Source code for aiida.restapi.common.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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""" Util methods """

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from flask import jsonify
from flask.json import JSONEncoder

from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError, ValidationError
from aiida.restapi.common.exceptions import RestValidationError, \

# Important to match querybuilder keys
# Example uuid (version 4)
UUID_REF = 'd55082b6-76dc-426b-af89-0e08b59524d2'

########################## Classes #####################
[docs]class CustomJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder): """ Custom json encoder for serialization. This has to be provided to the Flask app in order to replace the default encoder. """
[docs] def default(self, o): # pylint: disable=method-hidden """ Override default method from JSONEncoder to change serializer :param o: Object e.g. dict, list that will be serialized :return: serialized object """ from aiida.restapi.common.config import SERIALIZER_CONFIG # Treat the datetime objects if isinstance(o, datetime): if 'datetime_format' in SERIALIZER_CONFIG.keys() and \ SERIALIZER_CONFIG[ 'datetime_format'] != 'default': if SERIALIZER_CONFIG['datetime_format'] == 'asinput': if o.utcoffset() is not None: o = o - o.utcoffset() return '-'.join([str(o.year), str(o.month).zfill(2), str(]) + 'T' + \ ':'.join([str( o.hour).zfill(2), str(o.minute).zfill(2), str(o.second).zfill(2)]) # If not returned yet, do it in the default way return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
[docs]class DatetimePrecision(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A simple class which stores a datetime object with its precision. No internal check is done (cause itis not possible). precision: 1 (only full date) 2 (date plus hour) 3 (date + hour + minute) 4 (dare + hour + minute +second) """
[docs] def __init__(self, dtobj, precision): """ Constructor to check valid datetime object and precision """ if not isinstance(dtobj, datetime): raise TypeError('dtobj argument has to be a datetime object') if not isinstance(precision, int): raise TypeError('precision argument has to be an integer') self.dtobj = dtobj self.precision = precision
[docs]class Utils(object): """ A class that gathers all the utility functions for parsing URI, validating request, pass it to the translator, and building HTTP response An istance of Utils has to be included in the api class so that the configuration parameters used to build the api are automatically accessible by the methods of Utils without the need to import them from the file. """ # Conversion map from the query_string operators to the query_builder # operators op_conv_map = { '=': '==', '!=': '!==', '=in=': 'in', '=notin=': '!in', '>': '>', '<': '<', '>=': '>=', '<=': '<=', '=like=': 'like', '=ilike=': 'ilike' }
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Sets internally the configuration parameters """ self.prefix = kwargs['PREFIX'] self.perpage_default = kwargs['PERPAGE_DEFAULT'] self.limit_default = kwargs['LIMIT_DEFAULT']
[docs] def strip_api_prefix(self, path): """ Removes the PREFIX from an URL path. PREFIX must be defined in the file:: PREFIX = "/api/v2" path = "/api/v2/calculations/page/2" strip_api_prefix(path) ==> "/calculations/page/2" :param path: the URL path string :return: the same URL without the prefix """ if path.startswith(self.prefix): return path[len(self.prefix):] raise ValidationError('path has to start with {}'.format(self.prefix))
[docs] @staticmethod def split_path(path): """ :param path: entire path contained in flask request :return: list of each element separated by '/' """ return [f for f in path.split('/') if f]
[docs] def parse_path(self, path_string, parse_pk_uuid=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches, too-many-statements """ Takes the path and parse it checking its validity. Does not parse "io", "content" fields. I do not check the validity of the path, since I assume that this is done by the Flask routing methods. :param path_string: the path string :param parse_id_uuid: if 'pk' ('uuid') expects an integer (uuid starting pattern) :return: resource_type (string) page (integer) node_id (string: uuid starting pattern, int: pk) query_type (string)) """ ## Initialization page = None node_id = None query_type = 'default' path = self.split_path(self.strip_api_prefix(path_string)) ## Pop out iteratively the "words" of the path until it is an empty # list. ## This way it should be easier to plug in more endpoint logic # Resource type resource_type = path.pop(0) if not path: return (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) # Validate uuid or starting pattern of uuid. # Technique: - take our UUID_REF and replace the first characters the # string to be validated as uuid. # - validate instead the newly built string if parse_pk_uuid == 'pk': raw_id = path[0] try: # Check whether it can be an integer node_id = int(raw_id) except ValueError: pass else: path.pop(0) elif parse_pk_uuid == 'uuid': import uuid raw_id = path[0] maybe_uuid = raw_id + UUID_REF[len(raw_id):] try: _ = uuid.UUID(maybe_uuid, version=4) except ValueError: # assume that it cannot be an id and go to the next check pass else: # It is a node_id so pop out the path element node_id = raw_id path.pop(0) if not path: return (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) if path[0] in [ 'projectable_properties', 'statistics', 'full_types', 'download', 'download_formats', 'report', 'status', 'input_files', 'output_files' ]: query_type = path.pop(0) if path: raise RestInputValidationError('Given url does not accept further fields') elif path[0] in ['links', 'contents']: path.pop(0) query_type = path.pop(0) elif path[0] in ['repo']: path.pop(0) query_type = 'repo_' + path.pop(0) if not path: return (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) # Page (this has to be in any case the last field) if path[0] == 'page': path.pop(0) if not path: page = 1 return (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type) page = int(path.pop(0)) else: raise RestInputValidationError('The requested URL is not found on the server.') return (resource_type, page, node_id, query_type)
[docs] def validate_request( self, limit=None, offset=None, perpage=None, page=None, query_type=None, is_querystring_defined=False ): # pylint: disable=fixme,no-self-use,too-many-arguments,too-many-branches """ Performs various checks on the consistency of the request. Add here all the checks that you want to do, except validity of the page number that is done in paginate(). Future additional checks must be added here """ # TODO Consider using **kwargs so to make easier to add more validations # 1. perpage incompatible with offset and limits if perpage is not None and (limit is not None or offset is not None): raise RestValidationError('perpage key is incompatible with limit and offset') # 2. /page/<int: page> in path is incompatible with limit and offset if page is not None and (limit is not None or offset is not None): raise RestValidationError('requesting a specific page is incompatible with limit and offset') # 3. perpage requires that the path contains a page request if perpage is not None and page is None: raise RestValidationError( 'perpage key requires that a page is ' 'requested (i.e. the path must contain ' '/page/)' ) # 4. No querystring if query type = projectable_properties' if query_type in ('projectable_properties',) and is_querystring_defined: raise RestInputValidationError('projectable_properties requests do not allow specifying a query string')
[docs] def paginate(self, page, perpage, total_count): """ Calculates limit and offset for the reults of a query, given the page and the number of restuls per page. Moreover, calculates the last available page and raises an exception if the required page exceeds that limit. If number of rows==0, only page 1 exists :param page: integer number of the page that has to be viewed :param perpage: integer defining how many results a page contains :param total_count: the total number of rows retrieved by the query :return: integers: limit, offset, rel_pages """ from math import ceil ## Type checks # Mandatory params try: page = int(page) except ValueError: raise InputValidationError('page number must be an integer') try: total_count = int(total_count) except ValueError: raise InputValidationError('total_count must be an integer') # Non-mandatory params if perpage is not None: try: perpage = int(perpage) except ValueError: raise InputValidationError('perpage must be an integer') else: perpage = self.perpage_default ## First_page is anyway 1 first_page = 1 ## Calculate last page if total_count == 0: last_page = 1 else: last_page = int(ceil(total_count / perpage)) ## Check validity of required page and calculate limit, offset, # previous, # and next page if page > last_page or page < 1: raise RestInputValidationError( 'Non existent page requested. The ' 'page range is [{} : {}]'.format(first_page, last_page) ) limit = perpage offset = (page - 1) * perpage prev_page = None if page > 1: prev_page = page - 1 next_page = None if page < last_page: next_page = page + 1 rel_pages = dict(prev=prev_page, next=next_page, first=first_page, last=last_page) return (limit, offset, rel_pages)
[docs] def build_headers(self, rel_pages=None, url=None, total_count=None): """ Construct the header dictionary for an HTTP response. It includes related pages, total count of results (before pagination). :param rel_pages: a dictionary defining related pages (first, prev, next, last) :param url: (string) the full url, i.e. the url that the client uses to get Rest resources """ ## Type validation # mandatory parameters try: total_count = int(total_count) except ValueError: raise InputValidationError('total_count must be a long integer') # non mandatory parameters if rel_pages is not None and not isinstance(rel_pages, dict): raise InputValidationError('rel_pages must be a dictionary') if url is not None: try: url = str(url) except ValueError: raise InputValidationError('url must be a string') ## Input consistency # rel_pages cannot be defined without url if rel_pages is not None and url is None: raise InputValidationError("'rel_pages' parameter requires 'url' parameter to be defined") headers = {} ## Setting mandatory headers # set X-Total-Count headers['X-Total-Count'] = total_count expose_header = ['X-Total-Count'] ## Two auxiliary functions def split_url(url): """ Split url into path and query string """ if '?' in url: [path, query_string] = url.split('?') question_mark = '?' else: path = url query_string = '' question_mark = '' return (path, query_string, question_mark) def make_rel_url(rel, page): new_path_elems = path_elems + ['page', str(page)] return '<' + '/'.join(new_path_elems) + \ question_mark + query_string + '>; rel={}, '.format(rel) ## Setting non-mandatory parameters # set links to related pages if rel_pages is not None: (path, query_string, question_mark) = split_url(url) path_elems = self.split_path(path) if path_elems.pop(-1) == 'page' or path_elems.pop(-1) == 'page': links = [] for (rel, page) in rel_pages.items(): if page is not None: links.append(make_rel_url(rel, page)) headers['Link'] = ''.join(links) expose_header.append('Link') else: pass # to expose header access in cross-domain requests headers['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = ','.join(expose_header) return headers
[docs] @staticmethod def build_response(status=200, headers=None, data=None): """ Build the response :param status: status of the response, e.g. 200=OK, 400=bad request :param headers: dictionary for additional header k,v pairs, e.g. X-total-count=<number of rows resulting from query> :param data: a dictionary with the data returned by the Resource :return: a Flask response object """ ## Type checks # mandatory parameters if not isinstance(data, dict): raise InputValidationError('data must be a dictionary') # non-mandatory parameters if status is not None: try: status = int(status) except ValueError: raise InputValidationError('status must be an integer') if headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, dict): raise InputValidationError('header must be a dictionary') # Build response response = jsonify(data) response.status_code = status if headers is not None: for key, val in headers.items(): response.headers[key] = val return response
[docs] @staticmethod def build_datetime_filter(dtobj): """ This function constructs a filter for a datetime object to be in a certain datetime interval according to the precision. The interval is [reference_datetime, reference_datetime + delta_time], where delta_time is a function fo the required precision. This function should be used to replace a datetime filter based on the equality operator that is inehrently "picky" because it implies matching two datetime objects down to the microsecond or something, by a "tolerant" operator which checks whether the datetime is in an interval. :return: a suitable entry of the filter dictionary """ if not isinstance(dtobj, DatetimePrecision): TypeError('dtobj argument has to be a DatetimePrecision object') reference_datetime = dtobj.dtobj precision = dtobj.precision ## Define interval according to the precision if precision == 1: delta_time = timedelta(days=1) elif precision == 2: delta_time = timedelta(hours=1) elif precision == 3: delta_time = timedelta(minutes=1) elif precision == 4: delta_time = timedelta(seconds=1) else: raise RestValidationError('The datetime resolution is not valid.') filters = {'and': [{'>=': reference_datetime}, {'<': reference_datetime + delta_time}]} return filters
[docs] def build_translator_parameters(self, field_list): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches """ Takes a list of elements resulting from the parsing the query_string and elaborates them in order to provide translator-compliant instructions :param field_list: a (nested) list of elements resulting from parsing the query_string :returns: the filters in the """ ## Create void variables filters = {} orderby = [] limit = None offset = None perpage = None filename = None download_format = None download = True attributes = None attributes_filter = None extras = None extras_filter = None full_type = None # io tree limit parameters tree_in_limit = None tree_out_limit = None ## Count how many time a key has been used for the filters # and check if reserved keyword have been used twice field_counts = {} for field in field_list: field_key = field[0] if field_key not in field_counts.keys(): field_counts[field_key] = 1 # Store the information whether membership operator is used # is_membership = (field[1] is '=in=') else: # Check if the key of a filter using membership operator is used # in multiple filters # if is_membership is True or field[1] is '=in=': # raise RestInputValidationError("If a key appears in " # "multiple filters, " # "those cannot use " # "membership opertor '=in='") field_counts[field_key] = field_counts[field_key] + 1 ## Check the reserved keywords if 'limit' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['limit'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify limit more than once') if 'offset' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['offset'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify offset more than once') if 'perpage' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['perpage'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify perpage more than once') if 'orderby' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['orderby'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify orderby more than once') if 'download' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['download'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify download more than once') if 'download_format' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['download_format'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify download_format more than once') if 'filename' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['filename'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify filename more than once') if 'in_limit' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['in_limit'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify in_limit more than once') if 'out_limit' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['out_limit'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify out_limit more than once') if 'attributes' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['attributes'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify attributes more than once') if 'attributes_filter' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['attributes_filter'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify attributes_filter more than once') if 'extras' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['extras'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify extras more than once') if 'extras_filter' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['extras_filter'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify extras_filter more than once') if 'full_type' in field_counts.keys() and field_counts['full_type'] > 1: raise RestInputValidationError('You cannot specify full_type more than once') ## Extract results for field in field_list: if field[0] == 'limit': if field[1] == '=': limit = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'limit'") elif field[0] == 'offset': if field[1] == '=': offset = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'offset'") elif field[0] == 'perpage': if field[1] == '=': perpage = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'perpage'") elif field[0] == 'orderby': if field[1] == '=': # Consider value (gives string) and value_list (gives list of # strings) cases if isinstance(field[2], list): orderby.extend(field[2]) else: orderby.extend([field[2]]) else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'orderby'") elif field[0] == 'download': if field[1] == '=': download = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'download'") elif field[0] == 'download_format': if field[1] == '=': download_format = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'download_format'") elif field[0] == 'filename': if field[1] == '=': filename = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'filename'") elif field[0] == 'full_type': if field[1] == '=': full_type = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'full_type'") elif field[0] == 'in_limit': if field[1] == '=': tree_in_limit = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'in_limit'") elif field[0] == 'out_limit': if field[1] == '=': tree_out_limit = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'out_limit'") elif field[0] == 'attributes': if field[1] == '=': attributes = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'attributes'") elif field[0] == 'attributes_filter': if field[1] == '=': attributes_filter = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError( "only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'attributes_filter'" ) elif field[0] == 'extras': if field[1] == '=': extras = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'extras'") elif field[0] == 'extras_filter': if field[1] == '=': extras_filter = field[2] else: raise RestInputValidationError("only assignment operator '=' is permitted after 'extras_filter'") else: ## Construct the filter entry. field_key = field[0] operator = field[1] field_value = field[2] if isinstance(field_value, DatetimePrecision) and operator == '=': filter_value = self.build_datetime_filter(field_value) else: filter_value = {self.op_conv_map[field[1]]: field_value} # Here I treat the AND clause if field_counts[field_key] > 1: if field_key not in filters.keys(): filters.update({field_key: {'and': [filter_value]}}) else: filters[field_key]['and'].append(filter_value) else: filters.update({field_key: filter_value}) # #Impose defaults if needed # if limit is None: # limit = self.limit_default return ( limit, offset, perpage, orderby, filters, download_format, download, filename, tree_in_limit, tree_out_limit, attributes, attributes_filter, extras, extras_filter, full_type )
[docs] def parse_query_string(self, query_string): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Function that parse the querystring, extracting infos for limit, offset, ordering, filters, attribute and extra projections. :param query_string (as obtained from request.query_string) :return: parsed values for the querykeys """ from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums, alphanums, printables, \ ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, Suppress, Optional, Literal, Group, \ QuotedString, Combine, \ StringStart as SS, StringEnd as SE, \ WordEnd as WE, \ ParseException from pyparsing import pyparsing_common as ppc from dateutil import parser as dtparser from import FixedOffsetTimezone ## Define grammar # key types key = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_') # operators operator = ( Literal('=like=') | Literal('=ilike=') | Literal('=in=') | Literal('=notin=') | Literal('=') | Literal('!=') | Literal('>=') | Literal('>') | Literal('<=') | Literal('<') ) # Value types value_num = ppc.number value_bool = (Literal('true') | Literal('false')).addParseAction(lambda toks: bool(toks[0])) value_string = QuotedString('"', escQuote='""') value_orderby = Combine(Optional(Word('+-', exact=1)) + key) ## DateTimeShift value. First, compose the atomic values and then # combine # them and convert them to datetime objects # Date value_date = Combine( Word(nums, exact=4) + Literal('-') + Word(nums, exact=2) + Literal('-') + Word(nums, exact=2) ) # Time value_time = Combine( Literal('T') + Word(nums, exact=2) + Optional(Literal(':') + Word(nums, exact=2)) + Optional(Literal(':') + Word(nums, exact=2)) ) # Shift value_shift = Combine(Word('+-', exact=1) + Word(nums, exact=2) + Optional(Literal(':') + Word(nums, exact=2))) # Combine atomic values value_datetime = Combine( value_date + Optional(value_time) + Optional(value_shift) + WE(printables.replace('&', '')) # To us the # word must end with '&' or end of the string # Adding WordEnd only here is very important. This makes atomic # values for date, time and shift not really # usable alone individually. ) ######################################################################## def validate_time(toks): """ Function to convert datetime string into datetime object. The format is compliant with ParseAction requirements :param toks: datetime string passed in tokens :return: datetime object """ datetime_string = toks[0] # Check the precision precision = len(datetime_string.replace('T', ':').split(':')) # Parse try: dtobj = dtparser.parse(datetime_string) except ValueError: raise RestInputValidationError( 'time value has wrong format. The ' 'right format is ' '<date>T<time><offset>, ' 'where <date> is expressed as ' '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD], ' '<time> is expressed as [HH]:[MM]:[' 'SS], ' '<offset> is expressed as +/-[HH]:[' 'MM] ' 'given with ' 'respect to UTC' ) if dtobj.tzinfo is not None and dtobj.utcoffset() is not None: tzoffset_minutes = int(dtobj.utcoffset().total_seconds() // 60) return DatetimePrecision( dtobj.replace(tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=tzoffset_minutes, name=None)), precision ) return DatetimePrecision(dtobj.replace(tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=0, name=None)), precision) ######################################################################## # Convert datetime value to datetime object value_datetime.setParseAction(validate_time) # More General types value = (value_string | value_bool | value_datetime | value_num | value_orderby) # List of values (I do not check the homogeneity of the types of values, # query builder will do it somehow) value_list = Group(value + OneOrMore(Suppress(',') + value) + Optional(Suppress(','))) # Fields single_field = Group(key + operator + value) list_field = Group(key + (Literal('=in=') | Literal('=notin=')) + value_list) orderby_field = Group(key + Literal('=') + value_list) field = (list_field | orderby_field | single_field) # Fields separator separator = Suppress(Literal('&')) # General query string general_grammar = SS() + Optional(field) + ZeroOrMore( separator + field) + \ Optional(separator) + SE() ## Parse the query string try: fields = general_grammar.parseString(query_string) # JQuery adds _=timestamp a parameter to not use cached data/response. # To handle query, remove this "_" parameter from the query string # For more details check issue #789 # ( in aiida-core field_list = [entry for entry in fields.asList() if entry[0] != '_'] except ParseException as err: raise RestInputValidationError( 'The query string format is invalid. ' "Parser returned this massage: \"{" "}.\" Please notice that the column " 'number ' 'is counted from ' 'the first character of the query ' 'string.'.format(err) ) ## return the translator instructions elaborated from the field_list return self.build_translator_parameters(field_list)
[docs]def list_routes(): """List available routes""" from six.moves import urllib from flask import current_app output = [] for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules(): if rule.endpoint == 'static': continue methods = ','.join(rule.methods) line = urllib.parse.unquote('{:15s} {:20s} {}'.format(rule.endpoint, methods, rule)) output.append(line) return sorted(set(output))