Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.daemon

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import sys
import os
import subprocess
import gzip
import shutil
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from aiida.common import aiidalogger
from aiida.cmdline.baseclass import VerdiCommandWithSubcommands

from aiida.backends.utils import is_dbenv_loaded
logger = aiidalogger.getChild('workflowmanager')

[docs]def is_daemon_user(): """ Return True if the user is the current daemon user, False otherwise. """ from aiida.backends.utils import get_daemon_user from aiida.common.utils import get_configured_user_email daemon_user = get_daemon_user() this_user = get_configured_user_email() return daemon_user == this_user
[docs]def _get_env_with_venv_bin(): from aiida.common import setup pybin = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) currenv = os.environ.copy() currenv['PATH'] = pybin + ':' + currenv['PATH'] currenv['AIIDA_PATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( setup.AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER )) return currenv
[docs]class Daemon(VerdiCommandWithSubcommands): """ Manage the AiiDA daemon This command allows to interact with the AiiDA daemon. Valid subcommands are: * start: start the daemon * stop: restart the daemon * restart: restart the aiida daemon, waiting for it to cleanly exit\ before restarting it. * status: inquire the status of the Daemon. * logshow: show the log in a continuous fashion, similar to the 'tail -f' \ command. Press CTRL+C to exit. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ A dictionary with valid commands and functions to be called: start, stop, status and restart. """ import aiida from aiida.common import setup self.valid_subcommands = { 'start': (self.daemon_start, self.complete_none), 'stop': (self.daemon_stop, self.complete_none), 'status': (self.daemon_status, self.complete_none), 'logshow': (self.daemon_logshow, self.complete_none), 'restart': (self.daemon_restart, self.complete_none), 'configureuser': (self.configure_user, self.complete_none), } self.logfile = setup.DAEMON_LOG_FILE self.pidfile = setup.DAEMON_PID_FILE self.workdir = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(aiida.__file__))[0], "daemon") self.celerybeat_schedule = os.path.join(setup.AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER, setup.DAEMON_SUBDIR, "celerybeat-schedule")
[docs] def _get_pid_full_path(self): """ Return the full path of the file. """ return os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(self.pidfile))
[docs] def get_daemon_pid(self): """ Return the daemon pid, as read from the file. Return None if no pid is found (or the pid is not valid). """ if (os.path.isfile(self._get_pid_full_path())): try: return int(open(self._get_pid_full_path(), 'r').read().strip()) except (ValueError, IOError): return None else: return None
[docs] def daemon_start(self, *args): """ Start the daemon """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv load_dbenv(process='daemon') from aiida.daemon.timestamps import get_last_daemon_timestamp,set_daemon_timestamp if args: print >> sys.stderr, ( "No arguments allowed for the '{}' command.".format( self.get_full_command_name())) sys.exit(1) from aiida.backends.utils import get_daemon_user from aiida.common.utils import get_configured_user_email daemon_user = get_daemon_user() this_user = get_configured_user_email() if daemon_user != this_user: print "You are not the daemon user! I will not start the daemon." print "(The daemon user is '{}', you are '{}')".format( daemon_user, this_user) print "" print "** FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY: **" print "To change the current default user, use 'verdi install --only-config'" print "To change the daemon user, use 'verdi daemon configureuser'" sys.exit(1) pid = self.get_daemon_pid() if pid is not None: print "Daemon already running, try asking for its status" return print "Clearing all locks ..." from aiida.orm.lock import LockManager LockManager().clear_all() # rotate an existing log file out of the way if os.path.isfile(self.logfile): with open(self.logfile, 'rb') as curr_log_fh: with + '.-1.gz', 'wb') as old_log_fh: shutil.copyfileobj(curr_log_fh, old_log_fh) os.remove(self.logfile) print "Starting AiiDA Daemon (log file: {})...".format(self.logfile) currenv = _get_env_with_venv_bin() _devnull =, os.O_RDWR) _stdouterr =, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_APPEND) process = subprocess.Popen([ "celery", "worker", "--app", "tasks", "--loglevel", "INFO", "--beat", "--schedule", self.celerybeat_schedule, "--pidfile", self._get_pid_full_path(), ], cwd=self.workdir, close_fds=True, stdin=_devnull, stdout=_stdouterr, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=currenv, # Important: put the new process in a different process # group, so signals are not propagated (e.g. if the shell # is closed, celery does not get a SIGHUP) preexec_fn=os.setpgrp ) os.close(_stdouterr) os.close(_devnull) # The following lines are needed for the workflow_stepper # (re-initialize the timestamps used to lock the task, in case # it crashed for some reason). # TODO: remove them when the old workflow system will be # taken away. try: if (get_last_daemon_timestamp('workflow',when='stop') -get_last_daemon_timestamp('workflow',when='start'))<timedelta(0):"Workflow stop timestamp was {}; re-initializing " "it to current time".format( get_last_daemon_timestamp('workflow',when='stop'))) print "Re-initializing workflow stepper stop timestamp" set_daemon_timestamp(task_name='workflow', when='stop') except TypeError: # when some timestamps are None (i.e. not present), we make # sure that at least the stop timestamp is defined print "Re-initializing workflow stepper stop timestamp" set_daemon_timestamp(task_name='workflow', when='stop') print "Daemon started"
[docs] def kill_daemon(self): """ This is the actual call that kills the daemon. There are some print statements inside, but no sys.exit, so it is safe to be called from other parts of the code. """ from signal import SIGTERM import errno pid = self.get_daemon_pid() if pid is None: print "Daemon not running (cannot find the PID for it)" return print "Shutting down AiiDA Daemon ({})...".format(pid) try: os.kill(pid, SIGTERM) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: # No such process print ("The process {} was not found! " "Assuming it was already stopped.".format(pid)) print "Cleaning the .pid and .sock files..." self._clean_pid_files() else: raise
[docs] def daemon_stop(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Stop the daemon. :param wait_for_death: If True, also verifies that the process was already killed. It attempts at most ``max_retries`` times, with ``sleep_between_retries`` seconds between one attempt and the following one (both variables are for the time being hardcoded in the function). :return: None if ``wait_for_death`` is False. True/False if the process was actually dead or after all the retries it was still alive. """ if args: print >> sys.stderr, ( "No arguments allowed for the '{}' command.".format( self.get_full_command_name())) sys.exit(1) wait_for_death = kwargs.get('wait_for_death', True) import time max_retries = 20 sleep_between_retries = 3 # Note: NO check here on the daemon user: allow the daemon to be shut # down if it was inadvertently left active and the setting was changed. self.kill_daemon() dead = None if wait_for_death: dead = False for _ in range(max_retries): pid = self.get_daemon_pid() if pid is None: dead = True print "AiiDA Daemon shut down correctly." break else: print "Waiting for the AiiDA Daemon to shut down..." # Wait two seconds between retries time.sleep(sleep_between_retries) if not dead: print ("Unable to stop (the daemon took too much time to " "shut down).") print ("Probably, it is in the middle of a long operation.") print ("The shut down signal was sent, anyway, so it should " "shut down soon.") return dead
[docs] def daemon_status(self, *args): """ Print the status of the daemon """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv load_dbenv(process='daemon') if args: print >> sys.stderr, ( "No arguments allowed for the '{}' command.".format( self.get_full_command_name())) sys.exit(1) from aiida.utils import timezone from aiida.daemon.timestamps import get_most_recent_daemon_timestamp from aiida.common.utils import str_timedelta from pytz import UTC most_recent_timestamp = get_most_recent_daemon_timestamp() if most_recent_timestamp is not None: timestamp_delta = ( - most_recent_timestamp) print ("# Most recent daemon timestamp:{}".format( str_timedelta(timestamp_delta))) else: print ("# Most recent daemon timestamp: [Never]") pid = self.get_daemon_pid() if pid is None: print "Daemon not running (cannot find the PID for it)" return import psutil def create_time(p): return datetime.fromtimestamp(p.create_time()) try: daemon_process = psutil.Process(self.get_daemon_pid()) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: print "Daemon process can not be found" return print "Daemon is running as pid {pid} since {time}, child processes:".format(, time=create_time(daemon_process)) workers = daemon_process.children(recursive=True) if workers: for worker in workers: print " * {name}[{pid}] {status:>10}, started at {time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(,, status=worker.status(), time=create_time(worker)) else: print "... but it does not have any child processes, which is wrong"
[docs] def daemon_logshow(self, *args): """ Show the log of the daemon, press CTRL+C to quit. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv load_dbenv(process='daemon') if args: print >> sys.stderr, ( "No arguments allowed for the '{}' command.".format( self.get_full_command_name())) sys.exit(1) pid = self.get_daemon_pid() if (pid == None): print "Daemon not running (cannot find the PID for it)" return try: currenv = _get_env_with_venv_bin() process = subprocess.Popen([ "tail", "-f", self.logfile, ], env=currenv) # , stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: # exit on CTRL+C process.kill()
[docs] def daemon_restart(self, *args): """ Restart the daemon. Before restarting, wait for the daemon to really shut down. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv load_dbenv(process='daemon') if args: print >> sys.stderr, ( "No arguments allowed for the '{}' command.".format( self.get_full_command_name())) sys.exit(1) from aiida.backends.utils import get_daemon_user from aiida.common.utils import get_configured_user_email daemon_user = get_daemon_user() this_user = get_configured_user_email() if daemon_user != this_user: print "You are not the daemon user! I will not restart the daemon." print "(The daemon user is '{}', you are '{}')".format( daemon_user, this_user) sys.exit(1) pid = self.get_daemon_pid() dead = True if pid is not None: dead = self.daemon_stop(wait_for_death=True) if not dead: print "Check the status and, when the daemon will be down, " print "you can restart it using:" print " verdi daemon start" else: self.daemon_start()
[docs] def configure_user(self, *args): """ Configure the user that can run the daemon. """ if not is_dbenv_loaded(): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv load_dbenv(process='daemon') if args: print >> sys.stderr, ( "No arguments allowed for the '{}' command.".format( self.get_full_command_name())) sys.exit(1) from aiida.utils import timezone from aiida.backends.utils import get_daemon_user, set_daemon_user from aiida.common.utils import (get_configured_user_email, query_yes_no, query_string) from aiida.daemon.timestamps import get_most_recent_daemon_timestamp from aiida.common.utils import str_timedelta from aiida.orm.user import User old_daemon_user = get_daemon_user() this_user = get_configured_user_email() print("> Current default user: {}".format(this_user)) print("> Currently configured user who can run the daemon: {}".format( old_daemon_user)) if old_daemon_user == this_user: print(" (therefore, at the moment you are the user who can run " "the daemon)") pid = self.get_daemon_pid() if pid is not None: print("The daemon is running! I will not proceed.") sys.exit(1) else: print(" (therefore, you cannot run the daemon, at the moment)") most_recent_timestamp = get_most_recent_daemon_timestamp() print "*" * 76 print "* {:72s} *".format("WARNING! Change this setting only if you " "are sure of what you are doing.") print "* {:72s} *".format("Moreover, make sure that the " "daemon is stopped.") if most_recent_timestamp is not None: timestamp_delta = - most_recent_timestamp last_check_string = ( "[The most recent timestamp from the daemon was {}]" .format(str_timedelta(timestamp_delta))) print "* {:72s} *".format(last_check_string) print "*" * 76 answer = query_yes_no("Are you really sure that you want to change " "the daemon user?", default="no") if not answer: sys.exit(0) print "" print "Enter below the email of the new user who can run the daemon." new_daemon_user_email = query_string("New daemon user: ", None) found_users = User.search_for_users(email=new_daemon_user_email) if len(found_users) == 0: print("ERROR! The user you specified ({}) does " "not exist in the database!!".format(new_daemon_user_email)) print("The available users are {}".format( [ for _ in User.search_for_users()])) sys.exit(1) set_daemon_user(new_daemon_user_email) print "The new user that can run the daemon is now {} {}.".format( found_users[0].first_name, found_users[0].last_name)
[docs] def _clean_pid_files(self): """ Tries to remove the files from the .aiida/daemon subfolder. This is typically needed when the computer is restarted with the daemon still on. """ import errno try: os.remove(self._get_pid_full_path()) except OSError as e: # Ignore if errno = errno.ENOENT (2): no file found if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # No such file raise