Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.profile

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This allows to manage profiles from command line.
import sys

import click

from aiida.cmdline.baseclass import VerdiCommandWithSubcommands
from aiida.control.postgres import Postgres

valid_processes = ['verdi', 'daemon']

[docs]class Profile(VerdiCommandWithSubcommands): """ List AiiDA profiles, and set the default profile. Allow to see the list of AiiDA profiles, and to set the default profile (the to be used by any verdi command when no '-p' option is given). """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ A dictionary with valid commands and functions to be called. """ self.valid_subcommands = { 'setdefault': (self.profile_setdefault, self.complete_processes_profiles), 'list': (self.profile_list, self.complete_none), 'delete': (self.profile_delete, self.complete_processes_profiles), }
[docs] def complete_processes_profiles(self, subargs_idx, subargs): from aiida.common.setup import get_profiles_list if subargs_idx == 1: return "\n".join(get_profiles_list()) elif subargs_idx == 0: return "\n".join(valid_processes) else: return ""
[docs] def profile_setdefault(self, *args): from aiida.common.setup import set_default_profile valid_processes_strlist = ", ".join("'{}'".format(pr) for pr in valid_processes) if len(args) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, ("You have to pass (only) two parameters " "after 'profile setdefault', the name of") print >> sys.stderr, ("the process ({}) and the " "profile to be set as the default.".format( valid_processes_strlist)) sys.exit(1) process = args[0] if process not in valid_processes: print >> sys.stderr, ("'{}' is not a valid process. Choose it from " "the following list: {}.".format( process, valid_processes_strlist)) sys.exit(1) profile = args[1] # set default DB profiles set_default_profile(process, profile, force_rewrite=True)
[docs] def profile_list(self, *args): from aiida.common.setup import get_profiles_list, get_default_profile, AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER from aiida.common.exceptions import ConfigurationError from aiida.backends import settings print('Configuration folder: {}'.format(AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER)) current_profile = settings.AIIDADB_PROFILE try: default_profile = get_default_profile( settings.CURRENT_AIIDADB_PROCESS) except ConfigurationError as e: err_msg = ( "Stopping: {}\n" "Note: if no configuration file was found, it means that you have not run\n" "'verdi setup' yet to configure at least one AiiDA profile.".format(e.message)) click.echo(err_msg, err=True) sys.exit(1) default_daemon_profile = get_default_profile("daemon") if current_profile is None: current_profile = default_profile use_colors = False if args: try: if len(args) != 1: raise ValueError if args[0] != "--color": raise ValueError use_colors = True except ValueError: print >> sys.stderr, ("You can pass only one further argument, " "--color, to show the results with colors") sys.exit(1) if current_profile is not None: # print >> sys.stderr, "### The '>' symbol indicates the current default user ###" pass else: print >> sys.stderr, "### No default profile configured yet, "\ "run 'verdi install'! ###" for profile in get_profiles_list(): color_id = 39 # Default foreground color if profile == current_profile: symbol = ">" color_id = 31 else: symbol = "*" if profile == default_profile: color_id = 34 default_str = ' (DEFAULT)' else: default_str = '' if profile == default_daemon_profile: default_str += ' (DAEMON PROFILE)' if use_colors: start_color = "\x1b[{}m".format(color_id) end_color = "\x1b[0m" bold_sequence = "\x1b[1;{}m".format(color_id) nobold_sequence = "\x1b[0;{}m".format(color_id) else: start_color = "" end_color = "" bold_sequence = "" nobold_sequence = "" print "{}{} {}{}{} {}{}".format( start_color, symbol, bold_sequence, profile, default_str, nobold_sequence, end_color)
[docs] def profile_delete(self, *args): """ Deletes profile Asks whether to delete associated database and associated database user. Specify argument '--force' to skip any questions warning about loss of data. """ from aiida.common.setup import get_or_create_config, update_config import os.path from urlparse import urlparse args = list(args) if '--force' in args: force = True args.remove('--force') else: force = False confs = get_or_create_config() profiles = confs.get('profiles',{}) users = [ profiles[name].get('AIIDADB_USER', '') for name in profiles.keys()] profiles_to_delete = args for profile_to_delete in profiles_to_delete: try: profile = profiles[profile_to_delete] except KeyError: print("Profile '{}' does not exist".format(profile_to_delete)) continue postgres = Postgres(port=profile.get('AIIDADB_PORT'), interactive=True, quiet=False) postgres.determine_setup() print postgres.dbinfo db_name = profile.get('AIIDADB_NAME', '') if not postgres.db_exists(db_name): print("Associated database '{}' does not exist.".format(db_name)) elif force or click.confirm("Delete associated database '{}'?\n" \ "WARNING: All data will be lost.".format(db_name)): print("Deleting database '{}'.".format(db_name)) postgres.drop_db(db_name) user = profile.get('AIIDADB_USER', '') if not postgres.dbuser_exists(user): print("Associated database user '{}' does not exist.".format(user)) elif users.count(user) > 1: print("Associated database user '{}' is used by other profiles "\ "and will not be deleted.".format(user)) elif force or click.confirm("Delete database user '{}'?".format(user)): print("Deleting user '{}'.".format(user)) postgres.drop_dbuser(user) repo_uri = profile.get('AIIDADB_REPOSITORY_URI','') repo_path = urlparse(repo_uri).path repo_path = os.path.expanduser(repo_path) if not os.path.isabs(repo_path): print("Associated file repository '{}' does not exist."\ .format(repo_path)) elif not os.path.isdir(repo_path): print("Associated file repository '{}' is not a directory."\ .format(repo_path)) elif force or click.confirm("Delete associated file repository '{}'?\n" \ "WARNING: All data will be lost.".format(repo_path)): print("Deleting directory '{}'.".format(repo_path)) import shutil shutil.rmtree(repo_path) if force or click.confirm("Delete configuration for profile '{}'?\n" \ "WARNING: Permanently removes profile from the list of AiiDA profiles."\ .format(profile_to_delete)): print("Deleting configuration for profile '{}'.".format(profile_to_delete)) del profiles[profile_to_delete] update_config(confs)