Wannier90 user-tutorial


The Wannier90 plugin referenced below is available in the EPFL version.

Here we will review an example application of the wannier90 input plugin. In this example we will attempt to make MLWF for the oxygen 2p states in BaTiO3. This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the wannier90 code). You should also finish the Quantum Espresso PWscf user-tutorial. This tutorial will make use of parent_calculations and therefore it would be helpful, though not necessary, to do Quantum Espresso Phonon user-tutorial. For more details on the wannier90 plugin consult Wannier90.

Calculation Setup

Prior to running this tutorial first you must prepare the SCF and NSCF calculations. First run an SCF calculation for BaTiO3, you can use the settings in examples/submission/test_pw.py which should properly setup the SCF calculation. After the SCF calculation you will need to compute an NSCF calculation, with the kpoint grid explicitly written. You may use examples/submission/wannier/test_nscf4wann.py to help here. Before continuing, note inside the nscf script. You should see the following lines:

settings_dict.update({ 'FORCE_KPOINTS_LIST':True})
kpoints = KpointsData()
kpoints_mesh = 4
kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh([kpoints_mesh, kpoints_mesh, kpoints_mesh])

This is very similar to using a kpoint mesh for a PW calculation, but note that we must use the FORCE_KPOINTS_LIST in the settings dict. The following settings should be used as cards in the PW calculation setup:

   new_input_dict['CONTROL'].update({'calculation': 'nscf'})
   new_input_dict['SYSTEM'].update({'nosym': True})
   # new_input_dict['SYSTEM'].update({'nbnd':20}) # Tune if you need more bands

where the nosym is a requirement of wannier90.x but not of this plugin specifically. It is often useful to change the number of bands in the calculation
as shown in the ``{'nbnd':20}`` dictionary.

Input Script

Here we will go through a sample input script. First import the wannier90 code name and setup a new calculation:

# Basic Code setup
from aiida.orm import Code
codename = "MY_Wannier90_CODENAME"
code = Code.get_from_string(codename)
calc = code.new_calc()

Then set up the precode, e.g. pw2wannier90.x:

# Basic Precode setup
pre_codename = "MY_PRECODE_NAME"
pre_code = Code.get_from_string(pre_codename)


Whether a pre_code is supplied or not will change the way the calculation is run. After finishing this tutorial try running the same calculation again without a precode by commenting out calc.use_preprocessing_code(pre_code). You should also change the parent_id to the wannier90 calculation produced by running this script the first time.

Then use a parent calculation, in this case the parent should be an nscf calculation the first time through this tutorial. (You can then try playing with using wannier90 calculations as parent):

parent_id = "MY_PARENT_NSCF_CALC_PK"
parent_calc = Calculation.get_subclass_from_pk(parent_id)

We can then setup the parameters using ParameterData, this syntax is very similar to that used in PW. You can then input the parameters to be used in the calculation like how it is shown below:

from aiida.orm import DataFactory
ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')
parameter = ParameterData(dict={'bands_plot':True,
                                'num_iter': 100,
                                'dis_num_iter': 200,
                                'num_print_cycles': 10,
                                'guiding_centres': True,
                                'num_wann': 9,
                                'exclude_bands': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

Specific parameters can then be passed to preprocessing code using precode_parameters (in this case we are not using an precode_paramters):

precode_parameter = {}
precode_parameter = ParameterData(dict=precode_parameter)


One example of a useful precode_parameter would be to tell the preprocessing code to write UNK files. Try this out by adding precode_parameter.update({'write_unk':True}) after precode_parameter = {}.

For both the structure and the kpoints, you should always just copy those used by the parent like how it is done below:

structure = parent_calc.get_inputs_dict()['structure']
kpoints = parent_calc.get_inputs_dict()['kpoints']

If you wish to supply a kpoint path for band plotting in the following way

kpoints_path = DataFactory('array.kpoints')()

In this example we would like to have our intitial projections be ‘P’ like on every Oxygen, ‘O’ site. In wannier90 syntax this would be equivalent to writing O:P in the projections section. See projections in Inputs for more details on how to use projections in the wannier90 plugin. For this plugin we would use the following:

orbitaldata = calc.gen_projections([{'kind_name':"O",'ang_mtm_name':"P"}])

After set remainging computer settings, as well as an input settings:

calc.set_max_wallclock_seconds(30*60) # 30 min
calc.set_resources({"num_machines": 1})
settings_dict = {}
settings = ParameterData(dict=settings_dict)


one useful setting to try would be to tell the code to only do the preprocessing steps but not the actual wannierization. This could be done by using settings_dict.update({'INIT_ONLY':True}) after settings_dict = {}. See settings in Inputs for information on this and other settings and how the impact code running.

Finally store and launch the calculation:

print "created calculation; ID={}".format(calc.dbnode.pk)
print "submitted calculation; ID={}".format(calc.dbnode.pk)

Additional Exercises

After this try looking at the output. Particularly the centers and spread of the wannier functions, and the gauge-invarient spread Omega_I. After this try doing the following:

  1. Try plotting the band structure, add {‘RESTART’:’plot’} to parameter and comment out calc.use_precode_parameters using the wannier90 calculation as parent
  2. Do a new initialization calculation that writes UNK files, using INIT_ONLY in the settings_dict and WRITE_UNK in precode_parameters
  3. Use this calculation to run another wannier90 calculation, change WANNIER_PLOT in parameters run again without any precode and see the im_re_ratio in the resulting wannier functions.

Exception tolerant code

You can find a more sophisticated example, that checks the possible exceptions and prints nice error messages inside your AiiDA folder, under examples/submission/wannier/test_wannier_BaTiO3.py.