Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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This allows to setup and configure a code from command line.

TODO: think if we want to allow to change path and prepend/append text.
import sys

from aiida.cmdline.baseclass import VerdiCommandWithSubcommands

[docs]def cmdline_fill(attributes, store, print_header=True): import inspect import readline from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if print_header: print "At any prompt, type ? to get some help." print "---------------------------------------" for internal_name, name, desc, multiline in ( attributes): getter_name = '_get_{}_string'.format(internal_name) try: getter = dict(inspect.getmembers( store))[getter_name] except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, ("Internal error! " "No {} getter defined in Computer".format(getter_name)) sys.exit(1) previous_value = getter() setter_name = '_set_{}_string'.format(internal_name) try: setter = dict(inspect.getmembers( store))[setter_name] except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, ("Internal error! " "No {} setter defined in Computer".format(setter_name)) sys.exit(1) valid_input = False while not valid_input: if multiline: newlines = [] print "=> {}: ".format(name) print " # This is a multiline input, press CTRL+D on a" print " # empty line when you finish" try: for l in previous_value.splitlines(): while True: readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(l)) input_txt = raw_input() if input_txt.strip() == '?': print [" > {}".format(descl) for descl in "HELP: {}".format(desc).split('\n')] continue else: newlines.append(input_txt) break # Reset the hook (no default text printed) readline.set_startup_hook() print " # ------------------------------------------" print " # End of old input. You can keep adding " print " # lines, or press CTRL+D to store this value" print " # ------------------------------------------" while True: input_txt = raw_input() if input_txt.strip() == '?': print "\n".join([" > {}".format(descl) for descl in "HELP: {}".format(desc).split('\n')]) continue else: newlines.append(input_txt) except EOFError: # Ctrl+D pressed: end of input. pass input_txt = "\n".join(newlines) else: # No multiline readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text( previous_value)) input_txt = raw_input("=> {}: ".format(name)) if input_txt.strip() == '?': print "HELP:", desc continue try: setter(input_txt) valid_input = True except ValidationError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid input: {}".format(e.message) print >> sys.stderr, "Enter '?' for help".format(e.message)
[docs]class CodeInputValidationClass(object): """ A class with information for the validation of input text of Codes """ # It is a list of tuples. Each tuple has three elements: # 1. an internal name (used to find the # _set_internalname_string, and get_internalname_string methods) # 2. a short human-readable name # 3. A long human-readable description # 4. True if it is a multi-line input, False otherwise # IMPORTANT! # for each entry, remember to define the # _set_internalname_string and get_internalname_string methods. # Moreover, the _set_internalname_string method should also immediately # validate the value. _conf_attributes_relabel = [ ("label", "Label", "A label to refer to this code", False, ), ("description", "Description", "A human-readable description of this code", False, ), ] _conf_attributes_start = [ ("label", "Label", "A label to refer to this code", False, ), ("description", "Description", "A human-readable description of this code", False, ), ("is_local", "Local", "True or False; if True, then you have to provide a folder with " "files that will be stored in AiiDA and copied to the remote " "computers for every calculation submission. If True, the code " "is just a link to a remote computer and an absolute path there", False, ), ("input_plugin", "Default input plugin", "A string of the default input plugin to be used with this code " "that is recognized by the CalculationFactory. Use the " "'verdi calculation plugins' command to get the list of existing" "plugins", False, ), ] _conf_attributes_local = [ ("folder_with_code", "Folder with the code", "The folder on your local computer in which there are the files to be " "stored in the AiiDA repository and then copied over for every " "submitted calculation", False, ), ("local_rel_path", "Relative path of the executable", "The relative path of the executable file inside the folder entered " "in the previous step", False, ), ] _conf_attributes_remote = [ ("computer", "Remote computer name", "The computer name as on which the code resides, as stored in the " "AiiDA database", False, ), ("remote_abs_path", "Remote absolute path", "The (full) absolute path on the remote machine", False, ), ] _conf_attributes_end = [ ("prepend_text", "Text to prepend to each command execution\n" "FOR INSTANCE, MODULES TO BE LOADED FOR THIS CODE", "This is a multiline string, whose content will be prepended inside\n" "the submission script before the real execution of the job. It is\n" "your responsibility to write proper bash code!", True, ), ("append_text", "Text to append to each command execution", "This is a multiline string, whose content will be appended inside\n" "the submission script after the real execution of the job. It is\n" "your responsibility to write proper bash code!", True, ), ] label = ""
[docs] def _get_label_string(self): return self.label
[docs] def _set_label_string(self, string): """ Set the label starting from a string. """ self._label_validator(string) self.label = string
[docs] def _label_validator(self, label): """ Validates the label. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if not label.strip(): raise ValidationError("No label specified") if "@" in label: raise ValidationError("Can not use '@' in label")
description = ""
[docs] def _get_description_string(self): return self.description
[docs] def _set_description_string(self, string): """ Set the description starting from a string. """ self._description_validator(string) self.description = string
[docs] def _description_validator(self, folder_with_code): """ Validates the folder_with_code. """ pass
folder_with_code = ""
[docs] def _get_folder_with_code_string(self): return self.folder_with_code
[docs] def _set_folder_with_code_string(self, string): """ Set the folder_with_code starting from a string. """ self._folder_with_code_validator(string) self.folder_with_code = string
[docs] def _folder_with_code_validator(self, folder_with_code): """ Validates the folder_with_code. """ import os.path from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if not os.path.isdir(folder_with_code): raise ValidationError("'{}' is not a valid directory".format( folder_with_code))
local_rel_path = ""
[docs] def _get_local_rel_path_string(self): return self.local_rel_path
[docs] def _set_local_rel_path_string(self, string): """ Set the local_rel_path starting from a string. """ self._local_rel_path_validator(string) self.local_rel_path = string
[docs] def _local_rel_path_validator(self, local_rel_path): """ Validates the local_rel_path. """ import os.path from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.folder_with_code, local_rel_path)): raise ValidationError("'{}' is not a valid file within '{}'".format( local_rel_path, self.folder_with_code))
computer = None
[docs] def _get_computer_string(self): if is None: return "" else: return
[docs] def _set_computer_string(self, string): """ Set the computer starting from a string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError, NotExistent from aiida.orm import Computer as AiidaOrmComputer try: computer = AiidaOrmComputer.get(string) except NotExistent: raise ValidationError("Computer with name '{}' not found in " "DB".format(string)) self._computer_validator(computer) = computer
[docs] def _computer_validator(self, computer): """ Validates the computer. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError from aiida.orm import Computer as AiidaOrmComputer if not isinstance(computer, AiidaOrmComputer): raise ValidationError("The computer is not a valid Computer instance")
remote_abs_path = ""
[docs] def _get_remote_abs_path_string(self): return self.remote_abs_path
[docs] def _set_remote_abs_path_string(self, string): """ Set the remote_abs_path starting from a string. """ self._remote_abs_path_validator(string) self.remote_abs_path = string
[docs] def _remote_abs_path_validator(self, remote_abs_path): """ Validates the remote_abs_path. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError import os.path if not os.path.isabs(remote_abs_path): raise ValidationError("This is not a valid absolute path") if not os.path.split(remote_abs_path)[1]: raise ValidationError("This is a folder, not an executable")
is_local = False
[docs] def _get_is_local_string(self): return "True" if self.is_local else "False"
[docs] def _set_is_local_string(self, string): """ Set the is_local starting from a string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError upper_string = string.upper() if upper_string in ['YES', 'Y', 'T', 'TRUE']: is_local = True elif upper_string in ['NO', 'N', 'F', 'FALSE']: is_local = False else: raise ValidationError("Invalid value '{}' for the is_local variable, must " "be a boolean".format(string)) self._is_local_validator(is_local) self.is_local = is_local
[docs] def _is_local_validator(self, is_local): """ Validates the is_local. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if not isinstance(is_local, bool): raise ValidationError("Invalid value '{}' for the is_local variable, must " "be a boolean".format(str(is_local)))
input_plugin = None
[docs] def _get_input_plugin_string(self): """ Return the input plugin string """ return self.input_plugin
[docs] def _set_input_plugin_string(self, string): """ Set the input_plugin starting from a string. """ input_plugin = string.strip() if input_plugin.lower == "none": input_plugin = None self._input_plugin_validator(input_plugin) self.input_plugin = input_plugin
[docs] def _input_plugin_validator(self, input_plugin): """ Validates the input_plugin, checking it is in the list of existing plugins. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError from aiida.orm import JobCalculation from aiida.common.pluginloader import all_plugins if input_plugin is None: return if input_plugin not in all_plugins('calculations'): raise ValidationError("Invalid value '{}' for the input_plugin " "variable, it is not among the existing plugins".format( str(input_plugin)))
prepend_text = ""
[docs] def _get_prepend_text_string(self): return self.prepend_text
[docs] def _set_prepend_text_string(self, string): """ Set the prepend_text starting from a string. """ self._prepend_text_validator(string) self.prepend_text = string
[docs] def _prepend_text_validator(self, prepend_text): """ Validates the prepend_text. """ pass
append_text = ""
[docs] def _get_append_text_string(self): return self.append_text
[docs] def _set_append_text_string(self, string): """ Set the append_text starting from a string. """ self._append_text_validator(string) self.append_text = string
[docs] def _append_text_validator(self, append_text): """ Validates the append_text. """ pass
[docs] def create_code(self): """ Create a code with the information contained in this class, BUT DOES NOT STORE IT. """ import os.path from aiida.orm import Code as AiidaOrmCode if self.is_local: file_list = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.folder_with_code, f)) for f in os.listdir(self.folder_with_code)] code = AiidaOrmCode(local_executable=self.local_rel_path, files=file_list) else: code = AiidaOrmCode(remote_computer_exec=(, self.remote_abs_path)) code.label = self.label code.description = self.description code.set_input_plugin_name(self.input_plugin) code.set_prepend_text(self.prepend_text) code.set_append_text(self.append_text) return code
# def load_from_code(self, code): # from aiida.orm import Code as AiidaOrmCode # # if not isinstance(code, AiidaOrmCode): # raise ValueError("code is not a valid Code instance") # # self.label = code.label # self.description = code.description # # Add here also the input_plugin stuff # self.is_local = code.is_local() # if self.is_local: # raise NotImplementedError # else: # = code.get_remote_computer() # self.remote_abs_path = code.get_remote_exec_path() # self.prepend_text = code.get_prepend_text() # self.append_text = code.get_append_text()
[docs] def set_and_validate_from_code(self, kwargs): """ This method is used by the Code Orm, for the utility to setup a new code from the verdi shell """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError # convert to string so I can use all the functionalities of the command line kwargs = { k:str(v) for k,v in kwargs.iteritems() } start_var = [ _[0] for _ in self._conf_attributes_start ] local_var = [ _[0] for _ in self._conf_attributes_local ] remote_var = [ _[0] for _ in self._conf_attributes_remote ] end_var = [ _[0] for _ in self._conf_attributes_end ] def internal_launch(self, x, kwargs): default_values = { k:getattr(self,'_get_{}_string'.format(k))() for k in x } setup_keys = [ [k,kwargs.pop(k,default_values[k]) ] for k in x ] # for k,v in setup_keys: # setattr(self,k,v) [ getattr(self,'_set_{}_string'.format(k))(v) for k,v in setup_keys ] return kwargs kwargs = internal_launch(self, start_var, kwargs) if self.is_local: kwargs = internal_launch(self, local_var, kwargs) else: print 'called remote', remote_var kwargs = internal_launch(self, remote_var, kwargs) kwargs = internal_launch(self, end_var, kwargs) print kwargs if kwargs: raise ValidationError("Some parameters were not " "recognized: {}".format(kwargs)) return self.create_code()
[docs] def ask(self): cmdline_fill(self._conf_attributes_start, store=self) if self.is_local: cmdline_fill(self._conf_attributes_local, store=self, print_header=False) else: cmdline_fill(self._conf_attributes_remote, store=self, print_header=False) cmdline_fill(self._conf_attributes_end, store=self, print_header=False)
[docs]class Code(VerdiCommandWithSubcommands): """ Setup and manage codes to be used This command allows to list, add, modify, configure codes. """
[docs] def __init__(self): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded """ A dictionary with valid commands and functions to be called. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() self.valid_subcommands = { 'list': (self.code_list, self.complete_none), 'show': (self.code_show, self.complete_code_names_and_pks), 'setup': (self.code_setup, self.complete_code_pks), 'rename': (self.code_rename, self.complete_none), 'update': (self.code_update, self.complete_code_pks), 'delete': (self.code_delete, self.complete_code_pks), 'hide': (self.code_hide, self.complete_code_pks), 'reveal': (self.code_reveal, self.complete_code_pks), }
[docs] def complete_code_names(self, subargs_idx, subargs): code_names = [c[1] for c in self.get_code_data()] return "\n".join(code_names)
[docs] def complete_code_pks(self, subargs_idx, subargs): code_pks = [str(c[0]) for c in self.get_code_data()] return "\n".join(code_pks)
[docs] def complete_code_names_and_pks(self, subargs_idx, subargs): return "\n".join([self.complete_code_names(subargs_idx, subargs), self.complete_code_pks(subargs_idx, subargs)])
[docs] def code_hide(self, *args): """ Hide one or more codes from the verdi show command """ import argparse from aiida.orm.code import Code as OrmCode from aiida.orm.utils import load_node parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self.get_full_command_name(), description='Hide codes from the verdi show command.') # The default states are those that are shown if no option is given parser.add_argument('pks', type=int, nargs='+', help="The pk of the codes to hide", ) parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) from aiida.orm.code import Code for pk in parsed_args.pks: code = load_node(pk, parent_class=OrmCode) code._hide()
[docs] def code_reveal(self, *args): """ Reveal (if it was hidden before) one or more codes from the verdi show command """ import argparse from aiida.orm.code import Code as OrmCode from aiida.orm.utils import load_node parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self.get_full_command_name(), description='Reveal codes (if they were hidden before) from the verdi show command.') # The default states are those that are shown if no option is given parser.add_argument('pks', type=int, nargs='+', help="The pk of the codes to reveal", ) parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) from aiida.orm.code import Code for pk in parsed_args.pks: code = load_node(pk, parent_class=OrmCode) code._reveal()
[docs] def code_list(self, *args): """ List available codes """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self.get_full_command_name(), description='List the codes in the database.') # The default states are those that are shown if no option is given parser.add_argument('-c', '--computer', help="Filter only codes on a given computer", ) parser.add_argument('-p', '--plugin', help="Filter only calculation with a given plugin", ) parser.add_argument('-A', '--all-users', dest='all_users', action='store_true', help="Show codes of all users", ) parser.add_argument('-o', '--show-owner', dest='show_owner', action='store_true', help="Show also the owner of the code", ) parser.add_argument('-a', '--all-codes', action='store_true', help="Show also hidden codes", ) parser.set_defaults(all_users=False, hidden=False) parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) computer_filter = plugin_filter = parsed_args.plugin all_users = parsed_args.all_users show_owner = parsed_args.show_owner reveal_filter = parsed_args.all_codes from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from aiida.orm.code import Code from import Computer from aiida.orm.user import User from aiida.backends.utils import get_automatic_user qb_user_filters = dict() if not all_users: user = User(dbuser=get_automatic_user()) qb_user_filters['email'] = qb_computer_filters = dict() if computer_filter is not None: qb_computer_filters['name'] = computer_filter qb_code_filters = dict() if plugin_filter is not None: qb_code_filters['attributes.input_plugin'] = plugin_filter # If were not showing all, only show those codes without 'hidden' extra or where it is False if not reveal_filter: qb_code_filters['or'] = [ {'extras': {'!has_key': Code.HIDDEN_KEY}}, {'extras.{}'.format(Code.HIDDEN_KEY): {'==': False}} ] print "# List of configured codes:" print "# (use 'verdi code show CODEID' to see the details)" if computer_filter is not None: qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(Code, tag="code", filters=qb_code_filters, project=["id", "label"]) # We have a user assigned to the code so we can ask for the # presence of a user even if there is no user filter qb.append(User, creator_of="code", project=["email"], filters=qb_user_filters) # We also add the filter on computer. This will automatically # return codes that have a computer (and of course satisfy the # other filters). The codes that have a computer attached are the # remote codes. qb.append(Computer, computer_of="code", project=["name"], filters=qb_computer_filters) qb.order_by({Code: {'id': 'asc'}}) self.print_list_res(qb, show_owner) # If there is no filter on computers else: # Print all codes that have a computer assigned to them # (these are the remote codes) qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(Code, tag="code", filters=qb_code_filters, project=["id", "label"]) # We have a user assigned to the code so we can ask for the # presence of a user even if there is no user filter qb.append(User, creator_of="code", project=["email"], filters=qb_user_filters) qb.append(Computer, computer_of="code", project=["name"]) qb.order_by({Code: {'id': 'asc'}}) self.print_list_res(qb, show_owner) # Now print all the local codes. To get the local codes we ask # the dbcomputer_id variable to be None. qb = QueryBuilder() comp_non_existence = {"dbcomputer_id": {"==": None}} if not qb_code_filters: qb_code_filters = comp_non_existence else: new_qb_code_filters = {"and": [qb_code_filters, comp_non_existence]} qb_code_filters = new_qb_code_filters qb.append(Code, tag="code", filters=qb_code_filters, project=["id", "label"]) # We have a user assigned to the code so we can ask for the # presence of a user even if there is no user filter qb.append(User, creator_of="code", project=["email"], filters=qb_user_filters) qb.order_by({Code: {'id': 'asc'}}) self.print_list_res(qb, show_owner)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_list_res(qb_query, show_owner): if qb_query.count > 0: for tuple_ in qb_query.all(): if len(tuple_) == 3: (pk, label, useremail) = tuple_ computername = None elif len(tuple_) == 4: (pk, label, useremail, computername) = tuple_ else: print "Wrong tuple size" return if show_owner: owner_string = " ({})".format(useremail) else: owner_string = "" if computername is None: computernamestring = "" else: computernamestring = "@{}".format(computername) print "* pk {} - {}{}{}".format( pk, label, computernamestring, owner_string) else: print "# No codes found matching the specified criteria."
[docs] def get_code_data(self, django_filter=None): """ Retrieve the list of codes in the DB. Return a tuple with (pk, label, computername, owneremail). :param django_filter: a django query object (e.g. obtained with Q()) to filter the results on the AiidaOrmCode class. """ from aiida.orm import Code as AiidaOrmCode from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(AiidaOrmCode, project=['id', 'label']) qb.append(type='computer', computer_of=AiidaOrmCode, project=['name']) qb.append(type='user', creator_of=AiidaOrmCode, project=['email']) return sorted(qb.all())
[docs] def get_code(self, code_id): """ Get a Computer object with given identifier, that can either be the numeric ID (pk), or the label (if unique). .. note:: Since all command line arguments get converted to string types, we cannot assess the intended type (an integer pk or a string label) from the type of the variable code_id. If the code_id can be converted into an integer we will assume the value corresponds to a pk. This means, however, that if there would be another code, with a label directly equivalent to the string value of that pk, that this code can not be referenced by its label, as the other code, corresponding to the integer pk, will get matched first. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError, InputValidationError from aiida.orm import Code as AiidaOrmCode try: pk = int(code_id) try: return AiidaOrmCode.get(pk=pk) except (NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError, InputValidationError) as e: print >> sys.stderr, e.message sys.exit(1) except ValueError: try: return AiidaOrmCode.get_from_string(code_id) except (NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError) as e: print >> sys.stderr, e.message sys.exit(1)
[docs] def code_show(self, *args): """ Show information on a given code """ if len(args) != 1: print >> sys.stderr, ("after 'code show' there should be one " "argument only, being the code id.") sys.exit(1) code = self.get_code(args[0]) print code.full_text_info
[docs] def code_setup(self, *args): from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if len(args) != 0: print >> sys.stderr, ("after 'code setup' there cannot be any " "argument") sys.exit(1) set_params = CodeInputValidationClass() set_params.ask() code = set_params.create_code() try: except ValidationError as e: print "Unable to store the computer: {}. Exiting...".format(e.message) sys.exit(1) # Enforcing the code to be not hidden. code._reveal() print "Code '{}' successfully stored in DB.".format(code.label) print "pk: {}, uuid: {}".format(, code.uuid) return code
[docs] def code_rename(self, *args): import argparse from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent from aiida.orm.code import Code parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self.get_full_command_name(), description='Rename a code (change its label).') # The default states are those that are shown if no option is given parser.add_argument('old_name', help="The old name of the code") parser.add_argument('new_name', help="The new name of the code") parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) new_name = parsed_args.new_name old_name = parsed_args.old_name try: code = Code.get_from_string(old_name) except NotExistent: print "ERROR! A code with name {} could not be found".format(old_name) sys.exit(1) suffix = '@{}'.format(code.get_computer().name) if new_name.endswith(suffix): new_name = new_name[:-len(suffix)] if '@' in new_name: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR! Do not put '@' symbols in the code name" sys.exit(1) retrieved_old_name = '{}@{}'.format(code.label, code.get_computer().name) # CHANGE HERE code.label = new_name retrieved_new_name = '{}@{}'.format(code.label, code.get_computer().name) print "Renamed code with ID={} from '{}' to '{}'".format(, retrieved_old_name, retrieved_new_name)
[docs] def code_update(self, *args): import datetime from aiida.backends.utils import get_automatic_user if len(args) != 1: print >> sys.stderr, ("after 'code update' there should be one " "argument only, being the code id.") sys.exit(1) code = self.get_code(args[0]) if code.has_children: print "***********************************" print "| |" print "| WARNING! |" print "| Consider to create another code |" print "| You risk of losing the history |" print "| |" print "***********************************" # load existing stuff set_params = CodeInputValidationClass() set_params.label = code.label set_params.description = code.description set_params.input_plugin = code.get_input_plugin_name() was_local_before = code.is_local() set_params.is_local = code.is_local() if code.is_local(): set_params.local_rel_path = code.get_local_executable() # I don't have saved the folder with code, so I will just have the list of files # file_list = [ code._get_folder_pathsubfolder.get_abs_path(i) # for i in code.get_folder_list() ] else: = code.get_computer() set_params.remote_abs_path = code.get_remote_exec_path() set_params.prepend_text = code.get_prepend_text() set_params.append_text = code.get_append_text() # ask for the new values set_params.ask() # prepare a comment containing the previous version of the code now = new_comment = [] new_comment.append("Code modified on {}".format(now)) new_comment.append("Old configuration was:") new_comment.append("label: {}".format(code.label)) new_comment.append("description: {}".format(code.description)) new_comment.append("input_plugin_name: {}".format(code.get_input_plugin_name())) new_comment.append("is_local: {}".format(code.is_local())) if was_local_before: new_comment.append("local_executable: {}".format(code.get_local_executable())) else: new_comment.append("computer: {}".format(code.get_computer())) new_comment.append("remote_exec_path: {}".format(code.get_remote_exec_path())) new_comment.append("prepend_text: {}".format(code.get_prepend_text())) new_comment.append("append_text: {}".format(code.get_append_text())) comment = "\n".join(new_comment) if set_params.is_local: print "WARNING: => Folder with the code, and" print " => Relative path of the executable, " print " will be ignored! It is not possible to replace " print " the scripts, you have to create a new code for that." else: if was_local_before: # some old files will be left in the repository, and I cannot delete them print >> sys.stderr, ("It is not possible to change a " "code from local to remote.\n" "Modification cancelled.") sys.exit(1) print "WARNING: => computer" print " will be ignored! It is not possible to replace it" print " you have to create a new code for that." code.label = set_params.label code.description = set_params.description code.set_input_plugin_name(set_params.input_plugin) code.set_prepend_text(set_params.prepend_text) code.set_append_text(set_params.append_text) if not was_local_before: if set_params.remote_abs_path != code.get_remote_exec_path(): print "Are you sure about changing the path of the code?" print "This operation may imply loss of provenance." print "[Enter] to continue, [Ctrl + C] to exit" raw_input() from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute DbAttribute.set_value_for_node(code.dbnode, 'remote_exec_path', set_params.remote_abs_path) # store comment, to track history code.add_comment(comment, user=get_automatic_user())
[docs] def code_delete(self, *args): """ Delete a code Does not delete the code if there are calculations that are using it (i.e., if there are output links) """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation from aiida.orm.code import delete_code if len(args) != 1: print >> sys.stderr, ("after 'code delete' there should be one " "argument only, being the code id.") sys.exit(1) code = self.get_code(args[0]) pk = try: delete_code(code) except InvalidOperation as e: print >> sys.stderr, e.message sys.exit(1) print "Code '{}' deleted.".format(pk)