Database schema

In this section we will give an overview of the database schema and more specifically, we will focus on the SQLAlchemy specific schema.

In the following image you can see the tables of a fairly empty and new AiiDA database.


The database table names are marked at the top of every table (in deep green), the names of the the columns are below. The primary key of every table is highlighted with light green and the columns that participate to an index (apart from the index of the primary key) are highlighted with yellow color.

We will now briefly describe some of the database tables.


This table contains the information about all the Node instances stored in AiiDA. Since the Node class has various sub-classes, there is a column (named type) at the db_dbnode table that indicates the type of the node.

Other columns are the ctime and mtime that correspond to the creation time and the modification time of the node. There are foreign keys that link this table with the db_dbcomputer and the db_dbuser tables.

It is also worth noting the attributes and extras columns that are of type JSONB. This type allows to store directly JSON snippets in such columns while they can be indexed for fast searching.


The db_dbuser table contains user related information. It is worth noting that the stored password column contained hashed information.

db_dbgroup & db_dbgroup_dbnodes

The nodes can be grouped into groups. In the db_dbgroup table contains information about the group like the name, the type and the description of the group. The nodes that are contained in the group are stored in db_dbgroup_dbnodes table.


In the db_dbcomment table comments made by users to specific nodes are stored.