Source code for

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Versioning and migration implementation for the sqlite_zip format."""
import contextlib
import json
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

from alembic.command import upgrade
from alembic.config import Config
from alembic.runtime.environment import EnvironmentContext
from alembic.runtime.migration import MigrationContext, MigrationInfo
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory
from archive_path import ZipPath, extract_file_in_zip, open_file_in_tar, open_file_in_zip

from aiida.common.exceptions import CorruptStorage, IncompatibleStorageSchema, StorageMigrationError
from aiida.common.progress_reporter import get_progress_reporter
from import MIGRATE_LOGGER

from .migrations.legacy_to_main import LEGACY_TO_MAIN_REVISION, perform_v1_migration
from .migrations.utils import copy_tar_to_zip, copy_zip_to_zip, update_metadata
from .utils import DB_FILENAME, META_FILENAME, REPO_FOLDER, create_sqla_engine, extract_metadata, read_version

[docs] def get_schema_version_head() -> str: """Return the head schema version for this storage, i.e. the latest schema this storage can be migrated to.""" return _alembic_script().revision_map.get_current_head('main') or ''
[docs] def list_versions() -> List[str]: """Return all available schema versions (oldest to latest).""" legacy_versions = list(LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS) + [FINAL_LEGACY_VERSION] alembic_versions = [entry.revision for entry in reversed(list(_alembic_script().walk_revisions()))] return legacy_versions + alembic_versions
[docs] def validate_storage(inpath: Path) -> None: """Validate that the storage is at the head version. :raises: :class:`aiida.common.exceptions.UnreachableStorage` if the file does not exist :raises: :class:`aiida.common.exceptions.CorruptStorage` if the version cannot be read from the storage. :raises: :class:`aiida.common.exceptions.IncompatibleStorageSchema` if the storage is not compatible with the code API. """ schema_version_code = get_schema_version_head() schema_version_archive = read_version(inpath) if schema_version_archive != schema_version_code: raise IncompatibleStorageSchema( f'Archive schema version `{schema_version_archive}` ' f'is incompatible with the required schema version `{schema_version_code}`. ' 'To migrate the archive schema version to the current one, ' f'run the following command: verdi archive migrate {str(inpath)!r}' )
[docs] def migrate( inpath: Union[str, Path], outpath: Union[str, Path], version: str, *, force: bool = False, compression: int = 6 ) -> None: """Migrate an `sqlite_zip` storage file to a specific version. Historically, this format could be a zip or a tar file, contained the database as a bespoke JSON format, and the repository files in the "legacy" per-node format. For these versions, we first migrate the JSON database to the final legacy schema, then we convert this file to the SQLite database, whilst sequentially migrating the repository files. Once any legacy migrations have been performed, we can then migrate the SQLite database to the final schema, using alembic. Note that, to minimise disk space usage, we never fully extract/uncompress the input file (except when migrating from a legacy tar file, whereby we cannot extract individual files): 1. The sqlite database is extracted to a temporary location and migrated 2. A new zip file is opened, within a temporary folder 3. The repository files are "streamed" directly between the input file and the new zip file 4. The sqlite database and metadata JSON are written to the new zip file 5. The new zip file is closed (which writes its final central directory) 6. The new zip file is moved to the output location, removing any existing file if `force=True` :param path: Path to the file :param outpath: Path to output the migrated file :param version: Target version :param force: If True, overwrite the output file if it exists :param compression: Compression level for the output file """ inpath = Path(inpath) outpath = Path(outpath) # halt immediately, if we could not write to the output file if outpath.exists() and not force: raise StorageMigrationError('Output path already exists and force=False') if outpath.exists() and not outpath.is_file(): raise StorageMigrationError('Existing output path is not a file') # the file should be either a tar (legacy only) or zip file if tarfile.is_tarfile(str(inpath)): is_tar = True elif zipfile.is_zipfile(str(inpath)): is_tar = False else: raise CorruptStorage(f'The input file is neither a tar nor a zip file: {inpath}') # read the metadata.json which should always be present metadata = extract_metadata(inpath, search_limit=None) # obtain the current version from the metadata if 'export_version' not in metadata: raise CorruptStorage('No export_version found in metadata') current_version = metadata['export_version'] # update the modified time of the file and the compression metadata['mtime'] = metadata['compression'] = compression # check versions are valid # versions 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 are no longer supported, # since 0.3 -> 0.4 requires costly migrations of repo files (you would need to unpack all of them) if current_version in ('0.1', '0.2', '0.3') or version in ('0.1', '0.2', '0.3'): raise StorageMigrationError( f"Legacy migration from '{current_version}' -> '{version}' is not supported in aiida-core v2. " 'First migrate them to the latest version in aiida-core v1.' ) all_versions = list_versions() if current_version not in all_versions: raise StorageMigrationError(f"Unknown current version '{current_version}'") if version not in all_versions: raise StorageMigrationError(f"Unknown target version '{version}'") # if we are already at the desired version, then no migration is required, so simply copy the file if necessary if current_version == version: if inpath != outpath: if outpath.exists() and force: outpath.unlink() shutil.copyfile(inpath, outpath) return # if the archive is a "legacy" format, i.e. has a data.json file, migrate it to the target/final legacy schema data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None if current_version in LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS:'Legacy migrations required from {"tar" if is_tar else "zip"} format')'Extracting data.json ...') # read the data.json file data = _read_json(inpath, 'data.json', is_tar) to_version = FINAL_LEGACY_VERSION if version not in LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS else version current_version = _perform_legacy_migrations(current_version, to_version, metadata, data) # if we are now at the target version, then write the updated files to a new zip file and exit if current_version == version: # create new legacy archive with updated metadata & data def path_callback(inpath, outpath) -> bool: if == 'metadata.json': outpath.write_text(json.dumps(metadata)) return True if == 'data.json': outpath.write_text(json.dumps(data)) return True return False func = copy_tar_to_zip if is_tar else copy_zip_to_zip func( inpath, outpath, path_callback, overwrite=force, compression=compression, title='Writing migrated legacy archive', info_order=('metadata.json', 'data.json'), ) return # open the temporary directory, to perform further migrations with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # open the new zip file, within which to write the migrated content new_zip_path = Path(tmpdirname) / '' central_dir: Dict[str, Any] = {} with ZipPath( new_zip_path, mode='w', compresslevel=compression, name_to_info=central_dir, # this ensures that the metadata and database files are written above the repository files, # in in the central directory, so that they can be accessed easily info_order=(META_FILENAME, DB_FILENAME), ) as new_zip: written_repo = False if current_version == FINAL_LEGACY_VERSION: # migrate from the legacy format, # streaming the repository files directly to the new zip file f'legacy {FINAL_LEGACY_VERSION!r} -> {LEGACY_TO_MAIN_REVISION!r} conversion required' ) if data is None:'Extracting data.json ...') data = _read_json(inpath, 'data.json', is_tar) db_path = perform_v1_migration(inpath, Path(tmpdirname), new_zip, central_dir, is_tar, metadata, data) # the migration includes adding the repository files to the new zip file written_repo = True current_version = LEGACY_TO_MAIN_REVISION else: if is_tar: raise CorruptStorage('Tar files are not supported for this format') # extract the sqlite database, for alembic migrations db_path = Path(tmpdirname) / DB_FILENAME with'wb') as handle: try: extract_file_in_zip(inpath, DB_FILENAME, handle) except Exception as exc: raise CorruptStorage(f'database could not be read: {exc}') from exc # perform alembic migrations # note, we do this before writing the repository files (unless a legacy migration), # so that we don't waste time doing that (which could be slow), only for alembic to fail if current_version != version:'Performing SQLite migrations:') with _migration_context(db_path) as context: assert context.script is not None context.stamp(context.script, current_version) context.connection.commit() # type: ignore # see # for why we do not enforce foreign keys here with _alembic_connect(db_path, enforce_foreign_keys=False) as config: upgrade(config, version) update_metadata(metadata, version) if not written_repo: # stream the repository files directly to the new zip file with ZipPath(inpath, mode='r') as old_zip: length = sum(1 for _ in old_zip.glob('**/*', include_virtual=False)) title = 'Copying repository files' with get_progress_reporter()(desc=title, total=length) as progress: for subpath in old_zip.glob('**/*', include_virtual=False): new_path_sub = new_zip.joinpath( if[0] == REPO_FOLDER: if subpath.is_dir(): new_path_sub.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: new_path_sub.putfile(subpath) progress.update()'Finalising the migration ...') # write the final database file to the new zip file (new_zip / DB_FILENAME).putfile(db_path) # write the final metadata.json file to the new zip file (new_zip / META_FILENAME).write_text(json.dumps(metadata)) # on exiting the the ZipPath context, the zip file is closed and the central directory written # move the new zip file to the final location if outpath.exists() and force: outpath.unlink() shutil.move(new_zip_path, outpath) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def _read_json(inpath: Path, filename: str, is_tar: bool) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Read a JSON file from the archive.""" if is_tar: with open_file_in_tar(inpath, filename) as handle: data = json.load(handle) else: with open_file_in_zip(inpath, filename) as handle: data = json.load(handle) return data
[docs] def _perform_legacy_migrations(current_version: str, to_version: str, metadata: dict, data: dict) -> str: """Perform legacy migrations from the current version to the desired version. Legacy archives use the old ``data.json`` format for storing the database. These migrations simply manipulate the metadata and data in-place. :param current_version: current version of the archive :param to_version: version to migrate to :param metadata: the metadata to migrate :param data: the data to migrate :return: the new version of the archive """ # compute the migration pathway prev_version = current_version pathway: List[str] = [] while prev_version != to_version: if prev_version not in LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS: raise StorageMigrationError(f"No migration pathway available for '{current_version}' to '{to_version}'") if prev_version in pathway: raise StorageMigrationError( f'cyclic migration pathway encountered: {" -> ".join(pathway + [prev_version])}' ) pathway.append(prev_version) prev_version = LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS[prev_version][0] if not pathway:'No migration required') return to_version'Legacy migration pathway: %s', ' -> '.join(pathway + [to_version])) with get_progress_reporter()(total=len(pathway), desc='Performing migrations: ') as progress: for from_version in pathway: to_version = LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS[from_version][0] progress.set_description_str(f'Performing migrations: {from_version} -> {to_version}', refresh=True) LEGACY_MIGRATE_FUNCTIONS[from_version][1](metadata, data) progress.update() return to_version
[docs] def _alembic_config() -> Config: """Return an instance of an Alembic `Config`.""" config = Config() config.set_main_option('script_location', str(Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)).parent / 'migrations')) return config
[docs] def _alembic_script() -> ScriptDirectory: """Return an instance of an Alembic `ScriptDirectory`.""" return ScriptDirectory.from_config(_alembic_config())
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def _alembic_connect(db_path: Path, enforce_foreign_keys=True) -> Iterator[Config]: """Context manager to return an instance of an Alembic configuration. The profiles's database connection is added in the `attributes` property, through which it can then also be retrieved, also in the `` file, which is run when the database is migrated. """ with create_sqla_engine(db_path, enforce_foreign_keys=enforce_foreign_keys).connect() as connection: config = _alembic_config() config.attributes['connection'] = connection def _callback(step: MigrationInfo, **kwargs): """Callback to be called after a migration step is executed.""" from_rev = step.down_revision_ids[0] if step.down_revision_ids else '<base>''- {from_rev} -> {step.up_revision_id}') config.attributes['on_version_apply'] = _callback yield config
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def _migration_context(db_path: Path) -> Iterator[MigrationContext]: """Context manager to return an instance of an Alembic migration context. This migration context will have been configured with the current database connection, which allows this context to be used to inspect the contents of the database, such as the current revision. """ with _alembic_connect(db_path) as config: script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) with EnvironmentContext(config, script) as context: context.configure(context.config.attributes['connection']) yield context.get_context()