Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.transition_06dj_to_07sqla

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #

import gc
import getpass
import math
import os
import sys

from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.json import JSON
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, subqueryload, load_only
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Boolean, DateTime, Text, Float

import aiida.common.setup as setup
from aiida import is_dbenv_loaded
from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa
from aiida.backends.profile import BACKEND_SQLA
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
from aiida.common.utils import query_yes_no

# Profile keys
aiidadb_backend_key = "AIIDADB_BACKEND"

# Profile values
aiidadb_backend_value_sqla = "sqlalchemy"

This scipt transitions an Django database 0.6.0 to an SQLAlchemy
database 0.7.0. It also updates the needed config files.

It is supposed to be executed via ipython in the following way:

from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.transition import transition

# Table name definitions
NODE_TABLE_NAME = "db_dbnode"
ATTR_TABLE_NAME = "db_dbattribute"
EXTRAS_TABLE_NAME = "db_dbextra"
SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME= "db_dbsetting"

# Column name definitions
ATTR_COL_NAME = "attributes"
EXTRAS_COL_NAME = "extras"

[docs]def attributes_to_dict(attr_list): """ Transform the attributes of a node into a dictionary. It assumes the key are ordered alphabetically, and that they all belong to the same node. """ d = {} error = False for a in attr_list: try: tmp_d = select_from_key(a.key, d) except Exception: print("Couldn't transfer attribute {} with key {} for dbnode {}" .format(, a.key, a.dbnode_id)) error = True continue key = a.key.split('.')[-1] if key.isdigit(): key = int(key) dt = a.datatype if dt == "dict": tmp_d[key] = {} elif dt == "list": tmp_d[key] = [None] * a.ival else: val = None if dt == "txt": val = a.tval elif dt == "float": val = a.fval if math.isnan(val): val = 'NaN' elif dt == "int": val = a.ival elif dt == "bool": val = a.bval elif dt == "date": val = a.dval tmp_d[key] = val return (d, error)
[docs]def select_from_key(key, d): """ Return element of the dict to do the insertion on. If it is, it will return d["foo"][1]. If it is only foo, it will return d directly. """ path = key.split('.')[:-1] tmp_d = d for p in path: if p.isdigit(): tmp_d = tmp_d[int(p)] else: tmp_d = tmp_d[p] return tmp_d
[docs]def transition_extras(profile=None, group_size=1000, delete_table=False): """ Migrate the DbExtra table into the extras column for db_dbnode. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): transition_load_db_env(profile=profile) class DbExtra(Base): """ DbExtra table, use only for migration purposes. """ __tablename__ = EXTRAS_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(1024), nullable=False) datatype = Column(String(10), nullable=False) tval = Column(Text, nullable=False) fval = Column(Float) ival = Column(Integer) bval = Column(Boolean) dval = Column(DateTime(timezone=True)) dbnode_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) dbnode = relationship('DbNode', backref='old_extras') print("\nStarting migration of extras.") inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(sa.get_scoped_session().bind) table_names = inspector.get_table_names() if NODE_TABLE_NAME not in table_names: raise Exception("There is no {} table in the database. Transition" "to SQLAlchemy can not be done. Exiting." .format(NODE_TABLE_NAME)) node_table_cols = inspector.get_columns(NODE_TABLE_NAME) col_names = [_["name"] for _ in node_table_cols] if EXTRAS_COL_NAME in col_names: print("Column named {} found at the {} table of the database. I assume " "that the migration of the extras has already been done and " "therefore I proceed with the next migration step." .format(EXTRAS_COL_NAME, NODE_TABLE_NAME)) return session = sa.get_scoped_session() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): print("Creating columns..") session.execute('ALTER TABLE db_dbnode ADD COLUMN extras ' 'JSONB DEFAULT \'{}\'') from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.node import DbNode total_nodes = session.query(func.count( total_groups = int(math.ceil(total_nodes/float(group_size))) error = False for i in xrange(total_groups): print("Migrating group {} of {}".format(i, total_groups)) nodes = DbNode.query.options( subqueryload('old_extras'), load_only('id', 'extras') ).order_by([i*group_size:(i+1)*group_size] for node in nodes: attrs, err_ = attributes_to_dict(sorted(node.old_extras, key=lambda a: a.key)) error |= err_ node.extras = attrs session.add(node) session.flush() session.expunge_all() if error: cont = query_yes_no("There has been some errors during the " "migration. Do you want to continue?", "no") if not cont: session.rollback() sys.exit(-1) if delete_table: session.execute('DROP TABLE db_dbextra') session.commit() print("Migration of extras finished.")
[docs]def transition_attributes(profile=None, group_size=1000, debug=False, delete_table=False): """ Migrate the DbAttribute table into the attributes column of db_dbnode. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): transition_load_db_env(profile=profile) class DbAttribute(Base): """ DbAttribute table, use only for migration purposes. """ __tablename__ = ATTR_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(1024), nullable=False) datatype = Column(String(10), nullable=False) tval = Column(Text, nullable=False) fval = Column(Float) ival = Column(Integer) bval = Column(Boolean) dval = Column(DateTime(timezone=True)) dbnode_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) dbnode = relationship('DbNode', backref='old_attrs') print("\nStarting migration of attributes") inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(sa.get_scoped_session().bind) table_names = inspector.get_table_names() if NODE_TABLE_NAME not in table_names: raise Exception("There is no {} table in the database. Transition" "to SQLAlchemy can not be done. Exiting" .format(NODE_TABLE_NAME)) node_table_cols = inspector.get_columns(NODE_TABLE_NAME) col_names = [_["name"] for _ in node_table_cols] if ATTR_COL_NAME in col_names: print("Column named {} found at the {} table of the database. I assume " "that the migration of the attributes has already been done and " "therefore I proceed with the next migration step." .format(ATTR_COL_NAME, NODE_TABLE_NAME)) return session = sa.get_scoped_session() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): print("Creating columns..") session.execute('ALTER TABLE db_dbnode ADD COLUMN attributes ' 'JSONB DEFAULT \'{}\'') from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.node import DbNode total_nodes = session.query(func.count( total_groups = int(math.ceil(total_nodes/float(group_size))) error = False for i in xrange(total_groups): print("Migrating group {} of {}".format(i, total_groups)) nodes = DbNode.query.options( subqueryload('old_attrs'), load_only('id', 'attributes') ).order_by([i*group_size:(i+1)*group_size] for node in nodes: attrs, err_ = attributes_to_dict(sorted(node.old_attrs, key=lambda a: a.key)) error |= err_ node.attributes = attrs session.add(node) # Remove the db_dbnode from sqlalchemy, to allow the GC to do its # job. session.flush() session.expunge_all() del nodes gc.collect() if error: cont = query_yes_no("There has been some errors during the " "migration. Do you want to continue?", "no") if not cont: session.rollback() sys.exit(-1) if delete_table: session.execute('DROP TABLE db_dbattribute') session.commit() print("Migration of attributes finished.")
[docs]def transition_settings(profile=None): """ Migrate the DbAttribute table into the attributes column of db_dbnode. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): transition_load_db_env(profile=profile) from aiida.utils import timezone class DbSetting(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbsetting" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=False) datatype = Column(String(10), index=True, nullable=False) tval = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=True) fval = Column(Float, default=None, nullable=True) ival = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) bval = Column(Boolean, default=None, nullable=True) dval = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=None, nullable=True) val = Column(JSONB, default={}) description = Column(String(255), default='', nullable=True) time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), print("\nStarting migration of settings.") inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(sa.get_scoped_session().bind) settings_table_cols = inspector.get_columns(SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME) col_names = [_["name"] for _ in settings_table_cols] if SETTINGS_VAL_COL_NAME in col_names: print("Column named {} found at the {} table of the database. I assume " "that the migration of the attributes has already been done and " "therefore I proceed with the next migration step." .format(SETTINGS_VAL_COL_NAME, SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME)) return session = sa.get_scoped_session() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): print("Creating columns..") session.execute('ALTER TABLE db_dbsetting ADD COLUMN val ' 'JSONB DEFAULT \'{}\'') session.commit() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): total_settings = session.query(DbSetting).all() for settings in total_settings: dt = settings.datatype val = None if dt == "txt": val = settings.tval elif dt == "float": val = settings.fval if math.isnan(val): val = 'NaN' elif dt == "int": val = settings.ival elif dt == "bool": val = settings.bval elif dt == "date": val = settings.dval settings.val = val flag_modified(settings, "val") session.flush() session.commit() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): for col_name in ["datatype", "tval", "fval", "ival", "bval", "dval"]: sql = ("ALTER TABLE {table} DROP COLUMN {column}") session.execute(sql.format(table=SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME, column=col_name)) session.commit() print("Migration of settings finished.")
[docs]def transition_json_column(profile=None): """ Migrate the TEXT column containing JSON into JSON columns """ print("\nChanging various columns to JSON format.") if not is_dbenv_loaded(): transition_load_db_env(profile=profile) table_col = [ ('db_dbauthinfo', 'metadata'), ('db_dbauthinfo', 'auth_params'), ('db_dbcomputer', 'metadata'), ('db_dbcomputer', 'transport_params'), ('db_dblog', 'metadata') ] inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(sa.get_scoped_session().bind) sql = ("ALTER TABLE {table} ALTER COLUMN {column} TYPE JSONB " "USING {column}::JSONB") session = sa.get_scoped_session() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): for table, col in table_col: table_cols = inspector.get_columns(table) col_type_list = [_["type"] for _ in table_cols if _["name"] == col] if len(col_type_list) != 1: raise Exception("Problem with table {} and column {}. Either" "the column doesn't exist or multiple " "occurrences were found.".format(table, col)) if isinstance(col_type_list[0], JSON): print("Column {} of table {} is already in JSON format. " "Proceeding with the next table & column." .format(col, table)) continue print("Changing column {} of table {} in JSON format." .format(table, col)) session.execute(sql.format(table=table, column=col)) session.commit()
[docs]def create_gin_index(): """ Create the GIN index for the attributes column of db_dbnode. """ print("\nChecking if GIN indexes have to be created.") inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(sa.get_scoped_session().bind) db_node_idx = inspector.get_indexes("db_dbnode") db_node_idx_names = [_["name"] for _ in db_node_idx] if "db_dbnode_attributes_idx" not in db_node_idx_names: print("Creating db_dbnode_attributes_idx on db_node.") sa.get_scoped_session().bind.execute("CREATE INDEX db_dbnode_attributes_idx ON " "db_dbnode USING gin(attributes)") else: print("db_dbnode_attributes_idx on db_node already exists.")
[docs]def transition_load_db_env(process=None, profile=None, *args, **kwargs): from aiida.backends.profile import load_profile from aiida.backends import settings from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils import _load_dbenv_noschemacheck settings.LOAD_DBENV_CALLED = True # This is going to set global variables in settings, including # settings.BACKEND load_profile(process=process, profile=profile) _load_dbenv_noschemacheck(process=process, profile=profile)
[docs]def set_correct_schema_version_and_backend(): from aiida.utils import timezone # Setting the correct backend and schema version SQLA_SCHEMA_VERSION = 0.1 session = sa.get_scoped_session() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): # Setting manually the correct schema version session.execute( 'DELETE FROM db_dbsetting WHERE key=\'db|schemaversion\'') session.execute( 'INSERT INTO db_dbsetting (key, val, description, time) values ' '(\'db|schemaversion\', \'{}\', ' '\'The version of the schema used in this database.\', \'{}\')' .format(SQLA_SCHEMA_VERSION, # Setting the correct backend session.execute('DELETE FROM db_dbsetting WHERE key=\'db|backend\'') session.execute( 'INSERT INTO db_dbsetting (key, val, description, time) values ' '(\'db|backend\', \'"{}"\', ' '\'The backend used to communicate with database.\', \'{}\')' .format(BACKEND_SQLA, session.commit()
[docs]def transition_db(profile=None, group_size=1000, delete_table=False): """ Migrate the attributes, extra, and some other columns to use JSONMigrate the attributes, extra, and some other columns to use JSONB column type. """ cont = query_yes_no("Starting complete database transition. Be sure to " "backup your database before continuing, and that no " "one else is using it. Do you want to continue?", "no") if not cont: print("Answered no. Exiting") sys.exit(0) transition_attributes(profile=profile, group_size=group_size, delete_table=delete_table) transition_extras(profile=profile,group_size=group_size, delete_table=delete_table) create_gin_index() modify_link_table() transition_settings(profile=profile) transition_json_column(profile=profile) set_correct_schema_version_and_backend() print("\nDatabase transition finished.")
[docs]def change_backend_to_sqla(profile=None): """ Gets the main AiiDA configuration and searches if there is a backend defined. If there isn't any then Django is added. """ # Get the available configuration conf = setup.get_config() # Profile key _profiles_key = "profiles" # Identifying all the available profiles if _profiles_key in conf.keys(): profiles = conf[_profiles_key] if profile not in profiles.keys(): print("The provided profile name is not one of the available " "profiles. Exiting") sys.exit(0) curr_profile = profiles[profile] if setup.aiidadb_backend_key in curr_profile.keys(): if curr_profile[aiidadb_backend_key] == aiidadb_backend_value_sqla: print "This is already an SQLAlchemy profile. Exiting" sys.exit(0) curr_profile[aiidadb_backend_key] = \ aiidadb_backend_value_sqla else: print("No backend entry found in your configuration file. Are you " "sure that you are running a version 0.6.*?") sys.exit(0) # Returning the configuration return conf
[docs]def transition_config_files(profile=None): print("Changing backend from Django to SQLAlchemy in config files") # Backup the previous config setup.backup_config() # Get the AiiDA directory path aiida_directory = os.path.expanduser(setup.AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER) # Construct the log directory path log_dir = os.path.join(aiida_directory, setup.LOG_SUBDIR) # Update the configuration if needed confs = change_backend_to_sqla(profile) # Store the configuration setup.store_config(confs) # Construct the daemon directory path daemon_dir = os.path.join(aiida_directory, setup.DAEMON_SUBDIR) # Update the daemon directory setup.install_daemon_files(aiida_directory, daemon_dir, log_dir, getpass.getuser()) print("Config file update finished.")
[docs]def transition(profile=None, group_size=1000, delete_table=False): transition_config_files(profile) print("Proceeding to database tarbnsition.") transition_db(profile, group_size, delete_table) print("\nTransition finished")