Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import click
import logging
from tabulate import tabulate
from aiida.cmdline.commands import work, verdi
from aiida.cmdline.baseclass import VerdiCommandWithSubcommands

CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])
LIST_CMDLINE_PROJECT_CHOICES = ['id', 'ctime', 'label', 'uuid', 'descr', 'mtime', 'state', 'sealed']

    levelname: i for levelname, i in [
        (logging.getLevelName(i), i) for i in range(logging.CRITICAL + 1)
    if not levelname.startswith('Level')

[docs]class Work(VerdiCommandWithSubcommands): """ Manage the AiiDA worflow manager """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.valid_subcommands = { 'list': (self.cli, self.complete_none), 'report': (self.cli, self.complete_none), 'tree': (self.cli, self.complete_none), 'checkpoint': (self.cli, self.complete_none), 'kill': (self.cli, self.complete_none), 'plugins': (self.cli, self.complete_plugins), }
[docs] def cli(self, *args): verdi()
[docs] def complete_plugins(self, subargs_idx, subargs): """ Return the list of plugins registered under the 'workflows' category """ from aiida import try_load_dbenv try_load_dbenv() from aiida.common.pluginloader import plugin_list plugins = sorted(plugin_list('workflows')) # Do not return plugins that are already on the command line other_subargs = subargs[:subargs_idx] + subargs[subargs_idx + 1:] return_plugins = [_ for _ in plugins if _ not in other_subargs] return "\n".join(return_plugins)
@work.command('list', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option( '-p', '--past-days', type=int, default=1, help='add a filter to show only work calculations created in the past N days' ) @click.option( '-a', '--all-states', 'all_states', is_flag=True, help='return all work calculations regardless of their sealed state' ) @click.option( '-l', '--limit', type=int, default=None, help='limit the final result set to this size' ) @click.option( '-P', '--project', type=click.Choice(LIST_CMDLINE_PROJECT_CHOICES), multiple=True, help='define the list of properties to show' ) def do_list(past_days, all_states, limit, project): """ Return a list of running workflows on screen """ from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() from aiida.common.utils import str_timedelta from aiida.utils import timezone from aiida.orm.mixins import Sealable from import WorkCalculation _SEALED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'attributes.{}'.format(Sealable.SEALED_KEY) _ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'attributes.{}'.format(WorkCalculation.ABORTED_KEY) _FAILED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'attributes.{}'.format(WorkCalculation.FAILED_KEY) _FINISHED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'attributes.{}'.format(WorkCalculation.FINISHED_KEY) if not project: project = ('id', 'ctime', 'label', 'state', 'sealed') # default projections # Mapping of projections to list table headers. hmap_dict = { 'id': 'PID', 'ctime': 'Creation time', 'label': 'Process Label', 'uuid': 'UUID', 'descr': 'Description', 'mtime': 'Modification time' } def map_header(p): try: return hmap_dict[p] except KeyError: return p.capitalize() # Mapping of querybuilder keys that differ from projections. pmap_dict = { 'label': 'attributes._process_label', 'sealed': _SEALED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, 'failed': _FAILED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, 'aborted': _ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, 'finished': _FINISHED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, 'descr': 'description', } def map_projection(p): try: return pmap_dict[p] except KeyError: return p def calculation_state(calculation): if calculation[_FAILED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]: return 'FAILED' elif calculation[_ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]: return 'ABORTED' elif calculation[_FINISHED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]: return 'FINISHED' else: return 'RUNNING' # Mapping of to-string formatting of projections that do need it. rmap_dict = { 'ctime': lambda calc: str_timedelta([map_projection('ctime')], now), negative_to_zero=True, max_num_fields=1), 'mtime': lambda calc: str_timedelta([map_projection('mtime')], now), negative_to_zero=True, max_num_fields=1), 'sealed': lambda calc: str(calc[map_projection('sealed')]), 'state': lambda calc: calculation_state(calc), } def map_result(p, obj): try: return rmap_dict[p](obj) except: return obj[map_projection(p)] mapped_projections = list(map(lambda p: map_projection(p), project)) mapped_projections.extend([_FAILED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, _ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, _FINISHED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]) table = [] for res in _build_query(limit=limit, projections=mapped_projections, past_days=past_days, order_by={'ctime': 'desc'}): calc = res['calculation'] if calc[_SEALED_ATTRIBUTE_KEY] and not all_states: continue table.append(list(map(lambda p: map_result(p, calc), project))) # Since we sorted by descending creation time, we revert the list to print the most # recent entries last table = table[::-1] print(tabulate(table, headers=(list(map(lambda p: map_header(p), project))))) @work.command('report', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument( 'pk', nargs=1, type=int ) @click.option( '-i', '--indent-size', type=int, default=2, help='Set the number of spaces to indent each level by' ) @click.option( '-l', '--levelname', type=click.Choice(LOG_LEVELS), default='REPORT', help='Filter the results by name of the log level' ) @click.option( '-o', '--order-by', type=click.Choice(['id', 'time', 'levelname']), default='time', help='Order the results by column' ) @click.option( '-m', '--max-depth', 'max_depth', type=int, default=None, help='Limit the number of levels to be printed' ) def report(pk, levelname, order_by, indent_size, max_depth): """ Return a list of recorded log messages for the WorkChain with pk=PK """ from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() import itertools from aiida.orm.backend import construct from aiida.orm.log import OrderSpecifier, ASCENDING, DESCENDING from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from import WorkCalculation def get_report_messages(pk, depth, levelname): backend = construct() filters = { 'objpk': pk, } entries = backend.log.find(filter_by=filters) entries = [ entry for entry in entries if LOG_LEVEL_MAPPING[entry.levelname] >= LOG_LEVEL_MAPPING[levelname] ] return [(_, depth) for _ in entries] def get_subtree(pk, level=0): qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append( cls=WorkCalculation, filters={'id': pk}, tag='workcalculation' ) qb.append( cls=WorkCalculation, project=['id'], # In the future, we should specify here the type of link # for now, CALL links are the only ones allowing calc-calc # (we here really want instead to follow CALL links) output_of='workcalculation', tag='subworkchains' ) result = list(itertools.chain(*qb.distinct().all())) # This will return a single flat list of tuples, where the first element # corresponds to the WorkChain pk and the second element is an integer # that represents its level of nesting within the chain return [(pk, level)] + list(itertools.chain(*[get_subtree(subpk, level=level + 1) for subpk in result])) def print_subtree(tree, prepend=""): print "{}{}".format(prepend, tree[0]) for subtree in tree[1]: print_subtree(subtree, prepend=prepend + " ") workchain_tree = get_subtree(pk) if max_depth: report_list = [get_report_messages(pk, depth, levelname) for pk, depth in workchain_tree if depth < max_depth] else: report_list = [get_report_messages(pk, depth, levelname) for pk, depth in workchain_tree] reports = list(itertools.chain(*report_list)) reports.sort(key=lambda r: r[0].time) if reports is None or len(reports) == 0: print "No log messages recorded for this work calculation" return object_ids = [entry[0].id for entry in reports] levelnames = [len(entry[0].levelname) for entry in reports] width_id = len(str(max(object_ids))) width_levelname = max(levelnames) for entry, depth in reports: print '{time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} [{id:<{width_id}} | {levelname:>{width_levelname}}]:{indent} {message}'.format(, levelname=entry.levelname, message=entry.message, time=entry.time, width_id=width_id, width_levelname=width_levelname, indent=' ' * (depth * indent_size) ) return @work.command('tree', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('--node-label', default='_process_label', type=str) @click.option('--depth', '-d', type=int, default=1) @click.argument('pks', nargs=-1, type=int) def tree(node_label, depth, pks): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded from aiida.utils.ascii_vis import build_tree if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() from aiida.orm import load_node from ete3 import Tree for pk in pks: node = load_node(pk=pk) t = Tree("({});".format(build_tree(node, node_label, max_depth=depth)), format=1) print(t.get_ascii(show_internal=True)) @work.command('checkpoint', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('pks', nargs=-1, type=int) def checkpoint(pks): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() import storage = for pk in pks: try: try: checkpoint = storage.get_checkpoint_state(pk) except BaseException as e: print("Failed to load checkpoint {}".format(pk)) print("Exception: {}".format(e.message)) else: print("Last checkpoint for calculation '{}'".format(pk)) print(str(checkpoint)) except ValueError: print("Unable to show checkpoint for calculation '{}'".format(pk)) @work.command('kill', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('pks', nargs=-1, type=int) def kill(pks): from aiida import try_load_dbenv try_load_dbenv() from aiida.orm import load_node from import WorkCalculation nodes = [load_node(pk) for pk in pks] workchain_nodes = [n for n in nodes if isinstance(n, WorkCalculation)] running_workchain_nodes = [n for n in nodes if not n.has_finished()] num_workchains = len(running_workchain_nodes) if num_workchains > 0: answer = click.prompt( 'Are you sure you want to kill {} workflows and all their children? [y/n]'.format( num_workchains ) ).lower() if answer == 'y': click.echo('Killing workflows.') for n in running_workchain_nodes: n.kill() else: click.echo('Abort!') else: click.echo('No pks of valid running workchains given.') @work.command('plugins', context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('entry_point', type=str, required=False) def plugins(entry_point): from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded if not is_dbenv_loaded(): load_dbenv() from aiida.common.exceptions import LoadingPluginFailed, MissingPluginError from aiida.common.pluginloader import plugin_list, get_plugin if entry_point: try: plugin = get_plugin('workflows', entry_point) except (LoadingPluginFailed, MissingPluginError) as exception: click.echo("Error: {}".format(exception)) else: click.echo(plugin.get_description()) else: entry_points = sorted(plugin_list('workflows')) if entry_points: click.echo('Registered workflow entry points:') for entry_point in entry_points: click.echo("* {}".format(entry_point)) click.echo("\nPass the entry point of a workflow as an argument to display detailed information") else: click.echo("# No workflows found")
[docs]def _build_query(projections=None, order_by=None, limit=None, past_days=None): import datetime from aiida.utils import timezone from aiida.orm.mixins import Sealable from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from import WorkCalculation # Define filters calculation_filters = {} if past_days is not None: n_days_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=past_days) calculation_filters['ctime'] = {'>': n_days_ago} # Build the query qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append( cls=WorkCalculation, filters=calculation_filters, project=projections, tag='calculation' ) # Ordering of queryset if order_by is not None: qb.order_by({'calculation': order_by}) # Limiting the queryset if limit is not None: qb.limit(limit) return qb.iterdict()