Source code for aiida.workflows.wf_XTiO3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from __future__ import division
import aiida.common
from aiida.common import aiidalogger
from aiida.orm.workflow import Workflow
from aiida.orm import Code, Computer
from aiida.orm import CalculationFactory, DataFactory

UpfData = DataFactory('upf')
ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')
KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')
StructureData = DataFactory('structure')

logger = aiidalogger.getChild('WorkflowXTiO3')

## ===============================================
##    WorkflowXTiO3_EOS
## ===============================================

[docs]class WorkflowXTiO3_EOS(Workflow):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(WorkflowXTiO3_EOS, self).__init__(**kwargs)
## =============================================== ## Structure generators ## ===============================================
[docs] def get_structure(self, alat=4, x_material='Ba'): cell = [[alat, 0., 0., ], [0., alat, 0., ], [0., 0., alat, ], ] # BaTiO3 cubic structure s = StructureData(cell=cell) s.append_atom(position=(0., 0., 0.), symbols=x_material) s.append_atom(position=(alat / 2., alat / 2., alat / 2.), symbols=['Ti']) s.append_atom(position=(alat / 2., alat / 2., 0.), symbols=['O']) s.append_atom(position=(alat / 2., 0., alat / 2.), symbols=['O']) s.append_atom(position=(0., alat / 2., alat / 2.), symbols=['O']) return s
[docs] def get_pw_parameters(self): parameters = ParameterData(dict={ 'CONTROL': { 'calculation': 'scf', 'restart_mode': 'from_scratch', 'wf_collect': True, }, 'SYSTEM': { 'ecutwfc': 30., 'ecutrho': 240., }, 'ELECTRONS': { 'conv_thr': 1.e-6, }}).store() return parameters
[docs] def get_kpoints(self): kpoints = KpointsData() kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh([4, 4, 4]) return kpoints
## =============================================== ## Calculations generators ## ===============================================
[docs] def get_pw_calculation(self, pw_structure, pw_parameters, pw_kpoint): params = self.get_parameters() pw_codename = params['pw_codename'] num_machines = params['num_machines'] max_wallclock_seconds = params['max_wallclock_seconds'] pseudo_family = params['pseudo_family'] code = Code.get_from_string(pw_codename) computer = code.get_remote_computer() QECalc = CalculationFactory('') calc = QECalc(computer=computer) calc.set_max_wallclock_seconds(max_wallclock_seconds) calc.set_resources({"num_machines": num_machines}) calc.use_code(code) calc.use_structure(pw_structure) calc.use_pseudos_from_family(pseudo_family) calc.use_parameters(pw_parameters) calc.use_kpoints(pw_kpoint) return calc
## =============================================== ## Wf steps ## =============================================== @Workflow.step def start(self): params = self.get_parameters() x_material = params['x_material'] self.append_to_report(x_material + "Ti03 EOS started") @Workflow.step def eos(self): from aiida.orm import Code, Computer, CalculationFactory import numpy as np params = self.get_parameters() x_material = params['x_material'] starting_alat = params['starting_alat'] alat_steps = params['alat_steps'] a_sweep = np.linspace(starting_alat * 0.85, starting_alat * 1.15, alat_steps).tolist()"Storing a_sweep as " + str(a_sweep)) self.add_attribute('a_sweep', a_sweep) for a in a_sweep: self.append_to_report("Preparing structure {0} with alat {1}".format(x_material + "TiO3", a)) calc = self.get_pw_calculation(self.get_structure(alat=a, x_material=x_material), self.get_pw_parameters(), self.get_kpoints()) self.attach_calculation(calc) @Workflow.step def optimize(self): from import ParameterData x_material = self.get_parameter("x_material") a_sweep = self.get_attribute("a_sweep")"Retrieving a_sweep as {0}".format(a_sweep)) # Get calculations start_calcs = self.get_step_calculations(self.eos) # .get_calculations() # Calculate results #----------------------------------------- e_calcs = [ for c in start_calcs] v_calcs = [c.res.volume for c in start_calcs] e_calcs = zip(*sorted(zip(a_sweep, e_calcs)))[1] v_calcs = zip(*sorted(zip(a_sweep, v_calcs)))[1] # Add to report #----------------------------------------- for i in range(len(a_sweep)): self.append_to_report(x_material + "Ti03 simulated with a=" + str(a_sweep[i]) + ", e=" + str(e_calcs[i])) # Find optimal alat #----------------------------------------- murnpars, ier = Murnaghan_fit(e_calcs, v_calcs) # New optimal alat optimal_alat = murnpars[3] ** (1 / 3.0) self.add_attribute('optimal_alat', optimal_alat) # Build last calculation #----------------------------------------- calc = self.get_pw_calculation(self.get_structure(alat=optimal_alat, x_material=x_material), self.get_pw_parameters(), self.get_kpoints()) self.attach_calculation(calc) @Workflow.step def final_step(self): from import ParameterData x_material = self.get_parameter("x_material") optimal_alat = self.get_attribute("optimal_alat") opt_calc = self.get_step_calculations(self.optimize)[0] # .get_calculations()[0] opt_e = opt_calc.get_outputs(node_type=ParameterData)[0].get_dict()['energy'] self.append_to_report(x_material + "Ti03 optimal with a=" + str(optimal_alat) + ", e=" + str(opt_e)) self.add_result("scf_converged", opt_calc)
[docs]def Murnaghan_fit(e, v): import pylab import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as optimize e = np.array(e) v = np.array(v) # Fit with parabola for first guess a, b, c = pylab.polyfit(v, e, 2) # Initial parameters v0 = -b / (2 * a) e0 = a * v0 ** 2 + b * v0 + c b0 = 2 * a * v0 bP = 4 def Murnaghan(vol, parameters): E0 = parameters[0] B0 = parameters[1] BP = parameters[2] V0 = parameters[3] EM = E0 + B0 * vol / BP * ( ((V0 / vol) ** BP) / (BP - 1) + 1 ) - V0 * B0 / (BP - 1.0) return EM # Minimization function def residuals(pars, y, x): # we will minimize this function err = y - Murnaghan(x, pars) return err p0 = [e0, b0, bP, v0] return optimize.leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(e, v))