Source code for aiida.backends.general.abstractqueries

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# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class AbstractQueryManager(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
# This is an example of a query that could be overriden by a better implementation, # for performance reasons:
[docs] def query_jobcalculations_by_computer_user_state( self, state, computer=None, user=None, only_computer_user_pairs=False, only_enabled=True, limit=None ): """ Filter all calculations with a given state. Issue a warning if the state is not in the list of valid states. :param state: The state to be used to filter (should be a string among those defined in aiida.common.datastructures.calc_states) :type state: str :param computer: a Django DbComputer entry, or a Computer object, of a computer in the DbComputer table. A string for the hostname is also valid. :param user: a Django entry (or its pk) of a user in the DbUser table; if present, the results are restricted to calculations of that specific user :param only_computer_user_pairs: if False (default) return a queryset where each element is a suitable instance of Node (it should be an instance of Calculation, if everything goes right!) If True, return only a list of tuples, where each tuple is in the format ('dbcomputer__id', 'user__id') [where the IDs are the IDs of the respective tables] :type only_computer_user_pairs: bool :param limit: Limit the number of rows returned :type limit: int :return: a list of calculation objects matching the filters. """ # I assume that calc_states are strings. If this changes in the future, # update the filter below from dbattributes__tval to the correct field. from import Computer from aiida.orm.calculation.job import JobCalculation from aiida.orm.user import User from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError from aiida.common.datastructures import calc_states if state not in calc_states: raise InputValidationError("querying for calculation state='{}', but it " "is not a valid calculation state".format(state)) calcfilter = {'state': {'==': state}} computerfilter = {"enabled": {'==': True}} userfilter = {} if computer is None: pass elif isinstance(computer, int): computerfilter.update({'id': {'==': computer}}) elif isinstance(computer, Computer): computerfilter.update({'id': {'==':}}) else: try: computerfilter.update({'id': {'==':}}) except AttributeError as e: raise Exception( "{} is not a valid computer\n{}".format(computer, e) ) if user is None: pass elif isinstance(user, int): userfilter.update({'id': {'==': user}}) else: try: userfilter.update({'id': {'==': int(}}) # Is that safe? except: raise Exception("{} is not a valid user".format(user)) qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(type="computer", tag='computer', filters=computerfilter) qb.append(JobCalculation, filters=calcfilter, tag='calc', has_computer='computer') qb.append(type="user", tag='user', filters=userfilter, creator_of="calc") if only_computer_user_pairs: qb.add_projection("computer", "*") qb.add_projection("user", "*") returnresult = qb.distinct().all() else: qb.add_projection("calc", "*") if limit is not None: qb.limit(limit) returnresult = qb.all() returnresult = zip(*returnresult)[0] return returnresult
[docs] def get_creation_statistics( self, user_pk=None ): """ Return a dictionary with the statistics of node creation, summarized by day. :note: Days when no nodes were created are not present in the returned `ctime_by_day` dictionary. :param user_pk: If None (default), return statistics for all users. If user pk is specified, return only the statistics for the given user. :return: a dictionary as follows:: { "total": TOTAL_NUM_OF_NODES, "types": {TYPESTRING1: count, TYPESTRING2: count, ...}, "ctime_by_day": {'YYYY-MMM-DD': count, ...} where in `ctime_by_day` the key is a string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' and the value is an integer with the number of nodes created that day. """ from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder as QB from aiida.orm import User, Node from collections import Counter import datetime def count_statistics(dataset): def get_statistics_dict(dataset): results = {} for count, typestring in sorted( (v, k) for k, v in dataset.iteritems())[::-1]: results[typestring] = count return results count_dict = {} types = Counter([r[2] for r in dataset]) count_dict["types"] = get_statistics_dict(types) ctimelist = [r[1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for r in dataset] ctime = Counter(ctimelist) if len(ctimelist) > 0: # For the way the string is formatted, we can just sort it alphabetically firstdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(sorted(ctimelist)[0], '%Y-%m-%d') lastdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(sorted(ctimelist)[-1], '%Y-%m-%d') curdate = firstdate outdata = {} while curdate <= lastdate: curdatestring = curdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') outdata[curdatestring] = ctime.get(curdatestring, 0) curdate += datetime.timedelta(days=1) count_dict["ctime_by_day"] = outdata else: count_dict["ctime_by_day"] = {} return count_dict statistics = {} q = QB() q.append(Node, project=['id', 'ctime', 'type'], tag='node') if user_pk is not None: q.append(User, creator_of='node', project='email', filters={'pk': user_pk}) qb_res = q.all() # total count statistics["total"] = len(qb_res) statistics.update(count_statistics(qb_res)) return statistics
[docs] def get_bands_and_parents_structure(self, args): """ Search for bands and return bands and the closest structure that is a parent of the instance. This is the backend independent way, can be overriden for performance reason :returns: A list of sublists, each latter containing (in order): pk as string, formula as string, creation date, bandsdata-label """ import datetime from aiida.utils import timezone from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from aiida.backends.utils import get_automatic_user from aiida.orm.implementation import User from aiida.orm.implementation import Group from import (get_formula, get_symbols_string) from import BandsData from import StructureData qb = QueryBuilder() if args.all_users is False: au = get_automatic_user() user = User(dbuser=au) qb.append(User, tag="creator", filters={"email":}) else: qb.append(User, tag="creator") bdata_filters = {} if args.past_days is not None: now = n_days_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(days=args.past_days) bdata_filters.update({"ctime": {'>=': n_days_ago}}) qb.append(BandsData, tag="bdata", created_by="creator", filters=bdata_filters, project=["id", "label", "ctime"] ) group_filters = {} if args.group_name is not None: group_filters.update({"name": {"in": args.group_name}}) if args.group_pk is not None: group_filters.update({"id": {"in": args.group_pk}}) if group_filters: qb.append(Group, tag="group", filters=group_filters, group_of="bdata") qb.append(StructureData, tag="sdata", ancestor_of="bdata", # We don't care about the creator of StructureData project=["id", "attributes.kinds", "attributes.sites"]) qb.order_by({StructureData: {'ctime': 'desc'}}) list_data = qb.distinct() entry_list = [] already_visited_bdata = set() for [bid, blabel, bdate, sid, akinds, asites] in list_data.all(): # We process only one StructureData per BandsData. # We want to process the closest StructureData to # every BandsData. # We hope that the StructureData with the latest # creation time is the closest one. # This will be updated when the QueryBuilder supports # order_by by the distance of two nodes. if already_visited_bdata.__contains__(bid): continue already_visited_bdata.add(bid) if args.element is not None: all_symbols = [_["symbols"][0] for _ in akinds] if not any([s in args.element for s in all_symbols] ): continue if args.element_only is not None: all_symbols = [_["symbols"][0] for _ in akinds] if not all( [s in all_symbols for s in args.element_only] ): continue # We want only the StructureData that have attributes if akinds is None or asites is None: continue symbol_dict = {} for k in akinds: symbols = k['symbols'] weights = k['weights'] symbol_dict[k['name']] = get_symbols_string(symbols, weights) try: symbol_list = [] for s in asites: symbol_list.append(symbol_dict[s['kind_name']]) formula = get_formula(symbol_list, mode=args.formulamode) # If for some reason there is no kind with the name # referenced by the site except KeyError: formula = "<<UNKNOWN>>" entry_list.append([str(bid), str(formula), bdate.strftime('%d %b %Y'), blabel]) return entry_list
[docs] def get_all_parents(self, node_pks, return_values=['id']): """ Get all the parents of given nodes :param node_pks: one node pk or an iterable of node pks :return: a list of aiida objects with all the parents of the nodes """ from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from aiida.orm import Node qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(Node, tag='low_node', filters={'id': {'in': node_pks}}) qb.append(Node, ancestor_of='low_node', project=return_values) return qb.all()