Source code for aiida.cmdline.verdilib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Command line commands for the main executable 'verdi' of aiida

If you want to define a new command line parameter, just define a new
class inheriting from VerdiCommand, and define a run(self,*args) method
accepting a variable-length number of parameters args
(the command-line parameters), which will be invoked when
this executable is called as
verdi NAME

Don't forget to add the docstring to the class: the first line will be the
short description, the following ones the long description.
import sys
import os
import getpass
import contextlib

import aiida
from aiida.common.exceptions import (
    AiidaException, ConfigurationError, ProfileConfigurationError)
from aiida.cmdline.baseclass import VerdiCommand, VerdiCommandRouter
from aiida.cmdline import pass_to_django_manage
from aiida.djsite.settings import settings_profile

## Import here from other files; once imported, it will be found and
## used as a command-line parameter
from aiida.cmdline.commands.calculation import Calculation
from aiida.cmdline.commands.code import Code
from import Computer
from aiida.cmdline.commands.daemon import Daemon
from import Data
from aiida.cmdline.commands.devel import Devel
from aiida.cmdline.commands.exportfile import Export
from import Group
from aiida.cmdline.commands.importfile import Import
from aiida.cmdline.commands.node import Node
from aiida.cmdline.commands.profile import Profile
from aiida.cmdline.commands.user import User
from aiida.cmdline.commands.workflow import Workflow
from aiida.cmdline.commands.comment import Comment
from aiida.cmdline import execname

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), 2015, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL)), Switzerland and ROBERT BOSCH LLC, USA. All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file"
__version__ = "0.5.0"
__contributors__ = "Andrea Cepellotti, Andrius Merkys, Giovanni Pizzi, Martin Uhrin, Nicolas Mounet, Riccardo Sabatini"

[docs]class ProfileParsingException(AiidaException): """ Exception raised when parsing the profile command line option, if only -p is provided, and no profile is specified """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.minus_p_provided=kwargs.pop('minus_p_provided', False) super(ProfileParsingException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def parse_profile(argv,merge_equal=False): """ Parse the argv to see if a profile has been specified, return it with the command position shift (index where the commands start) :param merge_equal: if True, merge things like ('verdi', '--profile', '=', 'x', 'y') to ('verdi', '--profile=x', 'y') but then return the correct index for the original array. :raise ProfileParsingException: if there is only 'verdi' specified, or if only 'verdi -p' (in these cases, one has respectively exception.minus_p_provided equal to False or True) """ if merge_equal: if len(argv) >= 3: if argv[1] == '--profile' and argv[2] == '=': internal_argv = [argv[0], "".join(argv[1:4])] + list(argv[4:]) shift = 2 else: internal_argv = list(argv) shift = 0 else: internal_argv = list(argv) shift = 0 else: internal_argv = list(argv) shift = 0 profile = None # Use default profile if nothing is specified command_position = 1 # If there is no profile option try: profile_switch = internal_argv[1] except IndexError: raise ProfileParsingException(minus_p_provided=False) long_profile_prefix = '--profile=' if profile_switch == '-p': try: profile = internal_argv[2] except IndexError: raise ProfileParsingException(minus_p_provided=True) command_position = 3 elif profile_switch.startswith(long_profile_prefix): profile = profile_switch[len(long_profile_prefix):] command_position = 2 else: # No profile switch, continue using argv[1] as the command name pass return profile, command_position + shift
[docs]def update_environment(new_argv): """ Used as a context manager, changes sys.argv with the new_argv argument, and restores it upon exit. """ import sys _argv = sys.argv[:] sys.argv = new_argv[:] yield # Restore old parameters when exiting from the context manager sys.argv = _argv ######################################################################## # HERE STARTS THE COMMAND FUNCTION LIST ########################################################################
[docs]class CompletionCommand(VerdiCommand): """ Return the bash completion function to put in ~/.bashrc This command prints on screen the function to be inserted in your .bashrc command. You can copy and paste the output, or simply add eval "`verdi completioncommand`" to your .bashrc, *AFTER* having added the aiida/bin directory to the path. """
[docs] def run(self, *args): """ I put the documentation here, and I don't print it, so we don't clutter too much the .bashrc. * "${THE_WORDS[@]}" (with the @) puts each element as a different parameter; note that the variable expansion etc. is performed * I add a 'x' at the end and then remove it; in this way, $( ) will not remove trailing spaces * If the completion command did not print anything, we use the default bash completion for filenames * If instead the code prints something empty, thanks to the workaround above $OUTPUT is not empty, so we do go the the 'else' case and then, no substitution is suggested. """ print r""" function _aiida_verdi_completion { OUTPUT=$( $1 completion "$COMP_CWORD" "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" ; echo 'x') OUTPUT=${OUTPUT%x} if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ] then # Only newline is a valid separator local IFS=$'\n' COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o default -- "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" ) ) # Add either a slash or a space, depending on whether it is a folder # or a file. printf %q escapes the filename if there are spaces. for ((i=0; i < ${#COMPREPLY[@]}; i++)); do [ -d "${COMPREPLY[$i]}" ] && \ COMPREPLY[$i]=$(printf %q%s "${COMPREPLY[$i]}" "/") || \ COMPREPLY[$i]=$(printf %q%s "${COMPREPLY[$i]}" " ") done else COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$OUTPUT" -- "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" ) ) # Always add a space after each command for ((i=0; i < ${#COMPREPLY[@]}; i++)); do COMPREPLY[$i]="${COMPREPLY[$i]} " done fi } complete -o nospace -F _aiida_verdi_completion verdi """
def complete(self, subargs_idx, subargs): # disable further completion print ""
[docs]class Completion(VerdiCommand): """ Manage bash completion Return a list of available commands, separated by spaces. Calls the correct function of the command if the TAB has been pressed after the first command. Returning without printing will use the default bash completion. """ # TODO: manage completion at a deeper level def run(self, *args): try: cword = int(args[0]) if cword <= 0: cword = 1 except IndexError: cword = 1 except ValueError: return try: profile, command_position = parse_profile(args[1:],merge_equal=True) except ProfileParsingException as e: cword_offset = 0 else: cword_offset = command_position - 1 if cword == 1 + cword_offset: print " ".join(sorted(short_doc.keys())) return else: try: # args[0] is cword; # args[1] is the executable (verdi) # args[2] is the command for verdi # args[3:] are the following subargs command = args[2+cword_offset] except IndexError: return try: CommandClass = list_commands[command] except KeyError: return CommandClass().complete(subargs_idx=cword - 2 - cword_offset, subargs=args[3 + cword_offset:])
[docs]class ListParams(VerdiCommand): """ List available commands List available commands and their short description. For the long description, use the 'help' command. """ def run(self, *args): print get_listparams()
[docs]class Help(VerdiCommand): """ Describe a specific command Pass a further argument to get a description of a given command. """ def run(self, *args): try: command = args[0] except IndexError: print get_listparams() print "" print ("Before each command you can specify the AiiDA profile to use," " with 'verdi -p <profile> <command>' or " "'verdi --profile=<profile> <command>'") print "" print ("Use '{} help <command>' for more information " "on a specific command.".format(execname)) sys.exit(1) if command in short_doc: print "Description for '%s %s'" % (execname, command) print "" print "**", short_doc[command] if command in long_doc: print long_doc[command] else: print >> sys.stderr, ( "{}: '{}' is not a valid command. " "See '{} help' for more help.".format( execname, command, execname)) get_command_suggestion(command) sys.exit(1) def complete(self, subargs_idx, subargs): if subargs_idx == 0: print " ".join(sorted(short_doc.keys())) else: print ""
[docs]class Install(VerdiCommand): """ Install/setup aiida for the current user This command creates the ~/.aiida folder in the home directory of the user, interactively asks for the database settings and the repository location, does a setup of the daemon and runs a migrate command to create/setup the database. """ def run(self, *args): from aiida import load_dbenv from aiida.common.setup import (create_base_dirs, create_configuration, set_default_profile, DEFAULT_UMASK) cmdline_args = list(args) only_user_config = False try: cmdline_args.remove('--only-config') only_user_config = True except ValueError: # Parameter not provided pass if cmdline_args: print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown parameters on the command line: " print >> sys.stderr, ", ".join(cmdline_args) sys.exit(1) # create the directories to store the configuration files create_base_dirs() profile = 'default' if settings_profile.AIIDADB_PROFILE is None \ else settings_profile.AIIDADB_PROFILE # ask and store the configuration of the DB try: create_configuration(profile=profile) except ValueError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "Error during configuration: {}".format(e.message) sys.exit(1) # set default DB profiles set_default_profile('verdi', profile, force_rewrite=False) set_default_profile('daemon', profile, force_rewrite=False) if only_user_config: print "Only user configuration requested, skipping the migrate command" else: print "Executing now a migrate command..." # The correct profile is selected within load_dbenv. # Setting os.umask here since sqlite database gets created in # this step. old_umask = os.umask(DEFAULT_UMASK) try: pass_to_django_manage([execname, 'migrate']) finally: os.umask(old_umask) # I create here the default user print "Loading new environment..." if only_user_config: # db environment has not been loaded in this case load_dbenv() from aiida.common.setup import DEFAULT_AIIDA_USER from aiida.djsite.db import models from aiida.djsite.utils import get_configured_user_email if not models.DbUser.objects.filter(email=DEFAULT_AIIDA_USER): print "Installing default AiiDA user..." # No password, so no access via API/AWI models.DbUser.objects.create_superuser(email=DEFAULT_AIIDA_USER, password='', first_name="AiiDA", last_name="Daemon") email = get_configured_user_email() print "Starting user configuration for {}...".format(email) if email == DEFAULT_AIIDA_USER: print "You set up AiiDA using the default Daemon email ({}),".format(email) print "therefore no further user configuration will be asked." else: # Ask to configure the new user User().user_configure(email) print "Install finished."
[docs] def complete(self, subargs_idx, subargs): """ No completion after 'verdi install'. """ print ""
[docs]class Shell(VerdiCommand): """ Run the interactive shell with the AiiDA environment loaded. This command opens an ipython shell with the AiiDA environment loaded. """ def run(self, *args): pass_to_django_manage([execname, 'customshell'] + list(args)) def complete(self, subargs_idx, subargs): # disable further completion print ""
[docs]class Runserver(VerdiCommand): """ Run the AiiDA webserver on localhost This command runs the webserver on the default port. Further command line options are passed to the Django manage runserver command """ def run(self, *args): pass_to_django_manage([execname, 'runserver'] + list(args))
[docs]class Run(VerdiCommand): """ Execute an AiiDA script """ def run(self, *args): from aiida import load_dbenv load_dbenv() import argparse import aiida.cmdline from import default_modules_list import aiida.orm.autogroup from aiida.orm.autogroup import Autogroup parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self.get_full_command_name(), description='Execute an AiiDA script.') parser.add_argument('-g', '--group', type=bool, default=True, help='Enables the autogrouping, default = True') parser.add_argument('-n', '--groupname', type=str, default=None, help='Specify the name of the auto group') # parser.add_argument('-o','--grouponly', type=str, nargs='+', default=['all'], # help='Limit the grouping to specific classes (by default, all classes are grouped') parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], help=('Autogroup only specific calculation classes.' " Select them by their module name.") ) parser.add_argument('-E', '--excludesubclasses', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], help=('Autogroup only specific calculation classes.' " Select them by their module name.") ) parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', type=str, nargs='+', default=['all'], help=('Autogroup only specific data classes.' " Select them by their module name.") ) parser.add_argument('-I', '--includesubclasses', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], help=('Autogroup only specific code classes.' " Select them by their module name.") ) parser.add_argument('scriptname', metavar='ScriptName', type=str, help='The name of the script you want to execute') parser.add_argument('new_args', metavar='ARGS', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, type=str, help='Further parameters to pass to the script') parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) # Prepare the environment for the script to be run globals_dict = { '__builtins__': globals()['__builtins__'], '__name__': '__main__', '__file__': parsed_args.scriptname, '__doc__': None, '__package__': None} ## dynamically load modules (the same of verdi shell) - but in ## globals_dict, not in the current environment for app_mod, model_name, alias in default_modules_list: globals_dict["{}".format(alias)] = getattr( __import__(app_mod, {}, {}, model_name), model_name) if automatic_group_name = parsed_args.groupname if automatic_group_name is None: import datetime now = automatic_group_name = "Verdi autogroup on " + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") aiida_verdilib_autogroup = Autogroup() aiida_verdilib_autogroup.set_exclude(parsed_args.exclude) aiida_verdilib_autogroup.set_include(parsed_args.include) aiida_verdilib_autogroup.set_exclude_with_subclasses(parsed_args.excludesubclasses) aiida_verdilib_autogroup.set_include_with_subclasses(parsed_args.includesubclasses) aiida_verdilib_autogroup.set_group_name(automatic_group_name) ## Note: this is also set in the exec environment! ## This is the intended behavior aiida.orm.autogroup.current_autogroup = aiida_verdilib_autogroup try: f = open(parsed_args.scriptname) except IOError: print >> sys.stderr, "{}: Unable to load file '{}'".format( self.get_full_command_name(), parsed_args.scriptname) sys.exit(1) else: try: # Must add also argv[0] new_argv = [parsed_args.scriptname] + parsed_args.new_args with update_environment(new_argv=new_argv): # Add local folder to sys.path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) # Pass only globals_dict exec (f, globals_dict) # print sys.argv except SystemExit as e: ## Script called sys.exit() # print sys.argv, "(sys.exit {})".format(e.message) ## Note: remember to re-raise, the exception to have ## the error code properly returned at the end! raise finally: f.close() # print "Done." ######################################################################## # HERE ENDS THE COMMAND FUNCTION LIST ######################################################################## # From here on: utility functions
[docs]def get_listparams(): """ Return a string with the list of parameters, to be printed The advantage of this function is that the calling routine can choose to print it on stdout or stderr, depending on the needs. """ max_length = max(len(i) for i in short_doc.keys()) name_desc = [(cmd.ljust(max_length + 2), desc.strip()) for cmd, desc in short_doc.iteritems()] name_desc = sorted(name_desc) return ("List of the most relevant available commands:" + os.linesep + os.linesep.join([" * {} {}".format(name, desc) for name, desc in name_desc]))
[docs]def get_command_suggestion(command): """ A function that prints on stderr a list of similar commands """ import difflib similar_cmds = difflib.get_close_matches(command, short_doc.keys()) if similar_cmds: print >> sys.stderr, "" print >> sys.stderr, "Did you mean this?" print >> sys.stderr, "\n".join([" {}".format(i) for i in similar_cmds])
def print_usage(execname): print >> sys.stderr, ("Usage: {} [--profile=PROFILENAME|-p PROFILENAME] " "COMMAND [<args>]".format(execname)) print >> sys.stderr, "" print >> sys.stderr, get_listparams() print >> sys.stderr, "See '{} help' for more help.".format(execname)
[docs]def exec_from_cmdline(argv): """ The main function to be called. Pass as parameter the sys.argv. """ ### This piece of code takes care of creating a list of valid ### commands and of their docstrings for dynamic management of ### the code. ### It defines a few global variables global execname global list_commands global short_doc global long_doc # import itself from aiida.cmdline import verdilib import inspect #List of command names that should be hidden or not completed. hidden_commands = ['completion', 'completioncommand', 'listparams'] # Retrieve the list of commands verdilib_namespace = verdilib.__dict__ list_commands = {v.get_command_name(): v for v in verdilib_namespace.itervalues() if inspect.isclass(v) and not v == VerdiCommand and issubclass(v, VerdiCommand) and not v.__name__.startswith('_') and not v._abstract} # Retrieve the list of docstrings, managing correctly the # case of empty docstrings. Each value is a list of lines raw_docstrings = {k: (v.__doc__ if v.__doc__ else "").splitlines() for k, v in list_commands.iteritems()} short_doc = {} long_doc = {} for k, v in raw_docstrings.iteritems(): if k in hidden_commands: continue lines = [l.strip() for l in v] empty_lines = [bool(l) for l in lines] try: first_idx = empty_lines.index(True) # The first non-empty line except ValueError: # All False short_doc[k] = "No description available" long_doc[k] = "" continue short_doc[k] = lines[first_idx] long_doc[k] = os.linesep.join(lines[first_idx + 1:]) execname = os.path.basename(argv[0]) try: profile, command_position = parse_profile(argv) except ProfileParsingException as e: print_usage(execname) sys.exit(1) # We now set the internal variable, if needed if profile is not None: settings_profile.AIIDADB_PROFILE = profile # I set the process to verdi settings_profile.CURRENT_AIIDADB_PROCESS = "verdi" # Finally, we parse the commands and their options try: command = argv[command_position] except IndexError: print_usage(execname) sys.exit(1) try: if command in list_commands: CommandClass = list_commands[command]()*argv[command_position + 1:]) else: print >> sys.stderr, ("{}: '{}' is not a valid command. " "See '{} help' for more help.".format( execname, command, execname)) get_command_suggestion(command) sys.exit(1) except ProfileConfigurationError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "The profile specified is not valid!" print >> sys.stderr, e.message sys.exit(1)