Source code for aiida.cmdline

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# default execname; can be substituted later in the call from
# exec_from_cmdline

execname = 'verdi'

[docs]def delayed_load_node(*args, **kwargs): """ Call the aiida.orm.load_node, but import the module only at the first execution. This is needed in the command line, because an import would "freeze" the imported modules to the BACKEND currently set (and when 'verdi' starts to run, this has not been fixed yet). :note: either import load_node AFTER the load_dbenv call, inside each function, or if you want to import it only once for convenience reasons, import this function:: from aiida.cmdline import delayed_load_node as load_node """ from aiida.orm.utils import load_node as orig_load_node return orig_load_node(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def delayed_load_workflow(*args, **kwargs): """ Same as aiida.cmdline.delayed_load_node. This method is needed in the command line in order not to "freeze" what is imported to a specific backend. """ from aiida.orm.utils import load_workflow as orig_load_workflow return orig_load_workflow(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def wait_for_confirmation(valid_positive=("Y", "y"), valid_negative=("N", "n"), print_to_stderr=True, catch_ctrl_c=True): """ Wait for confirmation, until a valid confirmation is given. If the confirmation is not valid, keep asking. :param valid_positive: a list of strings with all possible valid positive confirmations. :param valid_negative: a list of strings with all possible valid negative confirmations. :param print_to_stderr: If True, print messages to stderr, otherwise to stdout :param catch_ctrl_c: If True, a CTRL+C command is catched and interpreted as a negative response. If False, CTRL+C is not catched. :returns: True if the reply was positive, False if it was negative. """ import sys try: while True: reply = raw_input() if reply in valid_positive: return True elif reply in valid_negative: return False else: error_string = "The choice is not valid. Valid choices are: {}".format( ", ".join(sorted(list(set(_.upper() for _ in ( valid_positive + valid_negative)))))) if print_to_stderr: outfile = sys.stderr else: outfile = sys.stdout outfile.write(error_string) outfile.write('\n') outfile.write("Enter your choice: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: if catch_ctrl_c: return False else: raise
[docs]def _print_dictionary_json_date(dictionary): """ Print a dictionary using the json format (with indent=2), and converting dates to strings. """ def default_jsondump(data): """ Function needed to decode datetimes, that would otherwise not be JSON-decodable """ import datetime if isinstance(data, datetime.datetime): return data.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z') raise TypeError(repr(data) + " is not JSON serializable") import json print json.dumps(dictionary, indent=2, sort_keys=True, default=default_jsondump)
[docs]def pass_to_django_manage(argv, profile=None): """ Call the corresponding django command """ from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv(profile=profile) import