Source code for aiida.cmdline.dbenv_lazyloading

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Load the dbenv lazily, especially useful in commandline commands

Always avoids trying to load the dbenv twice. When it has to be loaded,
a spinner ASCII widget is displayed.

 * with_dbenv, a decorator to frontload the dbenv for functions
 * dbenv, a contextmanager to load the dbenv only if a specific
    code branch gets visited and possibly avoiding the overhead if not

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps

from click_spinner import spinner as cli_spinner

[docs]def load_dbenv_if_not_loaded(**kwargs): """ load dbenv if necessary, run spinner meanwhile to show command hasn't crashed """ from aiida.backends.utils import load_dbenv, is_dbenv_loaded if not is_dbenv_loaded(): with cli_spinner(): load_dbenv(**kwargs)
[docs]def with_dbenv(function): """ Function decorator that loads the dbenv if necessary before running the function Example:: @with_dbenv def create_my_calculation(): from aiida.orm import CalculationFactory # note the local import my_calc = CalculationFactory('mycalc.mycalc') """ @wraps(function) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): """load dbenv if not yet loaded, then run the original function""" load_dbenv_if_not_loaded() return function(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
[docs]@contextmanager def dbenv(): """ Loads the dbenv for a specific region of code, does not unload afterwards Only use when it makes it possible to avoid loading the dbenv for certain code paths Good Example:: # do this @click.command() @click.option('--with-db', is_flag=True) def profile_info(with_db): # read the config file click.echo(profile_config) # load the db only if necessary if with_db: with dbenv(): # gather db statistics for the profile click.echo(db_statistics) This will run very fast without the --with-db flag and slow only if database info is requested Do not use if you will end up loading the dbenv anyway Bad Example:: # don't do this def my_function(): with dbenv(): # read from db # do db unrelated stuff """ load_dbenv_if_not_loaded() yield