Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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import inspect
import unittest
import aiida.backends.settings as settings

from aiida.orm import load_node
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from plum.engine.ticking import TickingEngine
from plum.persistence.bundle import Bundle
import plum.process_monitor
from import WorkCalculation
from import WorkChain, \
    ToContext, _Block, _If, _While, if_, while_, return_
from import _WorkChainSpec, Outputs
from import workfunction
from import run, legacy_workflow
from import Int, Str, Bool
import as util
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.workflows.wf_demo import WorkflowDemo
from aiida.daemon.workflowmanager import execute_steps

[docs]class Wf(WorkChain): # Keep track of which steps were completed by the workflow finished_steps = {}
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(Wf, cls).define(spec) spec.input("value") spec.input("n") spec.dynamic_output() spec.outline( cls.s1, if_(cls.isA)( cls.s2 ).elif_(cls.isB)( cls.s3 ).else_( cls.s4 ), cls.s5, while_(cls.ltN)( cls.s6 ), )
[docs] def __init__(self): super(Wf, self).__init__() # Reset the finished step self.finished_steps = { k: False for k in [self.s1.__name__, self.s2.__name__, self.s3.__name__, self.s4.__name__, self.s5.__name__, self.s6.__name__, self.isA.__name__, self.isB.__name__, self.ltN.__name__] }
[docs] def s1(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3])
[docs] def s2(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3])
[docs] def s3(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3])
[docs] def s4(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3])
[docs] def s5(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3])
[docs] def s6(self): self.ctx.counter = self.ctx.get('counter', 0) + 1 self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3])
[docs] def isA(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3]) return self.inputs.value.value == 'A'
[docs] def isB(self): self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3]) return self.inputs.value.value == 'B'
[docs] def ltN(self): keep_looping = self.ctx.get('counter') < self.inputs.n.value if not keep_looping: self._set_finished(inspect.stack()[0][3]) return keep_looping
[docs] def _set_finished(self, function_name): self.finished_steps[function_name] = True
[docs]class TestContext(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_attributes(self): c = WorkChain.Context() c.new_attr = 5 self.assertEqual(c.new_attr, 5) del c.new_attr with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): c.new_attr
[docs] def test_dict(self): c = WorkChain.Context() c['new_attr'] = 5 self.assertEqual(c['new_attr'], 5) del c['new_attr'] with self.assertRaises(KeyError): c['new_attr']
[docs]class IfTest(WorkChain):
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(IfTest, cls).define(spec) spec.outline( if_(cls.condition)( cls.step1, cls.step2 ) )
[docs] def on_create(self, pid, inputs, saved_state): super(IfTest, self).on_create(pid, inputs, saved_state) if saved_state is None: self.ctx.s1 = False self.ctx.s2 = False
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs] def step1(self): self.ctx.s1 = True
[docs] def step2(self): self.ctx.s2 = True
[docs]class TestWorkchain(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestWorkchain, self).setUp() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.assertEquals(len(plum.process_monitor.MONITOR.get_pids()), 0)
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(TestWorkchain, self).tearDown() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.assertEquals(len(plum.process_monitor.MONITOR.get_pids()), 0)
[docs] def test_run(self): A = Str('A') B = Str('B') C = Str('C') three = Int(3) # Try the if(..) part, n=three) # Check the steps that should have been run for step, finished in Wf.finished_steps.iteritems(): if step not in ['s3', 's4', 'isB']: self.assertTrue( finished, "Step {} was not called by workflow".format(step)) # Try the elif(..) part finished_steps =, n=three) # Check the steps that should have been run for step, finished in finished_steps.iteritems(): if step not in ['isA', 's2', 's4']: self.assertTrue( finished, "Step {} was not called by workflow".format(step)) # Try the else... part finished_steps =, n=three) # Check the steps that should have been run for step, finished in finished_steps.iteritems(): if step not in ['isA', 's2', 'isB', 's3']: self.assertTrue( finished, "Step {} was not called by workflow".format(step))
[docs] def test_incorrect_outline(self): class Wf(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(Wf, cls).define(spec) # Try defining an invalid outline spec.outline(5) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Wf.spec()
[docs] def test_same_input_node(self): class Wf(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(Wf, cls).define(spec) spec.input('a', valid_type=Int) spec.input('b', valid_type=Int) # Try defining an invalid outline spec.outline(cls.check_a_b) def check_a_b(self): assert 'a' in self.inputs assert 'b' in self.inputs x = Int(1) run(Wf, a=x, b=x)
[docs] def test_context(self): A = Str("a") B = Str("b") @workfunction def a(): return A @workfunction def b(): return B class Wf(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(Wf, cls).define(spec) spec.outline(cls.s1, cls.s2, cls.s3) def s1(self): self.ctx.r1 = run(a) self.ctx.r2 = run(b) def s2(self): assert self.ctx.r1 == A assert self.ctx.r2 == B # Try overwriting r1 self.ctx.r1 = run(b) def s3(self): assert self.ctx.r1 == B assert self.ctx.r2 == B
[docs] def test_str(self): self.assertIsInstance(str(Wf.spec()), basestring)
[docs] def test_malformed_outline(self): """ Test some malformed outlines """ spec = _WorkChainSpec() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): spec.outline(5) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): spec.outline(type)
[docs] def test_checkpointing(self): A = Str('A') B = Str('B') C = Str('C') three = Int(3) # Try the if(..) part finished_steps = \ self._run_with_checkpoints(Wf, inputs={'value': A, 'n': three}) # Check the steps that should have been run for step, finished in finished_steps.iteritems(): if step not in ['s3', 's4', 'isB']: self.assertTrue( finished, "Step {} was not called by workflow".format(step)) # Try the elif(..) part finished_steps = \ self._run_with_checkpoints(Wf, inputs={'value': B, 'n': three}) # Check the steps that should have been run for step, finished in finished_steps.iteritems(): if step not in ['isA', 's2', 's4']: self.assertTrue( finished, "Step {} was not called by workflow".format(step)) # Try the else... part finished_steps = \ self._run_with_checkpoints(Wf, inputs={'value': C, 'n': three}) # Check the steps that should have been run for step, finished in finished_steps.iteritems(): if step not in ['isA', 's2', 'isB', 's3']: self.assertTrue( finished, "Step {} was not called by workflow".format(step))
[docs] def test_return(self): class WcWithReturn(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(WcWithReturn, cls).define(spec) spec.outline( cls.s1, if_(cls.isA)( return_ ), cls.after ) def s1(self): pass def isA(self): return True def after(self): raise RuntimeError("Shouldn't get here")
[docs] def test_if_block_persistence(self): """ This test was created to capture issue #902 """ wc = IfTest.new_instance() while not wc.ctx.s1 and not wc.has_finished(): wc.tick() self.assertTrue(wc.ctx.s1) self.assertFalse(wc.ctx.s2) # Now bundle the thing b = Bundle() wc.save_instance_state(b) # Abort the current one wc.stop() wc.destroy(execute=True) # Load from saved tate wc = IfTest.create_from(b) self.assertTrue(wc.ctx.s1) self.assertFalse(wc.ctx.s2) wc.run_until_complete()
[docs] def _run_with_checkpoints(self, wf_class, inputs=None): finished_steps = {} te = TickingEngine() fut = te.submit(wf_class, inputs) while not fut.done(): pid = te.tick() finished_steps.update(wf_class.finished_steps) te.shutdown() return finished_steps
[docs]class TestWorkchainWithOldWorkflows(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_call_old_wf(self): wf = WorkflowDemo() wf.start() while wf.is_running(): execute_steps() class _TestWf(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(_TestWf, cls).define(spec) spec.outline(cls.start, cls.check) def start(self): return ToContext(wf=legacy_workflow( def check(self): assert is not None _TestWf.new_instance().run_until_complete()
[docs] def test_old_wf_results(self): wf = WorkflowDemo() wf.start() while wf.is_running(): execute_steps() class _TestWf(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(_TestWf, cls).define(spec) spec.outline(cls.start, cls.check) def start(self): return ToContext(res=Outputs(legacy_workflow( def check(self): assert set(self.ctx.res) == set(wf.get_results()) _TestWf.new_instance().run_until_complete()
[docs]class TestHelpers(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the helper functions/classes used by workchains """
[docs] def test_get_proc_outputs(self): c = WorkCalculation() a = Int(5) b = Int(10) a.add_link_from(c, u'a', link_type=LinkType.CREATE) b.add_link_from(c, u'b', link_type=LinkType.CREATE) for n in [a, b, c]: from import _get_proc_outputs_from_registry outputs = _get_proc_outputs_from_registry( self.assertListEqual(outputs.keys(), [u'a', u'b']) self.assertEquals(outputs['a'], a) self.assertEquals(outputs['b'], b)
[docs]class TestWorkChainAbort(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the functionality to abort a workchain """
[docs] class AbortableWorkChain(WorkChain):
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(TestWorkChainAbort.AbortableWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.outline( cls.start, cls.check )
[docs] def start(self): pass
[docs] def check(self): raise RuntimeError('should have been aborted by now')
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestWorkChainAbort, self).setUp() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.assertEquals(len(plum.process_monitor.MONITOR.get_pids()), 0)
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(TestWorkChainAbort, self).tearDown() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.assertEquals(len(plum.process_monitor.MONITOR.get_pids()), 0)
[docs] def test_simple_run(self): """ Run the workchain which should hit the exception and therefore end up in the FAILED state """ engine = TickingEngine() future = engine.submit(TestWorkChainAbort.AbortableWorkChain) while not future.done(): engine.tick() self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_finished_ok(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_failed(), True) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_aborted(), False) engine.shutdown()
[docs] def test_simple_kill_through_node(self): """ Run the workchain for one step and then kill it by calling kill on the underlying WorkCalculation node. This should have the workchain end up in the ABORTED state. """ engine = TickingEngine() future = engine.submit(TestWorkChainAbort.AbortableWorkChain) while not future.done(): engine.tick() future.process.calc.kill() self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_finished_ok(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_failed(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_aborted(), True) engine.shutdown()
[docs] def test_simple_kill_through_process(self): """ Run the workchain for one step and then kill it by calling kill on the workchain itself. This should have the workchain end up in the ABORTED state. """ engine = TickingEngine() future = engine.submit(TestWorkChainAbort.AbortableWorkChain) while not future.done(): engine.tick() future.process.abort() self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_finished_ok(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_failed(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_aborted(), True) engine.shutdown()
[docs]class TestWorkChainAbortChildren(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the functionality to abort a workchain and verify that children are also aborted appropriately """
[docs] class SubWorkChain(WorkChain):
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(TestWorkChainAbortChildren.SubWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.outline( cls.start, cls.check )
[docs] def start(self): pass
[docs] def check(self): raise RuntimeError('should have been aborted by now')
[docs] class MainWorkChain(WorkChain):
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(TestWorkChainAbortChildren.MainWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.input('kill', default=Bool(False)) spec.outline( cls.start, cls.check )
[docs] def start(self): self.child = TestWorkChainAbortChildren.SubWorkChain.new_instance() if self.inputs.kill: self.calc.kill() self.child.run_until_complete()
[docs] def check(self): raise RuntimeError('should have been aborted by now')
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestWorkChainAbortChildren, self).setUp() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.assertEquals(len(plum.process_monitor.MONITOR.get_pids()), 0)
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(TestWorkChainAbortChildren, self).tearDown() self.assertEquals(len(util.ProcessStack.stack()), 0) self.assertEquals(len(plum.process_monitor.MONITOR.get_pids()), 0)
[docs] def test_simple_run(self): """ Run the workchain which should hit the exception and therefore end up in the FAILED state """ engine = TickingEngine() future = engine.submit(TestWorkChainAbortChildren.MainWorkChain) while not future.done(): engine.tick() self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_finished_ok(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_failed(), True) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_aborted(), False) engine.shutdown()
[docs] def test_simple_kill_through_node(self): """ Run the workchain for one step and then kill it by calling kill on the underlying WorkCalculation node. This should have the workchain end up in the ABORTED state. """ engine = TickingEngine() future = engine.submit(TestWorkChainAbortChildren.MainWorkChain, {'kill': Bool(True)}) while not future.done(): engine.tick() child = future.process.calc.get_outputs(link_type=LinkType.CALL)[0] self.assertEquals(child.has_finished_ok(), False) self.assertEquals(child.has_failed(), False) self.assertEquals(child.has_aborted(), True) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_finished_ok(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_failed(), False) self.assertEquals(future.process.calc.has_aborted(), True) engine.shutdown()