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from collections import Mapping
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from import Process, ProcessSpec
import as util

[docs]class TestProcessSpec(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestProcessSpec, self).setUp() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.spec = Process.spec()
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(TestProcessSpec, self).tearDown() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0)
[docs] def test_get_inputs_template(self): s = ProcessSpec() s.input('a') s.input('b', default=5) template = s.get_inputs_template() self.assertIsInstance(template, Mapping) self._test_template(template) for attr in ['b']: self.assertTrue( attr in template, "Attribute '{}' not found in template".format(attr))
[docs] def test_dynamic_input(self): from aiida.orm import Node from import Data n = Node() d = Data() port = self.spec.get_dynamic_input() self.assertFalse(port.validate("foo")[0]) self.assertFalse(port.validate(5)[0]) self.assertFalse(port.validate(n)[0]) self.assertTrue(port.validate(d)[0])
[docs] def test_dynamic_output(self): from aiida.orm import Node from import Data n = Node() d = Data() port = self.spec.get_dynamic_output() self.assertFalse(port.validate("foo")[0]) self.assertFalse(port.validate(5)[0]) self.assertFalse(port.validate(n)[0]) self.assertTrue(port.validate(d)[0])
[docs] def _test_template(self, template): template.a = 2 self.assertEqual(template.a, 2) # Check the default is what we expect self.assertEqual(template.b, 5) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): template.c = 6 # Check that we can unpack self.assertEqual(dict(**template)['a'], 2)