Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.sqlalchemy.lock

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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import time
from aiida.utils import timezone

from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import get_scoped_session
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.lock import DbLock
from aiida.common.exceptions import (InternalError, ModificationNotAllowed,
from aiida.orm.implementation.general.lock import AbstractLockManager, AbstractLock

[docs]class LockManager(AbstractLockManager):
[docs] def aquire(self, key, timeout=3600, owner="None"): session = get_scoped_session() try: with session.begin(subtransactions=True): dblock = DbLock(key=key, timeout=timeout, owner=owner) session.add(dblock) return Lock(dblock) except SQLAlchemyError: old_lock = DbLock.query.filter_by(key=key).first() timeout_secs = time.mktime(old_lock.creation.timetuple()) + old_lock.timeout now_secs = time.mktime( if now_secs > timeout_secs: raise InternalError( "A lock went over the limit timeout, this could mine the integrity of the system. Reload the Daemon to fix the problem.") else: raise LockPresent("A lock is present.") except: raise InternalError("Something went wrong, try to keep on.")
[docs] def clear_all(self): session = get_scoped_session() with session.begin(subtransactions=True): DbLock.query.delete()
[docs]class Lock(AbstractLock):
[docs] def release(self, owner="None"): session = get_scoped_session() if self.dblock is None: raise InternalError("No dblock present.") try: if self.dblock.owner == owner: session.delete(self.dblock) session.commit() self.dblock = None else: raise ModificationNotAllowed("Only the owner can release the lock.") except: raise InternalError("Cannot release a lock, Reload the Daemon to fix the problem.")
@property def isexpired(self): if self.dblock is None: return False timeout_secs = time.mktime(self.dblock.creation.timetuple()) + self.dblock.timeout now_secs = time.mktime( if now_secs > timeout_secs: return True else: return False @property def key(self): if self.dblock is None: return None return self.dblock.key