False, None # case of semimetals, fermi energy at the crossing of two bands # this will only work if the dirac point is computed! if any(i[0] == fermi_energy for i in max_mins) and any(i[1] == fermi_energy for i in max_mins): return False, 0.0 # insulating case, take the max of the band maxima below the fermi energy homo = max(i[0] for i in max_mins if i[0] < fermi_energy) # take the min of the band minima above the fermi energy lumo = min(i[1] for i in max_mins if i[1] > fermi_energy) gap = lumo - homo if gap <= 0.0: raise RuntimeError('Something wrong has been implemented. Revise the code!') return True, gap
[docs] class BandsData(KpointsData): """Class to handle bands data"""
[docs] def set_kpointsdata(self, kpointsdata): """Load the kpoints from a kpoint object. :param kpointsdata: an instance of KpointsData class """ if not isinstance(kpointsdata, KpointsData): raise ValueError('kpointsdata must be of the KpointsData class') try: self.cell = kpointsdata.cell except AttributeError: pass try: self.pbc = kpointsdata.pbc except AttributeError: pass try: the_kpoints = kpointsdata.get_kpoints() except AttributeError: the_kpoints = None try: the_weights = kpointsdata.get_kpoints(also_weights=True)[1] except AttributeError: the_weights = None self.set_kpoints(the_kpoints, weights=the_weights) try: self.labels = kpointsdata.labels except (AttributeError, TypeError): self.labels = []
[docs] def _validate_bands_occupations(self, bands, occupations=None, labels=None): """Validate the list of bands and of occupations before storage. Kpoints must be set in advance. Bands and occupations must be convertible into arrays of Nkpoints x Nbands floats or Nspins x Nkpoints x Nbands; Nkpoints must correspond to the number of kpoints. """ try: kpoints = self.get_kpoints() except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Must first set the kpoints, then the bands') the_bands = numpy.array(bands) if len(the_bands.shape) not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError( 'Bands must be an array of dimension 2' '([N_kpoints, N_bands]) or of dimension 3 ' ' ([N_arrays, N_kpoints, N_bands]), found instead {}'.format(len(the_bands.shape)) ) list_of_arrays_to_be_checked = [] # check that the shape of everything is consistent with the kpoints num_kpoints_from_bands = the_bands.shape[0] if len(the_bands.shape) == 2 else the_bands.shape[1] if num_kpoints_from_bands != len(kpoints): raise ValueError('There must be energy values for every kpoint') if occupations is not None: the_occupations = numpy.array(occupations) if the_occupations.shape != the_bands.shape: raise ValueError( f'Shape of occupations {the_occupations.shape} different from shapeshape of bands {the_bands.shape}' ) if not the_bands.dtype.type == numpy.float64: list_of_arrays_to_be_checked.append([the_occupations, 'occupations']) else: the_occupations = None # list_of_arrays_to_be_checked = [ [the_bands,'bands'] ] # check that there every element is a float if not the_bands.dtype.type == numpy.float64: list_of_arrays_to_be_checked.append([the_bands, 'bands']) for x, msg in list_of_arrays_to_be_checked: try: [float(_) for _ in x.flatten() if _ is not None] except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError(f'The {msg} array can only contain float or None values') # check the labels if labels is not None: if isinstance(labels, str): the_labels = [str(labels)] elif isinstance(labels, (tuple, list)) and all(isinstance(_, str) for _ in labels): the_labels = [str(_) for _ in labels] else: raise ValidationError( 'Band labels have an unrecognized type ({})' 'but should be a string or a list of strings'.format( labels.__class__ ) ) if len(the_bands.shape) == 2 and len(the_labels) != 1: raise ValidationError('More array labels than the number of arrays') elif len(the_bands.shape) == 3 and len(the_labels) != the_bands.shape[0]: raise ValidationError('More array labels than the number of arrays') else: the_labels = None return the_bands, the_occupations, the_labels
[docs] def set_bands(self, bands, units=None, occupations=None, labels=None): """Set an array of band energies of dimension (nkpoints x nbands). Kpoints must be set in advance. Can contain floats or None. :param bands: a list of nkpoints lists of nbands bands, or a 2D array of shape (nkpoints x nbands), with band energies for each kpoint :param units: optional, energy units :param occupations: optional, a 2D list or array of floats of same shape as bands, with the occupation associated to each band """ # checks bands and occupations the_bands, the_occupations, the_labels = self._validate_bands_occupations(bands, occupations, labels) # set bands and their units self.set_array('bands', the_bands) self.units = units if the_labels is not None: self.base.attributes.set('array_labels', the_labels) if the_occupations is not None: # set occupations self.set_array('occupations', the_occupations)
@property def array_labels(self): """Get the labels associated with the band arrays""" return self.base.attributes.get('array_labels', None) @property def units(self): """Units in which the data in bands were stored. A string""" # return copy.deepcopy(self._pbc) return self.base.attributes.get('units') @units.setter def units(self, value): """Set the value of pbc, i.e. a tuple of three booleans, indicating if the cell is periodic in the 1,2,3 crystal direction """ the_str = str(value) self.base.attributes.set('units', the_str)
[docs] def _set_pbc(self, value): """Validate the pbc, then store them""" from aiida.common.exceptions import ModificationNotAllowed from import get_valid_pbc if self.is_stored: raise ModificationNotAllowed('The KpointsData object cannot be modified, it has already been stored') the_pbc = get_valid_pbc(value) self.base.attributes.set('pbc1', the_pbc[0]) self.base.attributes.set('pbc2', the_pbc[1]) self.base.attributes.set('pbc3', the_pbc[2])
[docs] def get_bands(self, also_occupations=False, also_labels=False): """Returns an array (nkpoints x num_bands or nspins x nkpoints x num_bands) of energies. :param also_occupations: if True, returns also the occupations array. Default = False """ try: bands = numpy.array(self.get_array('bands')) except KeyError: raise AttributeError('No stored bands has been found') to_return = [bands] if also_occupations: try: occupations = numpy.array(self.get_array('occupations')) except KeyError: raise AttributeError('No occupations were set') to_return.append(occupations) if also_labels: to_return.append(self.array_labels) if len(to_return) == 1: return bands return to_return
[docs] def _get_bandplot_data(self, cartesian, prettify_format=None, join_symbol=None, get_segments=False, y_origin=0.0): """Get data to plot a band structure :param cartesian: if True, distances (for the x-axis) are computed in cartesian coordinates, otherwise they are computed in reciprocal coordinates. cartesian=True will fail if no cell has been set. :param prettify_format: by default, strings are not prettified. If you want to prettify them, pass a valid prettify_format string (see valid options in the docstring of :py:func:prettify_labels). :param join_symbols: by default, strings are not joined. If you pass a string, this is used to join strings that are much closer than a given threshold. The most typical string is the pipe symbol: ``|``. :param get_segments: if True, also computes the band split into segments :param y_origin: if present, shift bands so to set the value specified at ``y=0`` :return: a plot_info dictiorary, whose keys are ``x`` (array of distances for the x axis of the plot); ``y`` (array of bands), ``labels`` (list of tuples in the format (float x value of the label, label string), ``band_type_idx`` (array containing an index for each band: if there is only one spin, then it's an array of zeros, of length equal to the number of bands at each point; if there are two spins, then it's an array of zeros or ones depending on the type of spin; the length is always equalt to the total number of bands per kpoint). """ # load the x and y's of the graph stored_bands = self.get_bands() if len(stored_bands.shape) == 2: bands = stored_bands band_type_idx = numpy.array([0] * stored_bands.shape[1]) two_band_types = False elif len(stored_bands.shape) == 3: bands = numpy.concatenate(stored_bands, axis=1) band_type_idx = numpy.array([0] * stored_bands.shape[2] + [1] * stored_bands.shape[2]) two_band_types = True else: raise ValueError('Unexpected shape of bands') bands -= y_origin # here I build the x distances on the graph (in cartesian coordinates # if cartesian==True AND if the cell was set, otherwise in reciprocal # coordinates) try: kpoints = self.get_kpoints(cartesian=cartesian) except AttributeError: # this error is happening if cartesian==True and if no cell has been # set -> we switch to reciprocal coordinates to compute distances kpoints = self.get_kpoints() # I take advantage of the path to recognize discontinuities try: labels = self.labels labels_indices = [i[0] for i in labels] except (AttributeError, TypeError): labels = [] labels_indices = [] # since I can have discontinuous paths, I set on those points the distance to zero # as a result, where there are discontinuities in the path, # I have two consecutive points with the same x coordinate distances = [ numpy.linalg.norm(kpoints[i] - kpoints[i - 1]) if not (i in labels_indices and i - 1 in labels_indices) else 0.0 for i in range(1, len(kpoints)) ] x = [float(sum(distances[:i])) for i in range(len(distances) + 1)] # transform the index of the labels in the coordinates of x raw_labels = [(x[i[0]], i[1]) for i in labels] the_labels = raw_labels if prettify_format: the_labels = prettify_labels(the_labels, format=prettify_format) if join_symbol: the_labels = join_labels(the_labels, join_symbol=join_symbol) plot_info = {} plot_info['x'] = x plot_info['y'] = bands plot_info['band_type_idx'] = band_type_idx plot_info['raw_labels'] = raw_labels plot_info['labels'] = the_labels if get_segments: plot_info['path'] = [] plot_info['paths'] = [] if len(labels) > 1: # I add an empty label that points to the first band if the first label does not do it if labels[0][0] != 0: labels.insert(0, (0, '')) # I add an empty label that points to the last band if the last label does not do it if labels[-1][0] != len(bands) - 1: labels.append((len(bands) - 1, '')) for (position_from, label_from), (position_to, label_to) in zip(labels[:-1], labels[1:]): if position_to - position_from > 1: # Create a new path line only if there are at least two points, # otherwise it is probably just a discontinuity point in the band # structure (e.g. Gamma-X|Y-Gamma), where X and Y would be two # consecutive points, but there is no path between them plot_info['path'].append([label_from, label_to]) path_dict = { 'length': position_to - position_from, 'from': label_from, 'to': label_to, 'values': bands[position_from : position_to + 1, :].transpose().tolist(), 'x': x[position_from : position_to + 1], 'two_band_types': two_band_types, } plot_info['paths'].append(path_dict) else: label_from = '0' label_to = '1' path_dict = { 'length': bands.shape[0] - 1, 'from': label_from, 'to': label_to, 'values': bands.transpose().tolist(), 'x': x, 'two_band_types': two_band_types, } plot_info['paths'].append(path_dict) plot_info['path'].append([label_from, label_to]) return plot_info
[docs] def _prepare_agr_batch(self, main_file_name='', comments=True, prettify_format=None): """Prepare two files, data and batch, to be plot with xmgrace as: xmgrace -batch file.dat :param main_file_name: if the user asks to write the main content on a file, this contains the filename. This should be used to infer a good filename for the additional files. In this case, we remove the extension, and add '_data.dat' :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) :param prettify_format: if None, use the default prettify format. Otherwise specify a string with the prettifier to use. """ import os dat_filename = os.path.splitext(main_file_name)[0] + '_data.dat' if prettify_format is None: # Default. Specified like this to allow caller functions to pass 'None' prettify_format = 'agr_seekpath' plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data(cartesian=True, prettify_format=prettify_format, join_symbol='|') bands = plot_info['y'] x = plot_info['x'] labels = plot_info['labels'] num_bands = bands.shape[1] # axis limits y_max_lim = bands.max() y_min_lim = bands.min() x_min_lim = min(x) # this isn't a numpy array, but a list x_max_lim = max(x) # first prepare the xy coordinates of the sets raw_data, _ = self._prepare_dat_blocks(plot_info) batch = [] if comments: batch.append(prepare_header_comment(self.uuid, plot_info, comment_char='#')) batch.append(f'READ XY "{dat_filename}"') # axis limits batch.append(f'world {x_min_lim}, {y_min_lim}, {x_max_lim}, {y_max_lim}') # axis label batch.append('yaxis label "Dispersion"') # axis ticks batch.append('xaxis tick place both') batch.append('xaxis tick spec type both') batch.append(f'xaxis tick spec {len(labels)}') # set the name of the special points for index, label in enumerate(labels): batch.append(f'xaxis tick major {index}, {label[0]}') batch.append(f'xaxis ticklabel {index}, "{label[1]}"') batch.append('xaxis tick major color 7') batch.append('xaxis tick major grid on') # minor graphical tweak batch.append('yaxis tick minor ticks 3') batch.append('frame linewidth 1.0') # use helvetica fonts batch.append('map font 4 to "Helvetica", "Helvetica"') batch.append('yaxis label font 4') batch.append('xaxis label font 4') # set color and linewidths of bands for index in range(num_bands): batch.append(f's{index} line color 1') batch.append(f's{index} linewidth 1') batch_data = '\n'.join(batch) + '\n' extra_files = {dat_filename: raw_data} return batch_data.encode('utf-8'), extra_files
[docs] def _prepare_dat_multicolumn(self, main_file_name='', comments=True): """Write an N x M matrix. First column is the distance between kpoints, The other columns are the bands. Header contains number of kpoints and the number of bands (commented). :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) """ plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data(cartesian=True, prettify_format=None, join_symbol='|') bands = plot_info['y'] x = plot_info['x'] return_text = [] if comments: return_text.append(prepare_header_comment(self.uuid, plot_info, comment_char='#')) for i in zip(x, bands): line = [f'{i[0]:.8f}'] + [f'{j:.8f}' for j in i[1]] return_text.append('\t'.join(line)) return ('\n'.join(return_text) + '\n').encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _prepare_dat_blocks(self, main_file_name='', comments=True): """Format suitable for gnuplot using blocks. Columns with x and y (path and band energy). Several blocks, separated by two empty lines, one per energy band. :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) """ plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data(cartesian=True, prettify_format=None, join_symbol='|') bands = plot_info['y'] x = plot_info['x'] return_text = [] if comments: return_text.append(prepare_header_comment(self.uuid, plot_info, comment_char='#')) for band in numpy.transpose(bands): for i in zip(x, band): line = [f'{i[0]:.8f}', f'{i[1]:.8f}'] return_text.append('\t'.join(line)) return_text.append('') return_text.append('') return '\n'.join(return_text).encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _matplotlib_get_dict( self, main_file_name='', comments=True, title='', legend=None, legend2=None, y_max_lim=None, y_min_lim=None, y_origin=0.0, prettify_format=None, **kwargs, ): """Prepare the data to send to the python-matplotlib plotting script. :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) :param plot_info: a dictionary :param setnumber_offset: an offset to be applied to all set numbers (i.e. s0 is replaced by s[offset], s1 by s[offset+1], etc.) :param color_number: the color number for lines, symbols, error bars and filling (should be less than the parameter MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS defined below) :param title: the title :param legend: the legend (applied only to the first of the set) :param legend2: the legend for second-type spins (applied only to the first of the set) :param y_max_lim: the maximum on the y axis (if None, put the maximum of the bands) :param y_min_lim: the minimum on the y axis (if None, put the minimum of the bands) :param y_origin: the new origin of the y axis -> all bands are replaced by bands-y_origin :param prettify_format: if None, use the default prettify format. Otherwise specify a string with the prettifier to use. :param kwargs: additional customization variables; only a subset is accepted, see internal variable 'valid_additional_keywords """ # Only these keywords are accepted in kwargs, and then set into the json valid_additional_keywords = [ 'bands_color', # Color of band lines 'bands_linewidth', # linewidth of bands 'bands_linestyle', # linestyle of bands 'bands_marker', # marker for bands 'bands_markersize', # size of the marker of bands 'bands_markeredgecolor', # marker edge color for bands 'bands_markeredgewidth', # marker edge width for bands 'bands_markerfacecolor', # marker face color for bands 'bands_color2', # Color of band lines (for other spin, if present) 'bands_linewidth2', # linewidth of bands (for other spin, if present) 'bands_linestyle2', # linestyle of bands (for other spin, if present) 'bands_marker2', # marker for bands (for other spin, if present) 'bands_markersize2', # size of the marker of bands (for other spin, if present) 'bands_markeredgecolor2', # marker edge color for bands (for other spin, if present) 'bands_markeredgewidth2', # marker edge width for bands (for other spin, if present) 'bands_markerfacecolor2', # marker face color for bands (for other spin, if present) 'plot_zero_axis', # If true, plot an axis at y=0 'zero_axis_color', # Color of the axis at y=0 'zero_axis_linestyle', # linestyle of the axis at y=0 'zero_axis_linewidth', # linewidth of the axis at y=0 'use_latex', # If true, use latex to render captions ] # Note: I do not want to import matplotlib here, for two reasons: # 1. I would like to be able to print the script for the user # 2. I don't want to mess up with the user matplotlib backend # (that I should do if the user does not have a X server, but that # I do not want to do if he's e.g. in jupyter) # Therefore I just create a string that can be executed as needed, e.g. with eval. # I take care of sanitizing the output. if prettify_format is None: # Default. Specified like this to allow caller functions to pass 'None' prettify_format = 'latex_seekpath' # The default for use_latex is False join_symbol = r'\textbar{}' if kwargs.get('use_latex', False) else '|' plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data( cartesian=True, prettify_format=prettify_format, join_symbol=join_symbol, get_segments=True, y_origin=y_origin, ) all_data = {} bands = plot_info['y'] x = plot_info['x'] labels = plot_info['labels'] # prepare xticks labels if labels: tick_pos, tick_labels = zip(*labels) else: tick_pos = [] tick_labels = [] all_data['paths'] = plot_info['paths'] all_data['band_type_idx'] = plot_info['band_type_idx'].tolist() all_data['tick_pos'] = tick_pos all_data['tick_labels'] = tick_labels all_data['legend_text'] = legend all_data['legend_text2'] = legend2 all_data['yaxis_label'] = f'Dispersion ({self.units})' all_data['title'] = title if comments: all_data['comment'] = prepare_header_comment(self.uuid, plot_info, comment_char='#') # axis limits if y_max_lim is None: y_max_lim = numpy.nanmax(bands) if y_min_lim is None: y_min_lim = numpy.nanmin(bands) x_min_lim = min(x) # this isn't a numpy array, but a list x_max_lim = max(x) all_data['x_min_lim'] = x_min_lim all_data['x_max_lim'] = x_max_lim all_data['y_min_lim'] = y_min_lim all_data['y_max_lim'] = y_max_lim for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in valid_additional_keywords: raise TypeError(f"_matplotlib_get_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument '{key}'") all_data[key] = value return all_data
[docs] def _prepare_mpl_singlefile(self, *args, **kwargs): """Prepare a python script using matplotlib to plot the bands For the possible parameters, see documentation of :py:meth:`` """ all_data = self._matplotlib_get_dict(*args, **kwargs) s_header = MATPLOTLIB_HEADER_TEMPLATE.substitute() s_import = MATPLOTLIB_IMPORT_DATA_INLINE_TEMPLATE.substitute(all_data_json=json.dumps(all_data, indent=2)) s_body = self._get_mpl_body_template(all_data['paths']) s_footer = MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_SHOW.substitute() string = s_header + s_import + s_body + s_footer return string.encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _prepare_mpl_withjson(self, main_file_name='', *args, **kwargs): """Prepare a python script using matplotlib to plot the bands, with the JSON returned as an independent file. For the possible parameters, see documentation of :py:meth:`` """ import os all_data = self._matplotlib_get_dict(*args, main_file_name=main_file_name, **kwargs) json_fname = os.path.splitext(main_file_name)[0] + '_data.json' # Escape double_quotes json_fname = json_fname.replace('"', '"') ext_files = {json_fname: json.dumps(all_data, indent=2).encode('utf-8')} s_header = MATPLOTLIB_HEADER_TEMPLATE.substitute() s_import = MATPLOTLIB_IMPORT_DATA_FROMFILE_TEMPLATE.substitute(json_fname=json_fname) s_body = self._get_mpl_body_template(all_data['paths']) s_footer = MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_SHOW.substitute() string = s_header + s_import + s_body + s_footer return string.encode('utf-8'), ext_files
[docs] def _prepare_mpl_pdf(self, main_file_name='', *args, **kwargs): """Prepare a python script using matplotlib to plot the bands, with the JSON returned as an independent file. For the possible parameters, see documentation of :py:meth:`` """ import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile all_data = self._matplotlib_get_dict(*args, **kwargs) # Use the Agg backend s_header = MATPLOTLIB_HEADER_AGG_TEMPLATE.substitute() s_import = MATPLOTLIB_IMPORT_DATA_INLINE_TEMPLATE.substitute(all_data_json=json.dumps(all_data, indent=2)) s_body = self._get_mpl_body_template(all_data['paths']) # I get a temporary file name handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) os.remove(filename) escaped_fname = filename.replace('"', '"') s_footer = MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_EXPORTFILE.substitute(fname=escaped_fname, format='pdf') string = s_header + s_import + s_body + s_footer # I don't exec it because I might mess up with the matplotlib backend etc. # I run instead in a different process, with the same executable # (so it should work properly with virtualenvs) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as handle: handle.write(string) handle.flush() subprocess.check_output([sys.executable,]) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise RuntimeError('Unable to generate the PDF...') with open(filename, 'rb', encoding=None) as handle: imgdata = os.remove(filename) return imgdata, {}
[docs] def _prepare_mpl_png(self, main_file_name='', *args, **kwargs): """Prepare a python script using matplotlib to plot the bands, with the JSON returned as an independent file. For the possible parameters, see documentation of :py:meth:`` """ import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile all_data = self._matplotlib_get_dict(*args, **kwargs) # Use the Agg backend s_header = MATPLOTLIB_HEADER_AGG_TEMPLATE.substitute() s_import = MATPLOTLIB_IMPORT_DATA_INLINE_TEMPLATE.substitute(all_data_json=json.dumps(all_data, indent=2)) s_body = self._get_mpl_body_template(all_data['paths']) # I get a temporary file name handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) os.remove(filename) escaped_fname = filename.replace('"', '"') s_footer = MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_EXPORTFILE_WITH_DPI.substitute(fname=escaped_fname, format='png', dpi=300) string = s_header + s_import + s_body + s_footer # I don't exec it because I might mess up with the matplotlib backend etc. # I run instead in a different process, with the same executable # (so it should work properly with virtualenvs) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as handle: handle.write(string) handle.flush() subprocess.check_output([sys.executable,]) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise RuntimeError('Unable to generate the PNG...') with open(filename, 'rb', encoding=None) as handle: imgdata = os.remove(filename) return imgdata, {}
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_mpl_body_template(paths): """:param paths: paths of k-points""" if len(paths) == 1: s_body = MATPLOTLIB_BODY_TEMPLATE.substitute(plot_code=SINGLE_KP) else: s_body = MATPLOTLIB_BODY_TEMPLATE.substitute(plot_code=MULTI_KP) return s_body
[docs] def show_mpl(self, **kwargs): """Call a show() command for the band structure using matplotlib. This uses internally the 'mpl_singlefile' format, with empty main_file_name. Other kwargs are passed to self._exportcontent. """ exec(*self._exportcontent(fileformat='mpl_singlefile', main_file_name='', **kwargs))
[docs] def _prepare_gnuplot( self, main_file_name=None, title='', comments=True, prettify_format=None, y_max_lim=None, y_min_lim=None, y_origin=0.0, ): """Prepare an gnuplot script to plot the bands, with the .dat file returned as an independent file. :param main_file_name: if the user asks to write the main content on a file, this contains the filename. This should be used to infer a good filename for the additional files. In this case, we remove the extension, and add '_data.dat' :param title: if specified, add a title to the plot :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) :param prettify_format: if None, use the default prettify format. Otherwise specify a string with the prettifier to use. """ import os main_file_name = main_file_name or 'band.dat' dat_filename = os.path.splitext(main_file_name)[0] + '_data.dat' if prettify_format is None: # Default. Specified like this to allow caller functions to pass 'None' prettify_format = 'gnuplot_seekpath' plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data( cartesian=True, prettify_format=prettify_format, join_symbol='|', y_origin=y_origin ) bands = plot_info['y'] x = plot_info['x'] # axis limits if y_max_lim is None: y_max_lim = bands.max() if y_min_lim is None: y_min_lim = bands.min() x_min_lim = min(x) # this isn't a numpy array, but a list x_max_lim = max(x) # first prepare the xy coordinates of the sets raw_data, _ = self._prepare_dat_blocks(plot_info, comments=comments) xtics_string = ', '.join(f'"{label}" {pos}' for pos, label in plot_info['labels']) script = [] # Start with some useful comments if comments: script.append(prepare_header_comment(self.uuid, plot_info=plot_info, comment_char='# ')) script.append('') script.append( """## Uncomment the next two lines to write directly to PDF ## Note: You need to have gnuplot installed with pdfcairo support! #set term pdfcairo #set output 'out.pdf' ### Uncomment one of the options below to change font ### For the LaTeX fonts, you can download them from here: ### ### And then install them in your system ## LaTeX Serif font, if installed #set termopt font "CMU Serif, 12" ## LaTeX Sans Serif font, if installed #set termopt font "CMU Sans Serif, 12" ## Classical Times New Roman #set termopt font "Times New Roman, 12" """ ) # Actual logic script.append('set termopt enhanced') # Properly deals with e.g. subscripts script.append('set encoding utf8') # To deal with Greek letters script.append(f'set xtics ({xtics_string})') script.append('unset key') script.append(f'set yrange [{y_min_lim}:{y_max_lim}]') script.append(f'set ylabel "Dispersion ({self.units})"') if title: script.append('set title "{}"'.format(title.replace('"', '"'))) # Plot, escaping filename if len(x) > 1: script.append(f'set xrange [{x_min_lim}:{x_max_lim}]') script.append('set grid xtics lt 1 lc rgb "#888888"') script.append('plot "{}" with l lc rgb "#000000"'.format(os.path.basename(dat_filename).replace('"', '"'))) else: script.append('set xrange [-1.0:1.0]') script.append( 'plot "{}" using ($1-0.25):($2):(0.5):(0) with vectors nohead lc rgb "#000000"'.format( os.path.basename(dat_filename).replace('"', '"') ) ) script_data = '\n'.join(script) + '\n' extra_files = {dat_filename: raw_data} return script_data.encode('utf-8'), extra_files
[docs] def _prepare_agr( self, main_file_name='', comments=True, setnumber_offset=0, color_number=1, color_number2=2, legend='', title='', y_max_lim=None, y_min_lim=None, y_origin=0.0, prettify_format=None, ): """Prepare an xmgrace agr file. :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) :param plot_info: a dictionary :param setnumber_offset: an offset to be applied to all set numbers (i.e. s0 is replaced by s[offset], s1 by s[offset+1], etc.) :param color_number: the color number for lines, symbols, error bars and filling (should be less than the parameter MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS defined below) :param color_number2: the color number for lines, symbols, error bars and filling for the second-type spins (should be less than the parameter MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS defined below) :param legend: the legend (applied only to the first set) :param title: the title :param y_max_lim: the maximum on the y axis (if None, put the maximum of the bands); applied *after* shifting the origin by ``y_origin`` :param y_min_lim: the minimum on the y axis (if None, put the minimum of the bands); applied *after* shifting the origin by ``y_origin`` :param y_origin: the new origin of the y axis -> all bands are replaced by bands-y_origin :param prettify_format: if None, use the default prettify format. Otherwise specify a string with the prettifier to use. """ if prettify_format is None: # Default. Specified like this to allow caller functions to pass 'None' prettify_format = 'agr_seekpath' plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data( cartesian=True, prettify_format=prettify_format, join_symbol='|', y_origin=y_origin ) import math # load the x and y of every set if color_number > MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS: raise ValueError(f'Color number is too high (should be less than {MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS})') if color_number2 > MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS: raise ValueError(f'Color number 2 is too high (should be less than {MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS})') bands = plot_info['y'] x = plot_info['x'] the_bands = numpy.transpose(bands) labels = plot_info['labels'] num_labels = len(labels) # axis limits if y_max_lim is None: y_max_lim = the_bands.max() if y_min_lim is None: y_min_lim = the_bands.min() x_min_lim = min(x) # this isn't a numpy array, but a list x_max_lim = max(x) ytick_spacing = 10 ** int(math.log10((y_max_lim - y_min_lim))) # prepare xticks labels sx1 = '' for i, label in enumerate(labels): sx1 += AGR_SINGLE_XTICK_TEMPLATE.substitute( index=i, coord=label[0], name=label[1], ) xticks = AGR_XTICKS_TEMPLATE.substitute( num_labels=num_labels, single_xtick_templates=sx1, ) # build the arrays with the xy coordinates all_sets = [] for band in the_bands: this_set = '' for i in zip(x, band): line = f'{i[0]:.8f}' + '\t' + f'{i[1]:.8f}' + '\n' this_set += line all_sets.append(this_set) set_descriptions = '' for i, (this_set, band_type) in enumerate(zip(all_sets, plot_info['band_type_idx'])): if band_type % 2 == 0: linecolor = color_number else: linecolor = color_number2 width = str(2.0) set_descriptions += AGR_SET_DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE.substitute( set_number=i + setnumber_offset, linewidth=width, color_number=linecolor, legend=legend if i == 0 else '', ) units = self.units graphs = AGR_GRAPH_TEMPLATE.substitute( x_min_lim=x_min_lim, y_min_lim=y_min_lim, x_max_lim=x_max_lim, y_max_lim=y_max_lim, yaxislabel=f'Dispersion ({units})', xticks_template=xticks, set_descriptions=set_descriptions, ytick_spacing=ytick_spacing, title=title, ) sets = [] for i, this_set in enumerate(all_sets): sets.append(AGR_SINGLESET_TEMPLATE.substitute(set_number=i + setnumber_offset, xydata=this_set)) the_sets = '&\n'.join(sets) string = AGR_TEMPLATE.substitute(graphs=graphs, sets=the_sets) if comments: string = prepare_header_comment(self.uuid, plot_info, comment_char='#') + '\n' + string return string.encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _get_band_segments(self, cartesian): """Return the band segments.""" plot_info = self._get_bandplot_data( cartesian=cartesian, prettify_format=None, join_symbol=None, get_segments=True ) out_dict = {'label': self.label} out_dict['path'] = plot_info['path'] out_dict['paths'] = plot_info['paths'] return out_dict
[docs] def _prepare_json(self, main_file_name='', comments=True): """Prepare a json file in a format compatible with the AiiDA band visualizer :param comments: if True, print comments (if it makes sense for the given format) """ from aiida import get_file_header json_dict = self._get_band_segments(cartesian=True) json_dict['original_uuid'] = self.uuid if comments: json_dict['comments'] = get_file_header(comment_char='') return json.dumps(json_dict).encode('utf-8'), {}
MAX_NUM_AGR_COLORS = 15 AGR_TEMPLATE = Template( """ # Grace project file # @version 50122 @page size 792, 612 @page scroll 5% @page inout 5% @link page off @map font 8 to "Courier", "Courier" @map font 10 to "Courier-Bold", "Courier-Bold" @map font 11 to "Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier-BoldOblique" @map font 9 to "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Oblique" @map font 4 to "Helvetica", "Helvetica" @map font 6 to "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Bold" @map font 7 to "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-BoldOblique" @map font 5 to "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Oblique" @map font 14 to "NimbusMonoL-BoldOblique", "NimbusMonoL-BoldOblique" @map font 15 to "NimbusMonoL-Regular", "NimbusMonoL-Regular" @map font 16 to "NimbusMonoL-RegularOblique", "NimbusMonoL-RegularOblique" @map font 17 to "NimbusRomanNo9L-Medium", "NimbusRomanNo9L-Medium" @map font 18 to "NimbusRomanNo9L-MediumItalic", "NimbusRomanNo9L-MediumItalic" @map font 19 to "NimbusRomanNo9L-Regular", "NimbusRomanNo9L-Regular" @map font 20 to "NimbusRomanNo9L-RegularItalic", "NimbusRomanNo9L-RegularItalic" @map font 21 to "NimbusSansL-Bold", "NimbusSansL-Bold" @map font 22 to "NimbusSansL-BoldCondensed", "NimbusSansL-BoldCondensed" @map font 23 to "NimbusSansL-BoldCondensedItalic", "NimbusSansL-BoldCondensedItalic" @map font 24 to "NimbusSansL-BoldItalic", "NimbusSansL-BoldItalic" @map font 25 to "NimbusSansL-Regular", "NimbusSansL-Regular" @map font 26 to "NimbusSansL-RegularCondensed", "NimbusSansL-RegularCondensed" @map font 27 to "NimbusSansL-RegularCondensedItalic", "NimbusSansL-RegularCondensedItalic" @map font 28 to "NimbusSansL-RegularItalic", "NimbusSansL-RegularItalic" @map font 29 to "StandardSymbolsL-Regular", "StandardSymbolsL-Regular" @map font 12 to "Symbol", "Symbol" @map font 31 to "Symbol-Regular", "Symbol-Regular" @map font 2 to "Times-Bold", "Times-Bold" @map font 3 to "Times-BoldItalic", "Times-BoldItalic" @map font 1 to "Times-Italic", "Times-Italic" @map font 0 to "Times-Roman", "Times-Roman" @map font 36 to "URWBookmanL-DemiBold", "URWBookmanL-DemiBold" @map font 37 to "URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItalic", "URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItalic" @map font 38 to "URWBookmanL-Light", "URWBookmanL-Light" @map font 39 to "URWBookmanL-LightItalic", "URWBookmanL-LightItalic" @map font 40 to "URWChanceryL-MediumItalic", "URWChanceryL-MediumItalic" @map font 41 to "URWGothicL-Book", "URWGothicL-Book" @map font 42 to "URWGothicL-BookOblique", "URWGothicL-BookOblique" @map font 43 to "URWGothicL-Demi", "URWGothicL-Demi" @map font 44 to "URWGothicL-DemiOblique", "URWGothicL-DemiOblique" @map font 45 to "URWPalladioL-Bold", "URWPalladioL-Bold" @map font 46 to "URWPalladioL-BoldItalic", "URWPalladioL-BoldItalic" @map font 47 to "URWPalladioL-Italic", "URWPalladioL-Italic" @map font 48 to "URWPalladioL-Roman", "URWPalladioL-Roman" @map font 13 to "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats" @map color 0 to (255, 255, 255), "white" @map color 1 to (0, 0, 0), "black" @map color 2 to (255, 0, 0), "red" @map color 3 to (0, 255, 0), "green" @map color 4 to (0, 0, 255), "blue" @map color 5 to (255, 215, 0), "yellow" @map color 6 to (188, 143, 143), "brown" @map color 7 to (220, 220, 220), "grey" @map color 8 to (148, 0, 211), "violet" @map color 9 to (0, 255, 255), "cyan" @map color 10 to (255, 0, 255), "magenta" @map color 11 to (255, 165, 0), "orange" @map color 12 to (114, 33, 188), "indigo" @map color 13 to (103, 7, 72), "maroon" @map color 14 to (64, 224, 208), "turquoise" @map color 15 to (0, 139, 0), "green4" @reference date 0 @date wrap off @date wrap year 1950 @default linewidth 1.0 @default linestyle 1 @default color 1 @default pattern 1 @default font 0 @default char size 1.000000 @default symbol size 1.000000 @default sformat "%.8g" @background color 0 @page background fill on @timestamp off @timestamp 0.03, 0.03 @timestamp color 1 @timestamp rot 0 @timestamp font 0 @timestamp char size 1.000000 @timestamp def "Wed Jul 30 16:44:34 2014" @r0 off @link r0 to g0 @r0 type above @r0 linestyle 1 @r0 linewidth 1.0 @r0 color 1 @r0 line 0, 0, 0, 0 @r1 off @link r1 to g0 @r1 type above @r1 linestyle 1 @r1 linewidth 1.0 @r1 color 1 @r1 line 0, 0, 0, 0 @r2 off @link r2 to g0 @r2 type above @r2 linestyle 1 @r2 linewidth 1.0 @r2 color 1 @r2 line 0, 0, 0, 0 @r3 off @link r3 to g0 @r3 type above @r3 linestyle 1 @r3 linewidth 1.0 @r3 color 1 @r3 line 0, 0, 0, 0 @r4 off @link r4 to g0 @r4 type above @r4 linestyle 1 @r4 linewidth 1.0 @r4 color 1 @r4 line 0, 0, 0, 0 $graphs $sets """ ) AGR_XTICKS_TEMPLATE = Template( """ @ xaxis tick spec $num_labels $single_xtick_templates """ ) AGR_SINGLE_XTICK_TEMPLATE = Template( """ @ xaxis tick major $index, $coord @ xaxis ticklabel $index, "$name" """ ) AGR_GRAPH_TEMPLATE = Template( """ @g0 on @g0 hidden false @g0 type XY @g0 stacked false @g0 bar hgap 0.000000 @g0 fixedpoint off @g0 fixedpoint type 0 @g0 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000 @g0 fixedpoint format general general @g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6 @with g0 @ world $x_min_lim, $y_min_lim, $x_max_lim, $y_max_lim @ stack world 0, 0, 0, 0 @ znorm 1 @ view 0.150000, 0.150000, 1.150000, 0.850000 @ title "$title" @ title font 0 @ title size 1.500000 @ title color 1 @ subtitle "" @ subtitle font 0 @ subtitle size 1.000000 @ subtitle color 1 @ xaxes scale Normal @ yaxes scale Normal @ xaxes invert off @ yaxes invert off @ xaxis on @ xaxis type zero false @ xaxis offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 @ xaxis bar on @ xaxis bar color 1 @ xaxis bar linestyle 1 @ xaxis bar linewidth 1.0 @ xaxis label "" @ xaxis label layout para @ xaxis label place auto @ xaxis label char size 1.000000 @ xaxis label font 4 @ xaxis label color 1 @ xaxis label place normal @ xaxis tick on @ xaxis tick major 5 @ xaxis tick minor ticks 0 @ xaxis tick default 6 @ xaxis tick place rounded true @ xaxis tick in @ xaxis tick major size 1.000000 @ xaxis tick major color 1 @ xaxis tick major linewidth 1.0 @ xaxis tick major linestyle 1 @ xaxis tick major grid on @ xaxis tick minor color 1 @ xaxis tick minor linewidth 1.0 @ xaxis tick minor linestyle 1 @ xaxis tick minor grid off @ xaxis tick minor size 0.500000 @ xaxis ticklabel on @ xaxis ticklabel format general @ xaxis ticklabel prec 5 @ xaxis ticklabel formula "" @ xaxis ticklabel append "" @ xaxis ticklabel prepend "" @ xaxis ticklabel angle 0 @ xaxis ticklabel skip 0 @ xaxis ticklabel stagger 0 @ xaxis ticklabel place normal @ xaxis ticklabel offset auto @ xaxis ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000 @ xaxis ticklabel start type auto @ xaxis ticklabel start 0.000000 @ xaxis ticklabel stop type auto @ xaxis ticklabel stop 0.000000 @ xaxis ticklabel char size 1.500000 @ xaxis ticklabel font 4 @ xaxis ticklabel color 1 @ xaxis tick place both @ xaxis tick spec type both $xticks_template @ yaxis on @ yaxis type zero false @ yaxis offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 @ yaxis bar on @ yaxis bar color 1 @ yaxis bar linestyle 1 @ yaxis bar linewidth 1.0 @ yaxis label "$yaxislabel" @ yaxis label layout para @ yaxis label place auto @ yaxis label char size 1.500000 @ yaxis label font 4 @ yaxis label color 1 @ yaxis label place normal @ yaxis tick on @ yaxis tick major $ytick_spacing @ yaxis tick minor ticks 1 @ yaxis tick default 6 @ yaxis tick place rounded true @ yaxis tick in @ yaxis tick major size 1.000000 @ yaxis tick major color 1 @ yaxis tick major linewidth 1.0 @ yaxis tick major linestyle 1 @ yaxis tick major grid off @ yaxis tick minor color 1 @ yaxis tick minor linewidth 1.0 @ yaxis tick minor linestyle 1 @ yaxis tick minor grid off @ yaxis tick minor size 0.500000 @ yaxis ticklabel on @ yaxis ticklabel format general @ yaxis ticklabel prec 5 @ yaxis ticklabel formula "" @ yaxis ticklabel append "" @ yaxis ticklabel prepend "" @ yaxis ticklabel angle 0 @ yaxis ticklabel skip 0 @ yaxis ticklabel stagger 0 @ yaxis ticklabel place normal @ yaxis ticklabel offset auto @ yaxis ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000 @ yaxis ticklabel start type auto @ yaxis ticklabel start 0.000000 @ yaxis ticklabel stop type auto @ yaxis ticklabel stop 0.000000 @ yaxis ticklabel char size 1.250000 @ yaxis ticklabel font 4 @ yaxis ticklabel color 1 @ yaxis tick place both @ yaxis tick spec type none @ altxaxis off @ altyaxis off @ legend on @ legend loctype view @ legend 0.85, 0.8 @ legend box color 1 @ legend box pattern 1 @ legend box linewidth 1.0 @ legend box linestyle 1 @ legend box fill color 0 @ legend box fill pattern 1 @ legend font 0 @ legend char size 1.000000 @ legend color 1 @ legend length 4 @ legend vgap 1 @ legend hgap 1 @ legend invert false @ frame type 0 @ frame linestyle 1 @ frame linewidth 1.0 @ frame color 1 @ frame pattern 1 @ frame background color 0 @ frame background pattern 0 $set_descriptions """ ) AGR_SET_DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE = Template( """ @ s$set_number hidden false @ s$set_number type xy @ s$set_number symbol 0 @ s$set_number symbol size 1.000000 @ s$set_number symbol color $color_number @ s$set_number symbol pattern 1 @ s$set_number symbol fill color $color_number @ s$set_number symbol fill pattern 0 @ s$set_number symbol linewidth 1.0 @ s$set_number symbol linestyle 1 @ s$set_number symbol char 65 @ s$set_number symbol char font 0 @ s$set_number symbol skip 0 @ s$set_number line type 1 @ s$set_number line linestyle 1 @ s$set_number line linewidth $linewidth @ s$set_number line color $color_number @ s$set_number line pattern 1 @ s$set_number baseline type 0 @ s$set_number baseline off @ s$set_number dropline off @ s$set_number fill type 0 @ s$set_number fill rule 0 @ s$set_number fill color $color_number @ s$set_number fill pattern 1 @ s$set_number avalue off @ s$set_number avalue type 2 @ s$set_number avalue char size 1.000000 @ s$set_number avalue font 0 @ s$set_number avalue color 1 @ s$set_number avalue rot 0 @ s$set_number avalue format general @ s$set_number avalue prec 3 @ s$set_number avalue prepend "" @ s$set_number avalue append "" @ s$set_number avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 @ s$set_number errorbar on @ s$set_number errorbar place both @ s$set_number errorbar color $color_number @ s$set_number errorbar pattern 1 @ s$set_number errorbar size 1.000000 @ s$set_number errorbar linewidth 1.0 @ s$set_number errorbar linestyle 1 @ s$set_number errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 @ s$set_number errorbar riser linestyle 1 @ s$set_number errorbar riser clip off @ s$set_number errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 @ s$set_number comment "Cols 1:2" @ s$set_number legend "$legend" """ ) AGR_SINGLESET_TEMPLATE = Template( """ @target G0.S$set_number @type xy $xydata """ ) MATPLOTLIB_HEADER_AGG_TEMPLATE = Template( """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import rc # Uncomment to change default font #rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern', 'CMU Serif', 'Times New Roman', 'DejaVu Serif']}) # To use proper font for, e.g., Gamma if usetex is set to False rc('mathtext', fontset='cm') rc('text', usetex=True) import pylab as pl # I use json to make sure the input is sanitized import json print_comment = False """ ) MATPLOTLIB_HEADER_TEMPLATE = Template( """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from matplotlib import rc # Uncomment to change default font #rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern', 'CMU Serif', 'Times New Roman', 'DejaVu Serif']}) # To use proper font for, e.g., Gamma if usetex is set to False rc('mathtext', fontset='cm') rc('text', usetex=True) import pylab as pl # I use json to make sure the input is sanitized import json print_comment = False """ ) MATPLOTLIB_IMPORT_DATA_INLINE_TEMPLATE = Template( '''all_data_str = r"""$all_data_json""" ''' ) MATPLOTLIB_IMPORT_DATA_FROMFILE_TEMPLATE = Template( """with open("$json_fname", encoding='utf8') as f: all_data_str = """ ) MULTI_KP = """ for path in paths: if path['length'] <= 1: # Avoid printing empty lines continue x = path['x'] #for band in bands: for band, band_type in zip(path['values'], all_data['band_type_idx']): # For now we support only two colors if band_type % 2 == 0: further_plot_options = further_plot_options1 else: further_plot_options = further_plot_options2 # Put the legend text only once label = None if first_band_1 and band_type % 2 == 0: first_band_1 = False label = all_data.get('legend_text', None) elif first_band_2 and band_type % 2 == 1: first_band_2 = False label = all_data.get('legend_text2', None) p.plot(x, band, label=label, **further_plot_options ) """ SINGLE_KP = """ path = paths[0] values = path['values'] x = [path['x'] for _ in values] p.scatter(x, values, marker="_") """ MATPLOTLIB_BODY_TEMPLATE = Template( """all_data = json.loads(all_data_str) if not all_data.get('use_latex', False): rc('text', usetex=False) #x = all_data['x'] #bands = all_data['bands'] paths = all_data['paths'] tick_pos = all_data['tick_pos'] tick_labels = all_data['tick_labels'] # Option for bands (all, or those of type 1 if there are two spins) further_plot_options1 = {} further_plot_options1['color'] = all_data.get('bands_color', 'k') further_plot_options1['linewidth'] = all_data.get('bands_linewidth', 0.5) further_plot_options1['linestyle'] = all_data.get('bands_linestyle', None) further_plot_options1['marker'] = all_data.get('bands_marker', None) further_plot_options1['markersize'] = all_data.get('bands_markersize', None) further_plot_options1['markeredgecolor'] = all_data.get('bands_markeredgecolor', None) further_plot_options1['markeredgewidth'] = all_data.get('bands_markeredgewidth', None) further_plot_options1['markerfacecolor'] = all_data.get('bands_markerfacecolor', None) # Options for second-type of bands if present (e.g. spin up vs. spin down) further_plot_options2 = {} further_plot_options2['color'] = all_data.get('bands_color2', 'r') # Use the values of further_plot_options1 by default further_plot_options2['linewidth'] = all_data.get('bands_linewidth2', further_plot_options1['linewidth'] ) further_plot_options2['linestyle'] = all_data.get('bands_linestyle2', further_plot_options1['linestyle'] ) further_plot_options2['marker'] = all_data.get('bands_marker2', further_plot_options1['marker'] ) further_plot_options2['markersize'] = all_data.get('bands_markersize2', further_plot_options1['markersize'] ) further_plot_options2['markeredgecolor'] = all_data.get('bands_markeredgecolor2', further_plot_options1['markeredgecolor'] ) further_plot_options2['markeredgewidth'] = all_data.get('bands_markeredgewidth2', further_plot_options1['markeredgewidth'] ) further_plot_options2['markerfacecolor'] = all_data.get('bands_markerfacecolor2', further_plot_options1['markerfacecolor'] ) fig = pl.figure() p = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) first_band_1 = True first_band_2 = True ${plot_code} p.set_xticks(tick_pos) p.set_xticklabels(tick_labels) p.set_xlim([all_data['x_min_lim'], all_data['x_max_lim']]) p.set_ylim([all_data['y_min_lim'], all_data['y_max_lim']]) p.xaxis.grid(True, which='major', color='#888888', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5) if all_data.get('plot_zero_axis', False): p.axhline( 0., color=all_data.get('zero_axis_color', '#888888'), linestyle=all_data.get('zero_axis_linestyle', '--'), linewidth=all_data.get('zero_axis_linewidth', 0.5), ) if all_data['title']: p.set_title(all_data['title']) if all_data['legend_text']: p.legend(loc='best') p.set_ylabel(all_data['yaxis_label']) try: if print_comment: print(all_data['comment']) except KeyError: pass """ ) MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_SHOW = Template("""""") MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_EXPORTFILE = Template("""pl.savefig("$fname", format="$format")""") MATPLOTLIB_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_EXPORTFILE_WITH_DPI = Template("""pl.savefig("$fname", format="$format", dpi=$dpi)""")
[docs] def get_bands_and_parents_structure(args, backend=None): """Search for bands and return bands and the closest structure that is a parent of the instance. :returns: A list of sublists, each latter containing (in order): pk as string, formula as string, creation date, bandsdata-label """ import datetime from aiida import orm from aiida.common import timezone if backend: user = orm.User.get_collection(backend).get_default() else: user = orm.User.collection.get_default() q_build = orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend) if args.all_users is False: q_build.append(orm.User, tag='creator', filters={'email':}) else: q_build.append(orm.User, tag='creator') group_filters = {} with_args = {} if args.group_name is not None: group_filters.update({'label': {'in': args.group_name}}) if args.group_pk is not None: group_filters.update({'id': {'in': args.group_pk}}) if group_filters: q_build.append(orm.Group, tag='group', filters=group_filters, with_user='creator') with_args = {'with_group': 'group'} else: # Note: This is a workaround for the QB constraint of not allowing multiple ``with_*`` criteria. Correctly we # would like to specify with_user always on the ``BandsData`` directly and optionally add with_group. Until this # is resolved, add the ``with_user`` on the group if specified and on the ``BandsData`` if not. with_args = {'with_user': 'creator'} bdata_filters = {} if args.past_days is not None: bdata_filters.update({'ctime': {'>=': - datetime.timedelta(days=args.past_days)}}) q_build.append(orm.BandsData, tag='bdata', filters=bdata_filters, project=['id', 'label', 'ctime'], **with_args) bands_list_data = q_build.all() q_build.append( orm.StructureData, tag='sdata', with_descendants='bdata', # We don't care about the creator of StructureData project=['id', 'attributes.kinds', 'attributes.sites', 'ctime'], ) q_build.order_by({orm.StructureData: {'ctime': 'desc'}}) structure_dict = {} list_data = q_build.distinct().all() for bid, _, _, _, akinds, asites, _ in list_data: structure_dict[bid] = (akinds, asites) entry_list = [] already_visited_bdata = set() for [bid, blabel, bdate] in bands_list_data: # We process only one StructureData per BandsData. # We want to process the closest StructureData to # every BandsData. # We hope that the StructureData with the latest # creation time is the closest one. # This will be updated when the QueryBuilder supports # order_by by the distance of two nodes. if already_visited_bdata.__contains__(bid): continue already_visited_bdata.add(bid) strct = structure_dict.get(bid, None) if strct is not None: akinds, asites = strct formula = _extract_formula(akinds, asites, args) elif args.element is not None or args.element_only is not None: formula = None else: formula = '<<NOT FOUND>>' if formula is None: continue entry_list.append([str(bid), str(formula), bdate.strftime('%d %b %Y'), blabel]) return entry_list
[docs] def _extract_formula(akinds, asites, args): """Extract formula from the structure object. :param akinds: list of kinds, e.g. [{'mass': 55.845, 'name': 'Fe', 'symbols': ['Fe'], 'weights': [1.0]}, {'mass': 15.9994, 'name': 'O', 'symbols': ['O'], 'weights': [1.0]}] :param asites: list of structure sites e.g. [{'position': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'kind_name': 'Fe'}, {'position': [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], 'kind_name': 'O'}] :param args: a namespace with parsed command line parameters, here only 'element' and 'element_only' are used :type args: dict :return: a string with formula if the formula is found """ from import get_formula, get_symbols_string if args.element is not None: all_symbols = [_['symbols'][0] for _ in akinds] if not any(s in args.element for s in all_symbols): return None if args.element_only is not None: all_symbols = [_['symbols'][0] for _ in akinds] if not all(s in all_symbols for s in args.element_only): return None # We want only the StructureData that have attributes if akinds is None or asites is None: return '<<UNKNOWN>>' symbol_dict = {} for k in akinds: symbols = k['symbols'] weights = k['weights'] symbol_dict[k['name']] = get_symbols_string(symbols, weights) try: symbol_list = [] for site in asites: symbol_list.append(symbol_dict[site['kind_name']]) formula = get_formula(symbol_list, mode=args.formulamode) # If for some reason there is no kind with the name # referenced by the site except KeyError: formula = '<<UNKNOWN>>' return formula