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"""Utility functions specific to the SqlAlchemy backend."""
import json
from typing import TypedDict

[docs] class PsqlConfig(TypedDict, total=False): """Configuration to connect to a PostgreSQL database.""" database_hostname: str database_port: int database_username: str database_password: str database_name: str engine_kwargs: dict """keyword argument that will be passed on to the SQLAlchemy engine."""
[docs] def create_sqlalchemy_engine(config: PsqlConfig): """Create SQLAlchemy engine (to be used for QueryBuilder queries) :param kwargs: keyword arguments that will be passed on to `sqlalchemy.create_engine`. See for more info. """ from sqlalchemy import create_engine # The hostname may be `None`, which is a valid value in the case of peer authentication for example. In this case # it should be converted to an empty string, because otherwise the `None` will be converted to string literal "None" hostname = config['database_hostname'] or '' separator = ':' if config['database_port'] else '' engine_url = 'postgresql://{user}:{password}@{hostname}{separator}{port}/{name}'.format( separator=separator, user=config['database_username'], password=config['database_password'], hostname=hostname, port=config['database_port'], name=config['database_name'], ) return create_engine( engine_url, json_serializer=json.dumps, json_deserializer=json.loads, **config.get('engine_kwargs', {}), )
[docs] def create_scoped_session_factory(engine, **kwargs): """Create scoped SQLAlchemy session factory""" from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker return scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, **kwargs))
[docs] def flag_modified(instance, key): """Wrapper around `sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.flag_modified` to correctly dereference utils.ModelWrapper Since SqlAlchemy 1.2.12 (and maybe earlier but not in 1.0.19) the flag_modified function will check that the key is actually present in the instance or it will except. If we pass a model instance, wrapped in the ModelWrapper the call will raise an InvalidRequestError. In this function that wraps the flag_modified of SqlAlchemy, we derefence the model instance if the passed instance is actually wrapped in the ModelWrapper. """ from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified as flag_modified_sqla from import ModelWrapper if isinstance(instance, ModelWrapper): instance = instance._model flag_modified_sqla(instance, key)
[docs] def install_tc(session): """Install the transitive closure table with SqlAlchemy.""" from sqlalchemy import text links_table_name = 'db_dblink' links_table_input_field = 'input_id' links_table_output_field = 'output_id' closure_table_name = 'db_dbpath' closure_table_parent_field = 'parent_id' closure_table_child_field = 'child_id' session.execute( text( get_pg_tc( links_table_name, links_table_input_field, links_table_output_field, closure_table_name, closure_table_parent_field, closure_table_child_field, ) ) )
[docs] def get_pg_tc( links_table_name, links_table_input_field, links_table_output_field, closure_table_name, closure_table_parent_field, closure_table_child_field, ): """Return the transitive closure table template""" from string import Template pg_tc = Template( """ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS autoupdate_tc ON $links_table_name; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS update_tc(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_tc() RETURNS trigger AS $$BODY$$ DECLARE new_id INTEGER; old_id INTEGER; num_rows INTEGER; BEGIN IF tg_op = 'INSERT' THEN IF EXISTS ( SELECT Id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_input_field AND $closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_output_field AND depth = 0 ) THEN RETURN null; END IF; IF new.$links_table_input_field = new.$links_table_output_field OR EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_output_field AND $closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_input_field ) THEN RETURN null; END IF; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) VALUES ( new.$links_table_input_field, new.$links_table_output_field, 0); new_id := lastval(); UPDATE $closure_table_name SET entry_edge_id = new_id , exit_edge_id = new_id , direct_edge_id = new_id WHERE id = new_id; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, exit_edge_id, $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) SELECT id , new_id , new_id , $closure_table_parent_field , new.$links_table_output_field , depth + 1 FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_input_field; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, exit_edge_id, $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) SELECT new_id , new_id , id , new.$links_table_input_field , $closure_table_child_field , depth + 1 FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_output_field; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, exit_edge_id, $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) SELECT , new_id , , A.$closure_table_parent_field , B.$closure_table_child_field , A.depth + B.depth + 2 FROM $closure_table_name A CROSS JOIN $closure_table_name B WHERE A.$closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_input_field AND B.$closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_output_field; END IF; IF tg_op = 'DELETE' THEN IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = old.$links_table_input_field AND $closure_table_child_field = old.$links_table_output_field AND depth = 0 ) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; CREATE TABLE PurgeList (Id int); INSERT INTO PurgeList SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = old.$links_table_input_field AND $closure_table_child_field = old.$links_table_output_field AND depth = 0; WHILE (1 = 1) loop INSERT INTO PurgeList SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE depth > 0 AND ( entry_edge_id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ) OR direct_edge_id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ) OR exit_edge_id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ) ) AND Id NOT IN (SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ); GET DIAGNOSTICS num_rows = ROW_COUNT; if (num_rows = 0) THEN EXIT; END IF; end loop; DELETE FROM $closure_table_name WHERE Id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList); DROP TABLE PurgeList; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $$BODY$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; CREATE TRIGGER autoupdate_tc AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON $links_table_name FOR each ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_tc(); """ ) return pg_tc.substitute( links_table_name=links_table_name, links_table_input_field=links_table_input_field, links_table_output_field=links_table_output_field, closure_table_name=closure_table_name, closure_table_parent_field=closure_table_parent_field, closure_table_child_field=closure_table_child_field, )