Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.migrations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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import copy
import unittest

import os
from alembic import command
from alembic.config import Config

from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import utils
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils import (get_migration_head,
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.setup import set_property, get_property

from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.utils import new_database

alembic_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'migrations', 'alembic')

TEST_ALEMBIC_REL_PATH = 'migration_test'

[docs]class TestMigrationApplicationSQLA(AiidaTestCase): """ This class contains tests for the migration mechanism of SQLAlchemy called alembic. It checks if the migrations can be applied and removed correctly. """ # The path to the folder that contains the migration configuration (the # actual configuration - not the testing) migr_method_dir_path = None # The path of the migration configuration (the actual configuration - not # the testing) alembic_dpath = None
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): super(TestMigrationApplicationSQLA, cls).setUpClass(*args, **kwargs) cls.migr_method_dir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(utils.__file__))
[docs] def setUp(self): self.migrate_db_with_non_testing_migrations("base")
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.migrate_db_with_non_testing_migrations("head")
[docs] def migrate_db_with_non_testing_migrations(self, destination): if destination not in ["head", "base"]: raise TypeError("Only head & base are accepted as destination " "values.") # Set the alembic script directory location self.alembic_dpath = os.path.join(self.migr_method_dir_path, utils.ALEMBIC_REL_PATH) alembic_cfg = Config() alembic_cfg.set_main_option('script_location', self.alembic_dpath) # Undo all previous real migration of the database with sa.engine.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection if destination == "head": command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, "head") else: command.downgrade(alembic_cfg, "base")
[docs] def test_migrations_forward_backward(self): """ This is a very broad test that checks that the migration mechanism works. More specifically, it checks that:: - Alembic database migrations to specific versions work (upgrade & downgrade) - The methods that are checking the database schema version and perform the migration procedure to the last version work correctly. """ from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.migration_test import versions from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils import check_schema_version try: # Constructing the versions directory versions_dpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(versions.__file__)) # Setting dynamically the the path to the alembic configuration # (this is where the file can be found) alembic_cfg = Config() alembic_cfg.set_main_option('script_location', self.alembic_dpath) # Setting dynamically the versions directory. These are the # migration scripts to pass from one version to the other. The # default ones are overridden with test-specific migrations. alembic_cfg.set_main_option('version_locations', versions_dpath) # Using the connection initialized by the tests with sa.engine.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection self.assertIsNone(get_db_schema_version(alembic_cfg), "The initial database version should be " "None (no version) since the test setUp " "method should undo all migrations") # Migrate the database to the latest version check_schema_version(force_migration=True, alembic_cfg=alembic_cfg) with sa.engine.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection self.assertEquals(get_db_schema_version(alembic_cfg), get_migration_head(alembic_cfg), "The latest database version is not the " "expected one.") with sa.engine.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection # Migrating the database to the base version command.downgrade(alembic_cfg, "base") self.assertIsNone(get_db_schema_version(alembic_cfg), "The database version is not the expected " "one. It should be None (initial).") except Exception as test_ex: # If there is an exception, clean the alembic related tables from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection # Getting the current database table names inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine( sa.get_scoped_session().bind) db_table_names = set(inspector.get_table_names()) # The alembic related database names alemb_table_names = set(['account', 'alembic_version']) # Get the intersection of the above tables tables_to_drop = set.intersection(db_table_names, alemb_table_names) # Delete only the tables that exist for table in tables_to_drop: from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session try: with sa.engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute('DROP TABLE {};'.format(table)) except Exception as db_ex: print("The following error occured during the cleaning of" "the database: {}".format(db_ex.message)) # Since the database cleaning is over, raise the test # exception that was caught raise test_ex
[docs]class TestMigrationSchemaVsModelsSchema(unittest.TestCase): """ This class checks that the schema that results from a migration is the same generated by the models. This is important since migrations are frequently written by hand or extended manually and we have to ensure that the final result is what is conceived in the SQLA models. """ # The path to the folder that contains the migration configuration (the # actual configuration - not the testing) migr_method_dir_path = None # The path of the migration configuration (the actual configuration - not # the testing) alembic_dpath = None # The alembic configuration needed for the migrations is stored here alembic_cfg_left = None # The URL of the databases db_url_left = None db_url_right = None
[docs] def setUp(self): # from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.migration_test import versions from sqlalchemydiff.util import get_temporary_uri from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.migrations import versions self.migr_method_dir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(utils.__file__)) # Set the alembic script directory location self.alembic_dpath = os.path.join(self.migr_method_dir_path, utils.ALEMBIC_REL_PATH) # Constructing the versions directory versions_dpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(versions.__file__)) # Setting dynamically the the path to the alembic configuration # (this is where the file can be found) self.alembic_cfg_left = Config() self.alembic_cfg_left.set_main_option('script_location', self.alembic_dpath) # Setting dynamically the versions directory. These are the # migration scripts to pass from one version to the other. The # default ones are overridden with test-specific migrations. self.alembic_cfg_left.set_main_option('version_locations', versions_dpath) # The correction URL to the SQLA database of the current # AiiDA connection curr_db_url = sa.engine.url # Create new urls for the two new databases self.db_url_left = get_temporary_uri(str(curr_db_url)) self.db_url_right = get_temporary_uri(str(curr_db_url)) # Put the correct database url to the database used by alembic self.alembic_cfg_left.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", self.db_url_left) # Database creation new_database(self.db_url_left) new_database(self.db_url_right)
[docs] def tearDown(self): from sqlalchemydiff.util import destroy_database destroy_database(self.db_url_left) destroy_database(self.db_url_right)
[docs] def test_model_and_migration_schemas_are_the_same(self): """Compare two databases. Compares the database obtained with all migrations against the one we get out of the models. It produces a text file with the results to help debug differences. """ from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine from sqlalchemydiff import compare with create_engine(self.db_url_left).begin() as connection: self.alembic_cfg_left.attributes['connection'] = connection command.upgrade(self.alembic_cfg_left, "head") engine_right = create_engine(self.db_url_right) Base.metadata.create_all(engine_right) engine_right.dispose() result = compare( self.db_url_left, self.db_url_right, set(['alembic_version'])) self.assertTrue(result.is_match, "The migration database doesn't match to the one " "created by the models.\nDifferences: " + result._dump_data(result.errors))