Source code for aiida.backends.tests.cmdline.params.types.test_data

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"""Tests for the `DataParamType`."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.cmdline.params.types import DataParamType
from aiida.orm import Data
from aiida.orm.utils.loaders import OrmEntityLoader

[docs]class TestDataParamType(AiidaTestCase): """Tests for the `DataParamType`."""
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create some code to test the DataParamType parameter type for the command line infrastructure We create an initial code with a random name and then on purpose create two code with a name that matches exactly the ID and UUID, respectively, of the first one. This allows us to test the rules implemented to solve ambiguities that arise when determing the identifier type """ super(TestDataParamType, cls).setUpClass(*args, **kwargs) cls.param = DataParamType() cls.entity_01 = Data().store() cls.entity_02 = Data().store() cls.entity_03 = Data().store() cls.entity_01.label = 'data_01' cls.entity_02.label = str( cls.entity_03.label = str(cls.entity_01.uuid)
[docs] def test_get_by_id(self): """ Verify that using the ID will retrieve the correct entity """ identifier = '{}'.format( result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_01.uuid)
[docs] def test_get_by_uuid(self): """ Verify that using the UUID will retrieve the correct entity """ identifier = '{}'.format(self.entity_01.uuid) result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_01.uuid)
[docs] def test_get_by_label(self): """ Verify that using the LABEL will retrieve the correct entity """ identifier = '{}'.format(self.entity_01.label) result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_01.uuid)
[docs] def test_ambiguous_label_pk(self): """ Situation: LABEL of entity_02 is exactly equal to ID of entity_01 Verify that using an ambiguous identifier gives precedence to the ID interpretation Appending the special ambiguity breaker character will force the identifier to be treated as a LABEL """ identifier = '{}'.format(self.entity_02.label) result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_01.uuid) identifier = '{}{}'.format(self.entity_02.label, OrmEntityLoader.label_ambiguity_breaker) result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_02.uuid)
[docs] def test_ambiguous_label_uuid(self): """ Situation: LABEL of entity_03 is exactly equal to UUID of entity_01 Verify that using an ambiguous identifier gives precedence to the UUID interpretation Appending the special ambiguity breaker character will force the identifier to be treated as a LABEL """ identifier = '{}'.format(self.entity_03.label) result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_01.uuid) identifier = '{}{}'.format(self.entity_03.label, OrmEntityLoader.label_ambiguity_breaker) result = self.param.convert(identifier, None, None) self.assertEqual(result.uuid, self.entity_03.uuid)