Source code for aiida.orm.log

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty, ABCMeta
from collections import namedtuple
from aiida.utils import timezone


OrderSpecifier = namedtuple("OrderSpecifier", ['field', 'direction'])

[docs]class Log(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_entry(self, time, loggername, levelname, objname, objpk=None, message="", metadata=None): """ Create a log entry. :param time: The time of creation for the entry :type time: :class:`!datetime.datetime` :param loggername: The name of the logger that generated the entry :type loggername: basestring :param levelname: The log level :type levelname: basestring :param objname: The object name (if any) that emitted the entry :type objname: basestring :param objpk: The object id that emitted the entry :type objpk: int :param message: The message to log :type message: basestring :param metadata: Any (optional) metadata, should be JSON serializable dictionary :type metadata: :class:`dict` :return: An object implementing the log entry interface :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.log.LogEntry` """ pass
[docs] def create_entry_from_record(self, record): """ Helper function to create a log entry from a record created as by the python logging lobrary :param record: The record created by the logging module :type record: :class:`logging.record` :return: An object implementing the log entry interface :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.log.LogEntry` """ from datetime import datetime objpk = record.__dict__.get('objpk', None) objname = record.__dict__.get('objname', None) # Do not store if objpk and objname are not set if objpk is None or objname is None: return None return self.create_entry( time=timezone.make_aware(datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created)),, levelname=record.levelname, objname=objname, objpk=objpk, message=record.getMessage(), metadata=record.__dict__ )
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, filter_by=None, order_by=None, limit=None): """ Find all entries in the Log collection that conforms to the filter and optionally sort and/or apply a limit. :param filter_by: A dictionary of key value pairs where the entries have to match all the criteria (i.e. an AND operation) :type filter_by: :class:`dict` :param order_by: A list of tuples of type :class:`OrderSpecifier` :type order_by: list :param limit: The number of entries to retrieve :return: An iterable of the matching entries """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_many(self, filter): """ Delete all the log entries matching the given filter """ pass
[docs]class LogEntry(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def id(self): """ Get the primary key of the entry :return: The entry primary key :rtype: int """ pass @abstractproperty def time(self): """ Get the time corresponding to the entry :return: The entry timestamp :rtype: :class:`!datetime.datetime` """ pass @abstractproperty def loggername(self): """ The name of the logger that created this entry :return: The entry loggername :rtype: basestring """ pass @abstractproperty def levelname(self): """ The name of the log level :return: The entry log level name :rtype: basestring """ pass @abstractproperty def objpk(self): """ Get the id of the object that created the log entry :return: The entry timestamp :rtype: int """ pass @abstractproperty def objname(self): """ Get the name of the object that created the log entry :return: The entry object name :rtype: basestring """ pass @abstractproperty def message(self): """ Get the message corresponding to the entry :return: The entry message :rtype: basestring """ pass @abstractproperty def metadata(self): """ Get the metadata corresponding to the entry :return: The entry metadata :rtype: :class:`!json.json` """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def save(self): """ Persist the log entry to the database :return: reference of self :rtype: :class: LogEntry """ pass