Source code for aiida.backends.tests.backup_script

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import datetime
import importlib
import json
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile

from dateutil.parser import parse

from aiida.common import utils
from aiida.common.additions.backup_script import backup_setup
from aiida.orm.node import Node
from aiida.backends.utils import is_dbenv_loaded, load_dbenv, BACKEND_SQLA, BACKEND_DJANGO
from aiida.backends.settings import BACKEND
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase

if not is_dbenv_loaded():

[docs]class TestBackupScriptUnit(AiidaTestCase): _json_test_input_1 = '{"backup_length_threshold": 2, "periodicity": 2,' + \ ' "oldest_object_backedup": "2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"end_date_of_backup": null, "days_to_backup": null, "backup_dir": ' +\ '"/scratch/aiida_user/backupScriptDest"}' _json_test_input_2 = '{"backup_length_threshold": 2, "periodicity": 2, ' +\ '"oldest_object_backedup": "2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"end_date_of_backup": null, "days_to_backup": null, "backup_dir": ' +\ '"/scratch/aiida_user/backupScriptDest"}' _json_test_input_3 = '{"backup_length_threshold": 2, "periodicity": 2, ' +\ '"oldest_object_backedup": "2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"end_date_of_backup": null, "days_to_backup": 2, "backup_dir": ' + \ '"/scratch/aiida_user/backupScriptDest"}' _json_test_input_4 = '{"backup_length_threshold": 2, "periodicity": 2, ' +\ '"oldest_object_backedup": "2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"end_date_of_backup": "2014-07-22 14:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"days_to_backup": null, "backup_dir": ' + \ '"/scratch/aiida_user/backupScriptDest"}' _json_test_input_5 = '{"backup_length_threshold": 2, "periodicity": 2, ' +\ '"oldest_object_backedup": "2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"end_date_of_backup": "2014-07-22 14:54:53.688484+00:00", ' + \ '"days_to_backup": 2, "backup_dir": "/scratch/aiida_user/backup"}' _json_test_input_6 = '{"backup_length_threshold": 2, "periodicity": 2, ' +\ '"oldest_object_backedup": "2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484", ' + \ '"end_date_of_backup": "2014-07-22 14:54:53.688484", ' + \ '"days_to_backup": null, ' \ '"backup_dir": "/scratch/./aiida_user////backup//"}'
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestBackupScriptUnit, self).setUp() if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() if BACKEND == BACKEND_SQLA: from aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_sqlalchemy import Backup elif BACKEND == BACKEND_DJANGO: from aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_django import Backup else: self.skipTest("Unknown backend") self._backup_setup_inst = Backup("", 2)
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(TestBackupScriptUnit, self).tearDown() self._backup_setup_inst = None
[docs] def test_loading_basic_params_from_file(self): """ This method tests the correct loading of the basic _backup_setup_inst parameters from a JSON string. """ backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_1) self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True self._backup_setup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(backup_variables) self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._oldest_object_bk, parse("2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00"), "Last _backup_setup_inst start date is not parsed correctly") # The destination directory of the _backup_setup_inst self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._backup_dir, "/scratch/aiida_user/backupScriptDest", "_backup_setup_inst destination directory not parsed correctly") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._backup_length_threshold, datetime.timedelta(hours=2), "_backup_length_threshold not parsed correctly") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._periodicity, 2, "_periodicity not parsed correctly")
[docs] def test_loading_backup_time_params_from_file_1(self): """ This method tests that the _backup_setup_inst limits are correctly loaded from the JSON string and are correctly set. In the parsed JSON string, no _backup_setup_inst end limits are set """ backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_2) self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True self._backup_setup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(backup_variables) self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._days_to_backup, None, "_days_to_backup should be None/null but it is not") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._end_date_of_backup, None, "_end_date_of_backup should be None/null but it is not") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._internal_end_date_of_backup, None, "_internal_end_date_of_backup should be None/null but it is not")
[docs] def test_loading_backup_time_params_from_file_2(self): """ This method tests that the _backup_setup_inst limits are correctly loaded from the JSON string and are correctly set. In the parsed JSON string, only the daysToBackup limit is set. """ backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_3) self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True self._backup_setup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(backup_variables) self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._days_to_backup, 2, "_days_to_backup should be 2 but it is not") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._end_date_of_backup, None, "_end_date_of_backup should be None/null but it is not") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._internal_end_date_of_backup, parse("2014-07-20 13:54:53.688484+00:00"), "_internal_end_date_of_backup is not the expected one")
[docs] def test_loading_backup_time_params_from_file_3(self): """ This method tests that the _backup_setup_inst limits are correctly loaded from the JSON string and are correctly set. In the parsed JSON string, only the endDateOfBackup limit is set. """ backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_4) self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True self._backup_setup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(backup_variables) self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._days_to_backup, None, "_days_to_backup should be None/null but it is not") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._end_date_of_backup, parse("2014-07-22 14:54:53.688484+00:00"), "_end_date_of_backup should be None/null but it is not") self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._internal_end_date_of_backup, parse("2014-07-22 14:54:53.688484+00:00"), "_internal_end_date_of_backup is not the expected one")
[docs] def test_loading_backup_time_params_from_file_4(self): """ This method tests that the _backup_setup_inst limits are correctly loaded from the JSON string and are correctly set. In the parsed JSON string, the endDateOfBackup & daysToBackuplimit are set which should lead to an exception. """ from aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base import BackupError backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_5) self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True # An exception should be raised because endDateOfBackup # & daysToBackuplimit have been defined in the same time. with self.assertRaises(BackupError): self._backup_setup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(backup_variables)
[docs] def check_full_deserialization_serialization(self, input_string, backup_inst): input_variables = json.loads(input_string) backup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True backup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(input_variables) target_variables = backup_inst._dictionarize_backup_info() self.assertIs(cmp(input_variables, target_variables), 0, "The test string {} did not succeed".format( input_string) + " the serialization deserialization test.\n" + "Input variables: {}\n".format(input_variables) + "Output variables: {}\n".format(target_variables))
[docs] def test_full_deserialization_serialization_1(self): """ This method tests the correct deserialization / serialization of the variables that should be stored in a file. """ input_string = self._json_test_input_1 backup_inst = self._backup_setup_inst self.check_full_deserialization_serialization(input_string, backup_inst)
[docs] def test_full_deserialization_serialization_2(self): """ This method tests the correct deserialization / serialization of the variables that should be stored in a file. """ input_string = self._json_test_input_2 backup_inst = self._backup_setup_inst self.check_full_deserialization_serialization(input_string, backup_inst)
[docs] def test_full_deserialization_serialization_3(self): """ This method tests the correct deserialization / serialization of the variables that should be stored in a file. """ input_string = self._json_test_input_3 backup_inst = self._backup_setup_inst self.check_full_deserialization_serialization(input_string, backup_inst)
[docs] def test_full_deserialization_serialization_4(self): """ This method tests the correct deserialization / serialization of the variables that should be stored in a file. """ input_string = self._json_test_input_4 backup_inst = self._backup_setup_inst self.check_full_deserialization_serialization(input_string, backup_inst)
[docs] def test_timezone_addition_and_dir_correction(self): """ This method tests if the timezone is added correctly to timestamps that don't have a timezone. Moreover, it checks if the given directory paths are normalized as expected. """ backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_6) self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True self._backup_setup_inst._read_backup_info_from_dict(backup_variables) self.assertIsNotNone( self._backup_setup_inst._oldest_object_bk.tzinfo, "Timezone info should not be none (timestamp: {})." .format(self._backup_setup_inst._oldest_object_bk)) self.assertIsNotNone( self._backup_setup_inst._end_date_of_backup.tzinfo, "Timezone info should not be none (timestamp: {})." .format(self._backup_setup_inst._end_date_of_backup)) self.assertIsNotNone( self._backup_setup_inst._internal_end_date_of_backup.tzinfo, "Timezone info should not be none (timestamp: {})." .format(self._backup_setup_inst._internal_end_date_of_backup)) # The destination directory of the _backup_setup_inst self.assertEqual( self._backup_setup_inst._backup_dir, "/scratch/aiida_user/backup", "_backup_setup_inst destination directory is " "not normalized as expected.")
[docs]class TestBackupScriptIntegration(AiidaTestCase): _aiida_rel_path = ".aiida" _backup_rel_path = "backup" _repo_rel_path = "repository" _bs_instance = backup_setup.BackupSetup()
[docs] def test_integration(self): from aiida.utils.capturing import Capturing # Fill in the repository with data self.fill_repo() try: # Create a temp folder where the backup files will be placed # and the backup will be stored temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Capture the sysout of the following command with Capturing(): # Create the backup scripts backup_full_path = self.create_backup_scripts(temp_folder) # Put the backup folder in the path sys.path.append(backup_full_path) # Import the backup script - this action will also run it # It is assumed that the backup script ends with .py importlib.import_module(self._bs_instance._script_filename[:-3]) # Check the backup from aiida import settings from filecmp import dircmp import os from aiida.common.utils import are_dir_trees_equal source_dir = os.path.join(settings.REPOSITORY_PATH, self._repo_rel_path) dest_dir = os.path.join(backup_full_path, self._bs_instance._file_backup_folder_rel, self._repo_rel_path) self.assertTrue(are_dir_trees_equal(source_dir, dest_dir), "The backed-up repository has differences " "to the original one.") finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def fill_repo(self): from aiida.orm import JobCalculation, CalculationFactory, Data, DataFactory extra_name = self.__class__.__name__ + "/test_with_subclasses" calc_params = { 'computer':, 'resources': {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1} } TemplateReplacerCalc = CalculationFactory('simpleplugins.templatereplacer') ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter') a1 = JobCalculation(**calc_params).store() # To query only these nodes later a1.set_extra(extra_name, True) a2 = TemplateReplacerCalc(**calc_params).store() # To query only these nodes later a2.set_extra(extra_name, True) a3 = Data().store() a3.set_extra(extra_name, True) a4 = ParameterData(dict={'a': 'b'}).store() a4.set_extra(extra_name, True) a5 = Node().store() a5.set_extra(extra_name, True) # I don't set the extras, just to be sure that the filtering works # The filtering is needed because other tests will put stuff int he DB a6 = JobCalculation(**calc_params) a7 = Node()
[docs] def create_backup_scripts(self, tmp_folder): backup_full_path = "{}/{}/{}/".format(tmp_folder, self._aiida_rel_path, self._backup_rel_path) # The predefined answers for the setup script ac = utils.ArrayCounter() answers = [backup_full_path, # the backup folder path "", # should the folder be created? "", # destination folder of the backup "", # should the folder be created? "n", # print config explanation? "", # configure the backup conf file now? "", # start date of backup? "", # is it correct? "", # days to backup? "", # is it correct? "", # end date of backup "", # is it correct? "1", # periodicity "", # is it correct? "0", # threshold? ""] # is it correct? utils.raw_input = lambda _: answers[ac.array_counter()] # Run the setup script return backup_full_path