Source code for aiida.common.exceptions

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__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), 2015, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL)), Switzerland and ROBERT BOSCH LLC, USA. All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file"
__version__ = "0.5.0"
__contributors__ = "Andrea Cepellotti, Andrius Merkys, Giovanni Pizzi, Martin Uhrin, Riccardo Sabatini"

[docs]class AiidaException(Exception): """ Base class for all AiiDA exceptions. Each module will have its own subclass, inherited from this (e.g. ExecManagerException, TransportException, ...) """ pass
[docs]class NotExistent(AiidaException): """ Raised when the required entity does not exist. """ pass
[docs]class MultipleObjectsError(AiidaException): """ Raised when more than one entity is found in the DB, but only one was expected. """ pass
[docs]class RemoteOperationError(AiidaException): """ Raised when an error in a remote operation occurs, as in a failed kill() of a scheduler job. """ pass
[docs]class ContentNotExistent(NotExistent): """ Raised when trying to access an attribute, a key or a file in the result nodes that is not present """ pass
[docs]class FailedError(AiidaException): """ Raised when accessing a calculation that is in the FAILED status """ pass
[docs]class ModificationNotAllowed(AiidaException): """ Raised when the user tries to modify a field, object, property, ... that should not be modified. """ pass
[docs]class UniquenessError(AiidaException): """ Raised when the user tries to violate a uniqueness constraint (on the DB, for instance). """ pass
[docs]class MissingPluginError(AiidaException): """ Raised when the user tries to use a plugin that is not available or does not exist. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidOperation(AiidaException): """ The allowed operation is not valid (e.g., when trying to add a non-internal attribute before saving the entry), or deleting an entry that is protected (e.g., because it is referenced by foreign keys) """ pass
[docs]class ParsingError(AiidaException): """ Generic error raised when there is a parsing error """ pass
[docs]class InternalError(AiidaException): """ Error raised when there is an internal error of AiiDA. """ pass
[docs]class PluginInternalError(InternalError): """ Error raised when there is an internal error which is due to a plugin and not to the AiiDA infrastructure. """ pass
[docs]class ValidationError(AiidaException): """ Error raised when there is an error during the validation phase of a property. """ pass
[docs]class ConfigurationError(AiidaException): """ Error raised when there is a configuration error in AiiDA. """ pass
[docs]class ProfileConfigurationError(ConfigurationError): """ Configuration error raised when a wrong/inexistent profile is requested. """ pass
[docs]class DbContentError(AiidaException): """ Raised when the content of the DB is not valid. This should never happen if the user does not play directly with the DB. """ pass
[docs]class AuthenticationError(AiidaException): """ Raised when a user tries to access a resource for which it is not authenticated, e.g. an aiidauser tries to access a computer for which there is no entry in the AuthInfo table. """ pass
[docs]class InputValidationError(ValidationError): """ The input data for a calculation did not validate (e.g., missing required input data, wrong data, ...) """ pass
[docs]class WorkflowInputValidationError(ValidationError): """ The input data for a workflow did not validate (e.g., missing required input data, wrong data, ...) """ pass
[docs]class FeatureNotAvailable(AiidaException): """ Raised when a feature is requested from a plugin, that is not available. """ pass
[docs]class FeatureDisabled(AiidaException): """ Raised when a feature is requested, but the user has chosen to disable it (e.g., for submissions on disabled computers). """ pass
[docs]class LockPresent(AiidaException): """ Raised when a lock is requested, but cannot be acquired. """ pass
[docs]class LicensingException(AiidaException): """ Raised when requirements for data licensing are not met. """ pass