Increasing the debug level

By default, the logging level of AiiDA is minimal to avoid filling logfiles. Only warnings and errors are logged to the daemon log files, while info and debug messages are discarded.

If you are experiencing a problem, you can change the default minimum logging level of AiiDA messages (and circus messages – circus is the library that we use to manage the daemon process) using, on the command line, the two following commands:

verdi config logging.circus_loglevel DEBUG
verdi config logging.aiida_loglevel DEBUG

For each profile that runs a daemon, there will be two unique logfiles, one for AiiDA log messages and one from the circus daemonizer. These files can be found in the .aiida log folder, which by default can be found at ~/.aiida/daemon/log/aiida_daemon.log. After rebooting the daemon (verdi daemon restart), the number of messages logged will increase significantly and may help in understanding the source of the problem.


In the command above, you can use a different level than DEBUG. The list of the levels and their order is the same of the standard python logging module.


When the problem is solved, we suggest to bring back the default logging level, using the two commands:

verdi devel delproperty logging.circus_loglevel
verdi devel delproperty logging.aiida_loglevel

to avoid to fill the logfiles.

Tips to ease the life of the hard drive (for large databases)

Those tips are useful when your database is very large, i.e. several hundreds of thousands of nodes or more. With such large databases the hard drive may be constantly working and the computer slowed down a lot. Below are some solutions to take care of the most typical reasons.

Repository backup

The backup of the repository takes an extensively long time if it is done through a standard rsync or backup software, since it contains as many folders as the number of nodes (and each folder can contain many files!). A solution is to use instead the incremental backup described in the repository backup section.

mlocate cron job

Under typical Linux distributions, there is a cron job (called updatedb.mlocate) running every day to update a database of files and folders – this is to be used by the locate command. This might become problematic since the repository contains many folders and will be scanned everyday. The net effect is a hard drive almost constantly working.

To avoid this issue, edit as root the file /etc/updatedb.conf and put in PRUNEPATHS the name of the repository folder.