Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.testbase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import functools
import os
import shutil

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

import aiida.backends.sqlalchemy
from aiida.backends.settings import AIIDADB_PROFILE
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
from import DbComputer
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.user import DbUser
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils import install_tc
from aiida.backends.testimplbase import AiidaTestImplementation
from aiida.common.setup import get_profile_config
from aiida.common.utils import get_configured_user_email
from import Computer

# Querying for expired objects automatically doesn't seem to work.
# That's why expire on commit=False resolves many issues of objects beeing
# obsolete

expire_on_commit = True
Session = sessionmaker(expire_on_commit=expire_on_commit)

# This contains the codebase for the setUpClass and tearDown methods used
# internally by the AiidaTestCase. This inherits only from 'object' to avoid
# that it is picked up by the automatic discovery of tests
# (It shouldn't, as it risks to destroy the DB if there are not the checks
# in place, and these are implemented in the AiidaTestCase
[docs]class SqlAlchemyTests(AiidaTestImplementation): # Specify the need to drop the table at the beginning of a test case # If True, completely drops the tables and recreates the schema, # but this is usually unnecessary and pretty slow # Also, if the tests are interrupted, there is the risk that the # DB remains dropped, so you have to do 'verdi -p test_xxx setup' again to # install the schema again drop_all = False test_session = None connection = None
[docs] def setUpClass_method(self): from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import get_scoped_session if self.test_session is None: # Should we use reset_session? self.test_session = get_scoped_session() if self.drop_all: Base.metadata.drop_all(self.test_session.connection) Base.metadata.create_all(self.test_session.connection) install_tc(self.test_session.connection) else: self.clean_db() self.insert_data()
[docs] def setUp_method(self): pass
[docs] def tearDown_method(self): pass
[docs] def insert_data(self): """ Insert default data into the DB. """ email = get_configured_user_email() has_user = DbUser.query.filter( if not has_user: self.user = DbUser(get_configured_user_email(), "foo", "bar", "tests") self.test_session.add(self.user) self.test_session.commit() else: self.user = has_user # Required by the calling class self.user_email = # Also is required by the calling class has_computer = DbComputer.query.filter(DbComputer.hostname == 'localhost').first() if not has_computer: = SqlAlchemyTests._create_computer() else: = Computer(dbcomputer=has_computer)
[docs] @staticmethod def _create_computer(**kwargs): defaults = dict(name='localhost', hostname='localhost', transport_type='local', scheduler_type='pbspro', workdir='/tmp/aiida') defaults.update(kwargs) return Computer(**defaults)
[docs] @staticmethod def inject_computer(f): @functools.wraps(f) def dec(*args, **kwargs): computer = DbComputer.query.filter_by(name="localhost").first() args = list(args) args.insert(1, computer) return f(*args, **kwargs) return dec
[docs] def clean_db(self): from import DbComputer from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.workflow import DbWorkflow, table_workflowstep_calc, \ table_workflowstep_subworkflow, DbWorkflowStep, DbWorkflowData from import DbGroup from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.node import DbLink from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.node import DbNode from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.log import DbLog from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.user import DbUser # Delete the workflows # Complicated way to make sure we 'unwind' all the relationships # between workflows and their children. self.test_session.connection().execute(table_workflowstep_calc.delete()) self.test_session.connection().execute(table_workflowstep_subworkflow.delete()) self.test_session.query(DbWorkflowData).delete() self.test_session.query(DbWorkflowStep).delete() self.test_session.query(DbWorkflow).delete() # Empty the relationship dbgroup.dbnode dbgroups = self.test_session.query(DbGroup).all() for dbgroup in dbgroups: dbgroup.dbnodes = [] # Delete the groups self.test_session.query(DbGroup).delete() # I first need to delete the links, because in principle I could # not delete input nodes, only outputs. For simplicity, since # I am deleting everything, I delete the links first self.test_session.query(DbLink).delete() # Then I delete the nodes, otherwise I cannot # delete computers and users self.test_session.query(DbNode).delete() # # Delete the users self.test_session.query(DbUser).delete() # Delete the computers self.test_session.query(DbComputer).delete() # Delete the logs self.test_session.query(DbLog).delete() self.test_session.commit()
[docs] def tearDownClass_method(self): from aiida.settings import REPOSITORY_PATH from aiida.common.setup import TEST_KEYWORD from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation if TEST_KEYWORD not in REPOSITORY_PATH: raise InvalidOperation("Be careful. The repository for the tests " "is not a test repository. I will not " "empty the database and I will not delete " "the repository. Repository path: " "{}".format(REPOSITORY_PATH)) self.clean_db() self.test_session.close() self.test_session = None # I clean the test repository shutil.rmtree(REPOSITORY_PATH, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(REPOSITORY_PATH)