Source code for aiida.backends.tests.orm.test_querybuilder

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring,too-many-lines
"""Tests for the QueryBuilder."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import warnings

from six.moves import range, zip
from six import string_types

from aiida import orm
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.manage import configuration

[docs]class TestQueryBuilder(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestQueryBuilder, self).setUp() self.clean_db() self.insert_data()
[docs] def test_ormclass_type_classification(self): """ This tests the classifications of the QueryBuilder """ # pylint: disable=protected-access from aiida.common.exceptions import DbContentError qb = orm.QueryBuilder() # Asserting that improper declarations of the class type raise an error with self.assertRaises(DbContentError): qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data') with self.assertRaises(DbContentError): qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data.Data') with self.assertRaises(DbContentError): qb._get_ormclass(None, '.') # Asserting that the query type string and plugin type string are returned: for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.StructureData, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data.structure.StructureData.'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], orm.StructureData._plugin_type_string) # pylint: disable=no-member for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.Group, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'group'), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'Group'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'group') for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.User, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'user'), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'User'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'user') for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.Computer, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'computer'), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'Computer'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'computer') for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.Data, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data.Data.'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], orm.Data._plugin_type_string) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def test_process_type_classification(self): """ This tests the classifications of the QueryBuilder """ from aiida.engine import WorkChain from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory ArithmeticAdd = CalculationFactory('arithmetic.add') qb = orm.QueryBuilder() # pylint: disable=protected-access # When passing a WorkChain class, it should return the type of the corresponding Node # including the appropriate filter on the process_type _cls, classifiers = qb._get_ormclass(WorkChain, None) self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.') self.assertEqual(classifiers['process_type_string'], 'aiida.engine.processes.workchains.workchain.WorkChain') # When passing a WorkChainNode, no process_type filter is applied _cls, classifiers = qb._get_ormclass(orm.WorkChainNode, None) self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.') self.assertEqual(classifiers['process_type_string'], None) # Same tests for a calculation _cls, classifiers = qb._get_ormclass(ArithmeticAdd, None) self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.') self.assertEqual(classifiers['process_type_string'], 'aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add')
[docs] def test_process_query(self): """ Test querying for a process class. """ from aiida.engine import run, WorkChain, if_, return_, ExitCode from aiida.common.warnings import AiidaEntryPointWarning class PotentialFailureWorkChain(WorkChain): EXIT_STATUS = 1 EXIT_MESSAGE = 'Well you did ask for it' OUTPUT_LABEL = 'optional_output' OUTPUT_VALUE = 144 @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(PotentialFailureWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.input('success', valid_type=orm.Bool) spec.input('through_return', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=orm.Bool(False)) spec.input('through_exit_code', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=orm.Bool(False)) spec.exit_code(cls.EXIT_STATUS, 'EXIT_STATUS', cls.EXIT_MESSAGE) spec.outline(if_(cls.should_return_out_of_outline)(return_(cls.EXIT_STATUS)), cls.failure, cls.success) spec.output(cls.OUTPUT_LABEL, required=False) def should_return_out_of_outline(self): return self.inputs.through_return.value def failure(self): # pylint: disable=no-else-return if self.inputs.success.value is False: # Returning either 0 or ExitCode with non-zero status should terminate the workchain if self.inputs.through_exit_code.value is False: return self.EXIT_STATUS else: return self.exit_codes.EXIT_STATUS # pylint: disable=no-member else: # Returning 0 or ExitCode with zero status should *not* terminate the workchain if self.inputs.through_exit_code.value is False: return 0 else: return ExitCode() def success(self): self.out(self.OUTPUT_LABEL, orm.Int(self.OUTPUT_VALUE).store()) class DummyWorkChain(WorkChain): pass # Run a simple test WorkChain _result = run(PotentialFailureWorkChain, success=orm.Bool(True)) # Query for nodes associated with this type of WorkChain qb = orm.QueryBuilder() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # pylint: disable=no-member # Cause all warnings to always be triggered. warnings.simplefilter('always') # pylint: disable=no-member qb.append(PotentialFailureWorkChain) # Verify some things assert len(w) == 1 assert issubclass(w[-1].category, AiidaEntryPointWarning) # There should be one result of type WorkChainNode self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(qb.all()[0][0], orm.WorkChainNode)) # Query for nodes of a different type of WorkChain qb = orm.QueryBuilder() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # pylint: disable=no-member # Cause all warnings to always be triggered. warnings.simplefilter('always') # pylint: disable=no-member qb.append(DummyWorkChain) # Verify some things assert len(w) == 1 assert issubclass(w[-1].category, AiidaEntryPointWarning) # There should be no result self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 0) # Query for all WorkChain nodes qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(WorkChain) # There should be one result self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs] def test_simple_query_1(self): """ Testing a simple query """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements n1 = orm.Data() n1.label = 'node1' n1.set_attribute('foo', ['hello', 'goodbye']) n2 = orm.CalculationNode() n2.label = 'node2' n2.set_attribute('foo', 1) n3 = orm.Data() n3.label = 'node3' n3.set_attribute('foo', 1.0000) # Stored as fval n4 = orm.CalculationNode() n4.label = 'node4' n4.set_attribute('foo', 'bar') n5 = orm.Data() n5.label = 'node5' n5.set_attribute('foo', None) n2.add_incoming(n1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link1') n3.add_incoming(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link2') n4.add_incoming(n3, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link3') n5.add_incoming(n4, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link4') qb1 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb1.append(orm.Node, filters={'': 1.000}) self.assertEqual(len(qb1.all()), 2) qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb2.append(orm.Data) self.assertEqual(qb2.count(), 3) qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb2.append(entity_type='data.Data.') self.assertEqual(qb2.count(), 3) qb3 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb3.append(orm.Node, project='label', tag='node1') qb3.append(orm.Node, project='label', tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb3.count(), 4) qb4 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb4.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='node1') qb4.append(orm.Data, tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb4.count(), 2) qb5 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb5.append(orm.Data, tag='node1') qb5.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb5.count(), 2) qb6 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb6.append(orm.Data, tag='node1') qb6.append(orm.Data, tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb6.count(), 0)
[docs] def test_simple_query_2(self): from datetime import datetime from aiida.common.exceptions import MultipleObjectsError, NotExistent n0 = orm.Data() n0.label = 'hello' n0.description = '' n0.set_attribute('foo', 'bar') n1 = orm.CalculationNode() n1.label = 'foo' n1.description = 'I am FoO' n2 = orm.Data() n2.label = 'bar' n2.description = 'I am BaR' n2.add_incoming(n1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='random_2') n1.add_incoming(n0, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='random_1') for n in (n0, n1, n2): qb1 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb1.append(orm.Node, filters={'label': 'hello'}) self.assertEqual(len(list(qb1.all())), 1) qh = { 'path': [{ 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n1' }, { 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n2', 'with_incoming': 'n1' }], 'filters': { 'n1': { 'label': { 'ilike': '%foO%' }, }, 'n2': { 'label': { 'ilike': 'bar%' }, } }, 'project': { 'n1': ['id', 'uuid', 'ctime', 'label'], 'n2': ['id', 'description', 'label'], } } qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) resdict = qb2.dict() self.assertEqual(len(resdict), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(resdict[0]['n1']['ctime'], datetime)) res_one = self.assertTrue('bar' in res_one) qh = { 'path': [{ 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n1' }, { 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n2', 'with_incoming': 'n1' }], 'filters': { 'n1--n2': { 'label': { 'like': '%_2' } } } } qb = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) # Test the hashing: query1 = qb.get_query() qb.add_filter('n2', {'label': 'nonexistentlabel'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 0) with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): with self.assertRaises(MultipleObjectsError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).one() query2 = qb.get_query() query3 = qb.get_query() self.assertTrue(id(query1) != id(query2)) self.assertTrue(id(query2) == id(query3))
[docs] def test_operators_eq_lt_gt(self): nodes = [orm.Data() for _ in range(8)] nodes[0].set_attribute('fa', 1) nodes[1].set_attribute('fa', 1.0) nodes[2].set_attribute('fa', 1.01) nodes[3].set_attribute('fa', 1.02) nodes[4].set_attribute('fa', 1.03) nodes[5].set_attribute('fa', 1.04) nodes[6].set_attribute('fa', 1.05) nodes[7].set_attribute('fa', 1.06) for n in nodes: self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'<': 1}}).count(), 0) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'==': 1}}).count(), 2) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'<': 1.02}}).count(), 3) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'<=': 1.02}}).count(), 4) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'>': 1.02}}).count(), 4) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'>=': 1.02}}).count(), 5)
[docs] def test_subclassing(self): s = orm.StructureData() s.set_attribute('cat', 'miau') d = orm.Data() d.set_attribute('cat', 'miau') p = orm.Dict(dict=dict(cat='miau')) # Now when asking for a node with, I want 3 esults: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 3) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Data, filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 3) # If I'm asking for the specific lowest subclass, I want one result for cls in (orm.StructureData, orm.Dict): qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls, filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) # Now I am not allow the subclassing, which should give 1 result for each for cls, count in ((orm.StructureData, 1), (orm.Dict, 1), (orm.Data, 1), (orm.Node, 0)): qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls, filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), count) # Now I am testing the subclassing with tuples: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls=(orm.StructureData, orm.Dict), filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( entity_type=('data.structure.StructureData.', 'data.dict.Dict.'), filters={'': 'miau'} ) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( cls=(orm.StructureData, orm.Dict), filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False ) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( cls=(orm.StructureData, orm.Data), filters={'': 'miau'}, ) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 3) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( entity_type=('data.structure.StructureData.', 'data.dict.Dict.'), filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False ) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( entity_type=('data.structure.StructureData.', 'data.Data.'), filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False ) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2)
[docs] def test_list_behavior(self): for _i in range(4): orm.Data().store() self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).iterdict())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').iterdict())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).iterdict())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).iterdict())), 4)
[docs] def test_append_validation(self): from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError # So here I am giving two times the same tag with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, tag='n').append(orm.StructureData, tag='n') # here I am giving a wrong filter specifications with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, filters=['jajjsd']) # here I am giving a nonsensical projection: with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, project=True) # here I am giving a nonsensical projection for the edge: with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.ProcessNode).append(orm.StructureData, edge_tag='t').add_projection('t', True) # Giving a nonsensical limit with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.ProcessNode).limit(2.3) # Giving a nonsensical offset with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder(offset=2.3) # So, I mess up one append, I want the QueryBuilder to clean it! with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() # This also checks if we correctly raise for wrong keywords qb.append(orm.StructureData, tag='s', randomkeyword={}) # Now I'm checking whether this keyword appears anywhere in the internal dictionaries: # pylint: disable=protected-access self.assertTrue('s' not in qb._projections) self.assertTrue('s' not in qb._filters) self.assertTrue('s' not in qb.tag_to_alias_map) self.assertTrue(len(qb._path) == 0) self.assertTrue(orm.StructureData not in qb._cls_to_tag_map) # So this should work now: qb.append(orm.StructureData, tag='s').limit(2).dict()
[docs] def test_tags(self): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='n1') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='n2', edge_tag='e1', with_incoming='n1') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='n3', edge_tag='e2', with_incoming='n2') qb.append(orm.Computer, with_node='n3', tag='c1', edge_tag='nonsense') self.assertEqual(qb.get_used_tags(), ['n1', 'n2', 'e1', 'n3', 'e2', 'c1', 'nonsense']) # Now I am testing the default tags, qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData ).append(orm.ProcessNode).append(orm.StructureData ).append(orm.Dict, with_outgoing=orm.ProcessNode) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(), [ 'StructureData_1', 'ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_1--ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_2', 'ProcessNode_1--StructureData_2', 'Dict_1', 'ProcessNode_1--Dict_1' ] ) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(edges=False), [ 'StructureData_1', 'ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_2', 'Dict_1', ] ) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(vertices=False), ['StructureData_1--ProcessNode_1', 'ProcessNode_1--StructureData_2', 'ProcessNode_1--Dict_1'] ) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(edges=False), [ 'StructureData_1', 'ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_2', 'Dict_1', ] ) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(vertices=False), ['StructureData_1--ProcessNode_1', 'ProcessNode_1--StructureData_2', 'ProcessNode_1--Dict_1'] )
[docs] def test_direction_keyword(self): """ The direction keyword is a special case with the QueryBuilder append method, so some tests are good. """ d1, d2, d3, d4 = [orm.Data().store() for _ in range(4)] c1, c2 = [orm.CalculationNode() for _ in range(2)] c1.add_incoming(d1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link_d1c1') d2.add_incoming(c1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link_c1d2') d4.add_incoming(c1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link_c1d4') c2.add_incoming(d2, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link_d2c2') d3.add_incoming(c2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link_c2d3') # testing direction=1 for d1, which should return the outgoing qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, filters={'id':}) qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, direction=1, project='id') res1 = {_ for _, in qb.all()} qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, filters={'id':}, tag='data') qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, with_incoming='data', project='id') res2 = {_ for _, in qb.all()} self.assertEqual(res1, res2) self.assertEqual(res1, {}) # testing direction=-1, which should return the incoming qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, filters={'id':}) qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, direction=-1, project='id') res1 = {_ for _, in qb.all()} qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, filters={'id':}, tag='data') qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, with_outgoing='data', project='id') res2 = {_ for _, in qb.all()} self.assertEqual(res1, res2) self.assertEqual(res1, {}) # testing direction higher than 1 qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='c1', filters={'id':}) qb.append(orm.Data, with_incoming='c1', tag='d2or4') qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='c2', with_incoming='d2or4') qb.append(orm.Data, tag='d3', with_incoming='c2', project='id') qh = qb.queryhelp # saving query for later qb.append(orm.Data, direction=-4, project='id') res1 = {item[1] for item in qb.all()} self.assertEqual(res1, {}) qb = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) qb.append(orm.Data, direction=4, project='id') res2 = {item[1] for item in qb.all()} self.assertEqual(res2, {,})
[docs]class TestMultipleProjections(AiidaTestCase): """Unit tests for the QueryBuilder ORM class."""
[docs] def test_first_multiple_projections(self): """Test `first()` returns correct types and numbers for multiple projections.""" orm.Data().store() orm.Data().store() result = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.User, tag='user', project=['email']).append(orm.Data, with_user='user', project=['*']).first() self.assertEqual(type(result), list) self.assertEqual(len(result), 2) self.assertIsInstance(result[0], string_types) self.assertIsInstance(result[1], orm.Data)
[docs]class TestQueryHelp(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_queryhelp(self): """ Here I test the queryhelp by seeing whether results are the same as using the append method. I also check passing of tuples. """ g = orm.Group(label='helloworld').store() for cls in (orm.StructureData, orm.Dict, orm.Data): obj = cls() obj.set_attribute('foo-qh2', 'bar') g.add_nodes(obj) for cls, expected_count, subclassing in ( (orm.StructureData, 1, True), (orm.Dict, 1, True), (orm.Data, 3, True), (orm.Data, 1, False), ((orm.Dict, orm.StructureData), 2, True), ((orm.Dict, orm.StructureData), 2, False), ((orm.Dict, orm.Data), 2, False), ((orm.Dict, orm.Data), 3, True), ((orm.Dict, orm.Data, orm.StructureData), 3, False), ): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(cls, filters={'': 'bar'}, subclassing=subclassing, project='uuid') self.assertEqual(qb.count(), expected_count) qh = qb.queryhelp qb_new = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) self.assertEqual(qb_new.count(), expected_count) self.assertEqual(sorted([uuid for uuid, in qb.all()]), sorted([uuid for uuid, in qb_new.all()])) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Group, filters={'label': 'helloworld'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append((orm.Group,), filters={'label': 'helloworld'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Computer,) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls=(orm.Computer,)) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs] def test_recreate_from_queryhelp(self): """Test recreating a QueryBuilder from the Query Help""" import copy qb1 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb1.append(orm.Data) qb1.append(orm.CalcJobNode) qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder(**qb1.queryhelp) self.assertDictEqual(qb1.queryhelp, qb2.queryhelp) qb3 = copy.deepcopy(qb1) self.assertDictEqual(qb1.queryhelp, qb3.queryhelp)
[docs]class TestQueryBuilderCornerCases(AiidaTestCase): """ In this class corner cases of QueryBuilder are added. """
[docs] def test_computer_json(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ In this test we check the correct behavior of QueryBuilder when retrieving the _metadata with no content. Note that they are in JSON format in both backends. Forcing the decoding of a None value leads to an exception (this was the case under Django). """ n1 = orm.CalculationNode() n1.label = 'node2' n1.set_attribute('foo', 1) # Checking the correct retrieval of _metadata which is # a JSON field (in both backends). qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, project=['id'], tag='calc') qb.append(orm.Computer, project=['id', 'metadata'], outerjoin=True, with_node='calc') qb.all()
[docs]class TestAttributes(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_attribute_existence(self): # I'm storing a value under key whatever: val = 1. res_uuids = set() n1 = orm.Data() n1.set_attribute('whatever', 3.) n1.set_attribute('test_case', 'test_attribute_existence') # I want all the nodes where whatever is smaller than 1. or there is no such value: qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append( orm.Data, filters={ 'or': [{ 'attributes': { '!has_key': 'whatever' } }, { 'attributes.whatever': { '<': val } }], }, project='uuid' ) res_query = {str(_[0]) for _ in qb.all()} self.assertEqual(res_query, res_uuids)
[docs] def test_attribute_type(self): key = 'value_test_attr_type' n_int, n_float, n_str, n_str2, n_bool, n_arr = [orm.Data() for _ in range(6)] n_int.set_attribute(key, 1) n_float.set_attribute(key, 1.0) n_bool.set_attribute(key, True) n_str.set_attribute(key, '1') n_str2.set_attribute(key, 'one') n_arr.set_attribute(key, [4, 3, 5]) for n in (n_str2, n_str, n_int, n_float, n_bool, n_arr): # Here I am testing which values contain a number 1. # Both 1 and 1.0 are legitimate values if ask for either 1 or 1.0 for val in (1.0, 1): qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): val}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_float.uuid, n_int.uuid))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'>': 0.5}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_float.uuid, n_int.uuid))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'<': 1.5}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_float.uuid, n_int.uuid))) # Now I am testing the boolean value: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): True}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_bool.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'like': '%n%'}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str2.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): { 'ilike': 'On%' }}, project='uuid' ) res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str2.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'like': '1'}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'==': '1'}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str.uuid,))) if configuration.PROFILE.database_backend == u'sqlalchemy': # I can't query the length of an array with Django, # so I exclude. Not the nicest way, But I would like to keep this piece # of code because of the initialization part, that would need to be # duplicated or wrapped otherwise. qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): { 'of_length': 3 }}, project='uuid' ) res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_arr.uuid,)))
[docs]class QueryBuilderLimitOffsetsTest(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_ordering_limits_offsets_of_results_general(self): # Creating 10 nodes with an attribute that can be ordered for i in range(10): n = orm.Data() n.set_attribute('foo', i) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='').order_by({orm.Node: 'ctime'}) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(10))) # Now applying an offset: qb.offset(5) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 10))) # Now also applying a limit: qb.limit(3) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 8))) # Specifying the order explicitly the order: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='').order_by({orm.Node: { 'ctime': { 'order': 'asc' } }}) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(10))) # Now applying an offset: qb.offset(5) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 10))) # Now also applying a limit: qb.limit(3) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 8))) # Reversing the order: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='').order_by({orm.Node: { 'ctime': { 'order': 'desc' } }}) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(9, -1, -1))) # Now applying an offset: qb.offset(5) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(4, -1, -1))) # Now also applying a limit: qb.limit(3) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(4, 1, -1)))
[docs]class QueryBuilderJoinsTests(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_joins1(self): # Creating n1, who will be a parent: parent = orm.Data() parent.label = 'mother' good_child = orm.CalculationNode() good_child.label = 'good_child' good_child.set_attribute('is_good', True) bad_child = orm.CalculationNode() bad_child.label = 'bad_child' bad_child.set_attribute('is_good', False) unrelated = orm.CalculationNode() unrelated.label = 'unrelated' good_child.add_incoming(parent, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='parent') bad_child.add_incoming(parent, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='parent') # Using a standard inner join qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='parent') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='children', project='label', filters={'attributes.is_good': True}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='parent') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='children', outerjoin=True, project='label', filters={'attributes.is_good': True}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs] def test_joins2(self): # Creating n1, who will be a parent: students = [orm.Data() for i in range(10)] advisors = [orm.CalculationNode() for i in range(3)] for i, a in enumerate(advisors): a.label = 'advisor {}'.format(i) a.set_attribute('advisor_id', i) for n in advisors + students: # advisor 0 get student 0, 1 for i in (0, 1): students[i].add_incoming(advisors[0], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='is_advisor_{}'.format(i)) # advisor 1 get student 3, 4 for i in (3, 4): students[i].add_incoming(advisors[1], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='is_advisor_{}'.format(i)) # advisor 2 get student 5, 6, 7 for i in (5, 6, 7): students[i].add_incoming(advisors[2], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='is_advisor_{}'.format(i)) # let's add a differnt relationship than advisor: students[9].add_incoming(advisors[2], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='lover') self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node ).append(orm.Node, edge_filters={ 'label': { 'like': 'is\\_advisor\\_%' } }, tag='student').count(), 7 ) for adv_id, number_students in zip(list(range(3)), (2, 2, 3)): self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'attributes.advisor_id': adv_id }).append(orm.Node, edge_filters={ 'label': { 'like': 'is\\_advisor\\_%' } }, tag='student').count(), number_students )
[docs] def test_joins3_user_group(self): # Create another user new_email = 'newuser@new.n' user = orm.User(email=new_email).store() # Create a group that belongs to that user group = orm.Group(label='node_group') group.user = user # Search for the group of the user qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.User, tag='user', filters={'id': {'==':}}) qb.append(orm.Group, with_user='user', filters={'id': {'==':}}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1, 'The expected group that belongs to ' 'the selected user was not found.') # Search for the user that owns a group qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Group, tag='group', filters={'id': {'==':}}) qb.append(orm.User, with_group='group', filters={'id': {'==':}}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1, 'The expected user that owns the ' 'selected group was not found.')
[docs] def test_joins_group_node(self): """ This test checks that the querying for the nodes that belong to a group works correctly (using QueryBuilder). This is important for the Django backend with the use of aldjemy for the Django to SQLA schema translation. Since this is not backend specific test (even if it is mainly used to test the querying of Django backend with QueryBuilder), we keep it at the general tests (ran by both backends). """ new_email = 'newuser@new.n2' user = orm.User(email=new_email).store() # Create a group that belongs to that user group = orm.Group(label='node_group_2') group.user = user # Create nodes and add them to the created group n1 = orm.Data() n1.label = 'node1' n1.set_attribute('foo', ['hello', 'goodbye']) n2 = orm.CalculationNode() n2.label = 'node2' n2.set_attribute('foo', 1) n3 = orm.Data() n3.label = 'node3' n3.set_attribute('foo', 1.0000) # Stored as fval n4 = orm.CalculationNode() n4.label = 'node4' n4.set_attribute('foo', 'bar') group.add_nodes([n1, n2, n3, n4]) # Check that the nodes are in the group qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='node', project=['id']) qb.append(orm.Group, with_node='node', filters={'id': {'==':}}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 4, 'There should be 4 nodes in the group') id_res = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] for curr_id in [,,,]: self.assertIn(curr_id, id_res)
[docs]class QueryBuilderPath(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_query_path(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements q = self.backend.query_manager n1 = orm.Data() n1.label = 'n1' n2 = orm.CalculationNode() n2.label = 'n2' n3 = orm.Data() n3.label = 'n3' n4 = orm.Data() n4.label = 'n4' n5 = orm.CalculationNode() n5.label = 'n5' n6 = orm.Data() n6.label = 'n6' n7 = orm.CalculationNode() n7.label = 'n7' n8 = orm.Data() n8.label = 'n8' n9 = orm.Data() n9.label = 'n9' # I create a strange graph, inserting links in a order # such that I often have to create the transitive closure # between two graphs n3.add_incoming(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link1') n2.add_incoming(n1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link2') n5.add_incoming(n3, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link3') n5.add_incoming(n4, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link4') n4.add_incoming(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link5') n7.add_incoming(n6, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link6') n8.add_incoming(n7, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link7') for node in [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9]: # There are no parents to n9, checking that self.assertEqual(set([]), set(q.get_all_parents([]))) # There is one parent to n6 self.assertEqual({(_,) for _ in (,)}, {tuple(_) for _ in q.get_all_parents([])}) # There are several parents to n4 self.assertEqual({(,) for _ in (n1, n2)}, {tuple(_) for _ in q.get_all_parents([])}) # There are several parents to n5 self.assertEqual({(,) for _ in (n1, n2, n3, n4)}, {tuple(_) for _ in q.get_all_parents([])}) # Yet, no links from 1 to 8 self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 0 ) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 0 ) n6.add_incoming(n5, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link1') # Yet, now 2 links from 1 to 8 self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 2 ) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 2 ) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }, edge_filters={ 'depth': { '<': 6 } }, ).count(), 2 ) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }, edge_filters={ 'depth': 5 }, ).count(), 2 ) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }, edge_filters={ 'depth': { '<': 5 } }, ).count(), 0 ) # TODO write a query that can filter certain paths by traversed ID # pylint: disable=fixme qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc', ).append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', edge_project='path', filters={'id':}) queried_path_set = {frozenset(p) for p, in qb.all()} paths_there_should_be = { frozenset([,,,,,,]), frozenset([,,,,,,]) } self.assertTrue(queried_path_set == paths_there_should_be) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={'id':}, edge_project='path') self.assertEqual({frozenset(p) for p, in qb.all()}, { frozenset([,,,,,,]), frozenset([,,,,,,]) })
# This part of the test is no longer possible as the nodes have already been stored and the previous parts of # the test rely on this, which means however, that here, no more links can be added as that will raise. # n7.add_incoming(n9, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link0') # # Still two links... # self.assertEqual( # orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ # 'id': # }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ # 'id': # }).count(), 2) # self.assertEqual( # orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ # 'id': # }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ # 'id': # }).count(), 2) # n9.add_incoming(n5, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link6') # # And now there should be 4 nodes # self.assertEqual( # orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ # 'id': # }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ # 'id': # }).count(), 4) # self.assertEqual( # orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ # 'id': # }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ # 'id': # }).count(), 4) # qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( # orm.Node, filters={ # 'id': # }, tag='anc').append( # orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={'id':}, edge_tag='edge') # qb.add_projection('edge', 'depth') # self.assertTrue(set(next(zip(*qb.all()))), set([5, 6])) # qb.add_filter('edge', {'depth': 5}) # self.assertTrue(set(next(zip(*qb.all()))), set([5]))
[docs]class TestConsistency(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_create_node_and_query(self): """ Testing whether creating nodes within a iterall iteration changes the results. """ for _i in range(100): n = orm.Data() for idx, _item in enumerate( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id', 'label']).iterall(batch_size=10) ): if idx % 10 == 10: n = orm.Data() self.assertEqual(idx, 99) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable self.assertTrue(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id', 'label']).all(batch_size=10)) > 99)
[docs] def test_len_results(self): """ Test whether the len of results matches the count returned. See also SQLAlchemy has a deduplication strategy that leads to strange behavior, tested against here """ parent = orm.CalculationNode().store() # adding 5 links going out: for inode in range(5): output_node = orm.Data().store() output_node.add_incoming(parent, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link_{}'.format(inode)) for projection in ('id', '*'): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, filters={'id':}, tag='parent', project=projection) qb.append(orm.Data, with_incoming='parent') self.assertEqual(len(qb.all()), qb.count())
[docs]class TestManager(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_statistics(self): """ Test if the statistics query works properly. I try to implement it in a way that does not depend on the past state. """ from collections import defaultdict # pylint: disable=protected-access def store_and_add(n, statistics): statistics['total'] += 1 statistics['types'][n._plugin_type_string] += 1 # pylint: disable=no-member statistics['ctime_by_day'][n.ctime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] += 1 qmanager = self.backend.query_manager current_db_statistics = qmanager.get_creation_statistics() types = defaultdict(int) types.update(current_db_statistics['types']) ctime_by_day = defaultdict(int) ctime_by_day.update(current_db_statistics['ctime_by_day']) expected_db_statistics = {'total': current_db_statistics['total'], 'types': types, 'ctime_by_day': ctime_by_day} store_and_add(orm.Data(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.CalculationNode(), expected_db_statistics) new_db_statistics = qmanager.get_creation_statistics() # I only check a few fields new_db_statistics = {k: v for k, v in new_db_statistics.items() if k in expected_db_statistics} expected_db_statistics = { k: dict(v) if isinstance(v, defaultdict) else v for k, v in expected_db_statistics.items() } self.assertEqual(new_db_statistics, expected_db_statistics)
[docs] def test_statistics_default_class(self): """ Test if the statistics query works properly. I try to implement it in a way that does not depend on the past state. """ from collections import defaultdict def store_and_add(n, statistics): statistics['total'] += 1 statistics['types'][n._plugin_type_string] += 1 # pylint: disable=no-member,protected-access statistics['ctime_by_day'][n.ctime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] += 1 current_db_statistics = self.backend.query_manager.get_creation_statistics() types = defaultdict(int) types.update(current_db_statistics['types']) ctime_by_day = defaultdict(int) ctime_by_day.update(current_db_statistics['ctime_by_day']) expected_db_statistics = {'total': current_db_statistics['total'], 'types': types, 'ctime_by_day': ctime_by_day} store_and_add(orm.Data(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.CalculationNode(), expected_db_statistics) new_db_statistics = self.backend.query_manager.get_creation_statistics() # I only check a few fields new_db_statistics = {k: v for k, v in new_db_statistics.items() if k in expected_db_statistics} expected_db_statistics = { k: dict(v) if isinstance(v, defaultdict) else v for k, v in expected_db_statistics.items() } self.assertEqual(new_db_statistics, expected_db_statistics)
[docs]class TestDoubleStar(AiidaTestCase): """ In this test class we check if QueryBuilder returns the correct results when double star is provided as projection. """
[docs] def test_statistics_default_class(self): # The expected result # pylint: disable=no-member expected_dict = { u'description':, u'scheduler_type':, u'hostname':, u'uuid':, u'name':, u'transport_type':, u'id':, u'metadata':, } qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Computer, project=['**']) # We expect one result self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) # Get the one result record and check that the returned # data are correct res = list(qb.dict()[0].values())[0] self.assertDictEqual(res, expected_dict) # Ask the same query as above using queryhelp qh = {'project': {'computer': ['**']}, 'path': [{'tag': 'computer', 'cls': orm.Computer}]} qb = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) # We expect one result self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) # Get the one result record and check that the returned # data are correct res = list(qb.dict()[0].values())[0] self.assertDictEqual(res, expected_dict)