Source code for aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.basic_raw_parser_pw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A collection of function that are used to parse the output of Quantum Espresso PW.
The function that needs to be called from outside is parse_raw_output().
The functions mostly work without aiida specific functionalities.
The parsing will try to convert whatever it can in some dictionary, which
by operative decision doesn't have much structure encoded, [the values are simple ] 
import xml.dom.minidom
import os
import string
from aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.constants import ry_to_ev, hartree_to_ev, bohr_to_ang, ry_si, bohr_si
from aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso import QEOutputParsingError

# TODO: it could be possible to use info of the input file to parse output. 
# but atm the output has all the informations needed for the parsing.

# parameter that will be used later for comparisons

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), 2015, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL)), Switzerland and ROBERT BOSCH LLC, USA. All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file"
__version__ = "0.5.0"
__contributors__ = "Andrea Cepellotti, Andrius Merkys, Giovanni Pizzi, Martin Uhrin, Nicolas Mounet"

lattice_tolerance = 1.e-5

default_energy_units = 'eV'
units_suffix = '_units'
k_points_default_units = '2 pi / Angstrom'
default_length_units = 'Angstrom'
default_dipole_units = 'Debye'
default_magnetization_units = 'Bohrmag / cell'
default_force_units = 'ev / angstrom'
default_stress_units = 'GPascal'
default_polarization_units = 'C / m^2'

[docs]def parse_raw_output(out_file, input_dict, parser_opts=None, xml_file=None, dir_with_bands=None): """ Parses the output of a calculation Receives in input the paths to the output file and the xml file. :param out_file: path to pw std output :param input_dict: not used :param parser_opts: not used :param dir_with_bands: path to directory with all k-points (Kxxxxx) folders :param xml_file: path to QE data-file.xml :returns out_dict: a dictionary with parsed data :return successful: a boolean that is False in case of failed calculations :raises QEOutputParsingError: for errors in the parsing, :raises AssertionError: if two keys in the parsed dicts are found to be qual 3 different keys to check in output: parser_warnings, xml_warnings and warnings. On an upper level, these flags MUST be checked. The first two are expected to be empty unless QE failures or unfinished jobs. """ import copy # TODO: a lot of ifs could be cleaned out # TODO: input_dict should be used as well job_successful = True parser_version = '0.1' parser_info = {} parser_info['parser_warnings'] = [] parser_info['parser_info'] = 'AiiDA QE Basic Parser v{}'.format(parser_version) # if xml_file is not given in input, skip its parsing if xml_file is not None: try: with open(xml_file, 'r') as f: xml_lines = # Note: read() and not readlines() except IOError: raise QEOutputParsingError("Failed to open xml file: {}.".format(xml_file)) xml_data, structure_data = parse_pw_xml_output(xml_lines, dir_with_bands) # Note the xml file should always be consistent. else: parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Skipping the parsing of the xml file.') xml_data = {} bands_data = {} structure_data = {} # load QE out file try: with open(out_file, 'r') as f: out_lines = except IOError: # non existing output file -> job crashed raise QEOutputParsingError("Failed to open output file: {}.".format(out_file)) if not out_lines: # there is an output file, but it's empty -> crash job_successful = False # check if the job has finished (that doesn't mean without errors) finished_run = False for line in out_lines.split('\n')[::-1]: if 'JOB DONE' in line: finished_run = True break if not finished_run: # error if the job has not finished warning = 'QE pw run did not reach the end of the execution.' parser_info['parser_warnings'].append(warning) job_successful = False # parse try: out_data, trajectory_data, critical_messages = parse_pw_text_output(out_lines, xml_data, structure_data, input_dict) except QEOutputParsingError: if not finished_run: # I try to parse it as much as possible parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Error while parsing the output file') out_data = {} trajectory_data = {} critical_messages = [] else: # if it was finished and I got error, it's a mistake of the parser raise QEOutputParsingError('Error while parsing QE output') # I add in the out_data all the last elements of trajectory_data values. # Safe for some large arrays, that I will likely never query. skip_keys = ['forces', 'lattice_vectors_relax', 'atomic_positions_relax', 'atomic_species_name'] tmp_trajectory_data = copy.copy(trajectory_data) for x in tmp_trajectory_data.iteritems(): if x[0] in skip_keys: continue out_data[x[0]] = x[1][-1] if len(x[1]) == 1: # delete eventual keys that are not arrays (scf cycles) trajectory_data.pop(x[0]) # note: if an array is empty, there will be KeyError for key in ['k_points', 'k_points_weights']: try: trajectory_data[key] = xml_data.pop(key) except KeyError: pass # As the k points are an array that is rather large, and again it's not something I'm going to parse likely # since it's an info mainly contained in the input file, I move it to the trajectory data # if there is a severe error, the calculation is FAILED if any([x in out_data['warnings'] for x in critical_messages]): job_successful = False for key in out_data.keys(): if key in xml_data.keys(): if key == 'fermi_energy' or key == 'fermi_energy_units': # an exception for the (only?) key that may be found on both del out_data[key] else: raise AssertionError('{} found in both dictionaries, ' 'values: {} vs. {}'.format( key, out_data[key], xml_data[key])) # this shouldn't happen! # out_data keys take precedence and overwrite xml_data keys, # if the same key name is shared by both # dictionaries (but this should not happen!) parameter_data = dict(xml_data.items() + out_data.items() + parser_info.items()) # return various data. # parameter data will be mapped in ParameterData # trajectory_data in ArrayData # structure_data in a Structure # bands_data should probably be merged in ArrayData return parameter_data, trajectory_data, structure_data, job_successful
[docs]def cell_volume(a1, a2, a3): """ returns the volume of the primitive cell: \|a1.(a2xa3)\| """ a_mid_0 = a2[1] * a3[2] - a2[2] * a3[1] a_mid_1 = a2[2] * a3[0] - a2[0] * a3[2] a_mid_2 = a2[0] * a3[1] - a2[1] * a3[0] return abs(float(a1[0] * a_mid_0 + a1[1] * a_mid_1 + a1[2] * a_mid_2)) # In the following, some functions that helps the parsing of # the xml file of QE v5.0.x (version below not tested)
def read_xml_card(dom, cardname): try: root_node = [_ for _ in dom.childNodes if isinstance(_, xml.dom.minidom.Element) and _.nodeName == "Root"][0] the_card = [_ for _ in root_node.childNodes if _.nodeName == cardname][0] # the_card = dom.getElementsByTagName(cardname)[0] return the_card except Exception as e: print e raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {}'.format(cardname)) def parse_xml_child_integer(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return int( except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_float(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return float( except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' \ .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_bool(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return str2bool( except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' \ .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def str2bool(string): try: false_items = ["f", "0", "false", "no"] true_items = ["t", "1", "true", "yes"] string = str(string.lower().strip()) if string in false_items: return False if string in true_items: return True else: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error converting string ' '{} to boolean value.'.format(string)) except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error converting string to boolean.') def parse_xml_child_str(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return str('\n', '') except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' \ .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attributename, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] value = str(a.getAttribute(attributename)) return value.rstrip().replace('\n', '').lower() except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing attribute {}, tag {} inside {}' .format(attributename, tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_attribute_int(tagname, attributename, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] value = int(a.getAttribute(attributename)) return value except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing attribute {}, tag {} inside {}' .format(attributename, tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def grep_energy_from_line(line): try: return float(line.split('=')[1].split('Ry')[0]) * ry_to_ev except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error while parsing energy')
[docs]def convert_qe_time_to_sec(timestr): """ Given the walltime string of Quantum Espresso, converts it in a number of seconds (float). """ rest = timestr.strip() if 'd' in rest: days, rest = rest.split('d') else: days = '0' if 'h' in rest: hours, rest = rest.split('h') else: hours = '0' if 'm' in rest: minutes, rest = rest.split('m') else: minutes = '0' if 's' in rest: seconds, rest = rest.split('s') else: seconds = '0.' if rest.strip(): raise ValueError("Something remained at the end of the string '{}': '{}'" .format(timestr, rest)) num_seconds = ( float(seconds) + float(minutes) * 60. + float(hours) * 3600. + float(days) * 86400.) return num_seconds
[docs]def convert_list_to_matrix(in_matrix, n_rows, n_columns): """ converts a list into a list of lists (a matrix like) with n_rows and n_columns """ return [in_matrix[j:j + n_rows] for j in range(0, n_rows * n_columns, n_rows)]
def xml_card_cell(parsed_data, dom): # CARD CELL of QE output cardname = 'CELL' target_tags = read_xml_card(dom, cardname) for tagname in ['NON-PERIODIC_CELL_CORRECTION', 'BRAVAIS_LATTICE']: parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = parse_xml_child_str(tagname, target_tags) tagname = 'LATTICE_PARAMETER' value = parse_xml_child_float(tagname, target_tags) parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower() + '_xml'] = value attrname = 'UNITS' metric = parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attrname, target_tags) if metric not in ['bohr', 'angstrom']: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing attribute {}, tag {} inside {}, units not found' .format(attrname, tagname, target_tags.tagName)) if metric == 'bohr': value *= bohr_to_ang parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value tagname = 'CELL_DIMENSIONS' try: #a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] c ='\n', '').split() value = [float(i) for i in c] parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}.'.format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) tagname = 'DIRECT_LATTICE_VECTORS' lattice_vectors = [] try: second_tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_DIRECT_LATTICE_VECTORS' #a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.getElementsByTagName('UNITS_FOR_DIRECT_LATTICE_VECTORS')[0] value = str(b.getAttribute('UNITS')).lower() parsed_data[second_tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value metric = value if metric not in ['bohr', 'angstroms']: # REMEMBER TO CHECK THE UNITS AT THE END OF THE FUNCTION raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}: units not supported: {}' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName, metric)) lattice_vectors = [] for second_tagname in ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']: #b = a.getElementsByTagName(second_tagname)[0] b = [_ for _ in a.childNodes if _.nodeName == second_tagname][0] c = b.childNodes[0] d ='\n', '').split() value = [float(i) for i in d] if metric == 'bohr': value = [bohr_to_ang * float(s) for s in value] lattice_vectors.append(value) volume = cell_volume(lattice_vectors[0], lattice_vectors[1], lattice_vectors[2]) except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {} inside {}.' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName, cardname)) # NOTE: lattice_vectors will be saved later together with card IONS.atom tagname = 'RECIPROCAL_LATTICE_VECTORS' try: #a = target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] second_tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_RECIPROCAL_LATTICE_VECTORS' b = a.getElementsByTagName(second_tagname)[0] value = str(b.getAttribute('UNITS')).lower() parsed_data[second_tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value metric = value # NOTE: output is given in 2 pi / a [ang ^ -1] if metric not in ['2 pi / a']: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}: units {} not supported' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName, metric)) # reciprocal_lattice_vectors this_matrix = [] for second_tagname in ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']: b = a.getElementsByTagName(second_tagname)[0] c = b.childNodes[0] d ='\n', '').split() value = [float(i) for i in d] if metric == '2 pi / a': value = [float(s) / parsed_data['lattice_parameter'] for s in value] this_matrix.append(value) parsed_data['reciprocal_lattice_vectors'] = this_matrix except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}.' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) return parsed_data, lattice_vectors, volume def xml_card_ions(parsed_data, dom, lattice_vectors, volume): cardname = 'IONS' target_tags = read_xml_card(dom, cardname) for tagname in ['NUMBER_OF_ATOMS', 'NUMBER_OF_SPECIES']: parsed_data[tagname.lower()] = parse_xml_child_integer(tagname, target_tags) tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_ATOMIC_MASSES' attrname = 'UNITS' parsed_data[tagname.lower()] = parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attrname, target_tags) try: parsed_data['species'] = {} parsed_data['species']['index'] = [] parsed_data['species']['type'] = [] parsed_data['species']['mass'] = [] parsed_data['species']['pseudo'] = [] for i in range(parsed_data['number_of_species']): tagname = 'SPECIE.' + str(i + 1) parsed_data['species']['index'].append(i + 1) # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] tagname2 = 'ATOM_TYPE' parsed_data['species']['type'].append(parse_xml_child_str(tagname2, a)) tagname2 = 'MASS' parsed_data['species']['mass'].append(parse_xml_child_float(tagname2, a)) tagname2 = 'PSEUDO' parsed_data['species']['pseudo'].append(parse_xml_child_str(tagname2, a)) tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_ATOMIC_POSITIONS' attrname = 'UNITS' parsed_data[tagname.lower()] = parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attrname, target_tags) except: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag SPECIE.# inside %s.' % (target_tags.tagName )) # TODO convert the units # if parsed_data['units_for_atomic_positions'] not in ['alat','bohr','angstrom']: try: atomlist = [] atoms_index_list = [] atoms_if_pos_list = [] tagslist = [] for i in range(parsed_data['number_of_atoms']): tagname = 'ATOM.' + str(i + 1) # USELESS AT THE MOMENT, I DON'T SAVE IT # parsed_data['atoms']['list_index']=i # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] tagname2 = 'INDEX' b = int(a.getAttribute(tagname2)) atoms_index_list.append(b) tagname2 = 'SPECIES' chem_symbol = str(a.getAttribute(tagname2)).rstrip().replace("\n", "") # I check if it is a subspecie chem_symbol_digits = "".join([i for i in chem_symbol if i in string.digits]) try: tagslist.append(int(chem_symbol_digits)) except ValueError: # If I can't parse the digit, it is probably not there: I add a None to the tagslist tagslist.append(None) # I remove the symbols chem_symbol = chem_symbol.translate(None, string.digits) tagname2 = 'tau' b = a.getAttribute(tagname2) tau = [float(s) for s in b.rstrip().replace("\n", "").split()] metric = parsed_data['units_for_atomic_positions'] if metric not in ['alat', 'bohr', 'angstrom']: # REMEMBER TO CONVERT AT THE END raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag %s inside %s' % (tagname, target_tags.tagName )) if metric == 'alat': tau = [parsed_data['lattice_parameter_xml'] * float(s) for s in tau] elif metric == 'bohr': tau = [bohr_to_ang * float(s) for s in tau] atomlist.append([chem_symbol, tau]) tagname2 = 'if_pos' b = a.getAttribute(tagname2) if_pos = [int(s) for s in b.rstrip().replace("\n", "").split()] atoms_if_pos_list.append(if_pos) parsed_data['atoms'] = atomlist parsed_data['atoms_index_list'] = atoms_index_list parsed_data['atoms_if_pos_list'] = atoms_if_pos_list cell = {} cell['lattice_vectors'] = lattice_vectors cell['volume'] = volume cell['atoms'] = atomlist cell['tagslist'] = tagslist parsed_data['cell'] = cell except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag ATOM.# inside %s.' % (target_tags.tagName )) # saving data together with cell parameters. Did so for better compatibility with ASE. # correct some units that have been converted in parsed_data['atomic_positions' + units_suffix] = default_length_units parsed_data['direct_lattice_vectors' + units_suffix] = default_length_units return parsed_data
[docs]def parse_pw_xml_output(data, dir_with_bands=None): """ Parse the xml data of QE v5.0.x Input data must be a single string, as returned by Returns a dictionary with parsed values """ import copy from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError # NOTE : I often assume that if the xml file has been written, it has no # internal errors. try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) except ExpatError: return {'xml_warnings': "Error in XML parseString: bad format"}, {}, {} parsed_data = {} parsed_data['xml_warnings'] = [] structure_dict = {} # CARD CELL structure_dict, lattice_vectors, volume = copy.deepcopy(xml_card_cell(structure_dict, dom)) # CARD IONS structure_dict = copy.deepcopy(xml_card_ions(structure_dict, dom, lattice_vectors, volume)) # fermi energy cardname = 'BAND_STRUCTURE_INFO' target_tags = read_xml_card(dom, cardname) tagname = 'FERMI_ENERGY' parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = \ parse_xml_child_float(tagname, target_tags) * hartree_to_ev parsed_data[tagname.lower() + units_suffix] = default_energy_units return parsed_data, structure_dict
[docs]def parse_pw_text_output(data, xml_data=None, structure_data=None, input_dict=None): """ Parses the text output of QE-PWscf. :param data: a string, the file as read by read() :param xml_data: the dictionary with the keys read from xml. :param structure_data: dictionary, coming from the xml, with info on the structure :return parsed_data: dictionary with key values, referring to quantities at the last scf step. :return trajectory_data: key,values referring to intermediate scf steps, as in the case of vc-relax. Empty dictionary if no value is present. :return critical_messages: a list with critical messages. If any is found in parsed_data['warnings'], the calculation is FAILED! """ parsed_data = {} parsed_data['warnings'] = [] vdw_correction = False trajectory_data = {} # critical warnings: if any is found, the calculation status is FAILED critical_warnings = { 'The maximum number of steps has been reached.': "The maximum step of the ionic/electronic relaxation has been reached.", 'convergence NOT achieved after': "The scf cycle did not reach convergence.", # 'eigenvalues not converged':None, # special treatment 'iterations completed, stopping': 'Maximum number of iterations reached in Wentzcovitch Damped Dynamics.', 'Maximum CPU time exceeded': 'Maximum CPU time exceeded', '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%': None, } minor_warnings = {'Warning:': None, 'DEPRECATED:': None, 'incommensurate with FFT grid': 'The FFT is incommensurate: some symmetries may be lost.', 'SCF correction compared to forces is too large, reduce conv_thr': "Forces are inaccurate (SCF correction is large): reduce conv_thr.", } all_warnings = dict(critical_warnings.items() + minor_warnings.items()) # Find some useful quantities. try: for line in data.split('\n'): if 'lattice parameter (alat)' in line: alat = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u')[0]) elif 'number of atoms/cell' in line: nat = int(line.split('=')[1]) elif 'number of atomic types' in line: ntyp = int(line.split('=')[1]) elif 'unit-cell volume' in line: volume = float(line.split('=')[1].split('(a.u.)^3')[0]) elif 'number of Kohn-Sham states' in line: nbnd = int(line.split('=')[1]) break alat *= bohr_to_ang volume *= bohr_to_ang ** 3 parsed_data['number_of_bands'] = nbnd except NameError: # nat or other variables where not found, and thus not initialized # try to get some error message for count, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')): if any(i in line for i in all_warnings): messages = [all_warnings[i] if all_warnings[i] is not None else line for i in all_warnings.keys() if i in line] if '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' in line: messages = parse_QE_errors(data.split('\n'), count, parsed_data['warnings']) # if it found something, add to log if len(messages) > 0: parsed_data['warnings'].extend(messages) if len(parsed_data['warnings']) > 0: return parsed_data, trajectory_data, critical_warnings.values() else: # did not find any error message -> raise an Error and do not # return anything raise QEOutputParsingError("Parser can't load basic info.") # Save these two quantities in the parsed_data, because they will be # useful for queries (maybe), and structure_data will not be stored as a ParameterData parsed_data['number_of_atoms'] = nat parsed_data['number_of_species'] = ntyp parsed_data['volume'] = volume c_bands_error = False # now grep quantities that can be considered isolated informations. for count, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')): # special parsing of c_bands error if 'c_bands' in line and 'eigenvalues not converged' in line: c_bands_error = True elif "iteration #" in line and c_bands_error: # if there is another iteration, c_bands is not necessarily a problem # I put a warning only if c_bands error appears in the last iteration c_bands_error = False # Parsing of errors elif any(i in line for i in all_warnings): message = [all_warnings[i] for i in all_warnings.keys() if i in line][0] if message is None: message = line # if the run is a molecular dynamics, I ignore that I reached the # last iteration step. if ('The maximum number of steps has been reached.' in line and 'md' in input_dict['CONTROL']['calculation']): message = None if 'iterations completed, stopping' in line: value = message message = None if 'Wentzcovitch Damped Dynamics:' in line: dynamic_iterations = int(line.split()[3]) if max_dynamic_iterations == dynamic_iterations: message = value if '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' in line: message = None messages = parse_QE_errors(data.split('\n'), count, parsed_data['warnings']) # if it found something, add to log try: parsed_data['warnings'].extend(messages) except UnboundLocalError: pass if message is not None: parsed_data['warnings'].append(message) if c_bands_error: parsed_data['warnings'].append("c_bands: at least 1 eigenvalues not converged") # I split the output text in the atomic SCF calculations. # the initial part should be things already contained in the xml. # (cell, initial positions, kpoints, ...) and I skip them. # In case, parse for them before this point. # Put everything in a trajectory_data dictionary relax_steps = data.split('Self-consistent Calculation')[1:] relax_steps = [i.split('\n') for i in relax_steps] # now I create a bunch of arrays for every step. for data_step in relax_steps: for count, line in enumerate(data_step): # NOTE: in the above, the chemical symbols are not those of AiiDA # since the AiiDA structure is different. So, I assume now that the # order of atoms is the same of the input atomic structure. # Computed dipole correction in slab geometries. # save dipole in debye units, only at last iteration of scf cycle # grep energy and eventually, magnetization if '!' in line: try: for key in ['energy', 'energy_accuracy']: if key not in trajectory_data: trajectory_data[key] = [] En = float(line.split('=')[1].split('Ry')[0]) * ry_to_ev E_acc = float(data_step[count + 2].split('<')[1].split('Ry')[0]) * ry_to_ev for key, value in [['energy', En], ['energy_accuracy', E_acc]]: trajectory_data[key].append(value) parsed_data[key + units_suffix] = default_energy_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing the energy') elif 'the Fermi energy is' in line: try: value = line.split('is')[1].split('ev')[0] try: trajectory_data['fermi_energy'].append(value) except KeyError: trajectory_data['fermi_energy'] = [value] parsed_data['fermi_energy' + units_suffix] = default_energy_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing Fermi energy from the output file.') elif 'Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):' in line: try: forces = [] j = 0 while True: j += 1 line2 = data_step[count + j] if 'atom ' in line2: line2 = line2.split('=')[1].split() # CONVERT FORCES IN eV/Ang vec = [float(s) * ry_to_ev / \ bohr_to_ang for s in line2] forces.append(vec) if len(forces) == nat: break try: trajectory_data['forces'].append(forces) except KeyError: trajectory_data['forces'] = [forces] parsed_data['forces' + units_suffix] = default_force_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing forces.') # TODO: adding the parsing support for the decomposition of the forces elif 'Total force =' in line: try: # note that I can't check the units: not written in output! value = float(line.split('=')[1].split('Total')[0]) * ry_to_ev / bohr_to_ang try: trajectory_data['total_force'].append(value) except KeyError: trajectory_data['total_force'] = [value] parsed_data['total_force' + units_suffix] = default_force_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing total force.') elif 'entering subroutine stress ...' in line: try: stress = [] for k in range(10): if "P=" in data_step[count + k + 1]: count2 = count + k + 1 if '(Ry/bohr**3)' not in data_step[count2]: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error while parsing stress: unexpected units.') for k in range(3): line2 = data_step[count2 + k + 1].split() vec = [float(s) * 10 ** (-9) * ry_si / (bohr_si) ** 3 for s in line2[0:3]] stress.append(vec) try: trajectory_data['stress'].append(stress) except KeyError: trajectory_data['stress'] = [stress] parsed_data['stress' + units_suffix] = default_stress_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing stress tensor.') return parsed_data, trajectory_data, critical_warnings.values()
[docs]def parse_QE_errors(lines, count, warnings): """ Parse QE errors messages (those appearing between some lines with ``'%%%%%%%%'``) :param lines: list of strings, the output text file as read by readlines() or as obtained by data.split('\\n') when data is the text file read by read() :param count: the line at which we identified some ``'%%%%%%%%'`` :param warnings: the warnings already parsed in the file :return messages: a list of QE error messages """ # find the indices of the lines with problems found_endpoint = False init_problem = count for count2, line2 in enumerate(lines[count + 1:]): end_problem = count + count2 + 1 if "%%%%%%%%%%%%" in line2: found_endpoint = True break messages = [] if found_endpoint: # build a dictionary with the lines prob_list = lines[init_problem:end_problem + 1] irred_list = list(set(prob_list)) for v in prob_list: if ( len(v) > 0 and (v in irred_list and v not in warnings) ): messages.append(irred_list.pop(irred_list.index(v))) return messages