AiiDA internals


The Node class is the basic class that represents all the possible objects at the AiiDA world. More precisely it is inherited by many classes including (among others) the Calculation class, representing computations that convert data into a different form, the Code class representing executables and file collections that are used by calculations and the Data class which represents data that can be input or output of calculations.

Methods & properties

In the sequel the most important methods and properties of the Node class will be described.

Node subclasses organization

The Node class has two important variables:

  • _plugin_type_string characterizes the class of the object.
  • _query_type_string characterizes the class and all its subclasses (by pointing to the package or Python file that contain the class).

The convention for all the Node subclasses is that if a class B is inherited by a class A then there should be a package A under aiida/orm that has a file and a in that directory (or a B package with the corresponding

An example of this is the ArrayData and the KpointsData. ArrayData is placed in aiida/orm/data/array/ and KpointsData which inherits from ArrayData is placed in aiida/orm/data/array/

This is an implicit & quick way to check the inheritance of the Node subclasses.

General purpose methods

  • __init__(): The initialization of the Node class can be done by not providing any attributes or by providing a DbNode as initialization. E.g.:

    dbn = a_dbnode_object
    n = Node(dbnode=dbn.dbnode)
  • ctime() and mtime() provide the creation and the modification time of the node.

  • is_stored() informs whether a node is already stored to the database.

  • query() queries the database by filtering for the results for similar nodes (if the used object is a subclass of Node) or with no filtering if it is a Node class. Note that for this check _plugin_type_string should be properly set.

  • computer() returns the computer associated to this node.

  • _validate() does a validation check for the node. This is important for Node subclasses where various attributes should be checked for consistency before storing.

  • get_user() returns the user that created the node.

  • _increment_version_number_db(): increment the version number of the node on the DB. This happens when adding an attribute or an extra to the node. This method should not be called by the users.

  • copy() returns a not stored copy of the node with new UUID that can be edited directly.

  • uuid() returns the universally unique identifier (UUID) of the node.

  • pk() returns the principal key (ID) of the node.

  • dbnode() returns the corresponding Django object.

  • get_computer() & set_computer() get and set the computer to be used & is associated to the node.

Annotation methods

The Node can be annotated with labels, description and comments. The following methods can be used for the management of these properties.

Label management:

  • label() returns the label of the node. The setter method can be used for the update of the label.
  • _update_db_label_field() updates the label in the database. This is used by the setter method of the label.

Description management:

  • description(): the description of the node (more detailed than the label). There is also a setter method.
  • _update_db_description_field(): update the node description in the database.

Comment management:

  • add_comment() adds a comment.
  • get_comments() returns a sorted list of the comments.
  • _get_dbcomments() is similar to get_comments(), just the sorting changes.
  • _update_comment() updates the node comment. It can be done by verdi comment update.
  • _remove_comment() removes the node comment. It can be done by verdi comment remove.

Folder management

Folder objects represent directories on the disk (virtual or not) where extra information for the node are stored. These folders can be temporary or permanent.

  • folder() returns the folder associated to the node.
  • get_folder_list() returns the list of files that are in the path sub-folder of the repository folder.
  • _repository_folder() returns the permanent repository folder.
  • _get_folder_pathsubfolder() returns the path sub-folder in the repository.
  • _get_temp_folder() returns the node folder in the temporary repository.
  • remove_path() removes a file/directory from the repository.
  • add_path() adds a file or directory to the repository folder.
  • get_abs_path() returns the absolute path of the repository folder.

Store & deletion

  • store_all() stores all the input nodes, then it stores the current node and in the end, it stores the cached input links.
  • _store_input_nodes() stores the input nodes.
  • _check_are_parents_stored() checks that the parents are stored.
  • _store_cached_input_links() stores the input links that are in memory.
  • store() method checks that the node data is valid, then check if node‘s parents are stored, then moves the contents of the temporary folder to the repository folder and in the end, it stores in the database the information that are in the cache. The latter happens with a database transaction. In case this transaction fails, then the data transfered to the repository folder are moved back to the temporary folder.
  • __del__() deletes temporary folder and it should be called when an in-memory object is deleted.


The DbNode is the Django class that corresponds to the Node class allowing to store and retrieve the needed information from and to the database. Other classes extending the Node class, like Data, Calculation and Code use the DbNode code too to interact with the database. The main methods are:

  • get_aiida_class() which returns the corresponding AiiDA class instance.
  • get_simple_name() which returns a string with the type of the class (by stripping the path before the class name).
  • attributes() which returns the all the attributes of the specific node as a dictionary.
  • extras() which returns all the extras of the specific node as a dictionary.


AiiDA uses Folder and its subclasses to add an abstraction layer between the functions and methods working directly on the file-system and AiiDA. This is particularly useful when we want to easily change between different folder options (temporary, permanent etc) and storage options (plain local directories, compressed files, remote files & directories etc).


This is the main class of the available Folder classes. Apart from the abstraction provided to the OS operations needed by AiiDA, one of its main features is that it can restrict all the available operations within a given folder limit. The available methods are:


Objects of this class correspond to the repository folders. The RepositoryFolder specific methods are:

  • __init__() initializes the object with the necessary folder names and limits.
  • get_topdir() returns the top directory.
  • section() returns the section to which the folder belongs. This can be for the moment a workflow or node.
  • subfolder() returns the subfolder within the section/uuid folder.
  • uuid() the UUID of the corresponding node or workflow.


SandboxFolder objects correspond to temporary (“sandbox”) folders. The main methods are:

  • __init__() creates a new temporary folder
  • __exit__() destroys the folder on exit.