Source code for aiida.transport.plugins.ssh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #
from stat import S_ISDIR,S_ISREG
import StringIO
import paramiko
import os
import glob

import aiida.transport
from aiida.common.utils import escape_for_bash
from aiida.transport import FileAttribute
from aiida.common import aiidalogger

# TODO : callback functions in paramiko are currently not used much and probably broken
def parse_sshconfig(computername):
    config = paramiko.SSHConfig()
    except IOError:
        # No file found, so empty configuration
    return config.lookup(computername)

def convert_to_bool(string):
    upstring = str(string).upper()
    if upstring in ['Y', 'YES', 'T', 'TRUE']:
        return True
    elif upstring in ['N', 'NO', 'F', 'FALSE']:
        return False
        raise ValueError("Invalid boolean value provided")

[docs]class SshTransport(aiida.transport.Transport): """ Support connection, command execution and data transfer to remote computers via SSH+SFTP. """ # Valid keywords accepted by the connect method of paramiko.SSHClient # I disable 'password' and 'pkey' to avoid these data to get logged in the # aiida log file. _valid_connect_params = ['username', 'port', 'look_for_keys', 'key_filename', 'timeout', 'allow_agent', 'proxy_command', # Managed 'manually' in connect 'compress', 'gss_auth','gss_kex','gss_deleg_creds','gss_host', # for Kerberos support through python-gssapi ] # Valid parameters for the ssh transport # For each param, a class method with name # _convert_PARAMNAME_fromstring # should be defined, that returns the value converted from a string to # a correct type, or raise a ValidationError # # moreover, if you want to help in the default configuration, you can # define a _get_PARAMNAME_suggestion_string # to return a suggestion; it must accept only one parameter, being a Computer # instance _valid_auth_params = _valid_connect_params + [ 'load_system_host_keys', 'key_policy', ] @classmethod def _convert_username_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the username from string. """ return string @classmethod def _get_username_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ import getpass config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) # Either the configured user in the .ssh/config, or the current username return str(config.get('user',getpass.getuser())) @classmethod def _convert_port_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return int(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("The port must be an integer") @classmethod def _get_port_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) # Either the configured user in the .ssh/config, or the default SSH port return str(config.get('port',22)) @classmethod def _convert_key_filename_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError path = os.path.expanduser(string) if not os.path.isabs(path): raise ValidationError("The key filename must be an absolute path") if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValidationError("The key filename must exist") return path @classmethod def _get_key_filename_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) try: identities = config['identityfile'] # In paramiko > 0.10, identity file is a list of strings. if isinstance(identities,basestring): identity = identities elif isinstance(identities,(list,tuple)): if not identities: # An empty list should not be provided; to be sure, # anyway, behave as if no identityfile were defined raise KeyError # By default we suggest only the first one identity = identities[0] else: # If the parser provides an unknown type, just skip to # the 'except KeyError' section, as if no identityfile # were provided (hopefully, this should never happen) raise KeyError except KeyError: # No IdentityFile defined: return an empty string return "" return os.path.expanduser(identity) @classmethod def _convert_timeout_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return int(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("The timeout must be an integer") @classmethod def _get_timeout_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. Provide 60s as a default timeout for connections. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) return str(config.get('connecttimeout',"60")) @classmethod def _convert_allow_agent_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("Allow_agent must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_allow_agent_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ return "" @classmethod def _convert_look_for_keys_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("look_for_keys must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_look_for_keys_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ return "" @classmethod def _convert_proxy_command_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the proxy command from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError if str(string).strip(): return str(string) else: return None @classmethod def _get_proxy_command_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) # Either the configured user in the .ssh/config, or the default SSH port raw_string = str(config.get('proxycommand','')) # Note: %h and %p get already automatically substituted with # hostname and port by the config parser! pieces = raw_string.split() new_pieces = [] for piece in pieces: if '>' in piece: # If there is a piece with > to readdress stderr or stdout, # skip from here on (anything else can only be readdressing) break else: new_pieces.append(piece) return " ".join(new_pieces) @classmethod def _convert_compress_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("compress must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_compress_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ return "True" @classmethod def _convert_load_system_host_keys_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("compress must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_load_system_host_keys_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ return "True" @classmethod def _convert_key_policy_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the port from string. """ return string @classmethod def _get_key_policy_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ return "RejectPolicy" @classmethod def _convert_gss_auth_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the gss auth. command from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("gss_auth must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_gss_auth_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) return str(config.get('gssapiauthentication',"no")) @classmethod def _convert_gss_kex_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the gss key exchange command from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("gss_kex must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_gss_kex_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) return str(config.get('gssapikeyexchange',"no")) @classmethod def _convert_gss_deleg_creds_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the gss auth. command from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: return convert_to_bool(string) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("gss_deleg_creds must be an boolean") @classmethod def _get_gss_deleg_creds_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) return str(config.get('gssapidelegatecredentials',"no")) @classmethod def _convert_gss_host_fromstring(cls, string): """ Convert the gss auth. command from string. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError return str(string) @classmethod def _get_gss_host_suggestion_string(cls, computer): """ Return a suggestion for the specific field. """ config = parse_sshconfig(computer.hostname) return str(config.get('gssapihostname',computer.hostname)) def __init__(self, machine, **kwargs): """ Initialize the SshTransport class. :param machine: the machine to connect to :param load_system_host_keys: (optional, default False): if False, do not load the system host keys :param key_policy: (optional, default = paramiko.RejectPolicy()): the policy to use for unknown keys Other parameters valid for the ssh connect function (see the self._valid_connect_params list) are passed to the connect function (as port, username, password, ...); taken from the accepted paramiko.SSHClient.connect() params) """ super(SshTransport,self).__init__() self._is_open = False self._sftp = None self._machine = machine self._client = paramiko.SSHClient() self._load_system_host_keys = kwargs.pop( 'load_system_host_keys', False) if self._load_system_host_keys: self._client.load_system_host_keys() self._missing_key_policy = kwargs.pop( 'key_policy','RejectPolicy') # This is paramiko default if self._missing_key_policy == 'RejectPolicy': self._client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.RejectPolicy()) elif self._missing_key_policy == 'WarningPolicy': self._client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.WarningPolicy()) elif self._missing_key_policy == 'AutoAddPolicy': self._client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) else: raise ValueError("Unknown value of the key policy, allowed values " "are: RejectPolicy, WarningPolicy, AutoAddPolicy") self._connect_args = {} for k in self._valid_connect_params: try: self._connect_args[k] = kwargs.pop(k) except KeyError: pass if kwargs: raise ValueError("The following parameters were not accepted by " "the transport: {}".format( ",".join(str(k) for k in kwargs)))
[docs] def open(self): """ Open a SSHClient to the machine possibly using the parameters given in the __init__. Also opens a sftp channel, ready to be used. The current working directory is set explicitly, so it is not None. :raise InvalidOperation: if the channel is already open """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation if self._is_open: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot open the transport twice") # Open a SSHClient connection_arguments = self._connect_args proxystring = connection_arguments.pop('proxy_command', None) if proxystring is not None: proxy = paramiko.ProxyCommand(proxystring) connection_arguments['sock'] = proxy try: self._client.connect(self._machine,**connection_arguments) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error connecting through SSH: [{}] {}, " "connect_args were: {}".format( e.__class__.__name__, e.message, self._connect_args)) raise # Open also a SFTPClient self._sftp = self._client.open_sftp() # Set the current directory to a explicit path, and not to None self._sftp.chdir(self._sftp.normalize('.')) self._is_open = True return self
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the SFTP channel, and the SSHClient. :todo: correctly manage exceptions :raise InvalidOperation: if the channel is already open """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation if not self._is_open: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot close the transport: " "it is already closed") self._sftp.close() self._client.close() self._is_open = False
@property def sshclient(self): if not self._is_open: raise aiida.transport.TransportInternalError( "Error, ssh method called for SshTransport " "without opening the channel first") return self._client @property def sftp(self): if not self._is_open: raise aiida.transport.TransportInternalError( "Error, sftp method called for SshTransport " "without opening the channel first") return self._sftp def __str__(self): """ Return a useful string. """ conn_info = self._machine try: conn_info = "{}@{}".format(self._connect_args['username'], conn_info) except KeyError: # No username explicitly defined: ignore pass try: conn_info += ':{}'.format(self._connect_args['port']) except KeyError: # No port explicitly defined: ignore pass return "{} [{}]".format("OPEN" if self._is_open else "CLOSED", conn_info)
[docs] def chdir(self, path): """ Change directory of the SFTP session. Emulated internally by paramiko. Differently from paramiko, if you pass None to chdir, nothing happens and the cwd is unchanged. """ old_path = self.sftp.getcwd() if path is not None: self.sftp.chdir(path) # Paramiko already checked that path is a folder, otherwise I would # have gotten an exception. Now, I want to check that I have read # permissions in this folder (nothing is said on write permissions, # though). # Otherwise, if I do _exec_command_internal, that as a first operation # cd's in a folder, I get a wrong retval, that is an unwanted behavior. # # Note: I don't store the result of the function; if I have no # read permissions, this will raise an exception. try: self.sftp.stat('.') except IOError as e: if 'Permission denied' in e: self.chdir(old_path) raise IOError(e)
[docs] def normalize(self, path): """ Returns the normalized path (removing double slashes, etc...) """ return self.sftp.normalize(path)
[docs] def getcwd(self): """ Return the current working directory for this SFTP session, as emulated by paramiko. If no directory has been set with chdir, this method will return None. But in __enter__ this is set explicitly, so this should never happen within this class. """ return self.sftp.getcwd()
[docs] def makedirs(self,path,ignore_existing=False): """ Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. NOTE: since os.path.split uses the separators as the host system (that could be windows), I assume the remote computer is Linux-based and use '/' as separators! :param path: directory to create (string) :param ignore_existing: if set to true, it doesn't give any error if the leaf directory does already exist (bool) :raise OSError: If the directory already exists. """ # check to avoid creation of empty dirs path = os.path.normpath(path) if path.startswith('/'): to_create = path.strip().split('/')[1:] this_dir='/' else: to_create = path.strip().split('/') this_dir = '' for count,element in enumerate(to_create): if count>0: this_dir += '/' this_dir += element if count+1==len(to_create) and self.isdir(this_dir) and ignore_existing: return if count+1==len(to_create) and self.isdir(this_dir) and not ignore_existing: self.mkdir(this_dir) if not self.isdir(this_dir): self.mkdir(this_dir)
[docs] def mkdir(self,path,ignore_existing=False): """ Create a folder (directory) named path. :param path: name of the folder to create :param ignore_existing: if True, does not give any error if the directory already exists :raise OSError: If the directory already exists. """ if ignore_existing and self.isdir(path): return try: self.sftp.mkdir(path) except IOError as e: if os.path.isabs(path): raise OSError( "Error during mkdir of '{}', " "maybe you don't have the permissions to do it, " "or the directory already exists? ({})".format( path, e.message)) else: raise OSError( "Error during mkdir of '{}' from folder '{}', " "maybe you don't have the permissions to do it, " "or the directory already exists? ({})".format( path, self.getcwd(), e.message))
# TODO : implement rmtree
[docs] def rmtree(self,path): """ Remove a file or a directory at path, recursively Flags used: -r: recursive copy; -f: force, makes the command non interactive; :param path: remote path to delete :raise IOError: if the rm execution failed. """ # Assuming linux rm command! # TODO : do we need to avoid the aliases when calling rm_exe='rm'? Call directly /bin/rm? rm_exe = 'rm' rm_flags = '-r -f' # if in input I give an invalid object raise ValueError if not path: raise ValueError('Input to rmtree() must be a non empty string. ' + 'Found instead %s as path' % path) command = '{} {} {}'.format(rm_exe, rm_flags, escape_for_bash(path)) retval,stdout,stderr = self.exec_command_wait(command) if retval == 0: if stderr.strip(): self.logger.warning("There was nonempty stderr in the rm " "command: {}".format(stderr)) return True else: self.logger.error("Problem executing rm. Exit code: {}, stdout: '{}', " "stderr: '{}'".format(retval, stdout, stderr)) raise IOError("Error while executing rm. Exit code: {}".format(retval) )
[docs] def rmdir(self, path): """ Remove the folder named 'path' if empty. """ self.sftp.rmdir(path)
[docs] def isdir(self,path): """ Return True if the given path is a directory, False otherwise. Return False also if the path does not exist. """ # Return False on empty string (paramiko would map this to the local # folder instead) if not path: return False try: return S_ISDIR(self.sftp.stat(path).st_mode) except IOError as e: if getattr(e,"errno",None) == 2: # errno=2 means path does not exist: I return False return False else: raise # Typically if I don't have permissions (errno=13)
[docs] def chmod(self,path,mode): """ Change permissions to path :param path: path to file :param mode: new permission bits (integer) """ if not path: raise IOError("Input path is an empty argument.") return self.sftp.chmod(path,mode)
def _os_path_split_asunder(self, path): """ Used by makedirs. Takes path (a str) and returns a list deconcatenating the path """ parts = [] while True: newpath, tail = os.path.split(path) if newpath == path: assert not tail if path: parts.append(path) break parts.append(tail) path = newpath parts.reverse() return parts
[docs] def put(self,localpath,remotepath,callback=None,dereference=True,overwrite=True, ignore_nonexisting=False): """ Put a file or a folder from local to remote. Redirects to putfile or puttree. :param localpath: an (absolute) local path :param remotepath: a remote path :param dereference: follow symbolic links (boolean). Default = True (default behaviour in paramiko). False is not implemented. :param overwrite: if True overwrites files and folders (boolean). Default = False. :raise ValueError: if local path is invalid :raise OSError: if the localpath does not exist """ # TODO: flag confirm exists since v1.7.7. What is the paramiko # version supported? # TODO : add dereference if not dereference: raise NotImplementedError if not os.path.isabs(localpath): raise ValueError("The localpath must be an absolute path") if self.has_magic(localpath): if self.has_magic(remotepath): raise ValueError("Pathname patterns are not allowed in the " "destination") # use the imported glob to analyze the path locally to_copy_list = glob.glob(localpath) rename_remote = False if len(to_copy_list)>1: # I can't scp more than one file on a single file if self.isfile(remotepath): raise OSError("Remote destination is not a directory") # I can't scp more than one file in a non existing directory elif not self.path_exists(remotepath): # questo dovrebbe valere solo per file raise OSError("Remote directory does not exist") else: # the remote path is a directory rename_remote=True for s in to_copy_list: if os.path.isfile(s): if rename_remote: # copying more than one file in one directory # here is the case isfile and more than one file r = os.path.join(remotepath,os.path.split(s)[1]) self.putfile(s,r,callback,dereference,overwrite ) elif self.isdir(remotepath): # one file to copy in '.' r = os.path.join(remotepath,os.path.split(s)[1]) self.putfile(s,r,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: # one file to copy on one file self.putfile(s,remotepath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: self.puttree(s,remotepath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: if os.path.isdir(localpath): self.puttree( localpath,remotepath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) elif os.path.isfile(localpath): if self.isdir(remotepath): r = os.path.join(remotepath,os.path.split(localpath)[1]) self.putfile( localpath,r,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: self.putfile( localpath,remotepath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: if ignore_nonexisting: pass else: raise OSError("The local path {} does not exist" .format(localpath))
[docs] def putfile(self,localpath,remotepath,callback=None,dereference=True,overwrite=True): """ Put a file from local to remote. :param localpath: an (absolute) local path :param remotepath: a remote path :param overwrite: if True overwrites files and folders (boolean). Default = True. :raise ValueError: if local path is invalid :raise OSError: if the localpath does not exist, or unintentionally overwriting """ # TODO : add dereference if not dereference: raise NotImplementedError # TODO : check what happens if I give in input a directory if not os.path.isabs(localpath): raise ValueError("The localpath must be an absolute path") if self.isfile(remotepath) and not overwrite: raise OSError('Destination already exists: not overwriting it') return self.sftp.put(localpath,remotepath,callback=callback)
[docs] def puttree(self,localpath,remotepath,callback=None,dereference=True,overwrite=True): # by default overwrite """ Put a folder recursively from local to remote. :param localpath: an (absolute) local path :param remotepath: a remote path :param dereference: follow symbolic links (boolean) Default = True (default behaviour in paramiko). False is not implemented. :param overwrite: if True overwrites files and folders (boolean). Default = True :raise ValueError: if local path is invalid :raise OSError: if the localpath does not exist, or trying to overwrite :raise IOError: if remotepath is invalid .. note:: setting dereference equal to True could cause infinite loops. see os.walk() documentation """ # TODO : add dereference if not dereference: raise NotImplementedError if not os.path.isabs(localpath): raise ValueError("The localpath must be an absolute path") if not os.path.exists(localpath): raise OSError("The localpath does not exists") if not os.path.isdir(localpath): raise ValueError("Input localpath is not a folder: {}".format(localpath)) if not remotepath: raise IOError("remotepath must be a non empty string") if self.path_exists(remotepath) and not overwrite: raise OSError("Can't overwrite existing files") if self.isfile(remotepath): raise OSError("Cannot copy a directory into a file") if not self.isdir(remotepath): # in this case copy things in the remotepath directly self.mkdir(remotepath) # and make a directory at its place else: # remotepath exists already: copy the folder inside of it! remotepath = os.path.join(remotepath,os.path.split(localpath)[1]) self.mkdir(remotepath) # create a nested folder # TODO, NOTE: we are not using 'onerror' because we checked above that # the folder exists, but it would be better to use it for this_source in os.walk(localpath): # Get the relative path this_basename = os.path.relpath(path=this_source[0], start=localpath) try: self.sftp.stat( os.path.join(remotepath,this_basename) ) except IOError as e: import errno if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # Missing file self.mkdir( os.path.join(remotepath,this_basename) ) else: raise for this_file in this_source[2]: this_local_file = os.path.join(localpath,this_basename,this_file) this_remote_file = os.path.join(remotepath,this_basename,this_file) self.putfile(this_local_file,this_remote_file)
[docs] def get(self,remotepath,localpath,callback=None,dereference=True,overwrite=True, ignore_nonexisting=False): """ Get a file or folder from remote to local. Redirects to getfile or gettree. :param remotepath: a remote path :param localpath: an (absolute) local path :param dereference: follow symbolic links. Default = True (default behaviour in paramiko). False is not implemented. :param overwrite: if True overwrites files and folders. Default = False :raise ValueError: if local path is invalid :raise IOError: if the remotepath is not found """ # TODO : add dereference if not dereference: raise NotImplementedError if not os.path.isabs(localpath): raise ValueError("The localpath must be an absolute path") if self.has_magic(remotepath): if self.has_magic(localpath): raise ValueError("Pathname patterns are not allowed in the " "destination") # use the self glob to analyze the path remotely to_copy_list = self.glob(remotepath) rename_local = False if len(to_copy_list)>1: # I can't scp more than one file on a single file if os.path.isfile(localpath): raise IOError("Remote destination is not a directory") # I can't scp more than one file in a non existing directory elif not os.path.exists(localpath): # this should hold only for files raise OSError("Remote directory does not exist") else: # the remote path is a directory rename_local=True for s in to_copy_list: if self.isfile(s): if rename_local: # copying more than one file in one directory # here is the case isfile and more than one file r = os.path.join(localpath,os.path.split(s)[1]) self.getfile(s,r,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: # one file to copy on one file self.getfile(s,localpath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: self.gettree(s,localpath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: if self.isdir(remotepath): self.gettree( remotepath,localpath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) elif self.isfile(remotepath): if os.path.isdir(localpath): r = os.path.join(localpath,os.path.split(remotepath)[1]) self.getfile( remotepath,r,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: self.getfile( remotepath,localpath,callback,dereference,overwrite ) else: if ignore_nonexisting: pass else: raise IOError("The remote path {} does not exist" .format(remotepath))
[docs] def getfile(self,remotepath,localpath,callback=None,dereference=True,overwrite=True): """ Get a file from remote to local. :param remotepath: a remote path :param localpath: an (absolute) local path :param overwrite: if True overwrites files and folders. Default = False :raise ValueError: if local path is invalid :raise OSError: if unintentionally overwriting """ # TODO : add dereference if not os.path.isabs(localpath): raise ValueError("localpath must be an absolute path") if os.path.isfile(localpath) and not overwrite: raise OSError('Destination already exists: not overwriting it') if not dereference: raise NotImplementedError return self.sftp.get(remotepath,localpath,callback)
[docs] def gettree(self,remotepath,localpath,callback=None,dereference=True,overwrite=True): """ Get a folder recursively from remote to local. :param remotepath: a remote path :param localpath: an (absolute) local path :param dereference: follow symbolic links. Default = True (default behaviour in paramiko). False is not implemented. :param overwrite: if True overwrites files and folders. Default = False :raise ValueError: if local path is invalid :raise IOError: if the remotepath is not found :raise OSError: if unintentionally overwriting """ # TODO : add dereference if not dereference: raise NotImplementedError if not remotepath: raise IOError("Remotepath must be a non empty string") if not localpath: raise ValueError("Localpaths must be a non empty string") if not os.path.isabs(localpath): raise ValueError("Localpaths must be an absolute path") if not self.isdir(remotepath): raise IOError("Input remotepath is not a folder: {}".format(localpath)) if os.path.exists(localpath) and not overwrite: raise OSError("Can't overwrite existing files") if os.path.isfile(localpath): raise OSError("Cannot copy a directory into a file") if not os.path.isdir(localpath): # in this case copy things in the remotepath directly os.mkdir(localpath) # and make a directory at its place else: # localpath exists already: copy the folder inside of it! localpath = os.path.join(localpath,os.path.split(remotepath)[1]) os.mkdir(localpath) # create a nested folder item_list = self.listdir(remotepath) dest = str(localpath) for item in item_list: item = str(item) if self.isdir( os.path.join(remotepath,item) ): self.gettree( os.path.join(remotepath,item) , os.path.join(dest,item) ) else: self.getfile( os.path.join(remotepath,item) , os.path.join(dest,item) )
[docs] def get_attribute(self,path): """ Returns the object Fileattribute, specified in aiida.transport Receives in input the path of a given file. """ paramiko_attr = self.sftp.lstat(path) aiida_attr = FileAttribute() # map the paramiko class into the aiida one # note that paramiko object contains more informations than the aiida for key in aiida_attr._valid_fields: aiida_attr[key] = getattr(paramiko_attr,key) return aiida_attr
[docs] def copyfile(self,remotesource,remotedestination,dereference=False, pattern=None): """ Copy a file from remote source to remote destination Redirects to copy(). :param remotesource: :param remotedestination: :param dereference: :param pattern: """ cp_flags = '-f' return self.copy(remotesource,remotedestination,dereference,cp_flags,pattern)
[docs] def copytree(self,remotesource,remotedestination,dereference=False, pattern=None): """ copy a folder recursively from remote source to remote destination Redirects to copy() :param remotesource: :param remotedestination: :param dereference: :param pattern: """ cp_flags = '-r -f' return self.copy(remotesource,remotedestination,dereference,cp_flags,pattern)
[docs] def copy(self,remotesource,remotedestination,dereference=False): """ Copy a file or a directory from remote source to remote destination. Flags used: ``-r``: recursive copy; ``-f``: force, makes the command non interactive; ``-L`` follows symbolic links :param remotesource: file to copy from :param remotedestination: file to copy to :param dereference: if True, copy content instead of copying the symlinks only Default = False. :raise IOError: if the cp execution failed. .. note:: setting dereference equal to True could cause infinite loops. """ # In the majority of cases, we should deal with linux cp commands # TODO : do we need to avoid the aliases when calling cp_exe='cp'? Call directly /bin/cp? # TODO: verify that it does not re # For the moment, these are hardcoded. They may become parameters # as soon as we see the need. cp_flags='-r -f' cp_exe='cp' ## To evaluate if we also want -p: preserves mode,ownership and timestamp if dereference: # use -L; --dereference is not supported on mac cp_flags+=' -L' # if in input I give an invalid object raise ValueError if not remotesource: raise ValueError('Input to copy() must be a non empty string. ' + 'Found instead %s as remotesource' % remotesource) if not remotedestination: raise ValueError('Input to copy() must be a non empty string. ' + 'Found instead %s as remotedestination' % remotedestination) if self.has_magic(remotedestination): raise ValueError("Pathname patterns are not allowed in the " "destination") if self.has_magic(remotesource): to_copy_list = self.glob(remotesource) if len(to_copy_list)>1: if not self.path_exists(remotedestination) or self.isfile(remotedestination): raise OSError("Can't copy more than one file in the same " "destination file") for s in to_copy_list: self._exec_cp(cp_exe,cp_flags,s,remotedestination) else: self._exec_cp(cp_exe,cp_flags,remotesource,remotedestination)
def _exec_cp(self,cp_exe,cp_flags,src,dst): # to simplify writing the above copy function command = '{} {} {} {}'.format(cp_exe,cp_flags,escape_for_bash(src), escape_for_bash(dst)) retval,stdout,stderr = self.exec_command_wait(command) # TODO : check and fix below if retval == 0: if stderr.strip(): self.logger.warning("There was nonempty stderr in the cp " "command: {}".format(stderr)) else: self.logger.error("Problem executing cp. Exit code: {}, stdout: '{}', " "stderr: '{}', command: '{}'" .format(retval, stdout, stderr,command)) raise IOError("Error while executing cp. Exit code: {}, " "stdout: '{}', stderr: '{}', " "command: '{}'".format(retval, stdout, stderr, command) ) def _local_listdir(self,path,pattern=None): """ Acts on the local folder, for the rest, same as listdir """ if not pattern: return os.listdir( path ) else: import re if path.startswith('/'): # always this is the case in the local case base_dir = path else: base_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),path) filtered_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(base_dir,pattern) ) if not base_dir.endswith(os.sep): base_dir+=os.sep return [ re.sub(base_dir,'',i) for i in filtered_list ]
[docs] def listdir(self,path='.',pattern=None): """ Get the list of files at path. :param path: default = '.' :param filter: returns the list of files matching pattern. Unix only. (Use to emulate ``ls *`` for example) """ if not pattern: return self.sftp.listdir(path) else: import re if path.startswith('/'): base_dir = path else: base_dir = os.path.join(self.getcwd(),path) filtered_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(base_dir,pattern) ) if not base_dir.endswith('/'): base_dir += '/' return [ re.sub(base_dir,'',i) for i in filtered_list ]
[docs] def remove(self,path): """ Remove a single file at 'path' """ return self.sftp.remove(path)
[docs] def rename(self,src,dst): """ Rename a file or folder from src to dst. :param str oldpath: existing name of the file or folder :param str newpath: new name for the file or folder :raises IOError: if src/dst is not found :raises ValueError: if src/dst is not a valid string """ if not src: raise ValueError("Source {} is not a valid string".format(src)) if not dst: raise ValueError("Destination {} is not a valid string".format(dst)) if not self.isfile( src ): if not self.isdir( src ): raise IOError("Source {} does not exist".format(src)) if not self.isfile( dst ): if not self.isdir( dst ): raise IOError("Destination {} does not exist".format(dst)) return self.sftp.rename(src,dst)
[docs] def isfile(self,path): """ Return True if the given path is a file, False otherwise. Return False also if the path does not exist. """ # This should not be needed for files, since an empty string should # be mapped by paramiko to the local directory - which is not a file - # but this is just to be sure if not path: return False try: self.logger.debug("stat for path '{}' ('{}'): {} [{}]".format( path, self.sftp.normalize(path), self.sftp.stat(path),self.sftp.stat(path).st_mode)) return S_ISREG(self.sftp.stat(path).st_mode) except IOError as e: if getattr(e,"errno",None) == 2: # errno=2 means path does not exist: I return False return False else: raise # Typically if I don't have permissions (errno=13)
def _exec_command_internal(self,command,combine_stderr=False,bufsize=-1): """ Executes the specified command, first changing directory to the current working directory are returned by self.getcwd(). Does not wait for the calculation to finish. For a higher-level _exec_command_internal that automatically waits for the job to finish, use exec_command_wait. :param command: the command to execute :param combine_stderr: (default False) if True, combine stdout and stderr on the same buffer (i.e., stdout). Note: If combine_stderr is True, stderr will always be empty. :param bufsize: same meaning of the one used by paramiko. :return: a tuple with (stdin, stdout, stderr, channel), where stdin, stdout and stderr behave as file-like objects, plus the methods provided by paramiko, and channel is a paramiko.Channel object. """ channel = self.sshclient.get_transport().open_session() channel.set_combine_stderr(combine_stderr) if self.getcwd() is not None: escaped_folder = escape_for_bash(self.getcwd()) command_to_execute = ("cd {escaped_folder} && " "{real_command}".format( escaped_folder = escaped_folder, real_command = command)) else: command_to_execute = command self.logger.debug("Command to be executed: {}".format( command_to_execute)) channel.exec_command(command_to_execute) stdin = channel.makefile('wb',bufsize) stdout = channel.makefile('rb',bufsize) stderr = channel.makefile_stderr('rb',bufsize) return stdin, stdout, stderr, channel
[docs] def exec_command_wait(self,command,stdin=None,combine_stderr=False, bufsize=-1): """ Executes the specified command and waits for it to finish. :param command: the command to execute :param stdin: (optional,default=None) can be a string or a file-like object. :param combine_stderr: (optional, default=False) see docstring of self._exec_command_internal() :param bufsize: same meaning of paramiko. :return: a tuple with (return_value, stdout, stderr) where stdout and stderr are strings. """ #TODO: To see if like this it works or hangs because of buffer problems. ssh_stdin, stdout, stderr, channel = self._exec_command_internal( command, combine_stderr,bufsize=bufsize) if stdin is not None: if isinstance(stdin, basestring): filelike_stdin = StringIO.StringIO(stdin) else: filelike_stdin = stdin try: for l in filelike_stdin.readlines(): ssh_stdin.write(l) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("stdin can only be either a string of a " "file-like object!") # I flush and close them anyway; important to call shutdown_write # to avoid hangouts ssh_stdin.flush() output_text = # I get the return code (blocking, but in principle I waited above) retval = channel.recv_exit_status() stderr_text = return retval, output_text, stderr_text
[docs] def gotocomputer_command(self, remotedir): """ Specific gotocomputer string to connect to a given remote computer via ssh and directly go to the calculation folder. """ #TODO: add also ProxyCommand and Timeout support further_params = [] if 'username' in self._connect_args: further_params.append("-l {}".format(escape_for_bash( self._connect_args['username']))) if 'port' in self._connect_args: further_params.append("-p {}".format(self._connect_args['port'])) if 'key_filename' in self._connect_args: further_params.append("-i {}".format(escape_for_bash( self._connect_args['key_filename']))) further_params_str = " ".join(further_params) connect_string = """ssh -t {machine} {further_params} "if [ -d {escaped_remotedir} ] ; then cd {escaped_remotedir} ; bash -l ; else echo ' ** The directory' ; echo ' ** {remotedir}' ; echo ' ** seems to have been deleted, I logout...' ; fi" """.format( further_params=further_params_str, machine=self._machine, escaped_remotedir="'{}'".format(remotedir), remotedir=remotedir) # print connect_string return connect_string
#return """ssh -Y -t {machine} "if [ -d {escaped_remotedir} ] ; then cd {escaped_remotedir} ; bash -c "{bash_call_escaped}" ; else echo ' ** The directory' ; echo ' ** {remotedir}' ; echo ' ** seems to have been deleted, I logout...' ; fi" """.format( # machine=self._machine, escaped_remotedir="'{}'".format(remotedir), remotedir=remotedir, # bash_call_escaped=escape_for_bash("""bash --rcfile <(echo 'if [ -e ~/.bashrc ] ; then source ~/.bashrc ; fi ; export PS1="\[\033[01;31m\][AiiDA]\033[00m\]$PS1"')"""))
[docs] def path_exists(self,path): """ Check if path exists """ import errno try: self.sftp.stat(path) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False raise else: return True