AiiDA provides a RESTful API that provides access to the AiiDA objects stored in the database.

The AiiDA REST API is implemented using the Flask RESTFul framework and supports only GET methods (reading) for the time being. The response contains the data in JSON format.

In this document, file paths are given relative to the AiiDA installation folder. The source files of the API are contained in the folder aiida/restapi.

Running the REST API

To start the REST server open a terminal and type

verdi restapi

This command will hook up a REST api with the default parameters, namely on port 5000 of localhost, connect to the default AiiDA profile and assuming the default folder for the REST configuration files, namely common.

For an overview of options accepted by verdi restapi you can type

verdi restapi --help

Like all verdi commands, the AiiDA profile can be changed by putting -p PROFILE right after verdi.

The base url for your REST API is:


where the last field identifies the version of the API (currently v2). Simply type this URL in your browser or use command-line tools such as curl or wget.

For the full list of configuration options, see aiida/restapi/

General form of the urls

A generic url to send requests to the REST API is formed by:

  1. the base url. It specifies the host and the version of the API. Example:

  2. the path. It defines the kind of resource requested by the client and the type of query.

  3. the query string (not mandatory). It can be used for any further specification of the request, e.g. to introduce query filters, to give instructions for ordering, to set how results have to be paginated, etc.

The query string is introduced by the question mark character ?. Here are some examples:


The trailing slash at the end of the path is not mandatory.

How to set the number of results

Before exploring in details the functionalities of the API it is important to know that the AiiDA RESTAPI provides two different ways to limit the number of results returned by the server: using pagination, or specifying explicitly limit and offset.

Setting limit and offset

You can specify two special fields in the query string:

  • limit=(LIMIT): field that specifies the largest number of results that will be returned, ex: “limit=20”. The default and highest allowed LIMIT is 400.
  • offset=(OFFSET): field that specifies how many entries are skipped before returning results, ex: offset=20. By default no offset applies.



How to build the path

The first element of the path is the Resource corresponding to the AiiDA object(s) you want to request. The following resources are available:

Class Resource
ProcessNode /calculations
Computer /computers
Data /data
Group /groups
Node /nodes
User /users
BandsData /bands
CifData /cifs
KpointsData /kpoints
StructureData /structures
UpfData /upfs

For a full list of available endpoints for each resource, simply query the base URL of the REST API.

There are two types of paths: you may either request a list of objects or one specific object of a resource.

If no specific endpoint is appended to the name of the resource, the Api returns the full list of objects of that resource (default limits apply).

Appending the endpoint schema to a resource will give the list of fields that are normally returned by the Api for an object of a specific resource, whereas the endpoint statistics returns a list of statistical facts concerning a resource. Here are few examples of valid URIs:

If you request informations of a specific object, in general you have to append its entire uuid or the starting pattern of its uuid to the path.

Here are two examples that should return the same object:


In the first URL, we have specified the full uuid, whereas in the second only a chunk of its first characters that is sufficiently long to match only one uuid in the database. Il the uuid pattern is not long enough to identify a unique object, the API will raise an exception. The only exception to this rule is the resource users since the corresponding AiiDA``User`` class has no uuid attribute. In this case, you have to specify the pk (integer) of the object. Here is an example:


When you ask for a single object (and only in that case) you can construct more complex requests, namely, you can ask for its inputs/outputs or for its attributes/extras. In the first case you have to append to the path the string /io/inputs or io/outputs depending on the desired relation between the nodes, whereas in the second case you have to append content/attributes or content/extras depending on the kind of content you want to access. Here are some examples:



As you can see from the last examples, a Node object can be accessed requesting either a generic nodes resource or requesting the resource corresponding to its specific type (data, codes, calculations, kpoints, … ). This is because in AiiDA the classes Data, Code, and Calculation are derived from the class Node. In turn, Data is the baseclass of a number of built-in and custom classes, e.g. KpointsData, StructureData, BandsData, …

How to build the query string

The query string is formed by one or more fields separated by the special character &. Each field has the form (key)(operator)(value). The same constraints that apply to the names of python variables determine what are the valid keys, namely, only alphanumeric characters plus _ are allowed and the first character cannot be a number.

Special keys

There are several special keys that can be specified only once in a query string. All of them must be followed by the operator =. Here is the complete list:


This key only supports integer values.


Same format as limit.


Same format as limit.


This key is used to impose a specific ordering to the results. Two orderings are supported, ascending or descending. The value for the orderby key must be the name of the property with respect to which to order the results. Additionally, + or - can be pre-pended to the value in order to select, respectively, ascending or descending order. Specifying no leading character is equivalent to select ascending order. Ascending (descending) order for strings corresponds to alphabetical (reverse-alphabetical) order, whereas for datetime objects it corresponds to chronological (reverse-chronological order). Examples:


This key is used to specify which attributes of a specific object have to be returned. The desired attributes have to be provided as a comma-separated list of values. It requires that the path contains the endpoint /content/attributes. Example:


(incompatible with alist) This key is used to specify which attributes of a specific object should not be returned. The syntax is identical to alist. The system returns all the attributes except those specified in the list of values.


Similar to alist but for extras. It requires that the path contains the endpoint /content/extras.


(incompatible with elist) Similar to nalist but for extras. It requires that the path contains the endpoint /content/extras.


All the other fields composing a query string are filters, that is, conditions that have to be fulfilled by the retrieved objects. When a query string contains multiple filters, those are applied as if they were related by the AND logical clause, that is, the results have to fulfill all the conditions set by the filters (and not any of them). Each filter key is associated to a unique value type. The possible types are:


Text enclosed in double quotes. If the string contains double quotes those have to be escaped as "" (two double quotes). Note that in the unlikely occurrence of a sequence of double quotes you will have to escape it by writing twice as many double quotes.


Positive integer numbers.


Datetime objects expressed in the format (DATE)T(TIME)(SHIFT) where (SHIFT) is the time difference with respect to the UTC time. This is required to avoid any problem arising from comparing datetime values expressed in different time zones. The formats of each field are:

  1. YYYY-MM-DD for (DATE) (mandatory).
  2. HH:MM:SS for (TIME) (optional). The formats HH and HH:MM are supported too.
  3. +/-HH:MM for (SHIFT) (optional, if present requires (TIME) to be specified). The format +/-HH is allowed too. If no shift is specified UTC time is assumed. The shift format follows the general convention that eastern (western) shifts are positive (negative). The API is unaware of daylight saving times so the user is required to adjust the shift to take them into account.

This format is ISO-8601 compliant. Note that date and time fields have to be separated by the character T. Examples:


It can be either true or false (lower case).

The following table reports what is the value type and the supported resources associated to each key. .. note:: In the following id is a synonym for pk (often used in other sections of the documentation).


If a key is present in the resource data, it will be also in the derived resources: kpoints, structures, bands

key value type resources
id integer users, computers, groups, nodes, calculations, codes, data
user_id integer groups
uuid string computers, groups, nodes, calculations, codes, data
name string computers, groups
first_name string users
last_name string users
institution string users
email * string users
label string nodes, calculations, codes, data
description string computers, groups
transport_type string computers
transport_params string computers
scheduler_type string computers
enabled bool computers
is_active * bool users
ctime datetime nodes, calculations, codes, data
mtime datetime nodes, calculations, codes, data
last_login * datetime users
date_joined datetime users
type string groups, nodes, calculations, codes, data
state string nodes, calculations, codes, data
hostname string computers

* Key not available via the /users/ endpoint for reasons of privacy.

The operators supported by a specific key are uniquely determined by the value type associated to that key. For example, a key that requires a boolean value admits only the identity operator =, whereas an integer value enables the usage of the relational operators =, <, <=, >, >= plus the membership operator =in=. Please refer to the following table for a comprehensive list.

operator meaning accepted value types
= identity integers, strings, bool, datetime
> greater than integers, strings, datetime
< lower than integers, strings, datetime
>= greater than or equal to integers, strings, datetime
<= lower than or equal to integers, strings, datetime
=like= pattern matching strings
=ilike= case-insensitive pattern matching strings
identity with one
element of a list
integers, strings, datetime

The pattern matching operators =like= and =ilike= must be followed by the pattern definition, namely, a string where two characters assume special meaning:

  1. % is used to replace an arbitrary sequence of characters, including no characters.
  2. _ is used to replace one or zero characters.

Differently from =like=, =ilike= assumes that two characters that only differ in the case are equal.

To prevent interpreting special characters as wildcards, these have to be escaped by pre-pending the character \.


Filter Matched string Non-matched string
name=like="a%d_" “aiida” “AiiDA”
name=ilike="a%d_" “aiida”, “AiiDA”  
name=like="a_d_"   “aiida”
name=like="aii%d_a" “aiida”  
description=like="This calculation is %\% useful"
“This calculation is
100% useful”

The membership operator =in= has to be followed by a comma-separated list of values of the same type. The condition is fulfilled if the column value of an object is an element of the list.



The relational operators ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’ assume natural ordering for integers, (case-insensitive) alphabetical ordering for strings, and chronological ordering for datetime values.


  • http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes?id>578 selects the nodes having an id larger than 578.
  • http://localhost:5000/api/v2/users/?last_login>2014-04-07 selects only the user that logged in for the last time after April 7th, 2014.
  • http://localhost:5000/api/v2/users/?last_name<="m" selects only the users whose last name begins with a character in the range [a-m].


Object types have to be specified by a string that defines their position in the AiiDA source tree ending with a dot. Examples:

  • type="data.Data." selects only objects of Data type
  • type="data.remote.RemoteData." selects only objects of RemoteData type


If you use in your request the endpoint io/input (io/outputs) together with one or more filters, the latter are applied to the input (output) nodes of the selected pk. For example, the request:


would first search for the outputs of the node with uuid starting with “a67fba41-8a” and then select only those objects of type FolderData.

The HTTP response

The HTTP response of the REST API consists in a JSON object, a header, and a status code. Possible status are:

  1. 200 for successful requests.
  2. 400 for bad requests. In this case, the JSON object contains only an error message describing the problem.
  3. 500 for a generic internal server error. The JSON object contains only a generic error message.
  4. 404 for invalid url. Differently from the 400 status, it is returned when the REST API does not succeed in directing the request to a specific resource. This typically happens when the path does not match any of the supported format. No JSON is returned.

The header is a standard HTTP response header with the additional custom field X-Total-Counts and, only if paginated results are required, a non-empty Link field, as described in the Pagination section.

The JSON object mainly contains the list of the results returned by the API. This list is assigned to the key data. Additionally, the JSON object contains several informations about the request (keys method, url, url_root, path, query_string, resource_type, and pk).

How to run the REST API through Apache

By default verdi restapi hooks up the REST API through the HTTP server (Werkzeug) that is usually bundled with Python distributions. However, to deploy real web applications the server of choice is in most cases Apache. in fact, you can instruct Apache to run Python applications by employing the WSGI module and the AiiDA REST API is inherently structured so that you can easily realize the pipeline AiiDA->WSGI->Apache. Moreover, one single Apache service can support multiple apps so that you can, for instance, hook up multiple APIs using as many different sets of configurations. For example, one might have several apps connecting to different AiiDA profiles. We’ll go through an example to explain how to achieve this result.

We assume you have a working installation of Apache that includes mod_wsgi.

The goal of the example is to hookup the APIs django and sqlalchemy pointing to two AiiDA profiles, called for simplicity django and sqlalchemy.

All the relevant files are enclosed under the path <aiida.source.code.path>/docs/wsgi/. In each of the folders app1/ and app2/, there is a file named rest.wsgi containing a Pytyhon script that instantiates and configures a python web app called application, according to the rules of mod_wsgi. For how the script is written, the object application is configured through the file contained in the same folder. Indeed, in app1/ the variable aiida-profile is set to "django", whereas in app2/ its value is "sqlalchemy".

Anyway, the path where you put the .wsgi file as well as its name are irrelevant as long as they are correctly referred to in the Apache configuration file, as shown later on. Similarly, you can place in a custom path, provided you change the variable config_file_path in the wsgi file accordingly.

In rest.wsgi probably the only options you might want to change is catch_internal_server. When set to True, it lets the exceptions thrown during the execution of the app propagate all the way through until they reach the logger of Apache. Especially when the app is not entirely stable yet, one would like to read the full python error traceback in the Apache error log.

Finally, you need to setup the Apache site through a proper configuration file. We provide two template files: one.conf or many.conf. The first file tells Apache to bundle both apps in a unique Apache daemon process. Apache usually creates multiple process dynamically and with this configuration each process will handle both apps.

The script many.conf, instead, defines two different process groups, one for each app. So the processes created dynamically by Apache will always be handling one app each. The minimal number of Apache daemon processes equals the number of apps, contrarily to the first architecture, where one process is enough to handle two or even a larger number of apps.

Let us call the two apps for this example django and sqlalchemy. In both one.conf and many.conf, the important directives that should be updated if one changes the paths or names of the apps are:

  • WSGIProcessGroup to define the process groups for later reference. In one.conf this directive appears only once to define the generic group profiles, as there is only one kind of process handling both apps. In many.conf this directive appears once per app and is embedded into a “Location” tag, e.g.:

    <Location /django>
        WSGIProcessGroup sqlalchemy
  • WSGIDaemonProcess to define the path to the AiiDA virtual environment. This appears once per app in both configurations.

  • WSGIScriptAlias to define the absolute path of the .wsgi file of each app.

  • The <Directory> tag mainly used to grant Apache access to the files used by each app, e.g.:

    <Directory "<aiida.source.code.path>/aiida/restapi/wsgi/app1">
            Require all granted

The latest step is to move either one.conf or many.conf into the Apache configuration folder and restart the Apache server. In Ubuntu, this is usually done with the commands:

cp <conf_file>.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
sudo service apache2 restart

We believe the two basic architectures we have just explained can be successfully applied in many different deployment scenarios. Nevertheless, we suggest users who need finer tuning of the deployment setup to look into to the official documentation of Apache and, more importantly, WSGI.

The URLs of the requests handled by Apache must start with one of the paths specified in the directives WSGIScriptAlias. These paths identify uniquely each app and allow Apache to route the requests to their correct apps. Examples of well-formed URLs are:

curl http://localhost/django/api/v2/computers -X GET
curl http://localhost/sqlalchemy/api/v2/computers -X GET

The first (second)request will be handled by the app django (sqlalchemy), namely will serve results fetched from the profile django (sqlalchemy). Notice that we haven’t specified any port in the URLs since Apache listens conventionally to port 80, where any request lacking the port is automatically redirected.



  1. Get a list of the Computers objects.

    REST url:



    returns the list of three Computer objects (limit=3) starting from the 3rd row (offset=2) of the database table and the list will be ordered by ascending values of id.


      "data": {
        "computers": [
            "description": "Alpha Computer",
            "enabled": true,
            "hostname": "",
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Alpha",
            "scheduler_type": "slurm",
            "transport_params": "{}",
            "transport_type": "ssh",
            "uuid": "9b5c84bb-4575-4fbe-b18c-b23fc30ec55e"
            "description": "Beta Computer",
            "enabled": true,
            "hostname": "",
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Beta",
            "scheduler_type": "slurm",
            "transport_params": "{}",
            "transport_type": "ssh",
            "uuid": "5d490d77-638d-4d4b-8288-722f930783c8"
            "description": "Gamma Computer",
            "enabled": true,
            "hostname": "",
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Gamma",
            "scheduler_type": "slurm",
            "transport_params": "{}",
            "transport_type": "ssh",
            "uuid": "7a0c3ff9-1caf-405c-8e89-2369cf91b634"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/computers",
      "pk": null,
      "query_string": "limit=3&offset=2&orderby=id",
      "resource_type": "computers",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/computers?limit=3&offset=2&orderby=id",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  2. Get details of a single Computer object:

    REST url:



    returns the details of the Computer object uuid="5d490d77-638d...".


      "data": {
        "computers": [
            "description": "Beta Computer",
            "enabled": true,
            "hostname": "",
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Beta",
            "scheduler_type": "slurm",
            "transport_params": "{}",
            "transport_type": "ssh",
            "uuid": "5d490d77-638d-4d4b-8288-722f930783c8"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/computers/5d490d77-638d",
      "pk": 4,
      "query_string": "",
      "resource_type": "computers",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/computers/5d490d77-638d",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"


  1. Get a list of Node objects

    REST url:



    returns the list of two Node objects (limit=2) starting from 9th row (offset=8) of the database table and the list will be ordered by id in descending order.


      "data": {
        "nodes  ": [
            "ctime": "Fri, 29 Apr 2016 19:24:12 GMT",
            "id": 386913,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Fri, 29 Apr 2016 19:24:13 GMT",
            "state": null,
            "type": "node.process.calculation.CalcFunctionNode.",
            "uuid": "68d2ed6c-6f51-4546-8d10-7fe063525ab8"
            "ctime": "Fri, 29 Apr 2016 19:24:00 GMT",
            "id": 386912,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Fri, 29 Apr 2016 19:24:00 GMT",
            "state": null,
            "type": "data.dict.Dict.",
            "uuid": "a39dc158-fedd-4ea1-888d-d90ec6f86f35"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/nodes",
      "pk": null,
      "query_string": "limit=2&offset=8&orderby=-id",
      "resource_type": "nodes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes?limit=2&offset=8&orderby=-id",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  2. Get the details of a single Node object:

    REST url:



    returns the details of the Node object with uuid="e30da7cc...".


      "data": {
        "nodes  ": [
            "ctime": "Fri, 14 Aug 2015 13:18:04 GMT",
            "id": 1,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:34:59 GMT",
            "state": "IMPORTED",
            "type": "data.dict.Dict.",
            "uuid": "e30da7cc-af50-40ca-a940-2ac8d89b2e0d"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/nodes/e30da7cc",
      "pk": 1,
      "query_string": "",
      "resource_type": "nodes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes/e30da7cc",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  3. Get the list of inputs of a specific node.

    REST url:



    returns the list of the first two input nodes (limit=2) of the Node object with uuid="de83b1...".


      "data": {
        "inputs": [
            "ctime": "Fri, 24 Jul 2015 18:49:23 GMT",
            "id": 10605,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:35:00 GMT",
            "state": "IMPORTED",
            "type": "data.remote.RemoteData.",
            "uuid": "16b93b23-8629-4d83-9259-de2a947b43ed"
            "ctime": "Fri, 24 Jul 2015 14:33:04 GMT",
            "id": 9215,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:35:00 GMT",
            "state": "IMPORTED",
            "type": "data.array.kpoints.KpointsData.",
            "uuid": "1b4d22ec-9f29-4e0d-9d68-84ddd18ad8e7"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/nodes/de83b1/io/inputs",
      "pk": 6,
      "query_string": "limit=2",
      "resource_type": "nodes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes/de83b1/io/inputs?limit=2",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  4. Filter the inputs/outputs of a node by their type.

    REST url:



    returns the list of the *KpointsData* input nodes of the *Node* object with ``uuid=”de83b1…”`.


      "data": {
        "inputs": [
            "ctime": "Fri, 24 Jul 2015 14:33:04 GMT",
            "id": 9215,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:35:00 GMT",
            "state": "IMPORTED",
            "type": "data.array.kpoints.KpointsData.",
            "uuid": "1b4d22ec-9f29-4e0d-9d68-84ddd18ad8e7"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/nodes/de83b1/io/inputs",
      "pk": 6,
      "query_string": "type=\"data.array.kpoints.KpointsData.\"",
      "resource_type": "nodes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes/de83b1/io/inputs?type=\"data.array.kpoints.KpointsData.\"",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"

    REST url:



    returns the list of the RemoteData output nodes of the Node object with uuid="de83b1...".


      "data": {
        "outputs": [
            "ctime": "Fri, 24 Jul 2015 20:35:02 GMT",
            "id": 2811,
            "label": "",
            "mtime": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:34:59 GMT",
            "state": "IMPORTED",
            "type": "data.remote.RemoteData.",
            "uuid": "bd48e333-da8a-4b6f-8e1e-6aaa316852eb"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/nodes/de83b1/io/outputs",
      "pk": 6,
      "query_string": "type=\"data.remote.RemoteData.\"",
      "resource_type": "nodes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes/de83b1/io/outputs?type=\"data.remote.RemoteData.\"",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  5. Getting the list of the attributes/extras of a specific node

    REST url:



    returns the list of all attributes of the Node object with uuid="ffe11...".


      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "append_text": "",
          "input_plugin": "",
          "is_local": false,
          "prepend_text": "",
          "remote_exec_path": "/project/espresso-5.1-intel/bin/pw.x"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/nodes/ffe11/content/attributes",
      "pk": 1822,
      "query_string": "",
      "resource_type": "nodes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/nodes/ffe11/content/attributes",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"

    REST url:



    returns the list of all the extras of the Node object with uuid="ffe11...".


      "data": {
        "extras": {
          "trialBool": true,
          "trialFloat": 3.0,
          "trialInt": 34,
          "trialStr": "trial"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/extras",
      "pk": 1822,
      "query_string": "",
      "resource_type": "codes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/extras",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  6. Getting a user-defined list of attributes/extras of a specific node

    REST url:



    returns a list of the attributes append_text and is_local of the Node object with uuid="ffe11...".


      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "append_text": "",
          "is_local": false
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/attributes",
      "pk": 1822,
      "query_string": "alist=append_text,is_local",
      "resource_type": "codes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/attributes?alist=append_text,is_local",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"

    REST url:



    returns a list of the extras trialBool and trialInt of the Node object with uuid="ffe11...".


      "data": {
        "extras": {
          "trialBool": true,
          "trialInt": 34
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/extras",
      "pk": 1822,
      "query_string": "elist=trialBool,trialInt",
      "resource_type": "codes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/extras?elist=trialBool,trialInt",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  7. Getting all the attributes/extras of a specific node except a user-defined list

    REST url:



    returns all the attributes of the Node object with uuid="ffe11..." except append_text and is_local.


      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "input_plugin": "",
          "prepend_text": "",
          "remote_exec_path": "/project/espresso-5.1-intel/bin/pw.x"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/attributes",
      "pk": 1822,
      "query_string": "nalist=append_text,is_local",
      "resource_type": "codes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/attributes?nalist=append_text,is_local",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"

    REST url:



    returns all the extras of the Node object with uuid="ffe11..." except trialBool and trialInt.


      "data": {
        "extras": {
          "trialFloat": 3.0,
          "trialStr": "trial"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/extras",
      "pk": 1822,
      "query_string": "nelist=trialBool,trialInt",
      "resource_type": "codes",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/codes/ffe11/content/extras?nelist=trialBool,trialInt",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"


The same REST urls supported for the resource nodes are also available with the derived resources, namely, calculations, data, and codes, just changing the resource field in the path.


  1. Getting a list of the users

    REST url:



    returns a list of all the User objects.


      "data": {
        "users": [
            "date_joined": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:31:17 GMT",
            "first_name": "AiiDA",
            "id": 1,
            "institution": "",
            "last_name": "Daemon"
            "date_joined": "Thu, 11 Aug 2016 12:35:32 GMT",
            "first_name": "Gengis",
            "id": 2,
            "institution": "",
            "last_name": "Khan"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/users/",
      "pk": null,
      "query_string": "",
      "resource_type": "users",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/users/",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  2. Getting a list of users whose first name starts with a given string

    REST url:



    returns a lists of the User objects whose first name starts with "aii", regardless the case of the characters.


      "data": {
        "users": [
            "date_joined": "Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:31:17 GMT",
            "first_name": "AiiDA",
            "id": 1,
            "institution": "",
            "last_name": "Daemon"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/users/",
      "pk": null,
      "query_string": "first_name=ilike=%22aii%%22",
      "resource_type": "users",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/users/?first_name=ilike=\"aii%\"",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"


  1. Getting a list of groups

    REST url:



    returns the list of ten Group objects (limit=10) starting from the 1st row of the database table (offset=0) and the list will be ordered by user_id in descending order.


      "data": {
        "groups": [
            "description": "",
            "id": 104,
            "name": "SSSP_new_phonons_0p002",
            "type": "",
            "user_id": 2,
            "uuid": "7c0e0744-8549-4eea-b1b8-e7207c18de32"
            "description": "",
            "id": 102,
            "name": "SSSP_cubic_old_phonons_0p025",
            "type": "",
            "user_id": 1,
            "uuid": "c4e22134-495d-4779-9259-6192fcaec510"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/groups/",
      "pk": null,
      "query_string": "limit=10&orderby=-user_id",
      "resource_type": "groups",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/groups/?limit=10&orderby=-user_id",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"
  2. Getting the details of a specific group

    REST url:



    returns the details of the Group object with uuid="a6e5b...".


      "data": {
        "groups": [
            "description": "GBRV US pseudos, version 1.2",
            "id": 23,
            "name": "GBRV_1.2",
            "type": "",
            "user_id": 2,
            "uuid": "a6e5b6c6-9d47-445b-bfea-024cf8333c55"
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/api/v2/groups/a6e5b",
      "pk": 23,
      "query_string": "",
      "resource_type": "groups",
      "url": "http://localhost:5000/api/v2/groups/a6e5b",
      "url_root": "http://localhost:5000/"