Source code for aiida.common.datastructures

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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This module defines the main data structures used by the Calculation.
from aiida.common.extendeddicts import DefaultFieldsAttributeDict, Enumerate

class CalcState(Enumerate):

_sorted_datastates = (
    'NEW',  # just created
    'TOSUBMIT',  # used by the executionmanager to submit new calculations scheduled to be submitted
    'SUBMITTING',  # being submitted to cluster
    'WITHSCHEDULER',  # on the scheduler (on any unfinished status:
    'COMPUTED',  # Calculation finished on scheduler, not yet retrieved
    # (both DONE and FAILED)
    'RETRIEVING',  # while retrieving data
    'PARSING',  # while parsing data
    'FINISHED',  # Final state of the calculation: data retrieved and eventually parsed
    'SUBMISSIONFAILED',  # error occurred during submission phase
    'RETRIEVALFAILED',  # error occurred during retrieval phase
    'PARSINGFAILED',  # error occurred during parsing phase due to a problem in the parse
    'FAILED',  # The parser recognized the calculation as failed
    'IMPORTED',  # The calculation was imported from another DB

# The order of states is not random: is the order of precedence.
# This is used to verify that calculations always procede in the correct order.
# calc_states, instead, has a random order
calc_states = CalcState(_sorted_datastates)

[docs]def sort_states(list_states, use_key=False): """ Given a list of state names, return a sorted list of states (the first is the most recent) sorted according to their logical appearance in the DB (i.e., NEW before of SUBMITTING before of FINISHED). .. note:: The order of the internal variable _sorted_datastates is used. :param list_states: a list (or tuple) of state strings. :param use_key: if True, expects that each element is not just a string, but a pair (someobject, string). Only string is used to sort (should be the state string), and only someobject is returned in the final list. :return: a sorted list of the given data states. :raise ValueError: if any of the given states is not a valid state. """ datastates_order_dict = {state: idx for idx, state in enumerate( _sorted_datastates)} try: if use_key: list_to_sort = [(datastates_order_dict[st[1]], st[0]) for st in list_states] else: list_to_sort = [(datastates_order_dict[st], st) for st in list_states] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError("At least one of the provided states is not " "valid ({})".format(e.message)) # In-place sort list_to_sort.sort() return [_[1] for _ in list_to_sort[::-1]]
[docs]class CalcInfo(DefaultFieldsAttributeDict): """ This object will store the data returned by the calculation plugin and to be passed to the ExecManager """ # Note: some of the variables might have never been used in AiiDA # one might want to clean all this stuff in a future revision # Note: probably some of the fields below are not used anymore inside # calcinfo, but are rather directly set from calculation attributes to # the JobInfo to be passed to the ExecManager # (see, for instance, 'queue_name'). _default_fields = ( 'job_environment', # TODO UNDERSTAND THIS! 'email', 'email_on_started', 'email_on_terminated', 'uuid', 'prepend_text', 'append_text', # 'cmdline_params', # as a list of strings. These 5 variables are now in CalcInfo # 'stdin_name', # 'stdout_name', # 'stderr_name', # 'join_files', # 'queue_name', This is not used in CalcInfo, it is automatically set from # calculation attributes to JobInfo 'num_machines', 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine', 'priority', 'max_wallclock_seconds', 'max_memory_kb', 'rerunnable', 'retrieve_list', # a list of files or patterns to retrieve, with two # possible formats: [ 'remotepath', # just the name of the file to retrieve. Will be put in '.' of the repositorym with name os.path.split(item)[1] # ['remotepath','localpath',depth] ] # second format will copy the remotepath file/folder to localpath. # if remotepath is a file/folder, localpath will be its local name # if remotepath has file patterns, localpath should only be '.' # depth is an integer to decide the localname: will be os.path.join(localpath, filename ) # where filename takes remotepath.split() and joins the last #depth elements # use the second option if you are using file patterns (*,[0-9],...) # ALL PATHS ARE RELATIVE! 'local_copy_list', # a list of length-two tuples with (localabspath, relativedestpath) 'remote_copy_list', # a list of length-three tuples with (remotemachinename, remoteabspath, relativedestpath) 'remote_symlink_list', # a list of length-three tuples with (remotemachinename, remoteabspath, relativedestpath) 'retrieve_singlefile_list', # a list of files, that will be retrieved # from cluster and saved in SinglefileData nodes # in the following format: # ["linkname_from calc to singlefile","subclass of singlefile","filename"] # filename remote = filename local 'codes_info', # a list of dictionaries used to pass the info of the execution of a code. 'codes_run_mode', # a string used to specify the order in which multi codes can be executed )
class CodeRunmode(Enumerate): pass # these are the possible ways to execute more than one code in the same scheduling job # if parallel, the codes will be executed as something like: # code1.x & # code2.x & # wait # if serial, it will be: # code1.x # code2.x code_run_modes = CodeRunmode(('PARALLEL', 'SERIAL'))
[docs]class CodeInfo(DefaultFieldsAttributeDict): """ This attribute-dictionary contains the information needed to execute a code. Possible attributes are: * ``cmdline_params``: a list of strings, containing parameters to be written on the command line right after the call to the code, as for example:: code.x cmdline_params[0] cmdline_params[1] ... < stdin > stdout * ``stdin_name``: (optional) the name of the standard input file. Note, it is only possible to use the stdin with the syntax:: code.x < stdin_name If no stdin_name is specified, the string "< stdin_name" will not be passed to the code. Note: it is not possible to substitute/remove the '<' if stdin_name is specified; if that is needed, avoid stdin_name and use instead the cmdline_params to specify a suitable syntax. * ``stdout_name``: (optional) the name of the standard output file. Note, it is only possible to pass output to stdout_name with the syntax:: code.x ... > stdout_name If no stdout_name is specified, the string "> stdout_name" will not be passed to the code. Note: it is not possible to substitute/remove the '>' if stdout_name is specified; if that is needed, avoid stdout_name and use instead the cmdline_params to specify a suitable syntax. * ``stderr_name``: (optional) a string, the name of the error file of the code. * ``join_files``: (optional) if True, redirects the error to the output file. If join_files=True, the code will be called as:: code.x ... > stdout_name 2>&1 otherwise, if join_files=False and stderr is passed:: code.x ... > stdout_name 2> stderr_name * ``withmpi``: if True, executes the code with mpirun (or another MPI installed on the remote computer) * ``code_uuid``: the uuid of the code associated to the CodeInfo """ _default_fields = ('cmdline_params', # as a list of strings 'stdin_name', 'stdout_name', 'stderr_name', 'join_files', 'withmpi', 'code_uuid' )
class WorkflowState(Enumerate): pass wf_states = WorkflowState(( 'CREATED', 'INITIALIZED', 'RUNNING', 'FINISHED', 'SLEEP', 'ERROR' )) class WorkflowDataType(Enumerate): pass wf_data_types = WorkflowDataType(( 'PARAMETER', 'RESULT', 'ATTRIBUTE', )) class WorkflowDataValueType(Enumerate): pass wf_data_value_types = WorkflowDataValueType(( 'NONE', 'JSON', 'AIIDA', )) wf_start_call = "start" wf_exit_call = "exit" wf_default_call = "none" # TODO Improve/implement this! # class DynResourcesInfo(AttributeDict): # """ # This object will contain a list of 'dynamical' resources to be # passed from the code plugin to the ExecManager, containing # things like # * resources in the permanent repository, that will be simply # linked locally (but copied remotely on the remote computer) # to avoid a waste of permanent repository space # * remote resources to be directly copied over only remotely # """ # pass