Source code for aiida.utils.ascii_vis

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# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from ete3 import Tree

[docs]def draw_parents(node, node_label=None, show_pk=True, dist=2, follow_links_of_type=None): """ Print an ASCII tree of the parents of the given node. :param node: The node to draw for :type node: :class:`` :param node_label: The label to use for the nodes :type node_label: str :param show_pk: Show the PK of nodes alongside the label :type show_pk: bool :param dist: The number of steps away from this node to branch out :type dist: int :param follow_links_of_type: Follow links of this type when making steps, if None then it will follow CREATE and INPUT links :type follow_links_of_type: str """ print(get_ascii_tree(node, node_label, show_pk, dist, follow_links_of_type, False))
[docs]def draw_children(node, node_label=None, show_pk=True, dist=2, follow_links_of_type=None): """ Print an ASCII tree of the parents of the given node. :param node: The node to draw for :type node: :class:`` :param node_label: The label to use for the nodes :type node_label: str :param show_pk: Show the PK of nodes alongside the label :type show_pk: bool :param dist: The number of steps away from this node to branch out :type dist: int :param follow_links_of_type: Follow links of this type when making steps, if None then it will follow CREATE and INPUT links :type follow_links_of_type: str """ print(get_ascii_tree(node, node_label, show_pk, dist, follow_links_of_type, True))
[docs]def get_ascii_tree(node, node_label=None, show_pk=True, max_depth=1, follow_links_of_type=None, descend=True): """ Get a string representing an ASCII tree for the given node. :param node: The node to get the tree for :type node: :class:`aiida.orm.node.Node` :param node_label: What to label the nodes with (can be an attribute name) :type node_label: str :param show_pk: If True, show the pk with the node label :type show_pk: bool :param max_depth: The maximum depth to follow starting from the node :type max_depth: int :param follow_links_of_type: Follow links of a given type, can be None :type follow_links_of_type: One of the members from :class:`aiida.common.links.LinkType` :param descend: if True will follow outputs, if False inputs :type descend: bool :return: The string giving an ASCII representation of the tree from the node :rtype: str """ tree_string = build_tree( node, node_label, show_pk, max_depth, follow_links_of_type, descend ) t = Tree("({});".format(tree_string), format=1) return t.get_ascii(show_internal=True)
[docs]def build_tree(node, node_label=None, show_pk=True, max_depth=1, follow_links_of_type=None, descend=True, depth=0): out_values = [] if depth < max_depth: relatives = [] if descend: outputs = node.get_outputs(link_type=follow_links_of_type) else: # ascend if follow_links_of_type is None: outputs = node.get_inputs(link_type=LinkType.CREATE) outputs.extend(node.get_inputs(link_type=LinkType.INPUT)) else: outputs = node.get_inputs(link_type=follow_links_of_type) for child in sorted(outputs, key=_ctime): relatives.append( build_tree(child, node_label, show_pk, max_depth, follow_links_of_type, descend, depth + 1) ) if relatives: out_values.append("({})".format(", ".join(relatives))) out_values.append(_generate_node_label(node, node_label, show_pk)) return "".join(out_values)
[docs]def _generate_node_label(node, node_attr, show_pk): """ Generate a label for the node. :param node: The node to generate the label for :type node: :class:`aiida.orm.node.Node` :param node_attr: The attribute to use as the label, can be None :type node_attr: str :param show_pk: if True, show the PK alongside the label :type show_pk: bool :return: The generated label :rtype: str """ label = None if node_attr is None: attrs = node.get_attrs() # Try a list of default ones for l in ['value', 'function_name', '_process_label']: try: label = str(attrs[l]) except KeyError: pass else: try: label = str(getattr(node, node_attr)) except AttributeError: try: label = node.get_attr(node_attr) except AttributeError: pass # Couldn't find one, so just use the class name if label is None: label = node.__class__.__name__ if show_pk: label += " [{}]".format( return label
[docs]def _ctime(node): return node.ctime