Source code for aiida.daemon.execmanager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file contains the main routines to submit, check and retrieve calculation
results. These are general and contain only the main logic; where appropriate,
the routines make reference to the suitable plugins for all
plugin-specific operations.
from aiida.common.datastructures import calc_states
from aiida.scheduler.datastructures import job_states
from aiida.common.exceptions import (
from aiida.common import aiidalogger
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.orm import load_node

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), This file is part of the AiiDA platform. For further information please visit All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file."
__version__ = "0.7.0"
__authors__ = "The AiiDA team."

execlogger = aiidalogger.getChild('execmanager')

[docs]def update_running_calcs_status(authinfo): """ Update the states of calculations in WITHSCHEDULER status belonging to user and machine as defined in the 'dbauthinfo' table. """ from aiida.orm import JobCalculation, Computer from aiida.scheduler.datastructures import JobInfo from aiida.utils.logger import get_dblogger_extra if not authinfo.enabled: return execlogger.debug("Updating running calc status for user {} " "and machine {}".format(, # This returns an iterator over aiida JobCalculation objects calcs_to_inquire = list(JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.WITHSCHEDULER, computer=authinfo.dbcomputer, user=authinfo.aiidauser) ) # NOTE: no further check is done that machine and # aiidauser are correct for each calc in calcs s = Computer(dbcomputer=authinfo.dbcomputer).get_scheduler() t = authinfo.get_transport() computed = [] # I avoid to open an ssh connection if there are # no calcs with state WITHSCHEDULER if len(calcs_to_inquire): jobids_to_inquire = [str(c.get_job_id()) for c in calcs_to_inquire] # Open connection with t: s.set_transport(t) # TODO: Check if we are ok with filtering by job (to make this work, # I had to remove the check on the retval for getJobs, # because if the job has computed and is not in the output of # qstat, it gives a nonzero retval) # TODO: catch SchedulerError exception and do something # sensible (at least, skip this computer but continue with # following ones, and set a counter; set calculations to # UNKNOWN after a while? if s.get_feature('can_query_by_user'): found_jobs = s.getJobs(user="$USER", as_dict=True) else: found_jobs = s.getJobs(jobs=jobids_to_inquire, as_dict=True) # I update the status of jobs for c in calcs_to_inquire: try: logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(c) t._set_logger_extra(logger_extra) jobid = c.get_job_id() if jobid is None: execlogger.error("JobCalculation {} is WITHSCHEDULER " "but no job id was found!".format(, extra=logger_extra) continue # I check if the calculation to be checked (c) # is in the output of qstat if jobid in found_jobs: # jobinfo: the information returned by # qstat for this job jobinfo = found_jobs[jobid] execlogger.debug("Inquirying calculation {} (jobid " "{}): it has job_state={}".format(, jobid, jobinfo.job_state), extra=logger_extra) # For the moment, FAILED is not defined if jobinfo.job_state in [job_states.DONE]: # , job_states.FAILED]: computed.append(c) try: c._set_state(calc_states.COMPUTED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # Someone already set it, just skip pass ## Do not set the WITHSCHEDULER state multiple times, ## this would raise a ModificationNotAllowed # else: # c._set_state(calc_states.WITHSCHEDULER) c._set_scheduler_state(jobinfo.job_state) c._set_last_jobinfo(jobinfo) else: execlogger.debug("Inquirying calculation {} (jobid " "{}): not found, assuming " "job_state={}".format(, jobid, job_states.DONE), extra=logger_extra) # calculation c is not found in the output of qstat computed.append(c) c._set_scheduler_state(job_states.DONE) except Exception as e: # TODO: implement a counter, after N retrials # set it to a status that # requires the user intervention execlogger.warning( "There was an exception for " "calculation {} ({}): {}".format(, e.__class__.__name__, e.message ), extra=logger_extra) continue for c in computed: try: logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(c) try: detailed_jobinfo = s.get_detailed_jobinfo( jobid=c.get_job_id()) except NotImplementedError: detailed_jobinfo = ( u"AiiDA MESSAGE: This scheduler does not implement " u"the routine get_detailed_jobinfo to retrieve " u"the information on " u"a job after it has finished.") last_jobinfo = c._get_last_jobinfo() if last_jobinfo is None: last_jobinfo = JobInfo() last_jobinfo.job_id = c.get_job_id() last_jobinfo.job_state = job_states.DONE last_jobinfo.detailedJobinfo = detailed_jobinfo c._set_last_jobinfo(last_jobinfo) except Exception as e: execlogger.warning("There was an exception while " "retrieving the detailed jobinfo " "for calculation {} ({}): {}".format(, e.__class__.__name__, e.message), extra=logger_extra) continue finally: # Set the state to COMPUTED as the very last thing # of this routine; no further change should be done after # this, so that in general the retriever can just # poll for this state, if we want to. try: c._set_state(calc_states.COMPUTED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # Someone already set it, just skip pass return computed
[docs]def retrieve_jobs(): from aiida.orm import JobCalculation, Computer from aiida.backends.utils import get_authinfo # I create a unique set of pairs (computer, aiidauser) computers_users_to_check = list( JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.COMPUTED, only_computer_user_pairs=True, only_enabled=True) ) for computer, aiidauser in computers_users_to_check: execlogger.debug("({},{}) pair to check".format(, try: authinfo = get_authinfo(computer.dbcomputer, aiidauser._dbuser) retrieve_computed_for_authinfo(authinfo) except Exception as e: msg = ("Error while retrieving calculation status for " "aiidauser={} on computer={}, " "error type is {}, error message: {}".format(,, e.__class__.__name__, e.message)) execlogger.error(msg) # Continue with next computer continue
# in daemon
[docs]def update_jobs(): """ calls an update for each set of pairs (machine, aiidauser) """ from aiida.orm import JobCalculation, Computer, User from aiida.backends.utils import get_authinfo # I create a unique set of pairs (computer, aiidauser) computers_users_to_check = list( JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.WITHSCHEDULER, only_computer_user_pairs=True, only_enabled=True ) ) for computer, aiidauser in computers_users_to_check: execlogger.debug("({},{}) pair to check".format(, try: authinfo = get_authinfo(computer.dbcomputer, aiidauser._dbuser) computed_calcs = update_running_calcs_status(authinfo) except Exception as e: msg = ("Error while updating calculation status " "for aiidauser={} on computer={}, " "error type is {}, error message: {}".format(,, e.__class__.__name__, e.message)) execlogger.error(msg) # Continue with next computer continue
[docs]def submit_jobs(): """ Submit all jobs in the TOSUBMIT state. """ from aiida.orm import JobCalculation, Computer, User from aiida.utils.logger import get_dblogger_extra from aiida.backends.utils import get_authinfo computers_users_to_check = list(JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.TOSUBMIT, only_computer_user_pairs=True, only_enabled=True ) ) for computer, aiidauser in computers_users_to_check: #~ user = User.search_for_users(id=dbuser_id) #~ computer = Computer.get(dbcomputer_id) execlogger.debug("({},{}) pair to submit".format(, try: try: authinfo = get_authinfo(computer.dbcomputer, aiidauser._dbuser) except AuthenticationError: # TODO!! # Put each calculation in the SUBMISSIONFAILED state because # I do not have AuthInfo to submit them calcs_to_inquire = JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.TOSUBMIT, computer=computer, user=aiidauser) for calc in calcs_to_inquire: try: calc._set_state(calc_states.SUBMISSIONFAILED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # Someone already set it, just skip pass logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(calc) execlogger.error("Submission of calc {} failed, " "computer pk= {} ({}) is not configured " "for aiidauser {}".format(,, computer.get_name(),, extra=logger_extra) # Go to the next (dbcomputer,aiidauser) pair continue submitted_calcs = submit_jobs_with_authinfo(authinfo) except Exception as e: import traceback msg = ("Error while submitting jobs " "for aiidauser={} on computer={}, " "error type is {}, traceback: {}".format(,, e.__class__.__name__, traceback.format_exc())) print msg execlogger.error(msg) # Continue with next computer continue
[docs]def submit_jobs_with_authinfo(authinfo): """ Submit jobs in TOSUBMIT status belonging to user and machine as defined in the 'dbauthinfo' table. """ from aiida.orm import JobCalculation from aiida.utils.logger import get_dblogger_extra if not authinfo.enabled: return execlogger.debug("Submitting jobs for user {} " "and machine {}".format(, # This returns an iterator over aiida JobCalculation objects calcs_to_inquire = list(JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.TOSUBMIT, computer=authinfo.dbcomputer, user=authinfo.aiidauser)) # I avoid to open an ssh connection if there are # no calcs with state WITHSCHEDULER if len(calcs_to_inquire): # Open connection try: # I do it here so that the transport is opened only once per computer with authinfo.get_transport() as t: for c in calcs_to_inquire: logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(c) t._set_logger_extra(logger_extra) try: submit_calc(calc=c, authinfo=authinfo, transport=t) except Exception as e: # TODO: implement a counter, after N retrials # set it to a status that # requires the user intervention execlogger.warning("There was an exception for " "calculation {} ({}): {}".format(, e.__class__.__name__, e.message)) # I just proceed to the next calculation continue # Catch exceptions also at this level (this happens only if there is # a problem opening the transport in the 'with t' statement, # because any other exception is caught and skipped above except Exception as e: import traceback from aiida.utils.logger import get_dblogger_extra for calc in calcs_to_inquire: logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(calc) try: calc._set_state(calc_states.SUBMISSIONFAILED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # Someone already set it, just skip pass execlogger.error("Submission of calc {} failed, check also the " "log file! Traceback: {}".format(, traceback.format_exc()), extra=logger_extra) raise
[docs]def submit_calc(calc, authinfo, transport=None): """ Submit a calculation :note: if no transport is passed, a new transport is opened and then closed within this function. If you want to use an already opened transport, pass it as further parameter. In this case, the transport has to be already open, and must coincide with the transport of the the computer defined by the authinfo. :param calc: the calculation to submit (an instance of the aiida.orm.JobCalculation class) :param authinfo: the authinfo for this calculation. :param transport: if passed, must be an already opened transport. No checks are done on the consistency of the given transport with the transport of the computer defined in the authinfo. """ from aiida.orm import Code, Computer from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from aiida.common.exceptions import ( InputValidationError) from import RemoteData from aiida.utils.logger import get_dblogger_extra if not authinfo.enabled: return logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(calc) if transport is None: t = authinfo.get_transport() must_open_t = True else: t = transport must_open_t = False t._set_logger_extra(logger_extra) if calc._has_cached_links(): raise ValueError("Cannot submit calculation {} because it has " "cached input links! If you " "just want to test the submission, use the " "test_submit() method, otherwise store all links" "first".format( # Double check, in the case the calculation was 'killed' (and therefore # put in the 'FAILED' state) in the meantime # Do it as near as possible to the state change below (it would be # even better to do it with some sort of transaction) if calc.get_state() != calc_states.TOSUBMIT: raise ValueError("Can only submit calculations with state=TOSUBMIT! " "(state of calc {} is {} instead)".format(, calc.get_state())) # I start to submit the calculation: I set the state try: calc._set_state(calc_states.SUBMITTING) except ModificationNotAllowed: raise ValueError("The calculation has already been submitted by " "someone else!") try: if must_open_t: s = Computer(dbcomputer=authinfo.dbcomputer).get_scheduler() s.set_transport(t) computer = calc.get_computer() with SandboxFolder() as folder: calcinfo, script_filename = calc._presubmit( folder, use_unstored_links=False) codes_info = calcinfo.codes_info input_codes = [load_node(_.code_uuid, parent_class=Code) for _ in codes_info ] for code in input_codes: if not code.can_run_on(computer): raise InputValidationError( "The selected code {} for calculation " "{} cannot run on computer {}". format(,, # After this call, no modifications to the folder should be done calc._store_raw_input_folder(folder.abspath) # NOTE: some logic is partially replicated in the 'test_submit' # method of JobCalculation. If major logic changes are done # here, make sure to update also the test_submit routine remote_user = t.whoami() # TODO Doc: {username} field # TODO: if something is changed here, fix also 'verdi computer test' remote_working_directory = authinfo.get_workdir().format( username=remote_user) if not remote_working_directory.strip(): raise ConfigurationError( "[submission of calc {}] " "No remote_working_directory configured for computer " "'{}'".format(, # If it already exists, no exception is raised try: t.chdir(remote_working_directory) except IOError: execlogger.debug( "[submission of calc {}] " "Unable to chdir in {}, trying to create it". format(, remote_working_directory), extra=logger_extra) try: t.makedirs(remote_working_directory) t.chdir(remote_working_directory) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise ConfigurationError( "[submission of calc {}] " "Unable to create the remote directory {} on " "computer '{}': {}". format(, remote_working_directory,, e.message)) # Store remotely with sharding (here is where we choose # the folder structure of remote jobs; then I store this # in the calculation properties using _set_remote_dir # and I do not have to know the logic, but I just need to # read the absolute path from the calculation properties. t.mkdir(calcinfo.uuid[:2], ignore_existing=True) t.chdir(calcinfo.uuid[:2]) t.mkdir(calcinfo.uuid[2:4], ignore_existing=True) t.chdir(calcinfo.uuid[2:4]) t.mkdir(calcinfo.uuid[4:]) t.chdir(calcinfo.uuid[4:]) workdir = t.getcwd() # I store the workdir of the calculation for later file # retrieval calc._set_remote_workdir(workdir) # I first create the code files, so that the code can put # default files to be overwritten by the plugin itself. # Still, beware! The code file itself could be overwritten... # But I checked for this earlier. for code in input_codes: if code.is_local(): # Note: this will possibly overwrite files for f in code.get_folder_list(): t.put(code.get_abs_path(f), f) t.chmod(code.get_local_executable(), 0755) # rwxr-xr-x # copy all files, recursively with folders for f in folder.get_content_list(): execlogger.debug("[submission of calc {}] " "copying file/folder {}...".format(, f), extra=logger_extra) t.put(folder.get_abs_path(f), f) # local_copy_list is a list of tuples, # each with (src_abs_path, dest_rel_path) # NOTE: validation of these lists are done # inside calc._presubmit() local_copy_list = calcinfo.local_copy_list remote_copy_list = calcinfo.remote_copy_list remote_symlink_list = calcinfo.remote_symlink_list if local_copy_list is not None: for src_abs_path, dest_rel_path in local_copy_list: execlogger.debug("[submission of calc {}] " "copying local file/folder to {}".format(, dest_rel_path), extra=logger_extra) t.put(src_abs_path, dest_rel_path) if remote_copy_list is not None: for (remote_computer_uuid, remote_abs_path, dest_rel_path) in remote_copy_list: if remote_computer_uuid == computer.uuid: execlogger.debug("[submission of calc {}] " "copying {} remotely, directly on the machine " "{}".format(, dest_rel_path, try: t.copy(remote_abs_path, dest_rel_path) except (IOError, OSError): execlogger.warning("[submission of calc {}] " "Unable to copy remote resource from {} to {}! " "Stopping.".format(, remote_abs_path, dest_rel_path), extra=logger_extra) raise else: # TODO: implement copy between two different # machines! raise NotImplementedError( "[presubmission of calc {}] " "Remote copy between two different machines is " "not implemented yet".format( if remote_symlink_list is not None: for (remote_computer_uuid, remote_abs_path, dest_rel_path) in remote_symlink_list: if remote_computer_uuid == computer.uuid: execlogger.debug("[submission of calc {}] " "copying {} remotely, directly on the machine " "{}".format(, dest_rel_path, try: t.symlink(remote_abs_path, dest_rel_path) except (IOError, OSError): execlogger.warning("[submission of calc {}] " "Unable to create remote symlink from {} to {}! " "Stopping.".format(, remote_abs_path, dest_rel_path), extra=logger_extra) raise else: raise IOError("It is not possible to create a symlink " "between two different machines for " "calculation {}".format( remotedata = RemoteData(computer=computer, remote_path=workdir) remotedata.add_link_from(calc, label='remote_folder', link_type=LinkType.CREATE) job_id = s.submit_from_script(t.getcwd(), script_filename) calc._set_job_id(job_id) # This should always be possible, because we should be # the only ones submitting this calculations, # so I do not check the ModificationNotAllowed calc._set_state(calc_states.WITHSCHEDULER) ## I do not set the state to queued; in this way, if the ## daemon is down, the user sees '(unknown)' as last state ## and understands that the daemon is not running. # if job_tmpl.submit_as_hold: # calc._set_scheduler_state(job_states.QUEUED_HELD) #else: # calc._set_scheduler_state(job_states.QUEUED) execlogger.debug("submitted calculation {} on {} with " "jobid {}".format(,, job_id), extra=logger_extra) except Exception as e: import traceback try: calc._set_state(calc_states.SUBMISSIONFAILED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # Someone already set it, just skip pass execlogger.error("Submission of calc {} failed, check also the " "log file! Traceback: {}".format(, traceback.format_exc()), extra=logger_extra) raise finally: # close the transport, but only if it was opened within this function if must_open_t: t.close()
[docs]def retrieve_computed_for_authinfo(authinfo): from aiida.orm import JobCalculation from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from import FolderData from aiida.utils.logger import get_dblogger_extra from aiida.orm import DataFactory import os if not authinfo.enabled: return calcs_to_retrieve = list(JobCalculation._get_all_with_state( state=calc_states.COMPUTED, computer=authinfo.dbcomputer, user=authinfo.aiidauser) ) retrieved = [] # I avoid to open an ssh connection if there are no # calcs with state not COMPUTED if len(calcs_to_retrieve): # Open connection with authinfo.get_transport() as t: for calc in calcs_to_retrieve: logger_extra = get_dblogger_extra(calc) t._set_logger_extra(logger_extra) try: calc._set_state(calc_states.RETRIEVING) except ModificationNotAllowed: # Someone else has already started to retrieve it, # just log and continue execlogger.debug("Attempting to retrieve more than once " "calculation {}: skipping!".format(, extra=logger_extra) continue # with the next calculation to retrieve try: execlogger.debug("Retrieving calc {}".format(, extra=logger_extra) workdir = calc._get_remote_workdir() retrieve_list = calc._get_retrieve_list() retrieve_singlefile_list = calc._get_retrieve_singlefile_list() execlogger.debug("[retrieval of calc {}] " "chdir {}".format(, workdir), extra=logger_extra) t.chdir(workdir) retrieved_files = FolderData() retrieved_files.add_link_from( calc, label=calc._get_linkname_retrieved(), link_type=LinkType.CREATE) # First, retrieve the files of folderdata with SandboxFolder() as folder: for item in retrieve_list: # I have two possibilities: # * item is a string # * or is a list # then I have other two possibilities: # * there are file patterns # * or not # First decide the name of the files if isinstance(item, list): tmp_rname, tmp_lname, depth = item # if there are more than one file I do something differently if t.has_magic(tmp_rname): remote_names = t.glob(tmp_rname) local_names = [] for rem in remote_names: to_append = rem.split(os.path.sep)[-depth:] if depth > 0 else [] local_names.append(os.path.sep.join([tmp_lname] + to_append)) else: remote_names = [tmp_rname] to_append = remote_names.split(os.path.sep)[-depth:] if depth > 0 else [] local_names = [os.path.sep.join([tmp_lname] + to_append)] if depth > 1: # create directories in the folder, if needed for this_local_file in local_names: new_folder = os.path.join( folder.abspath, os.path.split(this_local_file)[0]) if not os.path.exists(new_folder): os.makedirs(new_folder) else: # it is a string if t.has_magic(item): remote_names = t.glob(item) local_names = [os.path.split(rem)[1] for rem in remote_names] else: remote_names = [item] local_names = [os.path.split(item)[1]] for rem, loc in zip(remote_names, local_names): execlogger.debug("[retrieval of calc {}] " "Trying to retrieve remote item '{}'".format(, rem), extra=logger_extra) t.get(rem, os.path.join(folder.abspath, loc), ignore_nonexisting=True) # Here I retrieved everything; # now I store them inside the calculation retrieved_files.replace_with_folder(folder.abspath, overwrite=True) # Second, retrieve the singlefiles with SandboxFolder() as folder: singlefile_list = [] for (linkname, subclassname, filename) in retrieve_singlefile_list: execlogger.debug("[retrieval of calc {}] Trying " "to retrieve remote singlefile '{}'".format(, filename), extra=logger_extra) localfilename = os.path.join( folder.abspath, os.path.split(filename)[1]) t.get(filename, localfilename, ignore_nonexisting=True) singlefile_list.append((linkname, subclassname, localfilename)) # ignore files that have not been retrieved singlefile_list = [i for i in singlefile_list if os.path.exists(i[2])] # after retrieving from the cluster, I create the objects singlefiles = [] for (linkname, subclassname, filename) in singlefile_list: SinglefileSubclass = DataFactory(subclassname) singlefile = SinglefileSubclass() singlefile.set_file(filename) singlefile.add_link_from(calc, label=linkname, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) singlefiles.append(singlefile) # Finally, store execlogger.debug("[retrieval of calc {}] " "Storing retrieved_files={}".format(,, extra=logger_extra) for fil in singlefiles: execlogger.debug("[retrieval of calc {}] " "Storing retrieved_singlefile={}".format(,, extra=logger_extra) # If I was the one retrieving, I should also be the only # one parsing! I do not check calc._set_state(calc_states.PARSING) Parser = calc.get_parserclass() # If no parser is set, the calculation is successful successful = True if Parser is not None: # TODO: parse here parser = Parser(calc) successful, new_nodes_tuple = parser.parse_from_calc() for label, n in new_nodes_tuple: n.add_link_from(calc, label=label, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) if successful: try: calc._set_state(calc_states.FINISHED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # I should have been the only one to set it, but # in order to avoid unuseful error messages, I # just ignore pass else: try: calc._set_state(calc_states.FAILED) except ModificationNotAllowed: # I should have been the only one to set it, but # in order to avoid unuseful error messages, I # just ignore pass execlogger.error("[parsing of calc {}] " "The parser returned an error, but it should have " "created an output node with some partial results " "and warnings. Check there for more information on " "the problem".format(, extra=logger_extra) retrieved.append(calc) except Exception: import traceback tb = traceback.format_exc() newextradict = logger_extra.copy() newextradict['full_traceback'] = tb if calc.get_state() == calc_states.PARSING: execlogger.error("Error parsing calc {}. " "Traceback: {}".format(, tb), extra=newextradict) # TODO: add a 'comment' to the calculation try: calc._set_state(calc_states.PARSINGFAILED) except ModificationNotAllowed: pass else: execlogger.error("Error retrieving calc {}. " "Traceback: {}".format(, tb), extra=newextradict) try: calc._set_state(calc_states.RETRIEVALFAILED) except ModificationNotAllowed: pass raise return retrieved