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"""Utilities for the implementation of the SqlAlchemy backend."""
import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified

from aiida.common import exceptions

    from import PsqlDosBackend

IMMUTABLE_MODEL_FIELDS = {'id', 'pk', 'uuid', 'node_type'}

[docs] class ModelWrapper: """Wrap an SQLA ORM model and AiiDA storage backend instance together, to correctly update and flush the data model when getting or setting a field. The ORM model represents a row in a database table, with a given schema, and its attributes represent the fields (a.k.a. columns) of the table. When an ORM model instance is created, it does not have any association with a particular database, i.e. it is "unsaved". At this point, its attributes can be freely retrieved or set. When the ORM model instance is saved, it is associated with the database configured for the backend instance, by adding it to the backend instances's session (i.e. its connection with the database). At this point: - Whenever we retrieve a field of the model instance, unless we know it to be immutable, we first ensure that the field represents the latest value in the database (e.g. in case the database has been externally updated). - Whenever we set a field of the model instance, unless we know it to be immutable, we flush the change to the database. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, backend: 'PsqlDosBackend'): """Construct the ModelWrapper. :param model: the ORM model instance to wrap :param backend: the storage backend instance """ super().__init__() # Have to do it this way because we overwrite __setattr__ object.__setattr__(self, '_model', model) object.__setattr__(self, '_backend', backend)
@property def session(self) -> Session: """Return the session of the storage backend instance.""" return self._backend.get_session()
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item): """Get an attribute of the model instance. If the model is saved in the database, the item corresponds to a mutable model field and the current scope is not in an open database connection, then the field's value is first refreshed from the database. :param item: the name of the model field :return: the value of the model's attribute """ # Python 3's implementation of copy.copy does not call __init__ on the new object # but manually restores attributes instead. Make sure we never get into a recursive # loop by protecting the special variables here if item in ('_model', '_backend'): raise AttributeError() if self.is_saved() and self._is_mutable_model_field(item) and not self._in_transaction(): self._ensure_model_uptodate(fields=(item,)) return getattr(self._model, item)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set the attribute on the model instance. If the field being set is a mutable model field and the model is saved, the changes are flushed. :param key: the name of the model field :param value: the value to set """ setattr(self._model, key, value) if self.is_saved() and self._is_mutable_model_field(key): fields = set((key,)) self._flush(fields=fields)
[docs] def is_saved(self): """Return whether the wrapped model instance is saved in the database. :return: boolean, True if the model is saved in the database, False otherwise """ # we should not flush here since it may lead to IntegrityErrors # which are handled later in the save method with self.session.no_autoflush: return is not None
[docs] def save(self): """Store the model instance. .. note:: If one is currently in a transaction, this method is a no-op. :raises `aiida.common.IntegrityError`: if a database integrity error is raised during the save. """ try: self.session.add(self._model) if not self._in_transaction(): self.session.commit() else: self.session.flush() except IntegrityError as exception: self.session.rollback() raise exceptions.IntegrityError(str(exception))
[docs] def _is_mutable_model_field(self, field): """Return whether the field is a mutable field of the model. :return: boolean, True if the field is a model field and is not in the `IMMUTABLE_MODEL_FIELDS` set. """ if field in IMMUTABLE_MODEL_FIELDS: return False return self._is_model_field(field)
[docs] def _is_model_field(self, field): """Return whether the field is a field of the model. :return: boolean, True if the field is a model field, False otherwise. """ return inspect(self._model.__class__).has_property(field)
[docs] def _flush(self, fields=()): """Flush the fields of the model to the database. .. note:: If the wrapped model is not actually saved in the database yet, this method is a no-op. :param fields: the model fields whose current value to flush to the database """ if self.is_saved(): for field in fields: flag_modified(self._model, field)
[docs] def _ensure_model_uptodate(self, fields=None): """Refresh all fields of the wrapped model instance by fetching the current state of the database instance. :param fields: optionally refresh only these fields, if `None` all fields are refreshed. """ self.session.expire(self._model, attribute_names=fields)
[docs] def _in_transaction(self): """Return whether the current scope is within an open database transaction. :return: boolean, True if currently in open transaction, False otherwise. """ return self.session.in_nested_transaction()
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def disable_expire_on_commit(session): """Context manager that disables expire_on_commit and restores the original value on exit :param session: The SQLA session :type session: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` """ current_value = session.expire_on_commit session.expire_on_commit = False try: yield session finally: session.expire_on_commit = current_value